Added in API level 1


interface LineHeightSpan : ParagraphStyle, WrapTogetherSpan

A span which adds a drawable and a padding to the paragraph it's attached to.


Paragraph affecting span, that draws a bitmap at the beginning of a text.


Default implementation of the LineHeightSpan, which changes the line height of the attached paragraph.


The classes that affect the line height of paragraph with respect to density, should implement this interface.

The classes that affect the line height of paragraph should implement this interface.


Nested classes

Default implementation of the LineHeightSpan, which changes the line height of the attached paragraph.


The classes that affect the line height of paragraph with respect to density, should implement this interface.

Public methods
abstract Unit
chooseHeight(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int, spanstartv: Int, lineHeight: Int, fm: Paint.FontMetricsInt!)

Classes that implement this should define how the height is being calculated.

Public methods


Added in API level 1
abstract fun chooseHeight(
    text: CharSequence!,
    start: Int,
    end: Int,
    spanstartv: Int,
    lineHeight: Int,
    fm: Paint.FontMetricsInt!
): Unit

Classes that implement this should define how the height is being calculated.

text CharSequence!: the text
start Int: the start of the line
end Int: the end of the line
spanstartv Int: the start of the span
lineHeight Int: the line height
fm Paint.FontMetricsInt!: font metrics of the paint, in integers