Added in API level 23


abstract class Connection : Conferenceable

Represents a phone call or connection to a remote endpoint that carries voice and/or video traffic.

Implementations create a custom subclass of Connection and return it to the framework as the return value of ConnectionService.onCreateIncomingConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest) or ConnectionService.onCreateOutgoingConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest). Implementations are then responsible for updating the state of the Connection, and must call destroy() to signal to the framework that the Connection is no longer used and associated resources may be recovered.

Subclasses of Connection override the on* methods to provide the ConnectionService's implementation of calling functionality. The on* methods are called by Telecom to inform an instance of a Connection of actions specific to that Connection instance.

Basic call support requires overriding the following methods: onAnswer(), onDisconnect(), onReject(), onAbort()

Where a Connection has CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD, the onHold() and onUnhold() methods should be overridden to provide hold support for the Connection.

Where a Connection supports a variation of video calling (e.g. the CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_* capability bits), onAnswer(int) should be overridden to support answering a call as a video call.

Where a Connection has PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL and CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL, onPullExternalCall() should be overridden to provide support for pulling the external call.

Where a Connection supports conference calling onSeparate() should be overridden.

There are a number of other on* methods which a Connection can choose to implement, depending on whether it is concerned with the associated calls from Telecom. If, for example, call events from a InCallService are handled, onCallEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle) should be overridden. Another example is onExtrasChanged(android.os.Bundle), which should be overridden if the Connection wishes to make use of extra information provided via the Call.putExtras(Bundle) and Call.removeExtras(String...) methods.


Nested classes

Provides constants to represent the results of responses to session modify requests sent via Call.sendRttRequest()

Provides methods to read and write RTT data to/from the in-call app.


Provides a means of controlling the video session associated with a Connection.

static Int

Adaptive Multi-rate audio codec.

static Int

Adaptive Multi-rate wideband audio codec.

static Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Codec.

static Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Codec B.

static Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Narrowband-Wideband Codec.

static Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Wideband Codec.

static Int

Enhanced Voice Services Fullband audio codec.

static Int

Enhanced Voice Services Narrowband audio codec.

static Int

Enhanced Voice Services Super-Wideband audio codec.

static Int

Enhanced Voice Services Wideband audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G711A audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G711AB audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G711U audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G722 audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G723 audio codec.

static Int

ITU-T G729 audio codec.

static Int

GSM Enhanced Full-Rate audio codec, also known as GSM-EFR, GSM 06.

static Int

GSM Full-Rate audio codec, also known as GSM-FR, GSM 06.

static Int

GSM Half Rate audio codec.

static Int

Indicates that the audio codec is currently not specified or is unknown.

static Int

Qualcomm code-excited linear prediction 13 kilobit audio codec.

static Int

When set, indicates that this Connection supports initiation of a conference call by directly adding participants using onAddConferenceParticipants(java.util.List).

static Int

When set, prevents a video call from being downgraded to an audio-only call.

static Int

For video calls, indicates whether the outgoing video for the call can be paused using the android.telecom.VideoProfile#STATE_PAUSED VideoState.

static Int

When set for an external connection, indicates that this Connection can be pulled from a remote device to the current device.

static Int

Indicates that the connection itself wants to handle any sort of reply response, rather than relying on SMS.

static Int

Call can be upgraded to a video call.

static Int

Connection is able to be individually disconnected when in a Conference.

static Int

Connection can currently be put on hold or unheld.

static Int

Connection supports conference management.

static Int

Connections within a conference can be merged.

static Int

Connection can be muted.

static Int

Indicates whether the remote party supports RTT or not to the UI.

static Int

Connection supports responding via text option.

static Int

Connection is able to be separated from its parent Conference, if any.

static Int

Local device supports bidirectional video calling.

static Int

Local device supports receiving video.

static Int

Local device supports transmitting video.

static Int

Remote device supports bidirectional video calling.

static Int

Remote device supports receiving video.

static Int

Remote device supports transmitting video.

static Int

Call supports the deflect feature.

static Int

Connection supports the hold feature.

static Int

Connections within a conference can be swapped between foreground and background.

static String

Connection event used to inform Telecom when a hold operation on a call has failed.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the merging of two calls has failed.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when pulling of an external call has failed.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when a call has been put on hold by the remote party.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when a call which was remotely held (see EVENT_CALL_REMOTELY_HELD) has been un-held by the remote party.

static String

Connection event used to inform Telecom when a switch operation on a call has failed.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the process of merging a Connection into a conference has completed.

static String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the process of merging a Connection into a conference has begun.

static String

Connection event used to inform Telecom that it should stop the on hold tone.

static String

Connection event used to inform Telecom that it should play the on hold tone.

static String

Connection event used to inform an InCallService that the RTT audio indication has changed.

static String

Boolean connection extra key set on a Connection in Connection.STATE_RINGING state to indicate that answering the call will cause the current active foreground call to be dropped.

static String

String connection extra key set on a Connection in Connection.STATE_RINGING state to indicate the name of the third-party app which is responsible for the current foreground call.

static String

The audio codec in use for the current Connection, if known.

static String

Float connection extra key used to store the audio codec bandwidth in khz for the current Connection.

static String

Float connection extra key used to store the audio codec bitrate in kbps for the current Connection.

static String

Connection extra key used to store the subject for an incoming call.

static String

Connection extra key used to store a child number associated with the current connection.

static String

Boolean connection extra key set on the extras passed to Connection.sendConnectionEvent which indicates that audio is present on the RTT call when the extra value is true.

static String

Connection extra key used to store the last forwarded number associated with the current connection.

static String

Last known cell identity key CellIdentity to be used to fill geo location header in case of an emergency call.

static String

String Connection extra key used to store SIP invite fields for an incoming call for IMS call

static Int

Set by the framework to indicate that a connection is using assisted dialing.

static Int

Connection is using cross sim technology.

static Int

Indicates that the connection has CDMA Enhanced Voice Privacy enabled.

static Int

Connection is using high definition audio.

static Int

Set by the framework to indicate that a call is an adhoc conference call.

static Int

When set, indicates that the Connection does not actually exist locally for the ConnectionService.

static Int

Set by the framework to indicate that a connection has an active RTT session associated with it.

static Int

Set by the framework to indicate that the network has identified a Connection as an emergency call.

static Int

Set by the framework to indicate that the Connection originated from a self-managed ConnectionService.

static Int

Connection is using WIFI.

static Int

A connection is active.

static Int

An outgoing connection is in the dialing state.

static Int

A connection has been disconnected.

static Int

A connection is on hold.

static Int

The connection is initializing.

static Int

The connection is new and not connected.

static Int

The state of an external connection which is in the process of being pulled from a remote device to the local device.

static Int

An incoming connection is in the ringing state.

static Int

Indicates that verification by the network failed.

static Int

Indicates that the network could not perform verification.

static Int

Indicates that verification by the network passed.

Public constructors

Create a new Connection.

Public methods
open static String!
capabilitiesToString(capabilities: Int)

Renders a set of capability bits (CAPABILITY_*) as a human readable string.

open static Connection!

Return a Connection which represents a canceled connection attempt.

open static Connection!

Return a Connection which represents a failed connection attempt.


Tears down the Connection object.








Gets the verification status for the phone number of an incoming call as identified in ATIS-1000082.



Returns the connections or conferences with which this connection can be conferenced.


Returns the connection's capabilities, as a bit mask of the CAPABILITY_* constants.


Returns the connection's properties, as a bit mask of the PROPERTY_* constants.


Obtains the current CallEndpoint.



Returns the extras associated with this connection.





Returns the video state of the connection.

open Unit

Notifies this connection of a response to a previous remotely-initiated RTT upgrade request sent via sendRemoteRttRequest.


Returns whether this connection is requesting that the system play a ringback tone on its behalf.


Called by a ConnectionService to notify Telecom that a Conference.onMerge() request failed.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to abort.

open Unit

Supports initiation of a conference call by directly adding participants to an ongoing call.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to accept.

open Unit
onAnswer(videoState: Int)

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to accept.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that the available call endpoints have been changed.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that the getCallAudioState() property has a new value.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that the audio endpoint has been changed.

open Unit
onCallEvent(event: String!, extras: Bundle!)

Notifies this Connection of a Call event initiated from an InCallService.

open Unit
onDeflect(address: Uri!)

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to deflect.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to disconnect.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a change to the extras made outside the ConnectionService.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that a handover has completed.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to hold.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that its audio mute state has been changed.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to play a DTMF tone.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection whether the user wishes to proceed with the post-dial DTMF codes.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to pull an external call to the local device.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject.

open Unit
onReject(rejectReason: Int)

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject.

open Unit
onReject(replyMessage: String!)

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject with a message.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to separate from its parent conference.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that its ConnectionService is responsible for displaying its incoming call user interface for the Connection

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to silence the ringer.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that the user has requested an RTT session.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of an internal state change.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to stop any currently playing DTMF tones.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection that it should terminate any existing RTT communication channel.

open Unit

Inform this Conenection when it will or will not be tracked by an non-UI InCallService.

open Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to exit a hold state.

open Unit
onUsingAlternativeUi(isUsingAlternativeUi: Boolean)

Inform this Connection when it will or will not be tracked by an InCallService which can provide an InCall UI.

open static String!
propertiesToString(properties: Int)

Renders a set of property bits (PROPERTY_*) as a human readable string.

putExtras(extras: Bundle)

Adds some extras to this Connection.

queryLocationForEmergency(timeoutMillis: Long, provider: String, executor: Executor, callback: OutcomeReceiver<Location!, QueryLocationException!>)

Query the device's location in order to place an Emergency Call.

removeExtras(vararg keys: String!)

Removes extras from this Connection.


Removes extras from this Connection.

open Unit

Request audio routing to a specific bluetooth device.


Request audio routing to a specific CallEndpoint.

open Unit
sendConnectionEvent(event: String!, extras: Bundle!)

Sends an event associated with this Connection with associated event extras to the InCallService.


Informs listeners that the remote side of the call has requested an upgrade to include an RTT session in the call.


Informs listeners that a previously requested RTT session via ConnectionRequest.isRequestingRtt() or onStartRtt(android.telecom.Connection.RttTextStream) has failed.


Informs listeners that a previously requested RTT session via ConnectionRequest.isRequestingRtt() or onStartRtt(android.telecom.Connection.RttTextStream) has succeeded.


Informs listeners that a currently active RTT session has been terminated by the remote side of the coll.


Sets state to active (e.g., an ongoing connection where two or more parties can actively communicate).

setAddress(address: Uri!, presentation: Int)

Sets the value of the getAddress() property.


Requests that the framework use VOIP audio mode for this connection.


Sets the audio route (speaker, bluetooth, etc...).

setCallerDisplayName(callerDisplayName: String!, presentation: Int)

Sets the caller display name (CNAP).

setCallerNumberVerificationStatus(callerNumberVerificationStatus: Int)

Sets the verification status for the phone number of an incoming call as identified in ATIS-1000082.

setConferenceableConnections(conferenceableConnections: MutableList<Connection!>!)

Sets the connections with which this connection can be conferenced.


Similar to setConferenceableConnections(java.util.List), sets a list of connections or conferences with which this connection can be conferenced.

setConnectionCapabilities(connectionCapabilities: Int)

Sets the connection's capabilities as a bit mask of the CAPABILITY_* constants.

setConnectionProperties(connectionProperties: Int)

Sets the connection's properties as a bit mask of the PROPERTY_* constants.


Sets state to dialing (e.g., dialing an outbound connection).

setDisconnected(disconnectCause: DisconnectCause!)

Sets state to disconnected.

setExtras(extras: Bundle?)

Set some extras that can be associated with this Connection.


Sets state to initialized (the Connection has been set up and is now ready to be used).


Sets state to initializing (this Connection is not yet ready to be used).


Informs listeners that this Connection has processed a character in the post-dial started state.


Sets state to be on hold.

setPostDialWait(remaining: String!)

Informs listeners that this Connection is in a post-dial wait state.


Sets state to pulling (e.g. the connection is being pulled to the local device from another device).


Requests that the framework play a ringback tone.


Sets state to ringing (e.g., an inbound ringing connection).

setStatusHints(statusHints: StatusHints!)

Sets the label and icon status to display in the in-call UI.


Sets the video connection provider.

setVideoState(videoState: Int)

Set the video state for the connection.

open static String!



Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_AMR: Int

Adaptive Multi-rate audio codec.

Value: 1


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_AMR_WB: Int

Adaptive Multi-rate wideband audio codec.

Value: 2


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVRC: Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Codec. See 3GPP2 C.S0014-A.

Value: 4


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVRC_B: Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Codec B. Commonly used on CDMA networks.

Value: 5


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVRC_NW: Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Narrowband-Wideband Codec.

Value: 7


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVRC_WB: Int

Enhanced Variable Rate Wideband Codec. See RFC5188.

Value: 6


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVS_FB: Int

Enhanced Voice Services Fullband audio codec. See 3GPP TS 26.441.

Value: 20


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVS_NB: Int

Enhanced Voice Services Narrowband audio codec. See 3GPP TS 26.441.

Value: 17


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVS_SWB: Int

Enhanced Voice Services Super-Wideband audio codec. See 3GPP TS 26.441.

Value: 19


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_EVS_WB: Int

Enhanced Voice Services Wideband audio codec. See 3GPP TS 26.441.

Value: 18


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G711A: Int

ITU-T G711A audio codec.

Value: 13


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G711AB: Int

ITU-T G711AB audio codec.

Value: 15


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G711U: Int

ITU-T G711U audio codec.

Value: 11


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G722: Int

ITU-T G722 audio codec.

Value: 14


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G723: Int

ITU-T G723 audio codec.

Value: 12


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_G729: Int

ITU-T G729 audio codec.

Value: 16


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_GSM_EFR: Int

GSM Enhanced Full-Rate audio codec, also known as GSM-EFR, GSM 06.60, or simply EFR.

Value: 8


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_GSM_FR: Int

GSM Full-Rate audio codec, also known as GSM-FR, GSM 06.10, GSM, or simply FR.

Value: 9


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_GSM_HR: Int

GSM Half Rate audio codec.

Value: 10


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_NONE: Int

Indicates that the audio codec is currently not specified or is unknown.

Value: 0


Added in API level 30
static val AUDIO_CODEC_QCELP13K: Int

Qualcomm code-excited linear prediction 13 kilobit audio codec.

Value: 3


Added in API level 31

When set, indicates that this Connection supports initiation of a conference call by directly adding participants using onAddConferenceParticipants(java.util.List). When participants are added to a Connection, it will be replaced by a Conference instance with PROPERTY_IS_ADHOC_CONFERENCE set to indicate that it is an adhoc conference call.

Value: 67108864


Added in API level 24

When set, prevents a video call from being downgraded to an audio-only call.

Should be set when the VideoState has the VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED or VideoProfile.STATE_RX_ENABLED bits set to indicate that the connection cannot be downgraded from a video call back to a VideoState of VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY.

Intuitively, a call which can be downgraded to audio should also have local and remote video capabilities (see CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL and CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL).

Value: 8388608


Added in API level 23

For video calls, indicates whether the outgoing video for the call can be paused using the android.telecom.VideoProfile#STATE_PAUSED VideoState.

Value: 1048576


Added in API level 25

When set for an external connection, indicates that this Connection can be pulled from a remote device to the current device.

Should only be set on a Connection where PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL is set.

Value: 16777216


Added in API level 24

Indicates that the connection itself wants to handle any sort of reply response, rather than relying on SMS.

Value: 4194304


Added in API level 23
Deprecated in API level 29

Deprecated: Use CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL and CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL to indicate for a call whether or not video calling is supported.

Call can be upgraded to a video call.

Value: 524288


Added in API level 23

Connection is able to be individually disconnected when in a Conference.

Value: 8192


Added in API level 23
static val CAPABILITY_HOLD: Int

Connection can currently be put on hold or unheld. This is distinct from CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD in that although a connection may support 'hold' most times, it does not at the moment support the function. This can be true while the call is in the state STATE_DIALING, for example. During this condition, an in-call UI may display a disabled 'hold' button.

Value: 1


Added in API level 23

Connection supports conference management. This capability only applies to Conferences which can have Connections as children.

Value: 128


Added in API level 23

Connections within a conference can be merged. A ConnectionService has the option to add a Conference before the child Connections are merged. This is how CDMA-based Connections are implemented. For these unmerged Conferences, this capability allows a merge button to be shown while the conference is in the foreground of the in-call UI.

This is only intended for use by a Conference.

Value: 4


Added in API level 23
static val CAPABILITY_MUTE: Int

Connection can be muted.

Value: 64


Added in API level 33

Indicates whether the remote party supports RTT or not to the UI.

Value: 536870912


Added in API level 23

Connection supports responding via text option.

Value: 32


Added in API level 23

Connection is able to be separated from its parent Conference, if any.

Value: 4096


Added in API level 23

Local device supports bidirectional video calling.

Value: 768


Added in API level 23

Local device supports receiving video.

Value: 256


Added in API level 23

Local device supports transmitting video.

Value: 512


Added in API level 23

Remote device supports bidirectional video calling.

Value: 3072


Added in API level 23

Remote device supports receiving video.

Value: 1024


Added in API level 23

Remote device supports transmitting video.

Value: 2048


Added in API level 28

Call supports the deflect feature.

Value: 33554432


Added in API level 23

Connection supports the hold feature.

Value: 2


Added in API level 23

Connections within a conference can be swapped between foreground and background. See CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE for additional information.

This is only intended for use by a Conference.

Value: 8


Added in API level 30
static val EVENT_CALL_HOLD_FAILED: String

Connection event used to inform Telecom when a hold operation on a call has failed.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_HOLD_FAILED"


Added in API level 25
static val EVENT_CALL_MERGE_FAILED: String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the merging of two calls has failed. The User Interface should use this message to inform the user of the error.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_MERGE_FAILED"


Added in API level 25
static val EVENT_CALL_PULL_FAILED: String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when pulling of an external call has failed. The user interface should inform the user of the error.

Expected to be used by the ConnectionService when the Call.pullExternalCall() API is called on a Call with the properties Call.Details.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL and Call.Details.CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL, but the ConnectionService could not pull the external call due to an error condition.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_PULL_FAILED"


Added in API level 30

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when a call has been put on hold by the remote party.

This is different than the Connection.STATE_HOLDING state which indicates that the call is being held locally on the device. When a capable ConnectionService receives signalling to indicate that the remote party has put the call on hold, it can send this connection event.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_REMOTELY_HELD"


Added in API level 30

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when a call which was remotely held (see EVENT_CALL_REMOTELY_HELD) has been un-held by the remote party.

This is different than the Connection.STATE_HOLDING state which indicates that the call is being held locally on the device. When a capable ConnectionService receives signalling to indicate that the remote party has taken the call off hold, it can send this connection event.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_REMOTELY_UNHELD"


Added in API level 30

Connection event used to inform Telecom when a switch operation on a call has failed.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.CALL_SWITCH_FAILED"


Added in API level 30
static val EVENT_MERGE_COMPLETE: String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the process of merging a Connection into a conference has completed.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.MERGE_COMPLETE"


Added in API level 30
static val EVENT_MERGE_START: String

Connection event used to inform InCallServices when the process of merging a Connection into a conference has begun.

Sent via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle). The Bundle parameter is expected to be null when this connection event is used.

Value: "android.telecom.event.MERGE_START"


Added in API level 30
static val EVENT_ON_HOLD_TONE_END: String

Connection event used to inform Telecom that it should stop the on hold tone. This is used to stop a tone when the peer puts the current call on hold. Sent to Telecom via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle).

Value: "android.telecom.event.ON_HOLD_TONE_END"


Added in API level 30
static val EVENT_ON_HOLD_TONE_START: String

Connection event used to inform Telecom that it should play the on hold tone. This is used to play a tone when the peer puts the current call on hold. Sent to Telecom via sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle).

Value: "android.telecom.event.ON_HOLD_TONE_START"


Added in API level 29

Connection event used to inform an InCallService that the RTT audio indication has changed.

Value: "android.telecom.event.RTT_AUDIO_INDICATION_CHANGED"


Added in API level 25

Boolean connection extra key set on a Connection in Connection.STATE_RINGING state to indicate that answering the call will cause the current active foreground call to be dropped.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.ANSWERING_DROPS_FG_CALL"


Added in API level 26

String connection extra key set on a Connection in Connection.STATE_RINGING state to indicate the name of the third-party app which is responsible for the current foreground call.

Used when EXTRA_ANSWERING_DROPS_FG_CALL is true to ensure that the default Phone app is able to inform the user that answering the new incoming call will cause a call owned by another app to be dropped when the incoming call is answered.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.ANSWERING_DROPS_FG_CALL_APP_NAME"


Added in API level 31

Float connection extra key used to store the audio codec bandwidth in khz for the current Connection.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.AUDIO_CODEC_BANDWIDTH_KHZ"


Added in API level 31

Float connection extra key used to store the audio codec bitrate in kbps for the current Connection.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.AUDIO_CODEC_BITRATE_KBPS"


Added in API level 23
static val EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT: String

Connection extra key used to store the subject for an incoming call. The user interface can query this extra and display its contents for incoming calls. Will only be used if the PhoneAccount supports the capability PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_CALL_SUBJECT.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.CALL_SUBJECT"


Added in API level 23
static val EXTRA_CHILD_ADDRESS: String

Connection extra key used to store a child number associated with the current connection. Used to communicate to the user interface that the connection was received via a child address (i.e. phone number) associated with the PhoneAccount's primary address.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.CHILD_ADDRESS"


Added in API level 29

Boolean connection extra key set on the extras passed to Connection.sendConnectionEvent which indicates that audio is present on the RTT call when the extra value is true.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.IS_RTT_AUDIO_PRESENT"


Added in API level 23

Connection extra key used to store the last forwarded number associated with the current connection. Used to communicate to the user interface that the connection was forwarded via the specified number.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.LAST_FORWARDED_NUMBER"


Added in API level 33

Last known cell identity key CellIdentity to be used to fill geo location header in case of an emergency call. This entry will not be filled if call is not identified as an emergency call. Only provided to the ConnectionService for the purpose of placing an emergency call; will not be present in the InCallService layer. The ConnectionService's implementation will be logged for fine location access when an outgoing call is placed in this case.

Value: "android.telecom.extra.LAST_KNOWN_CELL_IDENTITY"


Added in API level 29
static val EXTRA_SIP_INVITE: String

String Connection extra key used to store SIP invite fields for an incoming call for IMS call

Value: "android.telecom.extra.SIP_INVITE"


Added in API level 30

Set by the framework to indicate that a connection is using assisted dialing.

This is used for outgoing calls.

Value: 512


Added in API level 31
static val PROPERTY_CROSS_SIM: Int

Connection is using cross sim technology.

Indicates that the Connection is using a cross sim technology which would register IMS over internet APN of default data subscription.

Value: 8192


Added in API level 25

Indicates that the connection has CDMA Enhanced Voice Privacy enabled.

Value: 32


Added in API level 30

Connection is using high definition audio.

Indicates that the Connection is using a "high definition" audio codec. This usually implies something like AMR wideband, but the interpretation of when a call is considered high definition is left to the ConnectionService to decide.

Translates to android.telecom.Call.Details#PROPERTY_HIGH_DEF_AUDIO.

Value: 4


Added in API level 31

Set by the framework to indicate that a call is an adhoc conference call.

This is used for outgoing and incoming conference calls.

Value: 4096


Added in API level 25

When set, indicates that the Connection does not actually exist locally for the ConnectionService.

Consider, for example, a scenario where a user has two devices with the same phone number. When a user places a call on one devices, the telephony stack can represent that call on the other device by adding is to the ConnectionService with the PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL capability set.

An ConnectionService should not assume that all InCallServices will handle external connections. Only those InCallServices which have the TelecomManager.METADATA_INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_CALLS metadata set to true in its manifest will see external connections.

Value: 16


Added in API level 28
static val PROPERTY_IS_RTT: Int

Set by the framework to indicate that a connection has an active RTT session associated with it.

Value: 256


Added in API level 30

Set by the framework to indicate that the network has identified a Connection as an emergency call.

This is used for incoming (mobile-terminated) calls to indicate the call is from emergency services.

Value: 1024


Added in API level 26

Set by the framework to indicate that the Connection originated from a self-managed ConnectionService.


Value: 128


Added in API level 30
static val PROPERTY_WIFI: Int

Connection is using WIFI.

Used to indicate that a call is taking place over WIFI versus a carrier network.

Translates to android.telecom.Call.Details#PROPERTY_WIFI.

Value: 8


Added in API level 23
static val STATE_ACTIVE: Int

A connection is active. Both parties are connected to the call and can actively communicate.

Value: 4


Added in API level 23
static val STATE_DIALING: Int

An outgoing connection is in the dialing state. In this state the other party has not yet answered the call and the user traditionally hears a ringback tone.

Value: 3


Added in API level 23

A connection has been disconnected. This is the final state once the user has been disconnected from a call either locally, remotely or by an error in the service.

Value: 6


Added in API level 23
static val STATE_HOLDING: Int

A connection is on hold.

Value: 5


Added in API level 23

The connection is initializing. This is generally the first state for a Connection returned by a ConnectionService.

Value: 0


Added in API level 23
static val STATE_NEW: Int

The connection is new and not connected.

Value: 1


Added in API level 25
static val STATE_PULLING_CALL: Int

The state of an external connection which is in the process of being pulled from a remote device to the local device.

A connection can only be in this state if the PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL property and CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL capability bits are set on the connection.

Value: 7


Added in API level 23
static val STATE_RINGING: Int

An incoming connection is in the ringing state. During this state, the user's ringer or vibration feature will be activated.

Value: 2


Added in API level 30

Indicates that verification by the network failed. This indicates there is a high likelihood that the call did not originate from a valid source.

Value: 2


Added in API level 30

Indicates that the network could not perform verification.

Value: 0


Added in API level 30

Indicates that verification by the network passed. This indicates there is a high likelihood that the call originated from a valid source.

Value: 1

Public constructors


Added in API level 23

Create a new Connection.

Public methods


Added in API level 23
open static fun capabilitiesToString(capabilities: Int): String!

Renders a set of capability bits (CAPABILITY_*) as a human readable string.

capabilities Int: A capability bit field.
String! A human readable string representation.


Added in API level 23
open static fun createCanceledConnection(): Connection!

Return a Connection which represents a canceled connection attempt. The returned Connection will have state STATE_DISCONNECTED, and cannot be moved out of that state. This connection should not be used for anything, and no other Connections should be attempted.

so users of this method need not maintain a reference to its return value to destroy it.

Connection! A Connection which indicates that the underlying connection should be canceled.


Added in API level 23
open static fun createFailedConnection(disconnectCause: DisconnectCause!): Connection!

Return a Connection which represents a failed connection attempt. The returned Connection will have a android.telecom.DisconnectCause and as specified, and a getState() of STATE_DISCONNECTED.

The returned Connection can be assumed to destroy() itself when appropriate, so users of this method need not maintain a reference to its return value to destroy it.

disconnectCause DisconnectCause!: The disconnect cause, ({@see android.telecomm.DisconnectCause}).
Connection! A Connection which indicates failure.


Added in API level 23
fun destroy(): Unit

Tears down the Connection object.


Added in API level 23
fun getAddress(): Uri!
Uri! The address (e.g., phone number) to which this Connection is currently communicating.


Added in API level 23
fun getAddressPresentation(): Int
Int The presentation requirements for the address. See TelecomManager for valid values.


Added in API level 23
fun getAudioModeIsVoip(): Boolean
Boolean True if the connection's audio mode is VOIP.


Added in API level 23
Deprecated in API level 34
fun getCallAudioState(): CallAudioState!

Deprecated: Use getCurrentCallEndpoint(), onAvailableCallEndpointsChanged(java.util.List) and onMuteStateChanged(boolean) instead.

CallAudioState! The audio state of the connection, describing how its audio is currently being routed by the system. This is null if this Connection does not directly know about its audio state.


Added in API level 23
fun getCallerDisplayName(): String!
String! The caller display name (CNAP).


Added in API level 23
fun getCallerDisplayNamePresentation(): Int
Int The presentation requirements for the handle. See TelecomManager for valid values.


Added in API level 30
fun getCallerNumberVerificationStatus(): Int

Gets the verification status for the phone number of an incoming call as identified in ATIS-1000082.


Added in API level 23
fun getConference(): Conference!
Conference! The conference that this connection is a part of. Null if it is not part of any conference.


Added in API level 23
fun getConferenceables(): MutableList<Conferenceable!>!

Returns the connections or conferences with which this connection can be conferenced.


Added in API level 23
fun getConnectionCapabilities(): Int

Returns the connection's capabilities, as a bit mask of the CAPABILITY_* constants.


Added in API level 25
fun getConnectionProperties(): Int

Returns the connection's properties, as a bit mask of the PROPERTY_* constants.


Added in API level 34
fun getCurrentCallEndpoint(): CallEndpoint

Obtains the current CallEndpoint.

CallEndpoint An object encapsulating the CallEndpoint. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
fun getDisconnectCause(): DisconnectCause!
DisconnectCause! The DisconnectCause for this connection.


Added in API level 23
fun getExtras(): Bundle!

Returns the extras associated with this connection.

Extras should be updated using putExtras(android.os.Bundle).

Telecom or an InCallService can also update the extras via android.telecom.Call#putExtras(Bundle), and Call.removeExtras(List).

The connection is notified of changes to the extras made by Telecom or an InCallService by onExtrasChanged(android.os.Bundle).

Bundle! The extras associated with this connection.


Added in API level 23
fun getState(): Int
Int The state of this Connection.


Added in API level 23
fun getStatusHints(): StatusHints!
StatusHints! The status hints for this connection.


Added in API level 23
fun getVideoProvider(): Connection.VideoProvider!


Added in API level 28
open fun handleRttUpgradeResponse(rttTextStream: Connection.RttTextStream?): Unit

Notifies this connection of a response to a previous remotely-initiated RTT upgrade request sent via sendRemoteRttRequest. Acceptance of the request is indicated by the supplied RttTextStream being non-null, and rejection is indicated by rttTextStream being null

rttTextStream Connection.RttTextStream?: The object that should be used to send text to or receive text from the in-call app. This value may be null.


Added in API level 23
fun isRingbackRequested(): Boolean

Returns whether this connection is requesting that the system play a ringback tone on its behalf.


Added in API level 30
fun notifyConferenceMergeFailed(): Unit

Called by a ConnectionService to notify Telecom that a Conference.onMerge() request failed.


Added in API level 23
open fun onAbort(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to abort.


Added in API level 31
open fun onAddConferenceParticipants(participants: MutableList<Uri!>): Unit

Supports initiation of a conference call by directly adding participants to an ongoing call.

participants MutableList<Uri!>: with which conference call will be formed. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
open fun onAnswer(): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to accept.

For managed ConnectionServices, this will be called when the user answers a call via the default dialer's InCallService.

Although a self-managed ConnectionService provides its own incoming call UI, the Telecom framework may request that the call is answered in the following circumstances:


Added in API level 23
open fun onAnswer(videoState: Int): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to accept.

For managed ConnectionServices, this will be called when the user answers a call via the default dialer's InCallService.

Although a self-managed ConnectionService provides its own incoming call UI, the Telecom framework may request that the call is answered in the following circumstances:

videoState Int: The video state in which to answer the connection.


Added in API level 34
open fun onAvailableCallEndpointsChanged(availableEndpoints: MutableList<CallEndpoint!>): Unit

Notifies this Connection that the available call endpoints have been changed.

availableEndpoints MutableList<CallEndpoint!>: The set of available CallEndpoint. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
Deprecated in API level 34
open fun onCallAudioStateChanged(state: CallAudioState!): Unit

Deprecated: Use onCallEndpointChanged(android.telecom.CallEndpoint), onAvailableCallEndpointsChanged(java.util.List) and onMuteStateChanged(boolean) instead.

Notifies this Connection that the getCallAudioState() property has a new value.

state CallAudioState!: The new connection audio state.


Added in API level 34
open fun onCallEndpointChanged(callEndpoint: CallEndpoint): Unit

Notifies this Connection that the audio endpoint has been changed.

callEndpoint CallEndpoint: The current CallEndpoint. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 25
open fun onCallEvent(
    event: String!,
    extras: Bundle!
): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a Call event initiated from an InCallService.

The InCallService issues a Call event via Call.sendCallEvent(String, Bundle).

Where possible, the Connection should make an attempt to handle Call events which are part of the android.telecom.* namespace. The Connection should ignore any events it does not wish to handle. Unexpected events should be handled gracefully, as it is possible that a InCallService has defined its own Call events which a Connection is not aware of.

See also Call.sendCallEvent(String, Bundle).

event String!: The call event.
extras Bundle!: Extras associated with the call event.


Added in API level 28
open fun onDeflect(address: Uri!): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to deflect.


Added in API level 23
open fun onDisconnect(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to disconnect.


Added in API level 25
open fun onExtrasChanged(extras: Bundle!): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a change to the extras made outside the ConnectionService.

These extras changes can originate from Telecom itself, or from an InCallService via the android.telecom.Call#putExtras(Bundle) and Call.removeExtras(List).

extras Bundle!: The new extras bundle.


Added in API level 28
open fun onHandoverComplete(): Unit

Notifies this Connection that a handover has completed.

A handover is initiated with android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, * Bundle) on the initiating side of the handover, and TelecomManager.acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle).


Added in API level 23
open fun onHold(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to hold. Connection.setOnHold should be within the onHold() body in order to transition the call state to Connection.STATE_HOLDING.

Note: If the Connection does not transition to Connection.STATE_HOLDING within 2 seconds, the call will be disconnected.


Added in API level 34
open fun onMuteStateChanged(isMuted: Boolean): Unit

Notifies this Connection that its audio mute state has been changed.

isMuted Boolean: The current mute state.


Added in API level 23
open fun onPlayDtmfTone(c: Char): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to play a DTMF tone.

c Char: A DTMF character.


Added in API level 23
open fun onPostDialContinue(proceed: Boolean): Unit

Notifies this Connection whether the user wishes to proceed with the post-dial DTMF codes.


Added in API level 25
open fun onPullExternalCall(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to pull an external call to the local device.

The InCallService issues a request to pull an external call to the local device via Call.pullExternalCall().

For a Connection to be pulled, both the Connection.CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL capability and Connection.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL property bits must be set.

For more information on external calls, see Connection.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL.


Added in API level 23
open fun onReject(): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject.

For managed ConnectionServices, this will be called when the user rejects a call via the default dialer's InCallService.

Although a self-managed ConnectionService provides its own incoming call UI, the Telecom framework may request that the call is rejected in the following circumstances:


Added in API level 30
open fun onReject(rejectReason: Int): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject.

For managed ConnectionServices, this will be called when the user rejects a call via the default dialer's InCallService using Call.reject(int).

rejectReason Int: the reason the user provided for rejecting the call. Value is android.telecom.Call#REJECT_REASON_DECLINED, or android.telecom.Call#REJECT_REASON_UNWANTED


Added in API level 24
open fun onReject(replyMessage: String!): Unit

Notifies this Connection, which is in STATE_RINGING, of a request to reject with a message.


Added in API level 23
open fun onSeparate(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to separate from its parent conference.


Added in API level 26
open fun onShowIncomingCallUi(): Unit

Notifies this Connection that its ConnectionService is responsible for displaying its incoming call user interface for the Connection

Will only be called for incoming calls added via a self-managed ConnectionService (see PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED), where the ConnectionService should show its own incoming call user interface.

Where there are ongoing calls in other self-managed ConnectionServices, or in a regular ConnectionService, and it is not possible to hold these other calls, the Telecom framework will display its own incoming call user interface to allow the user to choose whether to answer the new incoming call and disconnect other ongoing calls, or to reject the new incoming call.

You should trigger the display of the incoming call user interface for your application by showing a Notification with a full-screen Intent specified. In your application code, you should create a for incoming call notifications from your app:

  NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(YOUR_CHANNEL_ID, "Incoming Calls",
  // other channel setup stuff goes here.
  // We'll use the default system ringtone for our incoming call notification channel.  You can
  // use your own audio resource here.
  Uri ringtoneUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_RINGTONE);
  channel.setSound(ringtoneUri, new AudioAttributes.Builder()
           // Setting the AudioAttributes is important as it identifies the purpose of your
           // notification sound.
  NotificationManager mgr = getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
When it comes time to post a notification for your incoming call, ensure it uses your incoming call
      // Create an intent which triggers your fullscreen incoming call user interface.
      Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
      intent.setClass(context, YourIncomingCallActivity.class);
      PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 1, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE_UNAUDITED);
      // Build the notification as an ongoing high priority item; this ensures it will show as
      // a heads up notification which slides down over top of the current content.
      final Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(context);
      // Set notification content intent to take user to fullscreen UI if user taps on the
      // notification body.
      // Set full screen intent to trigger display of the fullscreen UI when the notification
      // manager deems it appropriate.
      builder.setFullScreenIntent(pendingIntent, true);
      // Setup notification content.
      builder.setSmallIcon( yourIconResourceId );
      builder.setContentTitle("Your notification title");
      builder.setContentText("Your notification content.");
      // Set notification as insistent to cause your ringtone to loop.
      Notification notification =;
      notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT;
      // Use builder.addAction(..) to add buttons to answer or reject the call.
      NotificationManager notificationManager = mContext.getSystemService(
      notificationManager.notify(YOUR_CHANNEL_ID, YOUR_TAG, YOUR_ID, notification);


Added in API level 29
open fun onSilence(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to silence the ringer.

The ringer may be silenced by any of the following methods:

Self-managed ConnectionService implementations should override this method in their Connection implementation and implement logic to silence their app's ringtone. If your app set the ringtone as part of the incoming call Notification (see onShowIncomingCallUi()), it should re-post the notification now, except call with true. This will ensure the ringtone sound associated with your stops playing.


Added in API level 28
open fun onStartRtt(rttTextStream: Connection.RttTextStream): Unit

Notifies this Connection that the user has requested an RTT session. The connection service should call sendRttInitiationSuccess or sendRttInitiationFailure to inform Telecom of the success or failure of the request, respectively.

rttTextStream Connection.RttTextStream: The object that should be used to send text to or receive text from the in-call app. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
open fun onStateChanged(state: Int): Unit

Notifies this Connection of an internal state change. This method is called after the state is changed.

state Int: The new state, one of the STATE_* constants.


Added in API level 23
open fun onStopDtmfTone(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to stop any currently playing DTMF tones.


Added in API level 28
open fun onStopRtt(): Unit

Notifies this Connection that it should terminate any existing RTT communication channel. No response to Telecom is needed for this method.


Added in API level 31
open fun onTrackedByNonUiService(isTracked: Boolean): Unit

Inform this Conenection when it will or will not be tracked by an non-UI InCallService.

isTracked Boolean: Indicates whether an non-UI InCallService is currently tracking the self-managed call.


Added in API level 23
open fun onUnhold(): Unit

Notifies this Connection of a request to exit a hold state.


Added in API level 31
open fun onUsingAlternativeUi(isUsingAlternativeUi: Boolean): Unit

Inform this Connection when it will or will not be tracked by an InCallService which can provide an InCall UI. This is primarily intended for use by Connections reported by self-managed ConnectionService which typically maintain their own UI.

isUsingAlternativeUi Boolean: Indicates whether an InCallService that can provide InCall UI is currently tracking the self-managed call.


Added in API level 25
open static fun propertiesToString(properties: Int): String!

Renders a set of property bits (PROPERTY_*) as a human readable string.

properties Int: A property bit field.
String! A human readable string representation.


Added in API level 25
fun putExtras(extras: Bundle): Unit

Adds some extras to this Connection. Existing keys are replaced and new ones are added.

No assumptions should be made as to how an In-Call UI or service will handle these extras. Keys should be fully qualified (e.g., com.example.MY_EXTRA) to avoid conflicts.

extras Bundle: The extras to add. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
fun queryLocationForEmergency(
    timeoutMillis: Long,
    provider: String,
    executor: Executor,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<Location!, QueryLocationException!>
): Unit

Query the device's location in order to place an Emergency Call. Only SIM call managers can call this method for Connections representing Emergency calls. If a previous location query request is not completed, the new location query request will be rejected and return a QueryLocationException with QueryLocationException#ERROR_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_EXISTS

timeoutMillis Long: long: Timeout in millis waiting for query response (MAX:5000, MIN:100). Value is between 100 and 5000 inclusive
provider String: String: the location provider name, This value cannot be null. It is the caller's responsibility to select an enabled provider. The caller can use android.location.LocationManager#getProviders(boolean) to choose one of the enabled providers and pass it in.
executor Executor: The executor of where the callback will execute. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
callback OutcomeReceiver<Location!, QueryLocationException!>: The callback to notify the result of queryLocation. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 25
fun removeExtras(vararg keys: String!): Unit

Removes extras from this Connection.

keys String!: The keys of the extras to remove.


Added in API level 25
fun removeExtras(keys: MutableList<String!>!): Unit

Removes extras from this Connection.

keys MutableList<String!>!: The keys of the extras to remove.


Added in API level 28
Deprecated in API level 34
open fun requestBluetoothAudio(bluetoothDevice: BluetoothDevice): Unit

Deprecated: Use requestCallEndpointChange(android.telecom.CallEndpoint,java.util.concurrent.Executor,android.os.OutcomeReceiver) instead.

Request audio routing to a specific bluetooth device. Calling this method may result in the device routing audio to a different bluetooth device than the one specified if the bluetooth stack is unable to route audio to the requested device. A list of available devices can be obtained via CallAudioState.getSupportedBluetoothDevices()

Used by self-managed ConnectionServices which wish to use bluetooth audio for a self-managed Connection (see PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED.)

See also InCallService.requestBluetoothAudio(BluetoothDevice)

bluetoothDevice BluetoothDevice: The bluetooth device to connect to. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
fun requestCallEndpointChange(
    endpoint: CallEndpoint,
    executor: Executor,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<Void!, CallEndpointException!>
): Unit

Request audio routing to a specific CallEndpoint. Clients should not define their own CallEndpoint when requesting a change. Instead, the new endpoint should be one of the valid endpoints provided by onAvailableCallEndpointsChanged(java.util.List). When this request is honored, there will be change to the getCurrentCallEndpoint().

Used by self-managed ConnectionServices which wish to change the CallEndpoint for a self-managed Connection (see PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED.)

See also InCallService.requestCallEndpointChange(CallEndpoint, Executor, OutcomeReceiver).

endpoint CallEndpoint: The call endpoint to use. This value cannot be null.
executor Executor: The executor of where the callback will execute. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
callback OutcomeReceiver<Void!, CallEndpointException!>: The callback to notify the result of the endpoint change. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 25
open fun sendConnectionEvent(
    event: String!,
    extras: Bundle!
): Unit

Sends an event associated with this Connection with associated event extras to the InCallService.

Connection events are used to communicate point in time information from a ConnectionService to a InCallService implementations. An example of a custom connection event includes notifying the UI when a WIFI call has been handed over to LTE, which the InCall UI might use to inform the user that billing charges may apply. The Android Telephony framework will send the EVENT_CALL_MERGE_FAILED connection event when a call to Call.mergeConference() has failed to complete successfully. A connection event could also be used to trigger UI in the InCallService which prompts the user to make a choice (e.g. whether they want to incur roaming costs for making a call), which is communicated back via Call.sendCallEvent(String, Bundle).

Events are exposed to InCallService implementations via Call.Callback.onConnectionEvent(Call, String, Bundle).

No assumptions should be made as to how an In-Call UI or service will handle these events. The ConnectionService must assume that the In-Call UI could even chose to ignore some events altogether.

Events should be fully qualified (e.g. com.example.event.MY_EVENT) to avoid conflicts between ConnectionService implementations. Further, custom ConnectionService implementations shall not re-purpose events in the android.* namespace, nor shall they define new event types in this namespace. When defining a custom event type, ensure the contents of the extras Bundle is clearly defined. Extra keys for this bundle should be named similar to the event type (e.g. com.example.extra.MY_EXTRA).

When defining events and the associated extras, it is important to keep their behavior consistent when the associated ConnectionService is updated. Support for deprecated events/extras should me maintained to ensure backwards compatibility with older InCallService implementations which were built to support the older behavior.

event String!: The connection event.
extras Bundle!: Optional bundle containing extra information associated with the event.


Added in API level 28
fun sendRemoteRttRequest(): Unit

Informs listeners that the remote side of the call has requested an upgrade to include an RTT session in the call.


Added in API level 28
fun sendRttInitiationFailure(reason: Int): Unit

Informs listeners that a previously requested RTT session via ConnectionRequest.isRequestingRtt() or onStartRtt(android.telecom.Connection.RttTextStream) has failed.

reason Int: One of the reason codes defined in RttModifyStatus, with the exception of RttModifyStatus.SESSION_MODIFY_REQUEST_SUCCESS.


Added in API level 28
fun sendRttInitiationSuccess(): Unit

Informs listeners that a previously requested RTT session via ConnectionRequest.isRequestingRtt() or onStartRtt(android.telecom.Connection.RttTextStream) has succeeded.


Added in API level 28
fun sendRttSessionRemotelyTerminated(): Unit

Informs listeners that a currently active RTT session has been terminated by the remote side of the coll.


Added in API level 23
fun setActive(): Unit

Sets state to active (e.g., an ongoing connection where two or more parties can actively communicate).


Added in API level 23
fun setAddress(
    address: Uri!,
    presentation: Int
): Unit

Sets the value of the getAddress() property.

address Uri!: The new address.
presentation Int: The presentation requirements for the address. See TelecomManager for valid values.


Added in API level 23
fun setAudioModeIsVoip(isVoip: Boolean): Unit

Requests that the framework use VOIP audio mode for this connection.

isVoip Boolean: True if the audio mode is VOIP.


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 34
fun setAudioRoute(route: Int): Unit

Deprecated: Use requestCallEndpointChange(android.telecom.CallEndpoint,java.util.concurrent.Executor,android.os.OutcomeReceiver) instead.

Sets the audio route (speaker, bluetooth, etc...). When this request is honored, there will be change to the getCallAudioState().

Used by self-managed ConnectionServices which wish to change the audio route for a self-managed Connection (see PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED.)

See also InCallService.setAudioRoute(int).


Added in API level 23
fun setCallerDisplayName(
    callerDisplayName: String!,
    presentation: Int
): Unit

Sets the caller display name (CNAP).

callerDisplayName String!: The new display name.
presentation Int: The presentation requirements for the handle. See TelecomManager for valid values.


Added in API level 30
fun setCallerNumberVerificationStatus(callerNumberVerificationStatus: Int): Unit

Sets the verification status for the phone number of an incoming call as identified in ATIS-1000082.

This property can only be set at the time of creation of a Connection being returned by ConnectionService.onCreateIncomingConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest).


Added in API level 23
fun setConferenceableConnections(conferenceableConnections: MutableList<Connection!>!): Unit

Sets the connections with which this connection can be conferenced.

conferenceableConnections MutableList<Connection!>!: The set of connections this connection can conference with.


Added in API level 23
fun setConferenceables(conferenceables: MutableList<Conferenceable!>!): Unit

Similar to setConferenceableConnections(java.util.List), sets a list of connections or conferences with which this connection can be conferenced.

conferenceables MutableList<Conferenceable!>!: The conferenceables.


Added in API level 23
fun setConnectionCapabilities(connectionCapabilities: Int): Unit

Sets the connection's capabilities as a bit mask of the CAPABILITY_* constants.

connectionCapabilities Int: The new connection capabilities.


Added in API level 25
fun setConnectionProperties(connectionProperties: Int): Unit

Sets the connection's properties as a bit mask of the PROPERTY_* constants.

connectionProperties Int: The new connection properties.


Added in API level 23
fun setDialing(): Unit

Sets state to dialing (e.g., dialing an outbound connection). The Connection should not be in STATE_DIALING for more than 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, the Connection will be disconnected.


Added in API level 23
fun setDisconnected(disconnectCause: DisconnectCause!): Unit

Sets state to disconnected.

disconnectCause DisconnectCause!: The reason for the disconnection, as specified by DisconnectCause.


Added in API level 23
fun setExtras(extras: Bundle?): Unit

Set some extras that can be associated with this Connection.

New or existing keys are replaced in the Connection extras. Keys which are no longer in the new extras, but were present the last time setExtras was called are removed.

Alternatively you may use the putExtras(android.os.Bundle), and removeExtras(java.lang.String...) methods to modify the extras.

No assumptions should be made as to how an In-Call UI or service will handle these extras. Keys should be fully qualified (e.g., com.example.MY_EXTRA) to avoid conflicts.

extras Bundle?: The extras associated with this Connection. This value may be null.


Added in API level 23
fun setInitialized(): Unit

Sets state to initialized (the Connection has been set up and is now ready to be used).


Added in API level 23
fun setInitializing(): Unit

Sets state to initializing (this Connection is not yet ready to be used).


Added in API level 23
fun setNextPostDialChar(nextChar: Char): Unit

Informs listeners that this Connection has processed a character in the post-dial started state. This is done when (a) the Connection is issuing a DTMF sequence; and (b) it wishes to signal Telecom to play the corresponding DTMF tone locally.

nextChar Char: The DTMF character that was just processed by the Connection.


Added in API level 23
fun setOnHold(): Unit

Sets state to be on hold.


Added in API level 23
fun setPostDialWait(remaining: String!): Unit

Informs listeners that this Connection is in a post-dial wait state. This is done when (a) the Connection is issuing a DTMF sequence; (b) it has encountered a "wait" character; and (c) it wishes to inform the In-Call app that it is waiting for the end-user to send an onPostDialContinue(boolean) signal.

remaining String!: The DTMF character sequence remaining to be emitted once the onPostDialContinue(boolean) is received, including any "wait" characters that remaining sequence may contain.


Added in API level 25
fun setPulling(): Unit

Sets state to pulling (e.g. the connection is being pulled to the local device from another device). Only applicable for Connections with Connection.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL and Connection.CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL.


Added in API level 23
fun setRingbackRequested(ringback: Boolean): Unit

Requests that the framework play a ringback tone. This is to be invoked by implementations that do not play a ringback tone themselves in the connection's audio stream.

ringback Boolean: Whether the ringback tone is to be played.


Added in API level 23
fun setRinging(): Unit

Sets state to ringing (e.g., an inbound ringing connection). The Connection should not be in STATE_RINGING for more than 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, the Connection will be disconnected.


Added in API level 23
fun setStatusHints(statusHints: StatusHints!): Unit

Sets the label and icon status to display in the in-call UI.

statusHints StatusHints!: The status label and icon to set.


Added in API level 23
fun setVideoProvider(videoProvider: Connection.VideoProvider!): Unit

Sets the video connection provider.

videoProvider Connection.VideoProvider!: The video provider.


Added in API level 23
fun setVideoState(videoState: Int): Unit

Set the video state for the connection. Valid values: VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY, VideoProfile.STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL, VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED, VideoProfile.STATE_RX_ENABLED.

videoState Int: The new video state.


Added in API level 23
open static fun stateToString(state: Int): String!
state Int: An integer value of a STATE_* constant.
String! A string representation of the value.