Added in API level 1


open class SecretKeySpec : KeySpec, SecretKey

This class specifies a secret key in a provider-independent fashion.

It can be used to construct a SecretKey from a byte array, without having to go through a (provider-based) SecretKeyFactory.

This class is only useful for raw secret keys that can be represented as a byte array and have no key parameters associated with them, e.g., DES or Triple DES keys.


Inherited constants
Long serialVersionUID

The class fingerprint that is set to indicate serialization compatibility since J2SE 1.4.

Public constructors
SecretKeySpec(key: ByteArray!, offset: Int, len: Int, algorithm: String!)

Constructs a secret key from the given byte array, using the first len bytes of key, starting at offset inclusive.

SecretKeySpec(key: ByteArray!, algorithm: String!)

Constructs a secret key from the given byte array.

Public methods
open Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Tests for equality between the specified object and this object.

open String!

Returns the name of the algorithm associated with this secret key.

open ByteArray!

Returns the key material of this secret key.

open String!

Returns the name of the encoding format for this secret key.

open Int

Calculates a hash code value for the object.

Inherited functions
Unit destroy()

Destroy this Object.

Sensitive information associated with this Object is destroyed or cleared. Subsequent calls to certain methods on this Object will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.

The default implementation throws DestroyFailedException.

Android note: Up to and including API 25 this method did not have a default implementation. Implementations of this interface must provide a concrete implementation of this method in order to work on older versions of Android.

Boolean isDestroyed()

Determine if this Object has been destroyed.

The default implementation returns false.

Android note: Up to and including API 25 this method did not have a default implementation. Implementations of this interface must provide a concrete implementation of this method in order to work on older versions of Android.

String! getAlgorithm()

Returns the standard algorithm name for this key. For example, "DSA" would indicate that this key is a DSA key. See the key related sections (KeyFactory, KeyGenerator, KeyPairGenerator, and SecretKeyFactory) in the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification for information about standard key algorithm names.

ByteArray! getEncoded()

Returns the key in its primary encoding format, or null if this key does not support encoding.

String! getFormat()

Returns the name of the primary encoding format of this key, or null if this key does not support encoding. The primary encoding format is named in terms of the appropriate ASN.1 data format, if an ASN.1 specification for this key exists. For example, the name of the ASN.1 data format for public keys is SubjectPublicKeyInfo, as defined by the X.509 standard; in this case, the returned format is "X.509". Similarly, the name of the ASN.1 data format for private keys is PrivateKeyInfo, as defined by the PKCS #8 standard; in this case, the returned format is "PKCS#8".

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
    key: ByteArray!,
    offset: Int,
    len: Int,
    algorithm: String!)

Constructs a secret key from the given byte array, using the first len bytes of key, starting at offset inclusive.

The bytes that constitute the secret key are those between key[offset] and key[offset+len-1] inclusive.

This constructor does not check if the given bytes indeed specify a secret key of the specified algorithm. For example, if the algorithm is DES, this constructor does not check if key is 8 bytes long, and also does not check for weak or semi-weak keys. In order for those checks to be performed, an algorithm-specific key specification class (in this case: DESKeySpec) must be used.

key ByteArray!: the key material of the secret key. The first len bytes of the array beginning at offset inclusive are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
offset Int: the offset in key where the key material starts.
len Int: the length of the key material.
algorithm String!: the name of the secret-key algorithm to be associated with the given key material. See Appendix A in the Java Cryptography Architecture Reference Guide for information about standard algorithm names.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if algorithm is null or key is null, empty, or too short, i.e. key.length-offset<len.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if offset or len index bytes outside the key.


Added in API level 1
    key: ByteArray!,
    algorithm: String!)

Constructs a secret key from the given byte array.

This constructor does not check if the given bytes indeed specify a secret key of the specified algorithm. For example, if the algorithm is DES, this constructor does not check if key is 8 bytes long, and also does not check for weak or semi-weak keys. In order for those checks to be performed, an algorithm-specific key specification class (in this case: DESKeySpec) should be used.

key ByteArray!: the key material of the secret key. The contents of the array are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
algorithm String!: the name of the secret-key algorithm to be associated with the given key material. See Appendix A in the Java Cryptography Architecture Reference Guide for information about standard algorithm names.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if algorithm is null or key is null or empty.

Public methods


Added in API level 1
open fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Tests for equality between the specified object and this object. Two SecretKeySpec objects are considered equal if they are both SecretKey instances which have the same case-insensitive algorithm name and key encoding.

obj the object to test for equality with this object.
Boolean true if the objects are considered equal, false if obj is null or otherwise.


Added in API level 1
open fun getAlgorithm(): String!

Returns the name of the algorithm associated with this secret key.

String! the secret key algorithm.


Added in API level 1
open fun getEncoded(): ByteArray!

Returns the key material of this secret key.

ByteArray! the key material. Returns a new array each time this method is called.


Added in API level 1
open fun getFormat(): String!

Returns the name of the encoding format for this secret key.

String! the string "RAW".


Added in API level 1
open fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects that are equal will also have the same hashcode.

Int a hash code value for this object.