Added in API level 1


open class HideReturnsTransformationMethod : ReplacementTransformationMethod

This transformation method causes any carriage return characters (\r) to be hidden by displaying them as zero-width non-breaking space characters (\uFEFF).


Public constructors

Public methods
open static HideReturnsTransformationMethod!

Protected methods
open CharArray!

The character to be replaced is \r.

open CharArray!

The character that \r is replaced with is \uFEFF.

Inherited functions
CharSequence! getTransformation(source: CharSequence!, v: View!)

Returns a CharSequence that will mirror the contents of the source CharSequence but with the characters in getOriginal replaced by ones from getReplacement.

Unit onFocusChanged(view: View!, sourceText: CharSequence!, focused: Boolean, direction: Int, previouslyFocusedRect: Rect!)

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 1
open static fun getInstance(): HideReturnsTransformationMethod!

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
protected open fun getOriginal(): CharArray!

The character to be replaced is \r.


Added in API level 1
protected open fun getReplacement(): CharArray!

The character that \r is replaced with is \uFEFF.