Added in API level 21


abstract class TvInputCallback

Callback used to receive various status updates on the TvView.


Public constructors

Public methods
open Unit
onAitInfoUpdated(inputId: String, aitInfo: AitInfo)

This is called when the AIT (Application Information Table) info has been updated.

open Unit
onAudioPresentationSelected(inputId: String, presentationId: Int, programId: Int)

This is called when audio presentation selection has changed.

open Unit

This is called when the audio presentation information has been changed.

open Unit
onAvailableSpeeds(inputId: String, speeds: FloatArray)

This is called when time-shifting is enabled to inform the available speeds.

open Unit
onChannelRetuned(inputId: String!, channelUri: Uri!)

This is invoked when the channel of this TvView is changed by the underlying TV input without any android.

open Unit

This is invoked when an error occurred while establishing a connection to the underlying TV input.

open Unit

This is called when the current program content turns out to be allowed to watch since its content rating is not blocked by parental controls.

open Unit
onContentBlocked(inputId: String!, rating: TvContentRating!)

This is called when the current program content turns out to be not allowed to watch since its content rating is blocked by parental controls.

open Unit

This is called when cueing message becomes available or unavailable.

open Unit

This is invoked when the existing connection to the underlying TV input is lost.

open Unit
onSignalStrengthUpdated(inputId: String, strength: Int)

This is called when signal strength is updated.

open Unit
onTimeShiftMode(inputId: String, mode: Int)

This is called when time shift mode is set or updated.

open Unit
onTimeShiftStatusChanged(inputId: String!, status: Int)

This is called when the time shift status is changed.

open Unit
onTrackSelected(inputId: String!, type: Int, trackId: String!)

This is called when there is a change on the selected tracks.

open Unit

This is called when the track information has been changed.

open Unit
onTuned(inputId: String, channelUri: Uri)

This is called when the session has been tuned to the given channel.

open Unit
onTvMessage(inputId: String, type: Int, data: Bundle)

This is called when a new TV Message has been received.

open Unit

This is called when the video is available, so the TV input starts the playback.

open Unit
onVideoFreezeUpdated(inputId: String, isFrozen: Boolean)

This is called when the video freeze status is updated.

open Unit
onVideoSizeChanged(inputId: String!, width: Int, height: Int)

This is invoked when the video size has been changed.

open Unit
onVideoUnavailable(inputId: String!, reason: Int)

This is called when the video is not available, so the TV input stops the playback.

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 33
open fun onAitInfoUpdated(
    inputId: String,
    aitInfo: AitInfo
): Unit

This is called when the AIT (Application Information Table) info has been updated.

aitInfo AitInfo: The current AIT info. This value cannot be null.
inputId String: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
open fun onAudioPresentationSelected(
    inputId: String,
    presentationId: Int,
    programId: Int
): Unit

This is called when audio presentation selection has changed.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
presentationId Int: The ID of the audio presentation selected.
programId Int: The ID of the program providing the selected audio presentation.


Added in API level 34
open fun onAudioPresentationsChanged(
    inputId: String,
    audioPresentations: MutableList<AudioPresentation!>
): Unit

This is called when the audio presentation information has been changed.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
audioPresentations MutableList<AudioPresentation!>: A list of updated audio presentation information. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
open fun onAvailableSpeeds(
    inputId: String,
    speeds: FloatArray
): Unit

This is called when time-shifting is enabled to inform the available speeds.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
speeds FloatArray: An ordered array of playback speeds, expressed as values relative to the normal playback speed (1.0), at which the current content can be played as a time-shifted broadcast. This is an empty array if the supported playback speeds are unknown or the video/broadcast is not in time shift mode. If currently in time shift mode, this array will normally include at least the values 1.0 (normal speed) and 0.0 (paused). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 21
open fun onChannelRetuned(
    inputId: String!,
    channelUri: Uri!
): Unit

This is invoked when the channel of this TvView is changed by the underlying TV input without any request.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
channelUri Uri!: The URI of a channel.


Added in API level 21
open fun onConnectionFailed(inputId: String!): Unit

This is invoked when an error occurred while establishing a connection to the underlying TV input.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.


Added in API level 21
open fun onContentAllowed(inputId: String!): Unit

This is called when the current program content turns out to be allowed to watch since its content rating is not blocked by parental controls.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.


Added in API level 21
open fun onContentBlocked(
    inputId: String!,
    rating: TvContentRating!
): Unit

This is called when the current program content turns out to be not allowed to watch since its content rating is blocked by parental controls.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
rating TvContentRating!: The content rating of the blocked program.


Added in API level 34
open fun onCueingMessageAvailability(
    inputId: String,
    available: Boolean
): Unit

This is called when cueing message becomes available or unavailable.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
available Boolean: The current availability of cueing message. true if cueing message is available; false if it becomes unavailable.


Added in API level 21
open fun onDisconnected(inputId: String!): Unit

This is invoked when the existing connection to the underlying TV input is lost.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.


Added in API level 33
open fun onSignalStrengthUpdated(
    inputId: String,
    strength: Int
): Unit

This is called when signal strength is updated.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
strength Int: The current signal strength. Value is,, or


Added in API level 34
open fun onTimeShiftMode(
    inputId: String,
    mode: Int
): Unit

This is called when time shift mode is set or updated.


Added in API level 23
open fun onTimeShiftStatusChanged(
    inputId: String!,
    status: Int
): Unit

This is called when the time shift status is changed.


Added in API level 21
open fun onTrackSelected(
    inputId: String!,
    type: Int,
    trackId: String!
): Unit

This is called when there is a change on the selected tracks.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
type Int: The type of the track selected. The type can be TvTrackInfo.TYPE_AUDIO, TvTrackInfo.TYPE_VIDEO or TvTrackInfo.TYPE_SUBTITLE.
trackId String!: The ID of the track selected.


Added in API level 21
open fun onTracksChanged(
    inputId: String!,
    tracks: MutableList<TvTrackInfo!>!
): Unit

This is called when the track information has been changed.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
tracks MutableList<TvTrackInfo!>!: A list which includes track information.


Added in API level 33
open fun onTuned(
    inputId: String,
    channelUri: Uri
): Unit

This is called when the session has been tuned to the given channel.

channelUri Uri: The URI of a channel. This value cannot be null.
inputId String: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
open fun onTvMessage(
    inputId: String,
    type: Int,
    data: Bundle
): Unit

This is called when a new TV Message has been received.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
type Int: The type of message received, such as TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_TYPE_WATERMARK Value is,, or
data Bundle: The raw data of the message. The bundle keys are: TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_KEY_STREAM_ID, TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_KEY_GROUP_ID, TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_KEY_SUBTYPE, TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_KEY_RAW_DATA. See TvInputManager.TV_MESSAGE_KEY_SUBTYPE for more information on how to parse this data. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 21
open fun onVideoAvailable(inputId: String!): Unit

This is called when the video is available, so the TV input starts the playback.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.


Added in API level 36
open fun onVideoFreezeUpdated(
    inputId: String,
    isFrozen: Boolean
): Unit

This is called when the video freeze status is updated.

inputId String: The ID of the TV input bound to this view. This value cannot be null.
isFrozen Boolean: Whether or not the video is currently frozen on the las


Added in API level 21
open fun onVideoSizeChanged(
    inputId: String!,
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Unit

This is invoked when the video size has been changed. It is also called when the first time video size information becomes available after this view is tuned to a specific channel.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
width Int: The width of the video.
height Int: The height of the video.


Added in API level 21
open fun onVideoUnavailable(
    inputId: String!,
    reason: Int
): Unit

This is called when the video is not available, so the TV input stops the playback.

inputId String!: The ID of the TV input bound to this view.
reason Int: The reason why the TV input stopped the playback: Value is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or