Added in API level 4


open class VERSION_CODES

Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. These are the values that can be found in VERSION.SDK. Version numbers increment monotonically with each official platform release.


static Int


static Int

The original, first, version of Android.

static Int

First Android update.

static Int


static Int

Magic version number for a current development build, which has not yet turned into an official release.

static Int


static Int


static Int

E incremental update.

static Int

E MR1.

static Int


static Int


static Int

G MR1.

static Int


static Int

H MR1.

static Int

H MR2.

static Int


static Int

I MR1.

static Int


static Int

J MR1.

static Int

J MR2.

static Int


static Int

K for watches.

static Int


static Int

L MR1.

static Int


static Int


static Int

N MR1.

static Int


static Int

O MR1.

static Int


static Int


static Int


static Int


static Int

S V2.

static Int


static Int

Upside Down Cake.

static Int

Vanilla Ice Cream.

Public constructors



Added in API level 36
static val BAKLAVA: Int


Value: 36


Added in API level 4
static val BASE: Int

The original, first, version of Android. Yay!

Released publicly as Android 1.0 in September 2008.

Value: 1


Added in API level 4
static val BASE_1_1: Int

First Android update.

Released publicly as Android 1.1 in February 2009.

Value: 2


Added in API level 4
static val CUPCAKE: Int


Released publicly as Android 1.5 in April 2009.

Value: 3


Added in API level 4
static val CUR_DEVELOPMENT: Int

Magic version number for a current development build, which has not yet turned into an official release.

Value: 10000


Added in API level 4
static val DONUT: Int


Released publicly as Android 1.6 in September 2009.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

  • They must explicitly request the android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to be able to modify the contents of the SD card. (Apps targeting earlier versions will always request the permission.)
  • They must explicitly request the android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE permission to be able to be able to retrieve phone state info. (Apps targeting earlier versions will always request the permission.)
  • They are assumed to support different screen densities and sizes. (Apps targeting earlier versions are assumed to only support medium density normal size screens unless otherwise indicated). They can still explicitly specify screen support either way with the supports-screens manifest tag.
  • android.widget.TabHost will use the new dark tab background design.
Value: 4


Added in API level 5
static val ECLAIR: Int


Released publicly as Android 2.0 in October 2009.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 5


Added in API level 6
static val ECLAIR_0_1: Int

E incremental update.

Released publicly as Android 2.0.1 in December 2009.

Value: 6


Added in API level 7
static val ECLAIR_MR1: Int

E MR1.

Released publicly as Android 2.1 in January 2010.

Value: 7


Added in API level 8
static val FROYO: Int


Released publicly as Android 2.2 in May 2010.

Value: 8


Added in API level 9
static val GINGERBREAD: Int


Released publicly as Android 2.3 in December 2010.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

  • The application's notification icons will be shown on the new dark status bar background, so must be visible in this situation.
Value: 9


Added in API level 10
static val GINGERBREAD_MR1: Int

G MR1.

Released publicly as Android 2.3.3 in February 2011.

Value: 10


Added in API level 11
static val HONEYCOMB: Int


Released publicly as Android 3.0 in February 2011.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 11


Added in API level 12
static val HONEYCOMB_MR1: Int

H MR1.

Released publicly as Android 3.1 in May 2011.

Value: 12


Added in API level 13
static val HONEYCOMB_MR2: Int

H MR2.

Released publicly as Android 3.2 in July 2011.

Update to Honeycomb MR1 to support 7 inch tablets, improve screen compatibility mode, etc.

As of this version, applications that don't say whether they support XLARGE screens will be assumed to do so only if they target HONEYCOMB or later; it had been GINGERBREAD or later. Applications that don't support a screen size at least as large as the current screen will provide the user with a UI to switch them in to screen size compatibility mode.

This version introduces new screen size resource qualifiers based on the screen size in dp: see android.content.res.Configuration#screenWidthDp, android.content.res.Configuration#screenHeightDp, and android.content.res.Configuration#smallestScreenWidthDp. Supplying these in <supports-screens> as per,, and is preferred over the older screen size buckets and for older devices the appropriate buckets will be inferred from them.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 13


Added in API level 14
static val ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH: Int


Released publicly as Android 4.0 in October 2011.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

  • For devices without a dedicated menu key, the software compatibility menu key will not be shown even on phones. By targeting Ice Cream Sandwich or later, your UI must always have its own menu UI affordance if needed, on both tablets and phones. The ActionBar will take care of this for you.
  • 2d drawing hardware acceleration is now turned on by default. You can use android:hardwareAccelerated to turn it off if needed, although this is strongly discouraged since it will result in poor performance on larger screen devices.
  • The default theme for applications is now the "device default" theme: This may be the holo dark theme or a different dark theme defined by the specific device. The family must not be modified for a device to be considered compatible. Applications that explicitly request a theme from the Holo family will be guaranteed that these themes will not change character within the same platform version. Applications that wish to blend in with the device should use a theme from the family.
  • Managed cursors can now throw an exception if you directly close the cursor yourself without stopping the management of it; previously failures would be silently ignored.
  • The fadingEdge attribute on views will be ignored (fading edges is no longer a standard part of the UI). A new requiresFadingEdge attribute allows applications to still force fading edges on for special cases.
  • android.content.Context#bindService will not automatically add in android.content.Context#BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY.
  • App Widgets will have standard padding automatically added around them, rather than relying on the padding being baked into the widget itself.
  • An exception will be thrown if you try to change the type of a window after it has been added to the window manager. Previously this would result in random incorrect behavior.
  • android.view.animation.AnimationSet will parse out the duration, fillBefore, fillAfter, repeatMode, and startOffset XML attributes that are defined.
  • ActionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled() is false by default.
Value: 14


Added in API level 15
static val ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1: Int

I MR1.

Released publicly as Android 4.03 in December 2011.

Value: 15


Added in API level 16
static val JELLY_BEAN: Int


Released publicly as Android 4.1 in July 2012.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 16


Added in API level 17
static val JELLY_BEAN_MR1: Int

J MR1.

Released publicly as Android 4.2 in November 2012.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 17


Added in API level 18
static val JELLY_BEAN_MR2: Int

J MR2.

Released publicly as Android 4.3 in July 2013.

Value: 18


Added in API level 19
static val KITKAT: Int


Released publicly as Android 4.4 in October 2013.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android KitKat overview.

Value: 19


Added in API level 20
static val KITKAT_WATCH: Int

K for watches.

Released publicly as Android 4.4W in June 2014.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior:

Value: 20


Added in API level 21
static val LOLLIPOP: Int


Released publicly as Android 5.0 in November 2014.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android Lollipop overview.

  • android.content.Context#bindService now requires an explicit Intent, and will throw an exception if given an implicit Intent.
  • Notification.Builder will not have the colors of their various notification elements adjusted to better match the new material design look.
  • android.os.Message will validate that a message is not currently in use when it is recycled.
  • Hardware accelerated drawing in windows will be enabled automatically in most places.
  • android.widget.Spinner throws an exception if attaching an adapter with more than one item type.
  • If the app is a launcher, the launcher will be available to the user even when they are using corporate profiles (which requires that the app use to correctly populate its apps UI).
  • Calling with removeNotification false will modify the still posted notification so that it is no longer forced to be ongoing.
  • A android.service.dreams.DreamService must require the android.Manifest.permission#BIND_DREAM_SERVICE permission to be usable.
Value: 21


Added in API level 22
static val LOLLIPOP_MR1: Int

L MR1.

Released publicly as Android 5.1 in March 2015.

For more information about this release, see the Android 5.1 APIs.

Value: 22


Added in API level 23
static val M: Int


Released publicly as Android 6.0 in October 2015.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android 6.0 Marshmallow overview.

Value: 23


Added in API level 24
static val N: Int


Released publicly as Android 7.0 in August 2016.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android Nougat overview.

Value: 24


Added in API level 25
static val N_MR1: Int

N MR1.

Released publicly as Android 7.1 in October 2016.

For more information about this release, see Android 7.1 for Developers.

Value: 25


Added in API level 26
static val O: Int


Released publicly as Android 8.0 in August 2017.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android Oreo overview.

Value: 26


Added in API level 27
static val O_MR1: Int

O MR1.

Released publicly as Android 8.1 in December 2017.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see Android 8.1 features and APIs.

  • Apps exporting and linking to apk shared libraries must explicitly enumerate all signing certificates in a consistent order.
  • android.R.attr#screenOrientation can not be used to request a fixed orientation if the associated activity is not fullscreen and opaque.
Value: 27


Added in API level 28
static val P: Int


Released publicly as Android 9 in August 2018.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android 9 Pie overview.

Value: 28


Added in API level 29
static val Q: Int


Released publicly as Android 10 in September 2019.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android 10 overview.

Value: 29


Added in API level 30
static val R: Int


Released publicly as Android 11 in September 2020.

Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior. For more information about this release, see the Android 11 overview.

Value: 30


Added in API level 31
static val S: Int


Value: 31


Added in API level 32
static val S_V2: Int

S V2. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

Value: 32


Added in API level 33
static val TIRAMISU: Int


Value: 33


Added in API level 34
static val UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE: Int

Upside Down Cake.

Value: 34


Added in API level 35
static val VANILLA_ICE_CREAM: Int

Vanilla Ice Cream.

Value: 35

Public constructors