Added in API level 11


interface MultiChoiceModeListener : ActionMode.Callback

A MultiChoiceModeListener receives events for AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL. It acts as the ActionMode.Callback for the selection mode and also receives onItemCheckedStateChanged(android.view.ActionMode,int,long,boolean) events when the user selects and deselects list items.


Public methods
abstract Unit
onItemCheckedStateChanged(mode: ActionMode!, position: Int, id: Long, checked: Boolean)

Called when an item is checked or unchecked during selection mode.

Inherited functions
Boolean onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode!, item: MenuItem!)

Called to report a user click on an action button.

Boolean onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode!, menu: Menu!)

Called when action mode is first created. The menu supplied will be used to generate action buttons for the action mode.

Unit onDestroyActionMode(mode: ActionMode!)

Called when an action mode is about to be exited and destroyed.

Boolean onPrepareActionMode(mode: ActionMode!, menu: Menu!)

Called to refresh an action mode's action menu whenever it is invalidated.

Public methods


Added in API level 11
abstract fun onItemCheckedStateChanged(
    mode: ActionMode!,
    position: Int,
    id: Long,
    checked: Boolean
): Unit

Called when an item is checked or unchecked during selection mode.

mode ActionMode!: The ActionMode providing the selection mode
position Int: Adapter position of the item that was checked or unchecked
id Long: Adapter ID of the item that was checked or unchecked
checked Boolean: true if the item is now checked, false if the item is now unchecked.