Added in API level 1


class UnicodeBlock : Character.Subset
   ↳ java.lang.Character.Subset
   ↳ java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock

A family of character subsets representing the character blocks in the Unicode specification. Character blocks generally define characters used for a specific script or purpose. A character is contained by at most one Unicode block.


Public methods
static Character.UnicodeBlock
forName(blockName: String)

Returns the UnicodeBlock with the given name.

static Character.UnicodeBlock?
of(c: Char)

Returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character, or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock?
of(codePoint: Int)

Returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character (Unicode code point), or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.

Inherited functions
static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Adlam" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Aegean Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ahom" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Alchemical Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Alphabetic Presentation Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Anatolian Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Greek Musical Notation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Greek Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-C" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Armenian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arrows" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Avestan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Balinese" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bamum" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bamum Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Basic Latin" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bassa Vah" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Batak" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bengali" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bhaiksuki" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Block Elements" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bopomofo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bopomofo Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Box Drawing" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Brahmi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Braille Patterns" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Buginese" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Buhid" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Byzantine Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Carian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Caucasian Albanian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chakma" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cham" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cherokee" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cherokee Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chess Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chorasmian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Radicals Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Strokes" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Symbols and Punctuation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Half Marks" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Common Indic Number Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Control Pictures" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Coptic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Coptic Epact Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Counting Rod Numerals" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cuneiform" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Currency Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cypriot Syllabary" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cypro-Minoan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-C" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-D" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Deseret" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dingbats" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dives Akuru" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dogra" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Domino Tiles" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Duployan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Egyptian Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Elbasan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Elymaic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Emoticons" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Alphanumerics" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "General Punctuation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Geometric Shapes" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Geometric Shapes Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Glagolitic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Glagolitic Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gothic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Grantha" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Greek and Coptic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Greek Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gujarati" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gunjala Gondi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gurmukhi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Syllables" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hanifi Rohingya" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hanunoo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hatran" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hebrew" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "High Private Use Surrogates" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "High Surrogates" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hiragana" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ideographic Description Characters" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Imperial Aramaic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Indic Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Inscriptional Pahlavi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Inscriptional Parthian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "IPA Extensions" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Javanese" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kaithi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kaktovik Numerals" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kanbun" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kangxi Radicals" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kannada" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Katakana" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Katakana Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kawi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kayah Li" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kharoshthi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khitan Small Script" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khmer" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khmer Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khojki" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khudawadi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lao" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin-1 Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended Additional" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-C" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-D" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-E" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-F" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-G" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lepcha" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Letterlike Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Limbu" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear B Ideograms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear B Syllabary" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lisu" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lisu Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Low Surrogates" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lycian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lydian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mahajani" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mahjong Tiles" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Makasar" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Malayalam" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mandaic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Manichaean" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Marchen" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Masaram Gondi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mayan Numerals" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Medefaidrin" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meetei Mayek" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meetei Mayek Extensions" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mende Kikakui" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meroitic Cursive" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meroitic Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miao" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Technical" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Modi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Modifier Tone Letters" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mongolian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mongolian Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mro" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Multani" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar Extended-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nabataean" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nag Mundari" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nandinagari" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Newa" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "New Tai Lue" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "NKo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Number Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nushu" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ogham" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Hungarian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Italic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old North Arabian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Permic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Persian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Sogdian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old South Arabian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Turkic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Uyghur" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ol Chiki" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Optical Character Recognition" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Oriya" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ornamental Dingbats" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Osage" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Osmanya" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ottoman Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Pahawh Hmong" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Palmyrene" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Pau Cin Hau" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phags-pa" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phaistos Disc" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phoenician" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phonetic Extensions Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Playing Cards" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Private Use Area" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Psalter Pahlavi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Rejang" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Rumi Numeral Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Runic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Samaritan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Saurashtra" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sharada" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Shavian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Shorthand Format Controls" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Siddham" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sinhala" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sinhala Archaic Numbers" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Small Form Variants" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Small Kana Extension" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sogdian" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sora Sompeng" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Soyombo" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Spacing Modifier Letters" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Specials" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sundanese" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sundanese Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Superscripts and Subscripts" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-C" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Punctuation" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sutton SignWriting" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syloti Nagri" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Symbols for Legacy Computing" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syriac" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syriac Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tagalog" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tagbanwa" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tags" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Le" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Tham" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Viet" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Takri" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tamil" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tamil Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangsa" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut Components" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Telugu" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Thaana" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Thai" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tibetan" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tifinagh" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tirhuta" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Toto" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Transport And Map Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ugaritic" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vai" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Variation Selectors" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Variation Selectors Supplement" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vedic Extensions" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vertical Forms" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vithkuqi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Wancho" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Warang Citi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yezidi" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yijing Hexagram Symbols" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yi Radicals" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yi Syllables" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Zanabazar Square" Unicode character block.

static Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Znamenny Musical Notation" Unicode character block.

Public methods


Added in API level 1
static fun forName(blockName: String): Character.UnicodeBlock

Returns the UnicodeBlock with the given name. Block names are determined by The Unicode Standard. The file Blocks.txt defines blocks for a particular version of the standard. The Character class specifies the version of the standard that it supports.

This method accepts block names in the following forms:

  1. Canonical block names as defined by the Unicode Standard. For example, the standard defines a "Basic Latin" block. Therefore, this method accepts "Basic Latin" as a valid block name. The documentation of each UnicodeBlock provides the canonical name.
  2. Canonical block names with all spaces removed. For example, "BasicLatin" is a valid block name for the "Basic Latin" block.
  3. The text representation of each constant UnicodeBlock identifier. For example, this method will return the BASIC_LATIN block if provided with the "BASIC_LATIN" name. This form replaces all spaces and hyphens in the canonical name with underscores.
Finally, character case is ignored for all of the valid block name forms. For example, "BASIC_LATIN" and "basic_latin" are both valid block names. The en_US locale's case mapping rules are used to provide case-insensitive string comparisons for block name validation.

If the Unicode Standard changes block names, both the previous and current names will be accepted.

blockName String: A UnicodeBlock name.
Character.UnicodeBlock The UnicodeBlock instance identified by blockName
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if blockName is an invalid name
java.lang.NullPointerException if blockName is null


Added in API level 1
static fun of(c: Char): Character.UnicodeBlock?

Returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character, or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.

Note: This method cannot handle supplementary characters. To support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters, use the of(int) method.

c Char: The character in question
Character.UnicodeBlock? The UnicodeBlock instance representing the Unicode block of which this character is a member, or null if the character is not a member of any Unicode block


Added in API level 1
static fun of(codePoint: Int): Character.UnicodeBlock?

Returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character (Unicode code point), or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.

codePoint Int: the character (Unicode code point) in question.
Character.UnicodeBlock? The UnicodeBlock instance representing the Unicode block of which this character is a member, or null if the character is not a member of any Unicode block
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the specified codePoint is an invalid Unicode code point.



Added in API level 34
static val ADLAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Adlam" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val AEGEAN_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Aegean Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val AHOM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ahom" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ALCHEMICAL_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Alchemical Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ALPHABETIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Alphabetic Presentation Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Anatolian Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ANCIENT_GREEK_MUSICAL_NOTATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Greek Musical Notation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ANCIENT_GREEK_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Greek Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ANCIENT_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ancient Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ARABIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val ARABIC_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val ARABIC_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val ARABIC_EXTENDED_C: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Extended-C" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26

Constant for the "Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ARABIC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arabic Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ARMENIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Armenian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ARROWS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Arrows" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val AVESTAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Avestan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BALINESE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Balinese" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BAMUM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bamum" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BAMUM_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bamum Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BASIC_LATIN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Basic Latin" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val BASSA_VAH: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bassa Vah" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BATAK: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Batak" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BENGALI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bengali" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val BHAIKSUKI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bhaiksuki" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BLOCK_ELEMENTS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Block Elements" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BOPOMOFO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bopomofo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BOPOMOFO_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Bopomofo Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BOX_DRAWING: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Box Drawing" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BRAHMI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Brahmi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BRAILLE_PATTERNS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Braille Patterns" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val BUGINESE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Buginese" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BUHID: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Buhid" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val BYZANTINE_MUSICAL_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Byzantine Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CARIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Carian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Caucasian Albanian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val CHAKMA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chakma" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CHAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cham" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CHEROKEE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cherokee" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CHEROKEE_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cherokee Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CHESS_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chess Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CHORASMIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Chorasmian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_COMPATIBILITY: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_COMPATIBILITY_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1

Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_RADICALS_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Radicals Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CJK_STROKES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Strokes" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Symbols and Punctuation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_C: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_D: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_E: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_F: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_G: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_H: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val COMBINING_HALF_MARKS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Half Marks" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val COMBINING_MARKS_FOR_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols" Unicode character block.

This block was previously known as "Combining Marks for Symbols".


Added in API level 19
static val COMMON_INDIC_NUMBER_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Common Indic Number Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CONTROL_PICTURES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Control Pictures" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val COPTIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Coptic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val COPTIC_EPACT_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Coptic Epact Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val COUNTING_ROD_NUMERALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Counting Rod Numerals" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CUNEIFORM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cuneiform" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CUNEIFORM_NUMBERS_AND_PUNCTUATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CURRENCY_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Currency Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CYPRIOT_SYLLABARY: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cypriot Syllabary" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val CYPRO_MINOAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cypro-Minoan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CYRILLIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_C: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-C" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_D: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Extended-D" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENTARY: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Cyrillic Supplement" Unicode character block. This block was previously known as the "Cyrillic Supplementary" block.


Added in API level 1
static val DESERET: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Deseret" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val DEVANAGARI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val DEVANAGARI_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val DEVANAGARI_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Devanagari Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val DINGBATS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dingbats" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val DIVES_AKURU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dives Akuru" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val DOGRA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Dogra" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val DOMINO_TILES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Domino Tiles" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val DUPLOYAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Duployan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val EARLY_DYNASTIC_CUNEIFORM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Egyptian Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPH_FORMAT_CONTROLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val ELBASAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Elbasan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val ELYMAIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Elymaic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val EMOTICONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Emoticons" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERICS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Alphanumerics" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERIC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ENCLOSED_CJK_LETTERS_AND_MONTHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ENCLOSED_IDEOGRAPHIC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ETHIOPIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val ETHIOPIC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ethiopic Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GENERAL_PUNCTUATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "General Punctuation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GEOMETRIC_SHAPES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Geometric Shapes" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val GEOMETRIC_SHAPES_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Geometric Shapes Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GEORGIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val GEORGIAN_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val GEORGIAN_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Georgian Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val GLAGOLITIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Glagolitic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val GLAGOLITIC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Glagolitic Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GOTHIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gothic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val GRANTHA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Grantha" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GREEK: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Greek and Coptic" Unicode character block.

This block was previously known as the "Greek" block.


Added in API level 1
static val GREEK_EXTENDED: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Greek Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GUJARATI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gujarati" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val GUNJALA_GONDI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gunjala Gondi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val GURMUKHI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Gurmukhi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HANGUL_COMPATIBILITY_JAMO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HANGUL_JAMO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val HANGUL_JAMO_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val HANGUL_JAMO_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Jamo Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HANGUL_SYLLABLES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hangul Syllables" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val HANIFI_ROHINGYA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hanifi Rohingya" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HANUNOO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hanunoo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val HATRAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hatran" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HEBREW: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hebrew" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val HIGH_PRIVATE_USE_SURROGATES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "High Private Use Surrogates" Unicode character block. This block represents codepoint values in the private use high surrogate range: U+DB80 through U+DBFF


Added in API level 1
static val HIGH_SURROGATES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "High Surrogates" Unicode character block. This block represents codepoint values in the high surrogate range: U+D800 through U+DB7F


Added in API level 1
static val HIRAGANA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Hiragana" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val IDEOGRAPHIC_DESCRIPTION_CHARACTERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ideographic Description Characters" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val IDEOGRAPHIC_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Imperial Aramaic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val INDIC_SIYAQ_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Indic Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Inscriptional Pahlavi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Inscriptional Parthian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val IPA_EXTENSIONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "IPA Extensions" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val JAVANESE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Javanese" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val KAITHI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kaithi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val KAKTOVIK_NUMERALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kaktovik Numerals" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val KANA_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val KANA_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val KANA_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kana Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KANBUN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kanbun" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KANGXI_RADICALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kangxi Radicals" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KANNADA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kannada" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KATAKANA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Katakana" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KATAKANA_PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Katakana Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val KAWI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kawi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val KAYAH_LI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kayah Li" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val KHAROSHTHI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Kharoshthi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khitan Small Script" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KHMER: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khmer" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val KHMER_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khmer Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val KHOJKI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khojki" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val KHUDAWADI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Khudawadi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LAO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lao" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin-1 Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_ADDITIONAL: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended Additional" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_C: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-C" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_D: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-D" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_E: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-E" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_F: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-F" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val LATIN_EXTENDED_G: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Latin Extended-G" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val LEPCHA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lepcha" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Letterlike Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LIMBU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Limbu" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val LINEAR_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LINEAR_B_IDEOGRAMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear B Ideograms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LINEAR_B_SYLLABARY: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Linear B Syllabary" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val LISU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lisu" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val LISU_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lisu Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val LOW_SURROGATES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Low Surrogates" Unicode character block. This block represents codepoint values in the low surrogate range: U+DC00 through U+DFFF


Added in API level 19
static val LYCIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lycian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val LYDIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Lydian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MAHAJANI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mahajani" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val MAHJONG_TILES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mahjong Tiles" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MAKASAR: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Makasar" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MALAYALAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Malayalam" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val MANDAIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mandaic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MANICHAEAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Manichaean" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MARCHEN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Marchen" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MASARAM_GONDI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Masaram Gondi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MATHEMATICAL_ALPHANUMERIC_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MAYAN_NUMERALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mayan Numerals" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MEDEFAIDRIN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Medefaidrin" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val MEETEI_MAYEK: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meetei Mayek" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val MEETEI_MAYEK_EXTENSIONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meetei Mayek Extensions" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MENDE_KIKAKUI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mende Kikakui" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val MEROITIC_CURSIVE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meroitic Cursive" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Meroitic Hieroglyphs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val MIAO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miao" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MISCELLANEOUS_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MISCELLANEOUS_SYMBOLS_AND_ARROWS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MISCELLANEOUS_TECHNICAL: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Miscellaneous Technical" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MODI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Modi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val MODIFIER_TONE_LETTERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Modifier Tone Letters" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MONGOLIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mongolian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MONGOLIAN_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mongolian Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MRO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Mro" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MULTANI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Multani" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MUSICAL_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val MYANMAR: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val MYANMAR_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val MYANMAR_EXTENDED_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Myanmar Extended-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val NABATAEAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nabataean" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val NAG_MUNDARI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nag Mundari" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val NANDINAGARI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nandinagari" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val NEWA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Newa" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val NEW_TAI_LUE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "New Tai Lue" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val NKO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "NKo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val NUMBER_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Number Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val NUSHU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nushu" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val OGHAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ogham" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OLD_HUNGARIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Hungarian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val OLD_ITALIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Italic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old North Arabian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OLD_PERMIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Permic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val OLD_PERSIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Persian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OLD_SOGDIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Sogdian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old South Arabian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val OLD_TURKIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Turkic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val OLD_UYGHUR: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Old Uyghur" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val OL_CHIKI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ol Chiki" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val OPTICAL_CHARACTER_RECOGNITION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Optical Character Recognition" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val ORIYA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Oriya" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val ORNAMENTAL_DINGBATS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ornamental Dingbats" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OSAGE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Osage" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val OSMANYA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Osmanya" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val OTTOMAN_SIYAQ_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ottoman Siyaq Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val PAHAWH_HMONG: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Pahawh Hmong" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val PALMYRENE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Palmyrene" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val PAU_CIN_HAU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Pau Cin Hau" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val PHAGS_PA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phags-pa" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val PHAISTOS_DISC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phaistos Disc" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val PHOENICIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phoenician" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Phonetic Extensions Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val PLAYING_CARDS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Playing Cards" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val PRIVATE_USE_AREA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Private Use Area" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val PSALTER_PAHLAVI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Psalter Pahlavi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val REJANG: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Rejang" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val RUMI_NUMERAL_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Rumi Numeral Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val RUNIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Runic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val SAMARITAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Samaritan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val SAURASHTRA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Saurashtra" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val SHARADA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sharada" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SHAVIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Shavian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SHORTHAND_FORMAT_CONTROLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Shorthand Format Controls" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SIDDHAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Siddham" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SINHALA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sinhala" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SINHALA_ARCHAIC_NUMBERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sinhala Archaic Numbers" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SMALL_FORM_VARIANTS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Small Form Variants" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SMALL_KANA_EXTENSION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Small Kana Extension" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SOGDIAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sogdian" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val SORA_SOMPENG: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sora Sompeng" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SOYOMBO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Soyombo" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SPACING_MODIFIER_LETTERS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Spacing Modifier Letters" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SPECIALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Specials" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val SUNDANESE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sundanese" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val SUNDANESE_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sundanese Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SUPERSCRIPTS_AND_SUBSCRIPTS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Superscripts and Subscripts" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_C: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-C" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1

Constant for the "Supplemental Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val SUPPLEMENTAL_PUNCTUATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Punctuation" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SUPPLEMENTAL_SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_B: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 15
static val SURROGATES_AREA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Deprecated: Instead of SURROGATES_AREA, use HIGH_SURROGATES, HIGH_PRIVATE_USE_SURROGATES, and LOW_SURROGATES. These constants match the block definitions of the Unicode Standard. The of(char) and of(int) methods return the standard constants.


Added in API level 34
static val SUTTON_SIGNWRITING: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Sutton SignWriting" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val SYLOTI_NAGRI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syloti Nagri" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS_EXTENDED_A: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SYMBOLS_FOR_LEGACY_COMPUTING: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Symbols for Legacy Computing" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val SYRIAC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syriac" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val SYRIAC_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Syriac Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAGALOG: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tagalog" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAGBANWA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tagbanwa" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAGS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tags" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAI_LE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Le" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val TAI_THAM: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Tham" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val TAI_VIET: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Viet" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAI_XUAN_JING_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 26
static val TAKRI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Takri" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TAMIL: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tamil" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val TAMIL_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tamil Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val TANGSA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangsa" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val TANGUT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val TANGUT_COMPONENTS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut Components" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val TANGUT_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tangut Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TELUGU: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Telugu" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val THAANA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Thaana" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val THAI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Thai" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val TIBETAN: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tibetan" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val TIFINAGH: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tifinagh" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val TIRHUTA: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Tirhuta" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val TOTO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Toto" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val TRANSPORT_AND_MAP_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Transport And Map Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val UGARITIC: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Ugaritic" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36

Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val VAI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vai" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val VARIATION_SELECTORS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Variation Selectors" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val VARIATION_SELECTORS_SUPPLEMENT: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Variation Selectors Supplement" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val VEDIC_EXTENSIONS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vedic Extensions" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 19
static val VERTICAL_FORMS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vertical Forms" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val VITHKUQI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Vithkuqi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val WANCHO: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Wancho" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val WARANG_CITI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Warang Citi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val YEZIDI: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yezidi" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val YIJING_HEXAGRAM_SYMBOLS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yijing Hexagram Symbols" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val YI_RADICALS: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yi Radicals" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 1
static val YI_SYLLABLES: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Yi Syllables" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 34
static val ZANABAZAR_SQUARE: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Zanabazar Square" Unicode character block.


Added in API level 36
static val ZNAMENNY_MUSICAL_NOTATION: Character.UnicodeBlock!

Constant for the "Znamenny Musical Notation" Unicode character block.