open class Paint
kotlin.Any | |
↳ | |
The Paint class holds the style and color information about how to draw geometries, text and bitmaps.
Nested classes | |
Align specifies how drawText aligns its text relative to the [x,y] coordinates. |
The Cap specifies the treatment for the beginning and ending of stroked lines and paths. |
open |
Class that describes the various metrics for a font at a given text size. |
open |
Convenience method for callers that want to have FontMetrics values as integers. |
The Join specifies the treatment where lines and curve segments join on a stroked path. |
The Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled, stroked, or both (in the same color). |
Constants | |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables antialiasing when drawing. |
static Int |
Option for getTextRunCursor. |
static Int |
Option for getTextRunCursor. |
static Int |
Option for getTextRunCursor. |
static Int |
Option for getTextRunCursor. |
static Int |
Option for getTextRunCursor. |
static Int |
Legacy Paint flag, no longer used. |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables dithering when blitting. |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables the use of bitmap fonts when drawing text. |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has Armentian hyphen (U+058A). |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has normal hyphen character (U+002D). |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has maqaf (Hebrew hyphen, U+05BE). |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has Canadian Syllabics hyphen (U+1400). |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has Zero-Width-Joiner (U+200D) followed by normal hyphen character (U+002D). |
static Int |
An integer representing the end of the line has no modification for hyphenation. |
static Int |
An integer representing the character at the end of the line is replaced with hyphen character (U+002D). |
static Int |
Paint flag that applies a synthetic bolding effect to drawn text. |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables bilinear sampling on scaled bitmaps. |
static Int |
Font hinter option that disables font hinting. |
static Int |
Font hinter option that enables font hinting. |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables smooth linear scaling of text. |
static Int |
An integer representing the starting of the line has normal hyphen character (U+002D). |
static Int |
An integer representing the starting of the line has Zero-Width-Joiner (U+200D). |
static Int |
An integer representing the starting of the line has no modification for hyphenation. |
static Int |
Paint flag that applies a strike-through decoration to drawn text. |
static Int |
Paint flag that enables subpixel positioning of text. |
static Int |
A text run flag that indicates the run is located the visually most left segment of the line. |
static Int |
A text run flag that indicates the run is located the visually most right segment of the line. |
static Int |
Paint flag that applies an underline decoration to drawn text. |
static Int |
A flat that controls text to be written in vertical orientation |
Public constructors | |
Paint() Create a new paint with default settings. |
Create a new paint, initialized with the attributes in the specified paint parameter. |
Create a new paint with the specified flags. |
Public methods | |
open Float |
ascent() Return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size. |
open Int |
Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. |
open Int |
breakText(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int, measureForwards: Boolean, maxWidth: Float, measuredWidth: FloatArray!) Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. |
open Int |
breakText(text: String!, measureForwards: Boolean, maxWidth: Float, measuredWidth: FloatArray!) Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. |
open Unit |
Clear the shadow layer. |
open Float |
descent() Return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size. |
open Boolean |
equalsForTextMeasurement(other: Paint) Returns true of the passed |
open Int |
getAlpha() Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value. |
open BlendMode? |
Get the paint's blend mode object. |
open Int |
getColor() Return the paint's color in sRGB. |
open ColorFilter! |
Get the paint's colorfilter (maybe be null). |
open Long |
Return the paint's color. |
open Int |
Get the current value of end hyphen edit. |
open Boolean |
getFillPath(src: Path!, dst: Path!) Applies any/all effects (patheffect, stroking) to src, returning the result in dst. |
open Int |
getFlags() Return the paint's flags. |
open String! |
Returns the font feature settings. |
open Paint.FontMetrics! |
Allocates a new FontMetrics object, and then calls getFontMetrics(fm) with it, returning the object. |
open Float |
getFontMetrics(metrics: Paint.FontMetrics!) Return the font's recommended interline spacing, given the Paint's settings for typeface, textSize, etc. |
open Unit |
getFontMetricsForLocale(metrics: Paint.FontMetrics) Get the font metrics used for the locale Obtain the metrics of the font that is used for the specified locale by |
open Paint.FontMetricsInt! | |
open Int |
Return the font's interline spacing, given the Paint's settings for typeface, textSize, etc. |
open Unit |
getFontMetricsInt(text: CharArray, start: Int, count: Int, contextStart: Int, contextCount: Int, isRtl: Boolean, outMetrics: Paint.FontMetricsInt) Returns the font metrics value for the given text. |
open Unit |
getFontMetricsInt(text: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, contextStart: Int, contextCount: Int, isRtl: Boolean, outMetrics: Paint.FontMetricsInt) Returns the font metrics value for the given text. |
open Unit |
Get the font metrics used for the locale Obtain the metrics of the font that is used for the specified locale by |
open Float |
Return the recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and text size. |
open String! |
Returns the font variation settings. |
open Int |
Return the paint's hinting mode. |
open Float |
Return the paint's letter-spacing for text. |
open MaskFilter! |
Get the paint's maskfilter object. |
open Int |
getOffsetForAdvance(text: CharArray!, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, advance: Float) Get the character offset within the string whose position is closest to the specified horizontal position. |
open Int |
getOffsetForAdvance(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, advance: Float) |
open PathEffect! |
Get the paint's patheffect object. |
open Float |
getRunAdvance(text: CharArray!, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int) Measure cursor position within a run of text. |
open Float |
getRunAdvance(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int) |
open Float |
getRunCharacterAdvance(text: CharArray, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int, advances: FloatArray?, advancesIndex: Int) Measure the advance of each character within a run of text and also return the cursor position within the run. |
open Float |
getRunCharacterAdvance(text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int, advances: FloatArray?, advancesIndex: Int) |
open Shader! |
Get the paint's shader object. |
open Int |
Returns the color of the shadow layer. |
open Long |
Returns the color of the shadow layer. |
open Float |
Returns the x offset of the shadow layer. |
open Float |
Returns the y offset of the shadow layer. |
open Float |
Returns the blur radius of the shadow layer. |
open Int |
Get the current value of start hyphen edit. |
open Float |
Distance from top of the strike-through line to the baseline in pixels. |
open Float |
Returns the thickness of the strike-through line in pixels. |
open Paint.Cap! |
Return the paint's Cap, controlling how the start and end of stroked lines and paths are treated. |
open Paint.Join! |
Return the paint's stroke join type. |
open Float |
Return the paint's stroke miter value. |
open Float |
Return the width for stroking. |
open Paint.Style! |
getStyle() Return the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes FILL_STYLE). |
open Paint.Align! |
Return the paint's Align value for drawing text. |
open Unit |
getTextBounds(text: CharArray!, index: Int, count: Int, bounds: Rect!) Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0). |
open Unit |
getTextBounds(text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int, bounds: Rect) Retrieve the text boundary box and store to bounds. |
open Unit |
getTextBounds(text: String!, start: Int, end: Int, bounds: Rect!) Retrieve the text boundary box and store to bounds. |
open Locale |
Get the text's primary Locale. |
open LocaleList |
Get the text locale list. |
open Unit |
Return the path (outline) for the specified text. |
open Unit |
Return the path (outline) for the specified text. |
open Float |
getTextRunAdvances(chars: CharArray, index: Int, count: Int, contextIndex: Int, contextCount: Int, isRtl: Boolean, advances: FloatArray?, advancesIndex: Int) Retrieve the character advances of the text. |
open Int |
getTextRunCursor(text: CharArray, contextStart: Int, contextLength: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int, cursorOpt: Int) Returns the next cursor position in the run. |
open Int |
getTextRunCursor(text: CharSequence, contextStart: Int, contextEnd: Int, isRtl: Boolean, offset: Int, cursorOpt: Int) Returns the next cursor position in the run. |
open Float |
Return the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. |
open Float |
Return the paint's text size. |
open Float |
Return the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. |
open Int |
getTextWidths(text: CharArray!, index: Int, count: Int, widths: FloatArray!) Return the advance widths for the characters in the string. |
open Int |
getTextWidths(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int, widths: FloatArray!) Return the advance widths for the characters in the string. |
open Int |
getTextWidths(text: String!, widths: FloatArray!) Return the advance widths for the characters in the string. |
open Int |
getTextWidths(text: String!, start: Int, end: Int, widths: FloatArray!) Return the advance widths for the characters in the string. |
open Typeface! |
Get the paint's typeface object. |
open Float |
Returns the distance from top of the underline to the baseline in pixels. |
open Float |
Returns the thickness of the underline in pixels. |
open Float |
Return the paint's extra word-spacing for text. |
open Xfermode! |
Get the paint's transfer mode object. |
open Boolean |
Determine whether the typeface set on the paint has a glyph supporting the string. |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit is set AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. |
Boolean |
isDither() Helper for getFlags(), returning true if DITHER_FLAG bit is set Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. |
open Boolean |
Get the elegant metrics flag. |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit is set |
Boolean |
Whether or not the bitmap filter is activated. |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit is set |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit is set |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit is set |
Boolean |
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit is set |
open Float |
measureText(text: CharArray!, index: Int, count: Int) Return the width of the text. |
open Float |
measureText(text: CharSequence!, start: Int, end: Int) Return the width of the text. |
open Float |
measureText(text: String!) Return the width of the text. |
open Float |
measureText(text: String!, start: Int, end: Int) Return the width of the text. |
open Unit |
reset() Restores the paint to its default settings. |
open Unit |
Copy the fields from src into this paint. |
open Unit |
Helper to setColor(), that takes a,r,g,b and constructs the color int |
open Unit |
Helper to setColor(), that only assigns the color's alpha value, leaving its r,g,b values unchanged. |
open Unit |
setAntiAlias(aa: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. |
open Unit |
setBlendMode(blendmode: BlendMode?) Set or clear the blend mode. |
open Unit |
Set the paint's color. |
open Unit |
Set the paint's color with a |
open ColorFilter! |
setColorFilter(filter: ColorFilter!) Set or clear the paint's colorfilter, returning the parameter. |
open Unit |
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the DITHER_FLAG bit Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. |
open Unit |
setElegantTextHeight(elegant: Boolean) Set the paint's elegant height metrics flag. |
open Unit |
setEndHyphenEdit(endHyphen: Int) Set a end hyphen edit on the paint. |
open Unit |
setFakeBoldText(fakeBoldText: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit |
open Unit |
setFilterBitmap(filter: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit. |
open Unit |
Set the paint's flags. |
open Unit |
setFontFeatureSettings(settings: String!) Set font feature settings. |
open Boolean |
setFontVariationSettings(fontVariationSettings: String!) Sets TrueType or OpenType font variation settings. |
open Unit |
setHinting(mode: Int) Set the paint's hinting mode. |
open Unit |
setLetterSpacing(letterSpacing: Float) Set the paint's letter-spacing for text. |
open Unit |
setLinearText(linearText: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit |
open MaskFilter! |
setMaskFilter(maskfilter: MaskFilter!) Set or clear the maskfilter object. |
open PathEffect! |
setPathEffect(effect: PathEffect!) Set or clear the patheffect object. |
open Shader! |
Set or clear the shader object. |
open Unit |
setShadowLayer(radius: Float, dx: Float, dy: Float, shadowColor: Int) This draws a shadow layer below the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius. |
open Unit |
setShadowLayer(radius: Float, dx: Float, dy: Float, shadowColor: Long) This draws a shadow layer below the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius. |
open Unit |
setStartHyphenEdit(startHyphen: Int) Set a start hyphen edit on the paint. |
open Unit |
setStrikeThruText(strikeThruText: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit |
open Unit |
setStrokeCap(cap: Paint.Cap!) Set the paint's Cap. |
open Unit |
setStrokeJoin(join: Paint.Join!) Set the paint's Join. |
open Unit |
setStrokeMiter(miter: Float) Set the paint's stroke miter value. |
open Unit |
setStrokeWidth(width: Float) Set the width for stroking. |
open Unit |
setStyle(style: Paint.Style!) Set the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes Fill). |
open Unit |
setSubpixelText(subpixelText: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit |
open Unit |
setTextAlign(align: Paint.Align!) Set the paint's text alignment. |
open Unit |
setTextLocale(locale: Locale) Set the text locale list to a one-member list consisting of just the locale. |
open Unit |
setTextLocales(locales: LocaleList) Set the text locale list. |
open Unit |
setTextScaleX(scaleX: Float) Set the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. |
open Unit |
setTextSize(textSize: Float) Set the paint's text size. |
open Unit |
setTextSkewX(skewX: Float) Set the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. |
open Typeface! |
setTypeface(typeface: Typeface!) Set or clear the typeface object. |
open Unit |
setUnderlineText(underlineText: Boolean) Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit |
open Unit |
setWordSpacing(wordSpacing: Float) Set the paint's extra word-spacing for text. |
open Xfermode! |
setXfermode(xfermode: Xfermode!) Set or clear the transfer mode object. |
static val ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that enables antialiasing when drawing.
Enabling this flag will cause all draw operations that support antialiasing to use it.
Notable draw operations that do not support antialiasing include:
Value: 1
See Also
static val CURSOR_AFTER: Int
Option for getTextRunCursor. Compute the valid cursor after offset or the limit of the context, whichever is less.
Value: 0
static val CURSOR_AT: Int
Option for getTextRunCursor. Return offset if the cursor at offset is valid, or -1 if it isn't.
Value: 4
static val CURSOR_AT_OR_AFTER: Int
Option for getTextRunCursor. Compute the valid cursor at or after the offset or the limit of the context, whichever is less.
Value: 1
static val CURSOR_AT_OR_BEFORE: Int
Option for getTextRunCursor. Compute the valid cursor at or before offset or the start of the context, whichever is greater.
Value: 3
static val CURSOR_BEFORE: Int
Option for getTextRunCursor. Compute the valid cursor before offset or the start of the context, whichever is greater.
Value: 2
static val DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG: Int
Legacy Paint flag, no longer used.
Value: 256
static val DITHER_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that enables dithering when blitting.
Enabling this flag applies a dither to any blit operation where the target's colour space is more constrained than the source.
Value: 4
See Also
Paint flag that enables the use of bitmap fonts when drawing text.
Disabling this flag will prevent text draw operations from using embedded bitmap strikes in fonts, causing fonts with both scalable outlines and bitmap strikes to draw only the scalable outlines, and fonts with only bitmap strikes to not draw at all.
Value: 1024
See Also
An integer representing the end of the line has Armentian hyphen (U+058A).
Value: 3
An integer representing the end of the line has normal hyphen character (U+002D).
Value: 2
An integer representing the end of the line has maqaf (Hebrew hyphen, U+05BE).
Value: 4
An integer representing the end of the line has Canadian Syllabics hyphen (U+1400).
Value: 5
An integer representing the end of the line has Zero-Width-Joiner (U+200D) followed by normal hyphen character (U+002D).
Value: 6
An integer representing the end of the line has no modification for hyphenation.
Value: 0
An integer representing the character at the end of the line is replaced with hyphen character (U+002D).
Value: 1
static val FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that applies a synthetic bolding effect to drawn text.
Enabling this flag will cause text draw operations to apply a simulated bold effect when drawing a Typeface
that is not already bold.
Value: 32
See Also
static val FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that enables bilinear sampling on scaled bitmaps.
If cleared, scaled bitmaps will be drawn with nearest neighbor sampling, likely resulting in artifacts. This should generally be on when drawing bitmaps, unless performance-bound (rendering to software canvas) or preferring pixelation artifacts to blurriness when scaling significantly.
If bitmaps are scaled for device density at creation time (as resource bitmaps often are) the filtering will already have been done.
On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.O
and below, hardware accelerated drawing always uses bilinear sampling on scaled bitmaps, regardless of this flag. On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.Q
and above, this flag defaults to being set on a new Paint
. It can be cleared with setFlags
or setFilterBitmap
Value: 2
See Also
static val HINTING_OFF: Int
Font hinter option that disables font hinting.
Value: 0
See Also
static val HINTING_ON: Int
Font hinter option that enables font hinting.
Value: 1
See Also
static val LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that enables smooth linear scaling of text.
Enabling this flag does not actually scale text, but rather adjusts text draw operations to deal gracefully with smooth adjustment of scale. When this flag is enabled, font hinting is disabled to prevent shape deformation between scale factors, and glyph caching is disabled due to the large number of glyph images that will be generated.
should be used in conjunction with this flag to prevent glyph positions from snapping to whole pixel values as scale factor is adjusted.
Value: 64
See Also
An integer representing the starting of the line has normal hyphen character (U+002D).
Value: 1
An integer representing the starting of the line has Zero-Width-Joiner (U+200D).
Value: 2
An integer representing the starting of the line has no modification for hyphenation.
Value: 0
Paint flag that applies a strike-through decoration to drawn text.
Value: 16
See Also
static val SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG: Int
Paint flag that enables subpixel positioning of text.
Enabling this flag causes glyph advances to be computed with subpixel accuracy.
This can be used with LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG
to prevent text from jittering during smooth scale transitions.
Value: 128
See Also
A text run flag that indicates the run is located the visually most left segment of the line.
This flag is used for telling the underlying text layout engine that the text is located at the most left of the line. This flag is used for controlling the amount letter spacing added. If the text is in the middle of the line, the text layout engine assigns additional letter spacing to the both side of each letter. On the other hand, the letter spacing should not be added to the visually most left and right of the line. By setting this flag, text layout engine calculates the layout as it is located at the most visually left of the line and doesn't add letter spacing to the left of this run.
Note that the caller must resolve BiDi runs and reorder them visually and set this flag only if the target run is located visually most left position. This left does not always mean the beginning of the text.
If the run covers entire line, caller should set TEXT_RUN_FLAG_RIGHT_EDGE
as well.
Note that this flag is only effective for run based APIs. For example, this flag works for Canvas.drawTextRun(CharSequence, int, int, int, int, float, float, boolean, Paint)
and Paint.getRunCharacterAdvance(char[], int, int, int, int, boolean, int, float[], int)
. However, this doesn't work for Canvas.drawText(CharSequence, int, int, float, float, Paint)
or Paint.measureText(CharSequence, int, int)
. The non-run based APIs works as both TEXT_RUN_FLAG_LEFT_EDGE
are specified.
Value: 8192
A text run flag that indicates the run is located the visually most right segment of the line.
This flag is used for telling the underlying text layout engine that the text is located at the most right of the line. This flag is used for controlling the amount letter spacing added. If the text is in the middle of the line, the text layout engine assigns additional letter spacing to the both side of each letter. On the other hand, the letter spacing should not be added to the visually most left and right of the line. By setting this flag, text layout engine calculates the layout as it is located at the most visually left of the line and doesn't add letter spacing to the left of this run.
Note that the caller must resolve BiDi runs and reorder them visually and set this flag only if the target run is located visually most right position. This right does not always mean the end of the text.
If the run covers entire line, caller should set TEXT_RUN_FLAG_LEFT_EDGE
as well.
Note that this flag is only effective for run based APIs. For example, this flag works for Canvas.drawTextRun(CharSequence, int, int, int, int, float, float, boolean, Paint)
and Paint.getRunCharacterAdvance(char[], int, int, int, int, boolean, int, float[], int)
. However, this doesn't work for Canvas.drawText(CharSequence, int, int, float, float, Paint)
or Paint.measureText(CharSequence, int, int)
. The non-run based APIs works as both TEXT_RUN_FLAG_LEFT_EDGE
are specified.
Value: 16384
Paint flag that applies an underline decoration to drawn text.
Value: 8
See Also
static val VERTICAL_TEXT_FLAG: Int
A flat that controls text to be written in vertical orientation
This flag is used for telling the underlying text layout engine that the text is for vertical direction. By enabling this flag, text measurement, drawing and shaping APIs works for vertical text layout. For example, Canvas.drawText(String, float, float, Paint)
draws text from top to bottom. Paint.measureText(String)
returns vertical advances instead of horizontal advances. TextRunShaper
shapes text vertically and report glyph IDs for vertical layout.
Do not set this flag for making android.text.Layout
. The android.text.Layout
class and its subclasses are designed for horizontal text only and does not work for vertical text.
Value: 4096
Public constructors
Create a new paint with default settings.
On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.O
and below, hardware accelerated drawing always acts as if FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG
is set. On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.Q
is set by this constructor, and it can be cleared with setFlags
or setFilterBitmap
. On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.S
and above, ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG
is set by this constructor, and it can be cleared with setFlags
or setAntiAlias
Paint(paint: Paint!)
Create a new paint, initialized with the attributes in the specified paint parameter.
Parameters | |
paint |
Paint!: Existing paint used to initialized the attributes of the new paint. |
Paint(flags: Int)
Create a new paint with the specified flags. Use setFlags() to change these after the paint is created.
On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.O
and below, hardware accelerated drawing always acts as if FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG
is set. On devices running Build.VERSION_CODES.Q
is always set by this constructor, regardless of the value of flags
. It can be cleared with setFlags
or setFilterBitmap
Parameters | |
flags |
Int: initial flag bits, as if they were passed via setFlags(). |
Public methods
open fun ascent(): Float
Return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size.
Note that this is the ascent of the main typeface, and actual text rendered may need a larger ascent because fallback fonts may get used in rendering the text.
Return | |
Float |
the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size. |
open fun breakText(
text: CharArray!,
index: Int,
count: Int,
maxWidth: Float,
measuredWidth: FloatArray!
): Int
Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is not null, return in it the actual width measured.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
index |
Int: The offset into text to begin measuring at |
count |
Int: The number of maximum number of entries to measure. If count is negative, then the characters are measured in reverse order. |
maxWidth |
Float: The maximum width to accumulate. |
measuredWidth |
FloatArray!: Optional. If not null, returns the actual width measured. |
Return | |
Int |
The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <= abs(count). |
open fun breakText(
text: CharSequence!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
measureForwards: Boolean,
maxWidth: Float,
measuredWidth: FloatArray!
): Int
Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is not null, return in it the actual width measured.
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: The offset into text to begin measuring at |
end |
Int: The end of the text slice to measure. |
measureForwards |
Boolean: If true, measure forwards, starting at start. Otherwise, measure backwards, starting with end. |
maxWidth |
Float: The maximum width to accumulate. |
measuredWidth |
FloatArray!: Optional. If not null, returns the actual width measured. |
Return | |
Int |
The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <= abs(end - start). |
open fun breakText(
text: String!,
measureForwards: Boolean,
maxWidth: Float,
measuredWidth: FloatArray!
): Int
Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. Return the number of chars that were measured, and if measuredWidth is not null, return in it the actual width measured.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
measureForwards |
Boolean: If true, measure forwards, starting with the first character in the string. Otherwise, measure backwards, starting with the last character in the string. |
maxWidth |
Float: The maximum width to accumulate. |
measuredWidth |
FloatArray!: Optional. If not null, returns the actual width measured. |
Return | |
Int |
The number of chars that were measured. Will always be <= abs(count). |
open fun descent(): Float
Return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size.
Note that this is the descent of the main typeface, and actual text rendered may need a larger descent because fallback fonts may get used in rendering the text.
Return | |
Float |
the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size. |
open fun equalsForTextMeasurement(other: Paint): Boolean
Returns true of the passed Paint
will have the same effect on text measurement
Parameters | |
other |
Paint: A Paint object. This value cannot be null . |
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the other Paint has the same effect on text measurement. |
open fun getAlpha(): Int
Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value. This is the same as calling getColor() >>> 24. It always returns a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (completely opaque).
Return | |
Int |
the alpha component of the paint's color. |
open fun getBlendMode(): BlendMode?
Get the paint's blend mode object. Will return null if there is a Xfermode applied that cannot be represented by a blend mode (i.e. a custom RuntimeXfermode
Return | |
BlendMode? |
the paint's blend mode (or null) |
open fun getColor(): Int
Return the paint's color in sRGB. Note that the color is a 32bit value containing alpha as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b. See the Color class for more details.
Return | |
Int |
the paint's color (and alpha). |
open fun getColorFilter(): ColorFilter!
Get the paint's colorfilter (maybe be null).
Return | |
ColorFilter! |
the paint's colorfilter (maybe be null) |
open fun getColorLong(): Long
Return the paint's color. Note that the color is a long with an encoded ColorSpace
as well as alpha and r,g,b. These values are not premultiplied, meaning that alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b. See the Color
class for more details.
Return | |
Long |
the paint's color, alpha, and ColorSpace encoded as a ColorLong |
open fun getEndHyphenEdit(): Int
Get the current value of end hyphen edit. The default value is 0 which is equivalent to END_HYPHEN_EDIT_NO_EDIT
See Also
open fun getFillPath(
src: Path!,
dst: Path!
): Boolean
Applies any/all effects (patheffect, stroking) to src, returning the result in dst. The result is that drawing src with this paint will be the same as drawing dst with a default paint (at least from the geometric perspective).
Parameters | |
src |
Path!: input path |
dst |
Path!: output path (may be the same as src) |
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the path should be filled, or false if it should be drawn with a hairline (width == 0) |
open fun getFlags(): Int
Return the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to test flag values.
Return | |
Int |
the paint's flags (see enums ending in _Flag for bit masks) Value is either 0 or a combination of , , , , , , , , , , and |
open fun getFontFeatureSettings(): String!
Returns the font feature settings. The format is the same as the CSS font-feature-settings attribute:
Return | |
String! |
the paint's currently set font feature settings. Default is null. |
See Also
open fun getFontMetrics(): Paint.FontMetrics!
Allocates a new FontMetrics object, and then calls getFontMetrics(fm) with it, returning the object.
open fun getFontMetrics(metrics: Paint.FontMetrics!): Float
Return the font's recommended interline spacing, given the Paint's settings for typeface, textSize, etc. If metrics is not null, return the fontmetric values in it.
Note that these are the values for the main typeface, and actual text rendered may need a larger set of values because fallback fonts may get used in rendering the text.
Parameters | |
metrics |
Paint.FontMetrics!: If this object is not null, its fields are filled with the appropriate values given the paint's text attributes. |
Return | |
Float |
the font's recommended interline spacing. |
open fun getFontMetricsForLocale(metrics: Paint.FontMetrics): Unit
Get the font metrics used for the locale Obtain the metrics of the font that is used for the specified locale by setTextLocales(android.os.LocaleList)
. If multiple locales are specified, the minimum ascent and maximum descent will be set. This API is useful for determining the default line height of the empty text field, e.g. android.widget.EditText
. Note, if the
is created from the custom font files, its metrics are reserved, i.e. the ascent will be the custom font's ascent or smaller, the descent will be the custom font's descent or larger. Note, if the
is a system fallback, e.g.
, the default font's metrics are reserved, i.e. the ascent will be the serif font's ascent or smaller, the descent will be the serif font's descent or larger.
Parameters | |
metrics |
Paint.FontMetrics: an output parameter. All members will be set by calling this function. This value cannot be null . |
open fun getFontMetricsInt(fmi: Paint.FontMetricsInt!): Int
Return the font's interline spacing, given the Paint's settings for typeface, textSize, etc. If metrics is not null, return the fontmetric values in it. Note: all values have been converted to integers from floats, in such a way has to make the answers useful for both spacing and clipping. If you want more control over the rounding, call getFontMetrics().
Note that these are the values for the main typeface, and actual text rendered may need a larger set of values because fallback fonts may get used in rendering the text.
Return | |
Int |
the font's interline spacing. |
open fun getFontMetricsInt(
text: CharArray,
start: Int,
count: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextCount: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
outMetrics: Paint.FontMetricsInt
): Unit
Returns the font metrics value for the given text. If the text is rendered with multiple font files, this function returns the large ascent and descent that are enough for drawing all font files. The context range is used for shaping context. Some script, e.g. Arabic or Devanagari, changes letter shape based on its location or surrounding characters.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray: a text to be measured. This value cannot be null . |
start |
Int: a starting offset in the text. Value is 0 or greater |
count |
Int: a length of the text to be measured. Value is 0 or greater |
contextStart |
Int: a context starting offset in the text. Value is 0 or greater |
contextCount |
Int: a length of the context to be used. Value is 0 or greater |
isRtl |
Boolean: true if measuring on RTL context, otherwise false. |
outMetrics |
Paint.FontMetricsInt: the output font metrics. This value cannot be null . |
open fun getFontMetricsInt(
text: CharSequence,
start: Int,
count: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextCount: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
outMetrics: Paint.FontMetricsInt
): Unit
Returns the font metrics value for the given text. If the text is rendered with multiple font files, this function returns the large ascent and descent that are enough for drawing all font files. The context range is used for shaping context. Some script, e.g. Arabic or Devanagari, changes letter shape based on its location or surrounding characters.
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence: a text to be measured. This value cannot be null . |
start |
Int: a starting offset in the text. Value is 0 or greater |
count |
Int: a length of the text to be measured. Value is 0 or greater |
contextStart |
Int: a context starting offset in the text. Value is 0 or greater |
contextCount |
Int: a length of the context to be used. Value is 0 or greater |
isRtl |
Boolean: true if measuring on RTL context, otherwise false. |
outMetrics |
Paint.FontMetricsInt: the output font metrics. This value cannot be null . |
open fun getFontMetricsIntForLocale(metrics: Paint.FontMetricsInt): Unit
Get the font metrics used for the locale Obtain the metrics of the font that is used for the specified locale by setTextLocales(android.os.LocaleList)
. If multiple locales are specified, the minimum ascent and maximum descent will be set. This API is useful for determining the default line height of the empty text field, e.g. android.widget.EditText
. Note, if the
is created from the custom font files, its metrics are reserved, i.e. the ascent will be the custom font's ascent or smaller, the descent will be the custom font's descent or larger. Note, if the
is a system fallback, e.g.
, the default font's metrics are reserved, i.e. the ascent will be the serif font's ascent or smaller, the descent will be the serif font's descent or larger.
Parameters | |
metrics |
Paint.FontMetricsInt: an output parameter. All members will be set by calling this function. This value cannot be null . |
open fun getFontSpacing(): Float
Return the recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and text size.
Note that this is the value for the main typeface, and actual text rendered may need a larger value because fallback fonts may get used in rendering the text.
Return | |
Float |
recommend line spacing based on the current typeface and text size. |
open fun getFontVariationSettings(): String!
Returns the font variation settings.
Return | |
String! |
the paint's currently set font variation settings. Default is null. |
See Also
open fun getHinting(): Int
Return the paint's hinting mode. Returns either HINTING_OFF
open fun getLetterSpacing(): Float
Return the paint's letter-spacing for text. The default value is 0.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's letter-spacing for drawing text. |
open fun getMaskFilter(): MaskFilter!
Get the paint's maskfilter object.
Return | |
MaskFilter! |
the paint's maskfilter (or null) |
open fun getOffsetForAdvance(
text: CharArray!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
advance: Float
): Int
Get the character offset within the string whose position is closest to the specified horizontal position.
The returned value is generally the value of offset
for which #getRunAdvance yields a result most closely approximating advance
, and which is also on a grapheme cluster boundary. As such, it is the preferred method for positioning a cursor in response to a touch or pointer event. The grapheme cluster boundaries are based on Unicode Standard Annex #29 but with some tailoring for better user experience.
Note that advance
is a (generally positive) width measurement relative to the start of the run. Thus, for RTL runs it the distance from the point to the right edge.
All indices are relative to the start of text
. Further, 0 <= contextStart <= start <= end <= contextEnd <= text.length
must hold on entry, and start <= result <= end
will hold on return.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the index of the start of the range to measure |
end |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
contextStart |
Int: the index of the start of the shaping context |
contextEnd |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
advance |
Float: width relative to start of run |
Return | |
Int |
index of offset |
open fun getOffsetForAdvance(
text: CharSequence!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
advance: Float
): Int
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence!: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the index of the start of the range to measure |
end |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
contextStart |
Int: the index of the start of the shaping context |
contextEnd |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
advance |
Float: width relative to start of run |
Return | |
Int |
index of offset |
open fun getPathEffect(): PathEffect!
Get the paint's patheffect object.
Return | |
PathEffect! |
the paint's patheffect (or null) |
open fun getRunAdvance(
text: CharArray!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int
): Float
Measure cursor position within a run of text.
The run of text includes the characters from start
to end
in the text. In addition, the range contextStart
to contextEnd
is used as context for the purpose of complex text shaping, such as Arabic text potentially shaped differently based on the text next to it.
All text outside the range contextStart..contextEnd
is ignored. The text between start
and end
will be laid out to be measured.
The returned width measurement is the advance from start
to offset
. It is generally a positive value, no matter the direction of the run. If offset == end
, the return value is simply the width of the whole run from start
to end
Ligatures are formed for characters in the range start..end
(but not for start..contextStart
or end..contextEnd
). If offset
points to a character in the middle of such a formed ligature, but at a grapheme cluster boundary, the return value will also reflect an advance in the middle of the ligature. See #getOffsetForAdvance for more discussion of grapheme cluster boundaries.
The direction of the run is explicitly specified by isRtl
. Thus, this method is suitable only for runs of a single direction.
All indices are relative to the start of text
. Further, 0 <= contextStart <= start <= offset <= end <= contextEnd <= text.length
must hold on entry.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the index of the start of the range to measure |
end |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
contextStart |
Int: the index of the start of the shaping context |
contextEnd |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the shaping context |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
offset |
Int: index of caret position |
Return | |
Float |
width measurement between start and offset |
open fun getRunAdvance(
text: CharSequence!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int
): Float
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence!: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the index of the start of the range to measure |
end |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
contextStart |
Int: the index of the start of the shaping context |
contextEnd |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the shaping context |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
offset |
Int: index of caret position |
Return | |
Float |
width measurement between start and offset |
open fun getRunCharacterAdvance(
text: CharArray,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int,
advances: FloatArray?,
advancesIndex: Int
): Float
Measure the advance of each character within a run of text and also return the cursor position within the run.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the start index of the range to measure, inclusive |
end |
Int: the end index of the range to measure, exclusive |
contextStart |
Int: the start index of the shaping context, inclusive |
contextEnd |
Int: the end index of the shaping context, exclusive |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
offset |
Int: index of caret position |
advances |
FloatArray?: the array that receives the computed character advances This value may be null . |
advancesIndex |
Int: the start index from which the advances array is filled |
Return | |
Float |
width measurement between start and offset |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException |
if a) contextStart or contextEnd is out of array's range or contextStart is larger than contextEnd, b) start or end is not within the range [contextStart, contextEnd), or start is larger than end, c) offset is not within the range [start, end), d) advances.length - advanceIndex is smaller than the length of the run, which equals to end - start. |
open fun getRunCharacterAdvance(
text: CharSequence,
start: Int,
end: Int,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int,
advances: FloatArray?,
advancesIndex: Int
): Float
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence: the text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: the index of the start of the range to measure |
end |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the range to measure |
contextStart |
Int: the index of the start of the shaping context |
contextEnd |
Int: the index + 1 of the end of the shaping context |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
offset |
Int: index of caret position |
advances |
FloatArray?: the array that receives the computed character advances This value may be null . |
advancesIndex |
Int: the start index from which the advances array is filled |
Return | |
Float |
width measurement between start and offset |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException |
if a) contextStart or contextEnd is out of array's range or contextStart is larger than contextEnd, b) start or end is not within the range [contextStart, contextEnd), or end is larger than start, c) offset is not within the range [start, end), d) advances.length - advanceIndex is smaller than the run length, which equals to end - start. |
open fun getShader(): Shader!
Get the paint's shader object.
Return | |
Shader! |
the paint's shader (or null) |
open fun getShadowLayerColor(): Int
Returns the color of the shadow layer.
open fun getShadowLayerColorLong(): Long
Returns the color of the shadow layer.
Return | |
Long |
the shadow layer's color encoded as a ColorLong . |
open fun getShadowLayerDx(): Float
Returns the x offset of the shadow layer.
open fun getShadowLayerDy(): Float
Returns the y offset of the shadow layer.
open fun getShadowLayerRadius(): Float
Returns the blur radius of the shadow layer.
open fun getStartHyphenEdit(): Int
Get the current value of start hyphen edit. The default value is 0 which is equivalent to START_HYPHEN_EDIT_NO_EDIT
Return | |
Int |
the current starting hyphen edit value Value is , , or |
See Also
open fun getStrikeThruPosition(): Float
Distance from top of the strike-through line to the baseline in pixels. The result is negative for positions that are above the baseline. This method returns where the strike-through line should be drawn independent of if the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG
bit is set.
The units of this value are pixels.
Return | |
Float |
the position of the strike-through line in pixels The units of this value are pixels. {} |
open fun getStrikeThruThickness(): Float
Returns the thickness of the strike-through line in pixels.
The units of this value are pixels.
Return | |
Float |
the position of the strike-through line in pixels The units of this value are pixels. {} |
open fun getStrokeCap(): Paint.Cap!
Return the paint's Cap, controlling how the start and end of stroked lines and paths are treated.
Return | |
Paint.Cap! |
the line cap style for the paint, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun getStrokeJoin(): Paint.Join!
Return the paint's stroke join type.
Return | |
Paint.Join! |
the paint's Join. |
open fun getStrokeMiter(): Float
Return the paint's stroke miter value. Used to control the behavior of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's miter limit, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun getStrokeWidth(): Float
Return the width for stroking.
A value of 0 strokes in hairline mode. Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canvas's matrix.Return | |
Float |
the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun getStyle(): Paint.Style!
Return the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes FILL_STYLE).
Return | |
Paint.Style! |
the paint's style setting (Fill, Stroke, StrokeAndFill) |
open fun getTextAlign(): Paint.Align!
Return the paint's Align value for drawing text. This controls how the text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin specifies the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
Return | |
Paint.Align! |
the paint's Align value for drawing text. |
open fun getTextBounds(
text: CharArray!,
index: Int,
count: Int,
bounds: Rect!
): Unit
Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0).
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: array of chars to measure and return their unioned bounds |
index |
Int: index of the first char in the array to measure |
count |
Int: the number of chars, beginning at index, to measure |
bounds |
Rect!: returns the unioned bounds of all the text. Must be allocated by the caller |
open fun getTextBounds(
text: CharSequence,
start: Int,
end: Int,
bounds: Rect
): Unit
Retrieve the text boundary box and store to bounds. Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0). Note that styles are ignored even if you pass android.text.Spanned
instance. Use android.text.StaticLayout
for measuring bounds of android.text.Spanned
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence: text to measure and return its bounds This value cannot be null . |
start |
Int: index of the first char in the text to measure |
end |
Int: 1 past the last char in the text to measure |
bounds |
Rect: returns the unioned bounds of all the text. Must be allocated by the caller This value cannot be null . |
open fun getTextBounds(
text: String!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
bounds: Rect!
): Unit
Retrieve the text boundary box and store to bounds. Return in bounds (allocated by the caller) the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the characters, with an implied origin at (0,0).
Parameters | |
text |
String!: string to measure and return its bounds |
start |
Int: index of the first char in the string to measure |
end |
Int: 1 past the last char in the string to measure |
bounds |
Rect!: returns the unioned bounds of all the text. Must be allocated by the caller |
open fun getTextLocale(): Locale
Get the text's primary Locale. Note that this is not all of the locale-related information Paint has. Use getTextLocales()
to get the complete list.
Return | |
Locale |
the paint's primary Locale used for drawing text, never null. |
open fun getTextLocales(): LocaleList
Get the text locale list.
Return | |
LocaleList |
the paint's LocaleList used for drawing text, never null or empty. |
open fun getTextPath(
text: CharArray!,
index: Int,
count: Int,
x: Float,
y: Float,
path: Path!
): Unit
Return the path (outline) for the specified text. Note: just like Canvas.drawText, this will respect the Align setting in the paint.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: the text to retrieve the path from |
index |
Int: the index of the first character in text |
count |
Int: the number of characters starting with index |
x |
Float: the x coordinate of the text's origin |
y |
Float: the y coordinate of the text's origin |
path |
Path!: the path to receive the data describing the text. Must be allocated by the caller |
open fun getTextPath(
text: String!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
x: Float,
y: Float,
path: Path!
): Unit
Return the path (outline) for the specified text. Note: just like Canvas.drawText, this will respect the Align setting in the paint.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: the text to retrieve the path from |
start |
Int: the first character in the text |
end |
Int: 1 past the last character in the text |
x |
Float: the x coordinate of the text's origin |
y |
Float: the y coordinate of the text's origin |
path |
Path!: the path to receive the data describing the text. Must be allocated by the caller |
open fun getTextRunAdvances(
chars: CharArray,
index: Int,
count: Int,
contextIndex: Int,
contextCount: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
advances: FloatArray?,
advancesIndex: Int
): Float
Retrieve the character advances of the text. Returns the total advance width for the characters in the run from index
for count
of chars, and if advances
is not null, the advance assigned to each of these characters (java chars).
The trailing surrogate in a valid surrogate pair is assigned an advance of 0. Thus the number of returned advances is always equal to count, not to the number of unicode codepoints represented by the run.
In the case of conjuncts or combining marks, the total advance is assigned to the first logical character, and the following characters are assigned an advance of 0.
This generates the sum of the advances of glyphs for characters in a reordered cluster as the width of the first logical character in the cluster, and 0 for the widths of all other characters in the cluster. In effect, such clusters are treated like conjuncts.
The shaping bounds limit the amount of context available outside start and end that can be used for shaping analysis. These bounds typically reflect changes in bidi level or font metrics across which shaping does not occur.
Parameters | |
chars |
CharArray: the text to measure. This value cannot be null . |
index |
Int: the index of the first character to measure Value is 0 or greater |
count |
Int: the number of characters to measure Value is 0 or greater |
contextIndex |
Int: the index of the first character to use for shaping context. Context must cover the measureing target. Value is 0 or greater |
contextCount |
Int: the number of character to use for shaping context. Context must cover the measureing target. Value is 0 or greater |
isRtl |
Boolean: whether the run is in RTL direction |
advances |
FloatArray?: array to receive the advances, must have room for all advances. This can be null if only total advance is needed |
advancesIndex |
Int: the position in advances at which to put the advance corresponding to the character at start Value is 0 or greater |
Return | |
Float |
the total advance in pixels |
open fun getTextRunCursor(
text: CharArray,
contextStart: Int,
contextLength: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int,
cursorOpt: Int
): Int
Returns the next cursor position in the run. This avoids placing the cursor between surrogates, between characters that form conjuncts, between base characters and combining marks, or within a reordering cluster.
ContextStart and offset are relative to the start of text. The context is the shaping context for cursor movement, generally the bounds of the metric span enclosing the cursor in the direction of movement.
If cursorOpt is CURSOR_AT
and the offset is not a valid cursor position, this returns -1. Otherwise this will never return a value before contextStart or after contextStart + contextLength.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray: the text This value cannot be null . |
contextStart |
Int: the start of the context Value is 0 or greater |
contextLength |
Int: the length of the context Value is 0 or greater |
isRtl |
Boolean: true if the paragraph context is RTL, otherwise false |
offset |
Int: the cursor position to move from Value is 0 or greater |
cursorOpt |
Int: how to move the cursor Value is , , , or |
Return | |
Int |
the offset of the next position, or -1 |
open fun getTextRunCursor(
text: CharSequence,
contextStart: Int,
contextEnd: Int,
isRtl: Boolean,
offset: Int,
cursorOpt: Int
): Int
Returns the next cursor position in the run. This avoids placing the cursor between surrogates, between characters that form conjuncts, between base characters and combining marks, or within a reordering cluster.
ContextStart, contextEnd, and offset are relative to the start of text. The context is the shaping context for cursor movement, generally the bounds of the metric span enclosing the cursor in the direction of movement.
If cursorOpt is CURSOR_AT
and the offset is not a valid cursor position, this returns -1. Otherwise this will never return a value before contextStart or after contextEnd.
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence: the text This value cannot be null . |
contextStart |
Int: the start of the context Value is 0 or greater |
contextEnd |
Int: the end of the context Value is 0 or greater |
isRtl |
Boolean: true if the paragraph context is RTL, otherwise false |
offset |
Int: the cursor position to move from Value is 0 or greater |
cursorOpt |
Int: how to move the cursor Value is , , , or |
Return | |
Int |
the offset of the next position, or -1 |
open fun getTextScaleX(): Float
Return the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value is 1.0.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's scale factor in X for drawing/measuring text |
open fun getTextSize(): Float
Return the paint's text size.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's text size in pixel units. |
open fun getTextSkewX(): Float
Return the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value is 0.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text. |
open fun getTextWidths(
text: CharArray!,
index: Int,
count: Int,
widths: FloatArray!
): Int
Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
index |
Int: The index of the first char to to measure |
count |
Int: The number of chars starting with index to measure |
widths |
FloatArray!: array to receive the advance widths of the characters. Must be at least a large as count. |
Return | |
Int |
the actual number of widths returned. |
open fun getTextWidths(
text: CharSequence!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
widths: FloatArray!
): Int
Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: The index of the first char to to measure |
end |
Int: The end of the text slice to measure |
widths |
FloatArray!: array to receive the advance widths of the characters. Must be at least a large as (end - start). |
Return | |
Int |
the actual number of widths returned. |
open fun getTextWidths(
text: String!,
widths: FloatArray!
): Int
Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: The text to measure |
widths |
FloatArray!: array to receive the advance widths of the characters. Must be at least a large as the text. |
Return | |
Int |
the number of code units in the specified text. |
open fun getTextWidths(
text: String!,
start: Int,
end: Int,
widths: FloatArray!
): Int
Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: The index of the first char to to measure |
end |
Int: The end of the text slice to measure |
widths |
FloatArray!: array to receive the advance widths of the characters. Must be at least a large as the text. |
Return | |
Int |
the number of code units in the specified text. |
open fun getTypeface(): Typeface!
Get the paint's typeface object.
The typeface object identifies which font to use when drawing or measuring text.Return | |
Typeface! |
the paint's typeface (or null) |
open fun getUnderlinePosition(): Float
Returns the distance from top of the underline to the baseline in pixels. The result is positive for positions that are below the baseline. This method returns where the underline should be drawn independent of if the UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG
bit is set.
The units of this value are pixels.
Return | |
Float |
the position of the underline in pixels The units of this value are pixels. {} |
open fun getUnderlineThickness(): Float
Returns the thickness of the underline in pixels.
The units of this value are pixels.
Return | |
Float |
the thickness of the underline in pixels The units of this value are pixels. {} |
open fun getWordSpacing(): Float
Return the paint's extra word-spacing for text. The default value is 0.
The units of this value are pixels.
Return | |
Float |
the paint's extra word-spacing for drawing text in pixels. The units of this value are pixels. {} |
See Also
open fun getXfermode(): Xfermode!
Get the paint's transfer mode object.
Return | |
Xfermode! |
the paint's transfer mode (or null) |
open fun hasGlyph(string: String!): Boolean
Determine whether the typeface set on the paint has a glyph supporting the string. The simplest case is when the string contains a single character, in which this method determines whether the font has the character. In the case of multiple characters, the method returns true if there is a single glyph representing the ligature. For example, if the input is a pair of regional indicator symbols, determine whether there is an emoji flag for the pair.
Finally, if the string contains a variation selector, the method only returns true if the fonts contains a glyph specific to that variation.
Checking is done on the entire fallback chain, not just the immediate font referenced.
Parameters | |
string |
String!: the string to test whether there is glyph support |
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the typeface has a glyph for the string |
fun isAntiAlias(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit is set AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the antialias bit is set in the paint's flags. |
fun isDither(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if DITHER_FLAG bit is set Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual artifacts.
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the dithering bit is set in the paint's flags. |
open funisElegantTextHeight(): Boolean
Deprecated: The underlying UI fonts are deprecated and will be removed from the system image. Applications supporting scripts with large vertical metrics should adapt their UI by using fonts designed with corresponding vertical metrics.
Get the elegant metrics flag. Note: For applications target API 35 or later, this function returns true by default. For applications target API 36 or later, the function call will be ignored and the elegant text height is always enabled.
Return | |
Boolean |
true if elegant metrics are enabled for text drawing. |
fun isFakeBoldText(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the fakeBoldText bit is set in the paint's flags. |
fun isFilterBitmap(): Boolean
Whether or not the bitmap filter is activated. Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed. Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
fun isLinearText(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the lineartext bit is set in the paint's flags |
fun isStrikeThruText(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit is set in the paint's flags. |
fun isSubpixelText(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the subpixel bit is set in the paint's flags |
fun isUnderlineText(): Boolean
Helper for getFlags(), returning true if UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit is set
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the underlineText bit is set in the paint's flags. |
open fun measureText(
text: CharArray!,
index: Int,
count: Int
): Float
Return the width of the text.
Parameters | |
text |
CharArray!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
index |
Int: The index of the first character to start measuring |
count |
Int: THe number of characters to measure, beginning with start |
Return | |
Float |
The width of the text |
open fun measureText(
text: CharSequence!,
start: Int,
end: Int
): Float
Return the width of the text.
Parameters | |
text |
CharSequence!: The text to measure |
start |
Int: The index of the first character to start measuring |
end |
Int: 1 beyond the index of the last character to measure |
Return | |
Float |
The width of the text |
open fun measureText(text: String!): Float
Return the width of the text.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
Return | |
Float |
The width of the text |
open fun measureText(
text: String!,
start: Int,
end: Int
): Float
Return the width of the text.
Parameters | |
text |
String!: The text to measure. Cannot be null. |
start |
Int: The index of the first character to start measuring |
end |
Int: 1 beyond the index of the last character to measure |
Return | |
Float |
The width of the text |
open fun set(src: Paint!): Unit
Copy the fields from src into this paint. This is equivalent to calling get() on all of the src fields, and calling the corresponding set() methods on this.
open fun setARGB(
a: Int,
r: Int,
g: Int,
b: Int
): Unit
Helper to setColor(), that takes a,r,g,b and constructs the color int
Parameters | |
a |
Int: The new alpha component (0..255) of the paint's color. |
r |
Int: The new red component (0..255) of the paint's color. |
g |
Int: The new green component (0..255) of the paint's color. |
b |
Int: The new blue component (0..255) of the paint's color. |
open fun setAlpha(a: Int): Unit
Helper to setColor(), that only assigns the color's alpha value, leaving its r,g,b values unchanged. Results are undefined if the alpha value is outside of the range [0..255]
Parameters | |
a |
Int: set the alpha component [0..255] of the paint's color. |
open fun setAntiAlias(aa: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG bit AntiAliasing smooths out the edges of what is being drawn, but is has no impact on the interior of the shape. See setDither() and setFilterBitmap() to affect how colors are treated.
Parameters | |
aa |
Boolean: true to set the antialias bit in the flags, false to clear it |
open fun setBlendMode(blendmode: BlendMode?): Unit
Set or clear the blend mode. A blend mode defines how source pixels (generated by a drawing command) are composited with the destination pixels (content of the render target).
Pass null to clear any previous blend mode.Parameters | |
blendmode |
BlendMode?: May be null. The blend mode to be installed in the paint |
See Also
open fun setColor(color: Int): Unit
Set the paint's color. Note that the color is an int containing alpha as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b. See the Color class for more details.
Parameters | |
color |
Int: The new color (including alpha) to set in the paint. |
open fun setColor(color: Long): Unit
Set the paint's color with a ColorLong
. Note that the color is a long with an encoded ColorSpace
as well as alpha and r,g,b. These values are not premultiplied, meaning that alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b. See the Color
class for more details.
Parameters | |
color |
Long: The new color (including alpha and ColorSpace ) to set in the paint. |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if the color space encoded in the ColorLong is invalid or unknown. |
open fun setColorFilter(filter: ColorFilter!): ColorFilter!
Set or clear the paint's colorfilter, returning the parameter.
Parameters | |
filter |
ColorFilter!: May be null. The new filter to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
ColorFilter! |
filter |
open fun setDither(dither: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the DITHER_FLAG bit Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual artifacts.
Parameters | |
dither |
Boolean: true to set the dithering bit in flags, false to clear it |
open funsetElegantTextHeight(elegant: Boolean): Unit
Deprecated: This API will be no-op at some point in the future. The underlying UI fonts is deprecated and will be removed from the system image. Applications supporting scripts with large vertical metrics should adapt their UI by using fonts designed with corresponding vertical metrics.
Set the paint's elegant height metrics flag. This setting selects font variants that have not been compacted to fit Latin-based vertical metrics, and also increases top and bottom bounds to provide more space.
Note: For applications target API 35 or later, the default value will be true by default. For applications target API 36 or later, the function call will be ignored and the elegant text height is always enabled.
Parameters | |
elegant |
Boolean: set the paint's elegant metrics flag for drawing text. |
open fun setEndHyphenEdit(endHyphen: Int): Unit
Set a end hyphen edit on the paint. By setting end hyphen edit, the measurement and drawing is performed with modifying hyphenation at the end of line. For example, by passing END_HYPHEN_EDIT_INSERT_HYPHEN
like as follows, HYPHEN(U+2010) character is appended at the end of line.
<code> Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setEndHyphenEdit(Paint.END_HYPHEN_EDIT_INSERT_HYPHEN); paint.measureText("abc", 0, 3); // Returns the width of "abc-" Canvas.drawText("abc", 0, 3, 0f, 0f, paint); // Draws "abc-" </code>
See Also
open fun setFakeBoldText(fakeBoldText: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FAKE_BOLD_TEXT_FLAG bit
Parameters | |
fakeBoldText |
Boolean: true to set the fakeBoldText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
open fun setFilterBitmap(filter: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit. Filtering affects the sampling of bitmaps when they are transformed. Filtering does not affect how the colors in the bitmap are converted into device pixels. That is dependent on dithering and xfermodes.
Parameters | |
filter |
Boolean: true to set the FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
See Also
open fun setFlags(flags: Int): Unit
Set the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to specific flag values.
open fun setFontFeatureSettings(settings: String!): Unit
Set font feature settings. The format is the same as the CSS font-feature-settings attribute:
Parameters | |
settings |
String!: the font feature settings string to use, may be null. |
See Also
open fun setFontVariationSettings(fontVariationSettings: String!): Boolean
Sets TrueType or OpenType font variation settings. The settings string is constructed from multiple pairs of axis tag and style values. The axis tag must contain four ASCII characters and must be wrapped with single quotes (U+0027) or double quotes (U+0022). Axis strings that are longer or shorter than four characters, or contain characters outside of U+0020..U+007E are invalid. If a specified axis name is not defined in the font, the settings will be ignored. Examples,
- Set font width to 150.
<code> Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setFontVariationSettings("'wdth' 150"); </code>
- Set the font slant to 20 degrees and ask for italic style.
<code> Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setFontVariationSettings("'slnt' 20, 'ital' 1"); </code>
Parameters | |
fontVariationSettings |
String!: font variation settings. You can pass null or empty string as no variation settings. |
Return | |
Boolean |
true if the given settings is effective to at least one font file underlying this typeface. This function also returns true for empty settings string. Otherwise returns false |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
If given string is not a valid font variation settings format |
open fun setHinting(mode: Int): Unit
Set the paint's hinting mode. May be either HINTING_OFF
open fun setLetterSpacing(letterSpacing: Float): Unit
Set the paint's letter-spacing for text. The default value is 0. The value is in 'EM' units. Typical values for slight expansion will be around 0.05. Negative values tighten text.
Parameters | |
letterSpacing |
Float: set the paint's letter-spacing for drawing text. |
open fun setLinearText(linearText: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG bit
Parameters | |
linearText |
Boolean: true to set the linearText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
open fun setMaskFilter(maskfilter: MaskFilter!): MaskFilter!
Set or clear the maskfilter object.
Pass null to clear any previous maskfilter. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.Parameters | |
maskfilter |
MaskFilter!: May be null. The maskfilter to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
MaskFilter! |
maskfilter |
open fun setPathEffect(effect: PathEffect!): PathEffect!
Set or clear the patheffect object.
Pass null to clear any previous patheffect. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.Parameters | |
effect |
PathEffect!: May be null. The patheffect to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
PathEffect! |
effect |
open fun setShader(shader: Shader!): Shader!
Set or clear the shader object.
Pass null to clear any previous shader. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.Parameters | |
shader |
Shader!: May be null. the new shader to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
Shader! |
shader |
open fun setShadowLayer(
radius: Float,
dx: Float,
dy: Float,
shadowColor: Int
): Unit
This draws a shadow layer below the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius. If radius is 0, then the shadow layer is removed.
Can be used to create a blurred shadow underneath text. Support for use with other drawing operations is constrained to the software rendering pipeline.
The alpha of the shadow will be the paint's alpha if the shadow color is opaque, or the alpha from the shadow color if not.
open fun setShadowLayer(
radius: Float,
dx: Float,
dy: Float,
shadowColor: Long
): Unit
This draws a shadow layer below the main layer, with the specified offset and color, and blur radius. If radius is 0, then the shadow layer is removed.
Can be used to create a blurred shadow underneath text. Support for use with other drawing operations is constrained to the software rendering pipeline.
The alpha of the shadow will be the paint's alpha if the shadow color is opaque, or the alpha from the shadow color if not.
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if the color space encoded in the ColorLong is invalid or unknown. |
open fun setStartHyphenEdit(startHyphen: Int): Unit
Set a start hyphen edit on the paint. By setting start hyphen edit, the measurement and drawing is performed with modifying hyphenation at the start of line. For example, by passing START_HYPHEN_EDIT_INSERT_HYPHEN
like as follows, HYPHEN(U+2010) character is appended at the start of line.
<code> Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStartHyphenEdit(Paint.START_HYPHEN_EDIT_INSERT_HYPHEN); paint.measureText("abc", 0, 3); // Returns the width of "-abc" Canvas.drawText("abc", 0, 3, 0f, 0f, paint); // Draws "-abc" </code>
Parameters | |
startHyphen |
Int: a start hyphen edit value. Value is , , or |
See Also
open fun setStrikeThruText(strikeThruText: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG bit
Parameters | |
strikeThruText |
Boolean: true to set the strikeThruText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
open fun setStrokeCap(cap: Paint.Cap!): Unit
Set the paint's Cap.
Parameters | |
cap |
Paint.Cap!: set the paint's line cap style, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun setStrokeJoin(join: Paint.Join!): Unit
Set the paint's Join.
Parameters | |
join |
Paint.Join!: set the paint's Join, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun setStrokeMiter(miter: Float): Unit
Set the paint's stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp. This value must be >= 0.
Parameters | |
miter |
Float: set the miter limit on the paint, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun setStrokeWidth(width: Float): Unit
Set the width for stroking. Pass 0 to stroke in hairline mode. Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canvas's matrix.
Parameters | |
width |
Float: set the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill. |
open fun setStyle(style: Paint.Style!): Unit
Set the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives' geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes Fill).
Parameters | |
style |
Paint.Style!: The new style to set in the paint |
open fun setSubpixelText(subpixelText: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG bit
Parameters | |
subpixelText |
Boolean: true to set the subpixelText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
open fun setTextAlign(align: Paint.Align!): Unit
Set the paint's text alignment. This controls how the text is positioned relative to its origin. LEFT align means that all of the text will be drawn to the right of its origin (i.e. the origin specifies the LEFT edge of the text) and so on.
Parameters | |
align |
Paint.Align!: set the paint's Align value for drawing text. |
open fun setTextLocale(locale: Locale): Unit
Set the text locale list to a one-member list consisting of just the locale. See setTextLocales(android.os.LocaleList)
for how the locale list affects the way the text is drawn for some languages.
Parameters | |
locale |
Locale: the paint's locale value for drawing text, must not be null. |
open fun setTextLocales(locales: LocaleList): Unit
Set the text locale list. The text locale list affects how the text is drawn for some languages. For example, if the locale list contains Locale.CHINESE
or Locale.CHINA
, then the text renderer will prefer to draw text using a Chinese font. Likewise, if the locale list contains Locale.JAPANESE
or Locale.JAPAN
, then the text renderer will prefer to draw text using a Japanese font. If the locale list contains both, the order those locales appear in the list is considered for deciding the font. This distinction is important because Chinese and Japanese text both use many of the same Unicode code points but their appearance is subtly different for each language. By default, the text locale list is initialized to a one-member list just containing the system locales. This assumes that the text to be rendered will most likely be in the user's preferred language. If the actual language or languages of the text is/are known, then they can be provided to the text renderer using this method. The text renderer may attempt to guess the language script based on the contents of the text to be drawn independent of the text locale here. Specifying the text locales just helps it do a better job in certain ambiguous cases.
Parameters | |
locales |
LocaleList: the paint's locale list for drawing text, must not be null or empty. |
open fun setTextScaleX(scaleX: Float): Unit
Set the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value is 1.0. Values > 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will stretch the text narrower.
Parameters | |
scaleX |
Float: set the paint's scale in X for drawing/measuring text. |
open fun setTextSize(textSize: Float): Unit
Set the paint's text size. This value must be > 0
Parameters | |
textSize |
Float: set the paint's text size in pixel units. |
open fun setTextSkewX(skewX: Float): Unit
Set the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value is 0. For approximating oblique text, use values around -0.25.
Parameters | |
skewX |
Float: set the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text. |
open fun setTypeface(typeface: Typeface!): Typeface!
Set or clear the typeface object.
Pass null to clear any previous typeface. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.Parameters | |
typeface |
Typeface!: May be null. The typeface to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
Typeface! |
typeface |
open fun setUnderlineText(underlineText: Boolean): Unit
Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG bit
Parameters | |
underlineText |
Boolean: true to set the underlineText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it. |
open fun setWordSpacing(wordSpacing: Float): Unit
Set the paint's extra word-spacing for text. Increases the white space width between words with the given amount of pixels. The default value is 0.
Parameters | |
wordSpacing |
Float: set the paint's extra word-spacing for drawing text in pixels. The units of this value are pixels. |
See Also
open fun setXfermode(xfermode: Xfermode!): Xfermode!
Set or clear the transfer mode object. A transfer mode defines how source pixels (generate by a drawing command) are composited with the destination pixels (content of the render target).
Pass null to clear any previous transfer mode. As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.PorterDuffXfermode
is the most common transfer mode.
Parameters | |
xfermode |
Xfermode!: May be null. The xfermode to be installed in the paint |
Return | |
Xfermode! |
xfermode |