class MotionEvent : InputEvent, Parcelable
kotlin.Any | ||
↳ | android.view.InputEvent | |
↳ | android.view.MotionEvent |
Object used to report movement (mouse, pen, finger, trackball) events. Motion events may hold either absolute or relative movements and other data, depending on the type of device.
Motion events describe movements in terms of an action code and a set of axis values. The action code specifies the state change that occurred such as a pointer going down or up. The axis values describe the position and other movement properties.
For example, when the user first touches the screen, the system delivers a touch event to the appropriate View
with the action code ACTION_DOWN
and a set of axis values that include the X and Y coordinates of the touch and information about the pressure, size and orientation of the contact area.
Some devices can report multiple movement traces at the same time. Multi-touch screens emit one movement trace for each finger. The individual fingers or other objects that generate movement traces are referred to as pointers. Motion events contain information about all of the pointers that are currently active even if some of them have not moved since the last event was delivered.
The number of pointers only ever changes by one as individual pointers go up and down, except when the gesture is canceled.
Each pointer has a unique id that is assigned when it first goes down (indicated by ACTION_DOWN
). A pointer id remains valid until the pointer eventually goes up (indicated by ACTION_UP
) or when the gesture is canceled (indicated by ACTION_CANCEL
The MotionEvent class provides many methods to query the position and other properties of pointers, such as getX(int)
, getY(int)
, #getAxisValue, getPointerId(int)
, getToolType(int)
, and many others. Most of these methods accept the pointer index as a parameter rather than the pointer id. The pointer index of each pointer in the event ranges from 0 to one less than the value returned by getPointerCount()
The order in which individual pointers appear within a motion event is undefined. Thus the pointer index of a pointer can change from one event to the next but the pointer id of a pointer is guaranteed to remain constant as long as the pointer remains active. Use the getPointerId(int)
method to obtain the pointer id of a pointer to track it across all subsequent motion events in a gesture. Then for successive motion events, use the findPointerIndex(int)
method to obtain the pointer index for a given pointer id in that motion event.
Mouse and stylus buttons can be retrieved using getButtonState()
. It is a good idea to check the button state while handling ACTION_DOWN
as part of a touch event. The application may choose to perform some different action if the touch event starts due to a secondary button click, such as presenting a context menu.
For efficiency, motion events with ACTION_MOVE
may batch together multiple movement samples within a single object. The most current pointer coordinates are available using getX(int)
and getY(int)
. Earlier coordinates within the batch are accessed using getHistoricalX(int,int)
and getHistoricalY(int,int)
. The coordinates are "historical" only insofar as they are older than the current coordinates in the batch; however, they are still distinct from any other coordinates reported in prior motion events. To process all coordinates in the batch in time order, first consume the historical coordinates then consume the current coordinates.
Example: Consuming all samples for all pointers in a motion event in time order.
<code> void printSamples(MotionEvent ev) { final int historySize = ev.getHistorySize(); final int pointerCount = ev.getPointerCount(); for (int h = 0; h < historySize; h++) { System.out.printf("At time %d:", ev.getHistoricalEventTime(h)); for (int p = 0; p < pointerCount; p++) { System.out.printf(" pointer %d: (%f,%f)", ev.getPointerId(p), ev.getHistoricalX(p, h), ev.getHistoricalY(p, h)); } } System.out.printf("At time %d:", ev.getEventTime()); for (int p = 0; p < pointerCount; p++) { System.out.printf(" pointer %d: (%f,%f)", ev.getPointerId(p), ev.getX(p), ev.getY(p)); } } </code>
Developers should keep in mind that it is especially important to consume all samples in a batched event when processing relative values that report changes since the last event or sample. Examples of such relative axes include AXIS_RELATIVE_X
, and many of the axes prefixed with AXIS_GESTURE_
. In these cases, developers should first consume all historical values using getHistoricalAxisValue(int,int)
and then consume the current values using getAxisValue(int)
like in the example above, as these relative values are not accumulated in a batched event.
Device Types
The interpretation of the contents of a MotionEvent varies significantly depending on the source class of the device.
On pointing devices with source class InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER
such as touch screens, the pointer coordinates specify absolute positions such as view X/Y coordinates. Each complete gesture is represented by a sequence of motion events with actions that describe pointer state transitions and movements. A gesture starts with a motion event with ACTION_DOWN
that provides the location of the first pointer down. As each additional pointer that goes down or up, the framework will generate a motion event with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
accordingly. Pointer movements are described by motion events with ACTION_MOVE
. Finally, a gesture end either when the final pointer goes up as represented by a motion event with ACTION_UP
or when gesture is canceled with ACTION_CANCEL
Some pointing devices such as mice may support vertical and/or horizontal scrolling. A scroll event is reported as a generic motion event with ACTION_SCROLL
that includes the relative scroll offset in the AXIS_VSCROLL
axes. See getAxisValue(int)
for information about retrieving these additional axes.
On trackball devices with source class InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_TRACKBALL
, the pointer coordinates specify relative movements as X/Y deltas. A trackball gesture consists of a sequence of movements described by motion events with ACTION_MOVE
interspersed with occasional ACTION_DOWN
motion events when the trackball button is pressed or released.
On joystick devices with source class InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK
, the pointer coordinates specify the absolute position of the joystick axes. The joystick axis values are normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 corresponds to the center position. More information about the set of available axes and the range of motion can be obtained using android.view.InputDevice#getMotionRange. Some common joystick axes are AXIS_X
Refer to InputDevice
for more information about how different kinds of input devices and sources represent pointer coordinates.
Consistency Guarantees
Motion events are always delivered to views as a consistent stream of events. What constitutes a consistent stream varies depending on the type of device. For touch events, consistency implies that pointers go down one at a time, move around as a group and then go up one at a time or are canceled.
While the framework tries to deliver consistent streams of motion events to views, it cannot guarantee it. Some events may be dropped or modified by containing views in the application before they are delivered thereby making the stream of events inconsistent. Views should always be prepared to handle ACTION_CANCEL
and should tolerate anomalous situations such as receiving a new ACTION_DOWN
without first having received an ACTION_UP
for the prior gesture.
Nested classes | |
Transfer object for pointer coordinates. |
Transfer object for pointer properties. |
Constants | |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Bit mask of the parts of the action code that are the action itself. |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int | |
static Int | |
static Int |
Bits in the action code that represent a pointer index, used with |
static Int |
Bit shift for the action bits holding the pointer index as defined by |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Constant for |
static Int |
Axis constant: Brake axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Distance axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Gas axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 1 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 10 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 11 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 12 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 13 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 14 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 15 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 16 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 2 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 3 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 4 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 5 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 6 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 7 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 8 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic 9 axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: pinch scale factor of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: X scroll distance axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Y scroll distance axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: X gesture offset axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Y gesture offset axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Hat X axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Hat Y axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Horizontal Scroll axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Left Trigger axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Orientation axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Pressure axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: The movement of x position of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: The movement of y position of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Right Trigger axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Rudder axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: X Rotation axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Y Rotation axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Z Rotation axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Generic scroll axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Size axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Throttle axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Tilt axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: ToolMajor axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: ToolMinor axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: TouchMajor axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: TouchMinor axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Vertical Scroll axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Wheel axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: X axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Y axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Axis constant: Z axis of a motion event. |
static Int |
Button constant: Back button pressed (mouse back button). |
static Int |
Button constant: Forward button pressed (mouse forward button). |
static Int |
Button constant: Primary button (left mouse button). |
static Int |
Button constant: Secondary button (right mouse button). |
static Int |
Button constant: Primary stylus button pressed. |
static Int |
Button constant: Secondary stylus button pressed. |
static Int |
Button constant: Tertiary button (middle mouse button). |
static Int |
Classification constant: Ambiguous gesture. |
static Int |
Classification constant: Deep press. |
static Int |
Classification constant: None. |
static Int |
Classification constant: touchpad pinch. |
static Int |
Classification constant: touchpad scroll. |
static Int |
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the bottom edge of the screen. |
static Int |
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the left edge of the screen. |
static Int |
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the right edge of the screen. |
static Int |
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the top edge of the screen. |
static Int |
This flag is only set for events with |
static Int |
This flag indicates that the window that received this motion event is partly or wholly obscured by another visible window above it and the event directly passed through the obscured area. |
static Int |
This flag indicates that the window that received this motion event is partly or wholly obscured by another visible window above it and the event did not directly pass through the obscured area. |
static Int |
An invalid pointer id. |
static Int |
Tool type constant: The tool is an eraser or a stylus being used in an inverted posture. |
static Int |
Tool type constant: The tool is a finger. |
static Int |
Tool type constant: The tool is a mouse. |
static Int |
Tool type constant: The tool is a stylus. |
static Int |
Tool type constant: Unknown tool type. |
Inherited constants | |
Public methods | |
static String! |
actionToString(action: Int) Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified unmasked action such as "ACTION_DOWN", "ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(3)" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "35" if unknown. |
Unit |
addBatch(eventTime: Long, pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!, metaState: Int) Add a new movement to the batch of movements in this event. |
Unit |
Add a new movement to the batch of movements in this event. |
static Int |
axisFromString(symbolicName: String!) Gets an axis by its symbolic name such as "AXIS_X" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "42". |
static String! |
axisToString(axis: Int) Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified axis such as "AXIS_X" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "42" if unknown. |
Int |
findPointerIndex(pointerId: Int) Given a pointer identifier, find the index of its data in the event. |
Int |
Return the kind of action being performed. |
Int |
Gets which button has been modified during a press or release action. |
Int |
For |
Int |
Return the masked action being performed, without pointer index information. |
Float |
getAxisValue(axis: Int)
Float |
getAxisValue(axis: Int, pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of the requested axis for the given pointer index (use |
Int |
Gets the state of all buttons that are pressed such as a mouse or stylus button. |
Int |
Returns the classification for the current gesture. |
Int |
Gets the id for the device that this event came from. |
Long |
Returns the time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. |
Int |
Returns a bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
Long |
Retrieve the time this event occurred, in the |
Long |
Retrieve the time this event occurred, in the |
Int |
getFlags() Gets the motion event flags. |
Float |
getHistoricalAxisValue(axis: Int, pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalAxisValue(axis: Int, pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns the historical value of the requested axis, as per |
Long |
getHistoricalEventTime(pos: Int) Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the |
Long |
Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the |
Float |
getHistoricalOrientation(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalOrientation(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical orientation coordinate, as per |
Unit |
getHistoricalPointerCoords(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int, outPointerCoords: MotionEvent.PointerCoords!) Populates a |
Float |
getHistoricalPressure(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalPressure(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical pressure coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalSize(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalSize(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical size coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalToolMajor(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalToolMajor(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical tool major axis coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalToolMinor(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalToolMinor(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical tool minor axis coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalTouchMajor(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalTouchMajor(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical touch major axis coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalTouchMinor(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalTouchMinor(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical touch minor axis coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalX(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalX(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical X coordinate, as per |
Float |
getHistoricalY(pos: Int)
Float |
getHistoricalY(pointerIndex: Int, pos: Int) Returns a historical Y coordinate, as per |
Int |
Returns the number of historical points in this event. |
Int |
Returns the state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
Float |
Float |
getOrientation(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Unit |
getPointerCoords(pointerIndex: Int, outPointerCoords: MotionEvent.PointerCoords!) Populates a |
Int |
The number of pointers of data contained in this event. |
Int |
getPointerId(pointerIndex: Int) Return the pointer identifier associated with a particular pointer data index in this event. |
Unit |
getPointerProperties(pointerIndex: Int, outPointerProperties: MotionEvent.PointerProperties!) Populates a |
Float |
Float |
getPressure(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Float |
getRawX() Equivalent to |
Float |
Returns the X coordinate of the pointer referenced by |
Float |
getRawY() Equivalent to |
Float |
Returns the Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by |
Float |
Float |
Returns the value of |
Int |
Gets the source of the event. |
Float |
Float |
getToolMajor(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Float |
Float |
getToolMinor(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Int |
getToolType(pointerIndex: Int) Gets the tool type of a pointer for the given pointer index. |
Float |
Float |
getTouchMajor(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Float |
Float |
getTouchMinor(pointerIndex: Int) Returns the value of |
Float |
getX() Equivalent to |
Float |
Returns the X coordinate of the pointer referenced by |
Float |
Return the precision of the X coordinates being reported. |
Float |
getY() Equivalent to |
Float |
Returns the Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by |
Float |
Return the precision of the Y coordinates being reported. |
Boolean |
isButtonPressed(button: Int) Checks if a mouse or stylus button (or combination of buttons) is pressed. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtain(other: MotionEvent!) Create a new MotionEvent, copying from an existing one. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtain(downTime: Long, eventTime: Long, action: Int, x: Float, y: Float, pressure: Float, size: Float, metaState: Int, xPrecision: Float, yPrecision: Float, deviceId: Int, edgeFlags: Int) Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion. |
static MotionEvent! |
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in a subset of the basic motion values. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtain(downTime: Long, eventTime: Long, action: Int, pointerCount: Int, pointerProperties: Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>!, pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!, metaState: Int, buttonState: Int, xPrecision: Float, yPrecision: Float, deviceId: Int, edgeFlags: Int, source: Int, flags: Int) Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion. |
static MotionEvent? |
obtain(downTime: Long, eventTime: Long, action: Int, pointerCount: Int, pointerProperties: Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>, pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>, metaState: Int, buttonState: Int, xPrecision: Float, yPrecision: Float, deviceId: Int, edgeFlags: Int, source: Int, displayId: Int, flags: Int, classification: Int) Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtain(downTime: Long, eventTime: Long, action: Int, pointerCount: Int, x: Float, y: Float, pressure: Float, size: Float, metaState: Int, xPrecision: Float, yPrecision: Float, deviceId: Int, edgeFlags: Int) Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtain(downTime: Long, eventTime: Long, action: Int, pointerCount: Int, pointerIds: IntArray!, pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!, metaState: Int, xPrecision: Float, yPrecision: Float, deviceId: Int, edgeFlags: Int, source: Int, flags: Int) Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion. |
static MotionEvent! |
obtainNoHistory(other: MotionEvent!) Create a new MotionEvent, copying from an existing one, but not including any historical point information. |
Unit |
offsetLocation(deltaX: Float, deltaY: Float) Adjust this event's location. |
Unit |
recycle() Recycle the MotionEvent, to be re-used by a later caller. |
Unit |
Sets this event's action. |
Unit |
setEdgeFlags(flags: Int) Sets the bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
Unit |
setLocation(x: Float, y: Float) Set this event's location. |
Unit | |
String |
toString() |
Unit |
Applies a transformation matrix to all of the points in the event. |
Unit |
writeToParcel(out: Parcel, flags: Int) |
Protected methods | |
Unit |
finalize() |
Inherited functions | |
Properties | |
static Parcelable.Creator<MotionEvent!> |
Constant for getActionMasked
: A button has been pressed.
Use getActionButton()
to get which button was pressed.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 11
Constant for getActionMasked
: A button has been released.
Use getActionButton()
to get which button was released.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 12
static val ACTION_CANCEL: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: The current gesture has been aborted. You will not receive any more points in it. You should treat this as an up event, but not perform any action that you normally would.
Value: 3
static val ACTION_DOWN: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A pressed gesture has started, the motion contains the initial starting location.
This is also a good time to check the button state to distinguish secondary and tertiary button clicks and handle them appropriately. Use getButtonState
to retrieve the button state.
Value: 0
static val ACTION_HOVER_ENTER: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: The pointer is not down but has entered the boundaries of a window or view.
This action is always delivered to the window or view under the pointer.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 9
static val ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: The pointer is not down but has exited the boundaries of a window or view.
This action is always delivered to the window or view that was previously under the pointer.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 10
static val ACTION_HOVER_MOVE: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A change happened but the pointer is not down (unlike ACTION_MOVE
). The motion contains the most recent point, as well as any intermediate points since the last hover move event.
This action is always delivered to the window or view under the pointer.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 7
static val ACTION_MASK: Int
Bit mask of the parts of the action code that are the action itself.
Value: 255
static val ACTION_MOVE: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A change has happened during a press gesture (between ACTION_DOWN
). The motion contains the most recent point, as well as any intermediate points since the last down or move event.
Value: 2
static val ACTION_OUTSIDE: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A movement has happened outside of the normal bounds of the UI element. This does not provide a full gesture, but only the initial location of the movement/touch.
Note: Because the location of any event will be outside the bounds of the view hierarchy, it will not get dispatched to any children of a ViewGroup by default. Therefore, movements with ACTION_OUTSIDE should be handled in either the root View
or in the appropriate Window.Callback
Value: 4
static valACTION_POINTER_1_DOWN: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
Value: 5
static valACTION_POINTER_1_UP: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_UP
Value: 6
static valACTION_POINTER_2_DOWN: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
Value: 261
static valACTION_POINTER_2_UP: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_UP
Value: 262
static valACTION_POINTER_3_DOWN: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
Value: 517
static valACTION_POINTER_3_UP: Int
to retrieve the data index associated with ACTION_POINTER_UP
Value: 518
Constant for getActionMasked
: A non-primary pointer has gone down.
Use getActionIndex
to retrieve the index of the pointer that changed.
The index is encoded in the ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK
bits of the unmasked action returned by getAction
Value: 5
Deprecated: Renamed to ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK
to match the actual data contained in these bits.
Value: 65280
to match the actual data contained in these bits.
Value: 8
Bits in the action code that represent a pointer index, used with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
provides the actual pointer index where the data for the pointer going up or down can be found; you can get its identifier with getPointerId(int)
and the actual data with getX(int)
Value: 65280
See Also
Bit shift for the action bits holding the pointer index as defined by ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK
Value: 8
See Also
static val ACTION_POINTER_UP: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A non-primary pointer has gone up.
Use getActionIndex
to retrieve the index of the pointer that changed.
The index is encoded in the ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK
bits of the unmasked action returned by getAction
Value: 6
static val ACTION_SCROLL: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: The motion event contains relative vertical and/or horizontal scroll offsets. Use getAxisValue(int)
to retrieve the information from AXIS_VSCROLL
. The pointer may or may not be down when this event is dispatched.
This action is always delivered to the window or view under the pointer, which may not be the window or view currently touched.
This action is not a touch event so it is delivered to View.onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
rather than View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
Value: 8
static val ACTION_UP: Int
Constant for getActionMasked
: A pressed gesture has finished, the motion contains the final release location as well as any intermediate points since the last down or move event.
Value: 1
static val AXIS_BRAKE: Int
Axis constant: Brake axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the brake control. The value is normalized to a range from 0.0 (no braking) to 1.0 (maximum braking).
Value: 23
static val AXIS_DISTANCE: Int
Axis constant: Distance axis of a motion event.
- For a stylus, reports the distance of the stylus from the screen. A value of 0.0 indicates direct contact and larger values indicate increasing distance from the surface.
Value: 24
static val AXIS_GAS: Int
Axis constant: Gas axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the gas (accelerator) control. The value is normalized to a range from 0.0 (no acceleration) to 1.0 (maximum acceleration).
Value: 22
static val AXIS_GENERIC_1: Int
Axis constant: Generic 1 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 32
static val AXIS_GENERIC_10: Int
Axis constant: Generic 10 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 41
static val AXIS_GENERIC_11: Int
Axis constant: Generic 11 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 42
static val AXIS_GENERIC_12: Int
Axis constant: Generic 12 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 43
static val AXIS_GENERIC_13: Int
Axis constant: Generic 13 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 44
static val AXIS_GENERIC_14: Int
Axis constant: Generic 14 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 45
static val AXIS_GENERIC_15: Int
Axis constant: Generic 15 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 46
static val AXIS_GENERIC_16: Int
Axis constant: Generic 16 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 47
static val AXIS_GENERIC_2: Int
Axis constant: Generic 2 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 33
static val AXIS_GENERIC_3: Int
Axis constant: Generic 3 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 34
static val AXIS_GENERIC_4: Int
Axis constant: Generic 4 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 35
static val AXIS_GENERIC_5: Int
Axis constant: Generic 5 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 36
static val AXIS_GENERIC_6: Int
Axis constant: Generic 6 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 37
static val AXIS_GENERIC_7: Int
Axis constant: Generic 7 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 38
static val AXIS_GENERIC_8: Int
Axis constant: Generic 8 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 39
static val AXIS_GENERIC_9: Int
Axis constant: Generic 9 axis of a motion event. The interpretation of a generic axis is device-specific.
Value: 40
Axis constant: pinch scale factor of a motion event.
- For a touch pad, reports the change in distance between the fingers when the user is making a pinch gesture, as a proportion of the previous distance. For example, if the fingers were 50 units apart and are now 52 units apart, the scale factor would be 1.04.
This axis is only set on the first pointer in a motion event.
Value: 52
Axis constant: X scroll distance axis of a motion event.
- For a touch pad, reports the distance that should be scrolled in the X axis as a result of the user's two-finger scroll gesture, in display pixels.
This axis is only set on the first pointer in a motion event.
Value: 50
Axis constant: Y scroll distance axis of a motion event. The same as AXIS_GESTURE_SCROLL_X_DISTANCE
, but for the Y axis.
Value: 51
Axis constant: X gesture offset axis of a motion event.
- For a touch pad, reports the distance that a swipe gesture has moved in the X axis, as a proportion of the touch pad's size. For example, if a touch pad is 1000 units wide, and a swipe gesture starts at X = 500 then moves to X = 400, this axis would have a value of -0.1.
This axis is only set on the first pointer in a motion event.
Value: 48
Axis constant: Y gesture offset axis of a motion event. The same as AXIS_GESTURE_X_OFFSET
, but for the Y axis.
Value: 49
static val AXIS_HAT_X: Int
Axis constant: Hat X axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute X position of the directional hat control. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right).
Value: 15
static val AXIS_HAT_Y: Int
Axis constant: Hat Y axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute Y position of the directional hat control. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (up) to 1.0 (down).
Value: 16
static val AXIS_HSCROLL: Int
Axis constant: Horizontal Scroll axis of a motion event.
- For a mouse, reports the relative movement of the horizontal scroll wheel. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right).
This axis should be used to scroll views horizontally.
Value: 10
static val AXIS_LTRIGGER: Int
Axis constant: Left Trigger axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the left trigger control. The value is normalized to a range from 0.0 (released) to 1.0 (fully pressed).
Value: 17
static val AXIS_ORIENTATION: Int
Axis constant: Orientation axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen or touch pad, reports the orientation of the finger or tool in radians relative to the vertical plane of the device. An angle of 0 radians indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented upwards, is perfectly circular or is of unknown orientation. A positive angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the right. A negative angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the left. The full range is from -PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully left) to PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully right).
- For a stylus, the orientation indicates the direction in which the stylus is pointing in relation to the vertical axis of the current orientation of the screen. The range is from -PI radians to PI radians, where 0 is pointing up, -PI/2 radians is pointing left, -PI or PI radians is pointing down, and PI/2 radians is pointing right. See also
Value: 8
static val AXIS_PRESSURE: Int
Axis constant: Pressure axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen or touch pad, reports the approximate pressure applied to the surface by a finger or other tool. The value is normalized to a range from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), although values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of the input device.
- For a trackball, the value is set to 1 if the trackball button is pressed or 0 otherwise.
- For a mouse, the value is set to 1 if the primary mouse button is pressed or 0 otherwise.
Value: 2
static val AXIS_RELATIVE_X: Int
Axis constant: The movement of x position of a motion event.
- For a mouse, reports a difference of x position between the previous position. This is useful when pointer is captured, in that case the mouse pointer doesn't change the location but this axis reports the difference which allows the app to see how the mouse is moved.
These values are relative to the state from the last sample, not accumulated, so developers should make sure to process this axis value for all batched historical samples.
Value: 27
static val AXIS_RELATIVE_Y: Int
Axis constant: The movement of y position of a motion event.
This is similar to AXIS_RELATIVE_X
but for y-axis.
These values are relative to the state from the last sample, not accumulated, so developers should make sure to process this axis value for all batched historical samples.
Value: 28
static val AXIS_RTRIGGER: Int
Axis constant: Right Trigger axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the right trigger control. The value is normalized to a range from 0.0 (released) to 1.0 (fully pressed).
Value: 18
static val AXIS_RUDDER: Int
Axis constant: Rudder axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the rudder control. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (turn left) to 1.0 (turn right).
Value: 20
static val AXIS_RX: Int
Axis constant: X Rotation axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute rotation angle about the X axis. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (counter-clockwise) to 1.0 (clockwise).
Value: 12
static val AXIS_RY: Int
Axis constant: Y Rotation axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute rotation angle about the Y axis. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (counter-clockwise) to 1.0 (clockwise).
Value: 13
static val AXIS_RZ: Int
Axis constant: Z Rotation axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute rotation angle about the Z axis. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (counter-clockwise) to 1.0 (clockwise). On game pads with two analog joysticks, this axis is often reinterpreted to report the absolute Y position of the second joystick instead.
Value: 14
static val AXIS_SCROLL: Int
Axis constant: Generic scroll axis of a motion event.
- Reports the relative movement of the generic scrolling device.
This axis should be used for scroll events that are neither strictly vertical nor horizontal. A good example would be the rotation of a rotary encoder input device.
Value: 26
See Also
static val AXIS_SIZE: Int
Axis constant: Size axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen or touch pad, reports the approximate size of the contact area in relation to the maximum detectable size for the device. The value is normalized to a range from 0 (smallest detectable size) to 1 (largest detectable size), although it is not a linear scale. The value of size can be used to determine fat touch events. To obtain calibrated size information, use
Value: 3
static val AXIS_THROTTLE: Int
Axis constant: Throttle axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the throttle control. The value is normalized to a range from 0.0 (fully open) to 1.0 (fully closed).
Value: 19
static val AXIS_TILT: Int
Axis constant: Tilt axis of a motion event.
- For a stylus, reports the tilt angle of the stylus in radians where 0 radians indicates that the stylus is being held perpendicular to the surface, and PI/2 radians indicates that the stylus is being held flat against the surface.
Value: 25
static val AXIS_TOOL_MAJOR: Int
Axis constant: ToolMajor axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the length of the major axis of an ellipse that represents the size of the approaching finger or tool used to make contact.
- For a touch pad, reports the length of the major axis of an ellipse that represents the size of the approaching finger or tool used to make contact. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values.
When the touch is circular, the major and minor axis lengths will be equal to one another.
The tool size may be larger than the touch size since the tool may not be fully in contact with the touch sensor.
Value: 6
static val AXIS_TOOL_MINOR: Int
Axis constant: ToolMinor axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the length of the minor axis of an ellipse that represents the size of the approaching finger or tool used to make contact.
- For a touch pad, reports the length of the minor axis of an ellipse that represents the size of the approaching finger or tool used to make contact. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values.
When the touch is circular, the major and minor axis lengths will be equal to one another.
The tool size may be larger than the touch size since the tool may not be fully in contact with the touch sensor.
Value: 7
static val AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR: Int
Axis constant: TouchMajor axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the length of the major axis of an ellipse that represents the touch area at the point of contact. The units are display pixels.
- For a touch pad, reports the length of the major axis of an ellipse that represents the touch area at the point of contact. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values.
Value: 4
static val AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR: Int
Axis constant: TouchMinor axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the length of the minor axis of an ellipse that represents the touch area at the point of contact. The units are display pixels.
- For a touch pad, reports the length of the minor axis of an ellipse that represents the touch area at the point of contact. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values.
When the touch is circular, the major and minor axis lengths will be equal to one another.
Value: 5
static val AXIS_VSCROLL: Int
Axis constant: Vertical Scroll axis of a motion event.
- For a mouse, reports the relative movement of the vertical scroll wheel. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (down) to 1.0 (up).
This axis should be used to scroll views vertically.
Value: 9
static val AXIS_WHEEL: Int
Axis constant: Wheel axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute position of the steering wheel control. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (turn left) to 1.0 (turn right).
Value: 21
static val AXIS_X: Int
Axis constant: X axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the absolute X screen position of the center of the touch contact area. The units are display pixels.
- For a touch pad, reports the absolute X surface position of the center of the touch contact area. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values. - For a mouse, reports the absolute X screen position of the mouse pointer. The units are display pixels.
- For a trackball, reports the relative horizontal displacement of the trackball. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right).
- For a joystick, reports the absolute X position of the joystick. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right).
Value: 0
static val AXIS_Y: Int
Axis constant: Y axis of a motion event.
- For a touch screen, reports the absolute Y screen position of the center of the touch contact area. The units are display pixels.
- For a touch pad, reports the absolute Y surface position of the center of the touch contact area. The units are device-dependent; use
to query the effective range of values. - For a mouse, reports the absolute Y screen position of the mouse pointer. The units are display pixels.
- For a trackball, reports the relative vertical displacement of the trackball. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (up) to 1.0 (down).
- For a joystick, reports the absolute Y position of the joystick. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (up or far) to 1.0 (down or near).
Value: 1
static val AXIS_Z: Int
Axis constant: Z axis of a motion event.
- For a joystick, reports the absolute Z position of the joystick. The value is normalized to a range from -1.0 (high) to 1.0 (low). On game pads with two analog joysticks, this axis is often reinterpreted to report the absolute X position of the second joystick instead.
Value: 11
static val BUTTON_BACK: Int
Button constant: Back button pressed (mouse back button).
The system may send a KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
key press to the application when this button is pressed.
Value: 8
See Also
static val BUTTON_FORWARD: Int
Button constant: Forward button pressed (mouse forward button).
The system may send a KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD
key press to the application when this button is pressed.
Value: 16
See Also
static val BUTTON_PRIMARY: Int
Button constant: Primary button (left mouse button). This button constant is not set in response to simple touches with a finger or stylus tip. The user must actually push a button.
Value: 1
See Also
static val BUTTON_SECONDARY: Int
Button constant: Secondary button (right mouse button).
Value: 2
See Also
Button constant: Primary stylus button pressed.
Value: 32
See Also
Button constant: Secondary stylus button pressed.
Value: 64
See Also
static val BUTTON_TERTIARY: Int
Button constant: Tertiary button (middle mouse button).
Value: 4
See Also
Classification constant: Ambiguous gesture. The user's intent with respect to the current event stream is not yet determined. Gestural actions, such as scrolling, should be inhibited until the classification resolves to another value or the event stream ends.
Value: 1
See Also
Classification constant: Deep press. The current event stream represents the user intentionally pressing harder on the screen. This classification type should be used to accelerate the long press behaviour.
Value: 2
See Also
Classification constant: None. No additional information is available about the current motion event stream.
Value: 0
See Also
Classification constant: touchpad pinch. The current event stream represents the user pinching with two fingers on a touchpad. The gesture is centered around the current cursor position.
Value: 5
See Also
Classification constant: touchpad scroll. The current event stream represents the user scrolling with two fingers on a touchpad.
Value: 3
See Also
static val EDGE_BOTTOM: Int
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the bottom edge of the screen.
Value: 2
static val EDGE_LEFT: Int
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the left edge of the screen.
Value: 4
static val EDGE_RIGHT: Int
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the right edge of the screen.
Value: 8
static val EDGE_TOP: Int
Flag indicating the motion event intersected the top edge of the screen.
Value: 1
static val FLAG_CANCELED: Int
This flag is only set for events with ACTION_POINTER_UP
. It indicates that the pointer going up was an unintentional user touch. When FLAG_CANCELED is set, the typical actions that occur in response for a pointer going up (such as click handlers, end of drawing) should be aborted. This flag is typically set when the user was accidentally touching the screen, such as by gripping the device, or placing the palm on the screen.
Value: 32
See Also
This flag indicates that the window that received this motion event is partly or wholly obscured by another visible window above it and the event directly passed through the obscured area. A security sensitive application can check this flag to identify situations in which a malicious application may have covered up part of its content for the purpose of misleading the user or hijacking touches. An appropriate response might be to drop the suspect touches or to take additional precautions to confirm the user's actual intent.
Value: 1
This flag indicates that the window that received this motion event is partly or wholly obscured by another visible window above it and the event did not directly pass through the obscured area. A security sensitive application can check this flag to identify situations in which a malicious application may have covered up part of its content for the purpose of misleading the user or hijacking touches. An appropriate response might be to drop the suspect touches or to take additional precautions to confirm the user's actual intent. Unlike FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED, this is only true if the window that received this event is obstructed in areas other than the touched location.
Value: 2
static val INVALID_POINTER_ID: Int
An invalid pointer id. This value (-1) can be used as a placeholder to indicate that a pointer id has not been assigned or is not available. It cannot appear as a pointer id inside a MotionEvent
Value: -1
static val TOOL_TYPE_ERASER: Int
Tool type constant: The tool is an eraser or a stylus being used in an inverted posture.
Value: 4
See Also
static val TOOL_TYPE_FINGER: Int
Tool type constant: The tool is a finger.
Value: 1
See Also
static val TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE: Int
Tool type constant: The tool is a mouse.
Value: 3
See Also
static val TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS: Int
Tool type constant: The tool is a stylus.
Value: 2
See Also
static val TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Int
Tool type constant: Unknown tool type. This constant is used when the tool type is not known or is not relevant, such as for a trackball or other non-pointing device.
Value: 0
See Also
Public methods
static fun actionToString(action: Int): String!
Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified unmasked action such as "ACTION_DOWN", "ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(3)" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "35" if unknown.
Parameters | |
action |
Int: The unmasked action. |
Return | |
String! |
The symbolic name of the specified action. |
See Also
fun addBatch(
eventTime: Long,
pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!,
metaState: Int
): Unit
Add a new movement to the batch of movements in this event. The event's current location, position and size is updated to the new values. The current values in the event are added to a list of historical values. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE
Parameters | |
eventTime |
Long: The time stamp (in ms) for this data. |
pointerCoords |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!: The new pointer coordinates. |
metaState |
Int: Meta key state. |
fun addBatch(
eventTime: Long,
x: Float,
y: Float,
pressure: Float,
size: Float,
metaState: Int
): Unit
Add a new movement to the batch of movements in this event. The event's current location, position and size is updated to the new values. The current values in the event are added to a list of historical values. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE
Parameters | |
eventTime |
Long: The time stamp (in ms) for this data. |
x |
Float: The new X position. |
y |
Float: The new Y position. |
pressure |
Float: The new pressure. |
size |
Float: The new size. |
metaState |
Int: Meta key state. |
static fun axisFromString(symbolicName: String!): Int
Gets an axis by its symbolic name such as "AXIS_X" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "42".
Parameters | |
symbolicName |
String!: The symbolic name of the axis. |
Return | |
Int |
The axis or -1 if not found. |
static fun axisToString(axis: Int): String!
Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified axis such as "AXIS_X" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "42" if unknown.
Parameters | |
axis |
Int: The axis. |
Return | |
String! |
The symbolic name of the specified axis. |
fun findPointerIndex(pointerId: Int): Int
Given a pointer identifier, find the index of its data in the event.
Parameters | |
pointerId |
Int: The identifier of the pointer to be found. |
Return | |
Int |
Returns either the index of the pointer (for use with getX(int) et al.), or -1 if there is no data available for that pointer identifier. |
fun getAction(): Int
Return the kind of action being performed. Consider using getActionMasked
and getActionIndex
to retrieve the separate masked action and pointer index.
Return | |
Int |
The action, such as ACTION_DOWN or the combination of ACTION_POINTER_DOWN with a shifted pointer index. |
fun getActionButton(): Int
Gets which button has been modified during a press or release action. For actions other than ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS
the returned value is undefined.
See Also
fun getActionIndex(): Int
as returned by getActionMasked
, this returns the associated pointer index. The index may be used with getPointerId(int)
, getX(int)
, getY(int)
, getPressure(int)
, and getSize(int)
to get information about the pointer that has gone down or up.
Return | |
Int |
The index associated with the action. |
fun getActionMasked(): Int
Return the masked action being performed, without pointer index information. Use getActionIndex
to return the index associated with pointer actions.
Return | |
Int |
The action, such as ACTION_DOWN or ACTION_POINTER_DOWN . |
fun getAxisValue(axis: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
axis |
Int: The axis identifier for the axis value to retrieve. |
fun getAxisValue(
axis: Int,
pointerIndex: Int
): Float
Returns the value of the requested axis for the given pointer index (use getPointerId(int)
to find the pointer identifier for this index).
Parameters | |
axis |
Int: The axis identifier for the axis value to retrieve. |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
Return | |
Float |
The value of the axis, or 0 if the axis is not available. |
fun getButtonState(): Int
Gets the state of all buttons that are pressed such as a mouse or stylus button.
Return | |
Int |
The button state. |
fun getClassification(): Int
Returns the classification for the current gesture. The classification may change as more events become available for the same gesture.
Return | |
Int |
Value is android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_NONE , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_AMBIGUOUS_GESTURE , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_DEEP_PRESS , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_TWO_FINGER_SWIPE , android.view.MotionEvent.CLASSIFICATION_MULTI_FINGER_SWIPE, or android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_PINCH |
fun getDeviceId(): Int
Gets the id for the device that this event came from. An id of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device and maps to the default keymap. The other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values.
Return | |
Int |
The device id. |
fun getDownTime(): Long
Returns the time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events.
fun getEdgeFlags(): Int
Returns a bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. For touch events, clients can use this to determine if the user's finger was touching the edge of the display. This property is only set for ACTION_DOWN
See Also
fun getEventTime(): Long
Retrieve the time this event occurred, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis
time base.
Return | |
Long |
Returns the time this event occurred, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis time base. |
fun getEventTimeNanos(): Long
Retrieve the time this event occurred, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis
time base but with nanosecond precision.
The value is in nanosecond precision but it may not have nanosecond accuracy.
Return | |
Long |
Returns the time this event occurred, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis time base but with nanosecond precision. |
fun getHistoricalAxisValue(
axis: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
axis |
Int: The axis identifier for the axis value to retrieve. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalAxisValue(
axis: Int,
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns the historical value of the requested axis, as per getAxisValue(int,int)
, occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
axis |
Int: The axis identifier for the axis value to retrieve. |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
Return | |
Float |
The value of the axis, or 0 if the axis is not available. |
fun getHistoricalEventTime(pos: Int): Long
Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis
time base.
This only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
Return | |
Long |
Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis time base. |
See Also
fun getHistoricalEventTimeNanos(pos: Int): Long
Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis
time base but with nanosecond (instead of millisecond) precision.
This only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
The value is in nanosecond precision but it may not have nanosecond accuracy.
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
Return | |
Long |
Returns the time that a historical movement occurred between this event and the previous event, in the android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis time base but with nanosecond (instead of millisecond) precision. |
See Also
fun getHistoricalOrientation(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalOrientation(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical orientation coordinate, as per getOrientation(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalPointerCoords(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int,
outPointerCoords: MotionEvent.PointerCoords!
): Unit
Populates a PointerCoords
object with historical pointer coordinate data, as per getPointerCoords
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
outPointerCoords |
MotionEvent.PointerCoords!: The pointer coordinate object to populate. |
fun getHistoricalPressure(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalPressure(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical pressure coordinate, as per getPressure(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalSize(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalSize(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical size coordinate, as per getSize(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalToolMajor(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalToolMajor(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical tool major axis coordinate, as per getToolMajor(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalToolMinor(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalToolMinor(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical tool minor axis coordinate, as per getToolMinor(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalTouchMajor(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalTouchMajor(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical touch major axis coordinate, as per getTouchMajor(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalTouchMinor(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalTouchMinor(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical touch minor axis coordinate, as per getTouchMinor(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
fun getHistoricalX(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalX(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical X coordinate, as per getX(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalY(pos: Int): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
Parameters | |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistoricalY(
pointerIndex: Int,
pos: Int
): Float
Returns a historical Y coordinate, as per getY(int)
, that occurred between this event and the previous event for the given pointer. Only applies to ACTION_MOVE events.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
pos |
Int: Which historical value to return; must be less than getHistorySize |
See Also
fun getHistorySize(): Int
Returns the number of historical points in this event. These are movements that have occurred between this event and the previous event. This only applies to ACTION_MOVE events -- all other actions will have a size of 0.
Return | |
Int |
Returns the number of historical points in the event. |
fun getMetaState(): Int
Returns the state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. This is the same values as those returned by KeyEvent.getMetaState
Return | |
Int |
an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key |
See Also
fun getOrientation(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getOrientation(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_ORIENTATION
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getPointerCoords(
pointerIndex: Int,
outPointerCoords: MotionEvent.PointerCoords!
): Unit
Populates a PointerCoords
object with pointer coordinate data for the specified pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
outPointerCoords |
MotionEvent.PointerCoords!: The pointer coordinate object to populate. |
fun getPointerCount(): Int
The number of pointers of data contained in this event. Always >= 1.
fun getPointerId(pointerIndex: Int): Int
Return the pointer identifier associated with a particular pointer data index in this event. The identifier tells you the actual pointer number associated with the data, accounting for individual pointers going up and down since the start of the current gesture.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
fun getPointerProperties(
pointerIndex: Int,
outPointerProperties: MotionEvent.PointerProperties!
): Unit
Populates a PointerProperties
object with pointer properties for the specified pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
outPointerProperties |
MotionEvent.PointerProperties!: The pointer properties object to populate. |
fun getPressure(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getPressure(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_PRESSURE
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getRawX(): Float
Equivalent to getRawX(int)
for pointer index 0 (regardless of the pointer identifier).
Return | |
Float |
The X coordinate of the first pointer index in the coordinate space of the device display. |
fun getRawX(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the X coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
for this motion event. The coordinate is in the coordinate space of the device display, irrespective of system decorations and whether or not the system is in multi-window mode. If the app spans multiple screens in a multiple-screen environment, the coordinate space includes all of the spanned screens.
In multi-window mode, the coordinate space extends beyond the bounds of the app window to encompass the entire display area. For example, if the motion event occurs in the right-hand window of split-screen mode in landscape orientation, the left edge of the screen—not the left edge of the window—is the origin from which the X coordinate is calculated.
In multiple-screen scenarios, the coordinate space can span screens. For example, if the app is spanning both screens of a dual-screen device, and the motion event occurs on the right-hand screen, the X coordinate is calculated from the left edge of the left-hand screen to the point of the motion event on the right-hand screen. When the app is restricted to a single screen in a multiple-screen environment, the coordinate space includes only the screen on which the app is running.
Use getPointerId(int)
to get the pointer identifier for the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Index of the pointer for which the X coordinate is returned. May be a value in the range of 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() - 1. |
Return | |
Float |
The X coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex for this motion event. The unit is pixels. The value may contain a fractional portion for devices that are subpixel precise. |
See Also
fun getRawY(): Float
Equivalent to getRawY(int)
for pointer index 0 (regardless of the pointer identifier).
Return | |
Float |
The Y coordinate of the first pointer index in the coordinate space of the device display. |
fun getRawY(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
for this motion event. The coordinate is in the coordinate space of the device display, irrespective of system decorations and whether or not the system is in multi-window mode. If the app spans multiple screens in a multiple-screen environment, the coordinate space includes all of the spanned screens.
In multi-window mode, the coordinate space extends beyond the bounds of the app window to encompass the entire device screen. For example, if the motion event occurs in the lower window of split-screen mode in portrait orientation, the top edge of the screen—not the top edge of the window—is the origin from which the Y coordinate is determined.
In multiple-screen scenarios, the coordinate space can span screens. For example, if the app is spanning both screens of a dual-screen device that's rotated 90 degrees, and the motion event occurs on the lower screen, the Y coordinate is calculated from the top edge of the upper screen to the point of the motion event on the lower screen. When the app is restricted to a single screen in a multiple-screen environment, the coordinate space includes only the screen on which the app is running.
Use getPointerId(int)
to get the pointer identifier for the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Index of the pointer for which the Y coordinate is returned. May be a value in the range of 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() - 1. |
Return | |
Float |
The Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex for this motion event. The unit is pixels. The value may contain a fractional portion for devices that are subpixel precise. |
See Also
fun getSize(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getSize(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_SIZE
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getSource(): Int
Gets the source of the event.
Return | |
Int |
The event source or InputDevice.SOURCE_UNKNOWN if unknown. |
fun getToolMajor(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getToolMajor(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_TOOL_MAJOR
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getToolMinor(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getToolMinor(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_TOOL_MINOR
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getToolType(pointerIndex: Int): Int
Gets the tool type of a pointer for the given pointer index. The tool type indicates the type of tool used to make contact such as a finger or stylus, if known.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
Return | |
Int |
The tool type of the pointer. Value is android.view.MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN , android.view.MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_FINGER , android.view.MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS , android.view.MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE , android.view.MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_ERASER , or android.view.MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_PALM |
fun getTouchMajor(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getTouchMajor(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getTouchMinor(): Float
for the first pointer index (may be an arbitrary pointer identifier).
See Also
fun getTouchMinor(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the value of AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR
for the given pointer index.
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Raw index of pointer to retrieve. Value may be from 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() -1. |
See Also
fun getX(): Float
Equivalent to getX(int)
for pointer index 0 (regardless of the pointer identifier).
Return | |
Float |
The X coordinate of the first pointer index in the coordinate space of the view that received this motion event. |
See Also
fun getX(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the X coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
for this motion event. The coordinate is in the coordinate space of the view that received this motion event.
Use getPointerId(int)
to get the pointer identifier for the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Index of the pointer for which the X coordinate is returned. May be a value in the range of 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() - 1. |
Return | |
Float |
The X coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex for this motion event. The unit is pixels. The value may contain a fractional portion for devices that are subpixel precise. |
See Also
fun getXPrecision(): Float
Return the precision of the X coordinates being reported. You can multiply this number with #getX to find the actual hardware value of the X coordinate.
Return | |
Float |
Returns the precision of X coordinates being reported. |
See Also
fun getY(): Float
Equivalent to getY(int)
for pointer index 0 (regardless of the pointer identifier).
Return | |
Float |
The Y coordinate of the first pointer index in the coordinate space of the view that received this motion event. |
See Also
fun getY(pointerIndex: Int): Float
Returns the Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
for this motion event. The coordinate is in the coordinate space of the view that received this motion event.
Use getPointerId(int)
to get the pointer identifier for the pointer referenced by pointerIndex
Parameters | |
pointerIndex |
Int: Index of the pointer for which the Y coordinate is returned. May be a value in the range of 0 (the first pointer that is down) to getPointerCount() - 1. |
Return | |
Float |
The Y coordinate of the pointer referenced by pointerIndex for this motion event. The unit is pixels. The value may contain a fractional portion for devices that are subpixel precise. |
See Also
fun getYPrecision(): Float
Return the precision of the Y coordinates being reported. You can multiply this number with #getY to find the actual hardware value of the Y coordinate.
Return | |
Float |
Returns the precision of Y coordinates being reported. |
See Also
fun isButtonPressed(button: Int): Boolean
Checks if a mouse or stylus button (or combination of buttons) is pressed.
Parameters | |
button |
Int: Button (or combination of buttons). |
Return | |
Boolean |
True if specified buttons are pressed. |
static fun obtain(other: MotionEvent!): MotionEvent!
Create a new MotionEvent, copying from an existing one.
static fun obtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
x: Float,
y: Float,
pressure: Float,
size: Float,
metaState: Int,
xPrecision: Float,
yPrecision: Float,
deviceId: Int,
edgeFlags: Int
): MotionEvent!
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion.
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
x |
Float: The X coordinate of this event. |
y |
Float: The Y coordinate of this event. |
pressure |
Float: The current pressure of this event. The pressure generally ranges from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), however values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of the input device. |
size |
Float: A scaled value of the approximate size of the area being pressed when touched with the finger. The actual value in pixels corresponding to the finger touch is normalized with a device specific range of values and scaled to a value between 0 and 1. |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
xPrecision |
Float: The precision of the X coordinate being reported. |
yPrecision |
Float: The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. |
deviceId |
Int: The ID for the device that this event came from. An ID of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. |
edgeFlags |
Int: A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
static fun obtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
x: Float,
y: Float,
metaState: Int
): MotionEvent!
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in a subset of the basic motion values. Those not specified here are: device id (always 0), pressure and size (always 1), x and y precision (always 1), and edgeFlags (always 0).
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
x |
Float: The X coordinate of this event. |
y |
Float: The Y coordinate of this event. |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
static fun obtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
pointerCount: Int,
pointerProperties: Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>!,
pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!,
metaState: Int,
buttonState: Int,
xPrecision: Float,
yPrecision: Float,
deviceId: Int,
edgeFlags: Int,
source: Int,
flags: Int
): MotionEvent!
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion.
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
pointerCount |
Int: The number of pointers that will be in this event. |
pointerProperties |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>!: An array of pointerCount values providing a PointerProperties property object for each pointer, which must include the pointer identifier. |
pointerCoords |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!: An array of pointerCount values providing a PointerCoords coordinate object for each pointer. |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
buttonState |
Int: The state of buttons that are pressed. |
xPrecision |
Float: The precision of the X coordinate being reported. |
yPrecision |
Float: The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. |
deviceId |
Int: The ID for the device that this event came from. An ID of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. |
edgeFlags |
Int: A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
source |
Int: The source of this event. |
flags |
Int: The motion event flags. |
static fun obtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
pointerCount: Int,
pointerProperties: Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>,
pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>,
metaState: Int,
buttonState: Int,
xPrecision: Float,
yPrecision: Float,
deviceId: Int,
edgeFlags: Int,
source: Int,
displayId: Int,
flags: Int,
classification: Int
): MotionEvent?
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion.
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
pointerCount |
Int: The number of pointers that will be in this event. |
pointerProperties |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerProperties!>: An array of pointerCount values providing a PointerProperties property object for each pointer, which must include the pointer identifier. This value cannot be null . |
pointerCoords |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>: An array of pointerCount values providing a PointerCoords coordinate object for each pointer. This value cannot be null . |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
buttonState |
Int: The state of buttons that are pressed. |
xPrecision |
Float: The precision of the X coordinate being reported. |
yPrecision |
Float: The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. |
deviceId |
Int: The ID for the device that this event came from. An ID of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. |
edgeFlags |
Int: A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
source |
Int: The source of this event. |
displayId |
Int: The display ID associated with this event. |
flags |
Int: The motion event flags. |
classification |
Int: The classification to give this event. Value is android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_NONE , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_AMBIGUOUS_GESTURE , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_DEEP_PRESS , android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_TWO_FINGER_SWIPE , android.view.MotionEvent.CLASSIFICATION_MULTI_FINGER_SWIPE, or android.view.MotionEvent#CLASSIFICATION_PINCH |
Return | |
MotionEvent? |
This value may be null . |
static funobtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
pointerCount: Int,
x: Float,
y: Float,
pressure: Float,
size: Float,
metaState: Int,
xPrecision: Float,
yPrecision: Float,
deviceId: Int,
edgeFlags: Int
): MotionEvent!
Deprecated: Use obtain(long,long,int,float,float,float,float,int,float,float,int,int)
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion.
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
pointerCount |
Int: The number of pointers that are active in this event. |
x |
Float: The X coordinate of this event. |
y |
Float: The Y coordinate of this event. |
pressure |
Float: The current pressure of this event. The pressure generally ranges from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), however values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of the input device. |
size |
Float: A scaled value of the approximate size of the area being pressed when touched with the finger. The actual value in pixels corresponding to the finger touch is normalized with a device specific range of values and scaled to a value between 0 and 1. |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
xPrecision |
Float: The precision of the X coordinate being reported. |
yPrecision |
Float: The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. |
deviceId |
Int: The ID for the device that this event came from. An ID of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. |
edgeFlags |
Int: A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
static funobtain(
downTime: Long,
eventTime: Long,
action: Int,
pointerCount: Int,
pointerIds: IntArray!,
pointerCoords: Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!,
metaState: Int,
xPrecision: Float,
yPrecision: Float,
deviceId: Int,
edgeFlags: Int,
source: Int,
flags: Int
): MotionEvent!
Deprecated: Use obtain(long,long,int,int,android.view.MotionEvent.PointerProperties[],android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords[],int,int,float,float,int,int,int,int)
Create a new MotionEvent, filling in all of the basic values that define the motion.
Parameters | |
downTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
eventTime |
Long: The time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis() . |
action |
Int: The kind of action being performed, such as ACTION_DOWN . |
pointerCount |
Int: The number of pointers that will be in this event. |
pointerIds |
IntArray!: An array of pointerCount values providing an identifier for each pointer. |
pointerCoords |
Array<MotionEvent.PointerCoords!>!: An array of pointerCount values providing a PointerCoords coordinate object for each pointer. |
metaState |
Int: The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. |
xPrecision |
Float: The precision of the X coordinate being reported. |
yPrecision |
Float: The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. |
deviceId |
Int: The ID for the device that this event came from. An ID of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. |
edgeFlags |
Int: A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent. |
source |
Int: The source of this event. |
flags |
Int: The motion event flags. |
static fun obtainNoHistory(other: MotionEvent!): MotionEvent!
Create a new MotionEvent, copying from an existing one, but not including any historical point information.
fun offsetLocation(
deltaX: Float,
deltaY: Float
): Unit
Adjust this event's location.
Parameters | |
deltaX |
Float: Amount to add to the current X coordinate of the event. |
deltaY |
Float: Amount to add to the current Y coordinate of the event. |
fun recycle(): Unit
Recycle the MotionEvent, to be re-used by a later caller. After calling this function you must not ever touch the event again.
fun setEdgeFlags(flags: Int): Unit
Sets the bitfield indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent.
See Also
fun setLocation(
x: Float,
y: Float
): Unit
Set this event's location. Applies offsetLocation
with a delta from the current location to the given new location.
Parameters | |
x |
Float: New absolute X location. |
y |
Float: New absolute Y location. |
fun toString(): String
Return | |
String |
a string representation of the object. |
fun transform(matrix: Matrix!): Unit
Applies a transformation matrix to all of the points in the event.
Parameters | |
matrix |
Matrix!: The transformation matrix to apply. |
fun writeToParcel(
out: Parcel,
flags: Int
): Unit
Parameters | |
dest |
The Parcel in which the object should be written. This value cannot be null . |
flags |
Int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE . Value is either 0 or a combination of android.os.Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE , and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES |
Protected methods
protected fun finalize(): Unit
Exceptions | |
java.lang.Throwable |
the Exception raised by this method |