
public final class PromptVerticalListContentView implements PromptContentView

Contains the information of the template of vertical list content view for Biometric Prompt.

Here's how you'd set a PromptVerticalListContentView on a Biometric Prompt:

BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo promptInfo = new BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder()
        new PromptVerticalListContentView.Builder()
            .setDescription("test description")
            .addListItem(new PromptContentItemPlainText("test item 1"))
            .addListItem(new PromptContentItemPlainText("test item 2"))
            .addListItem(new PromptContentItemBulletedText("test item 3"))


Nested types

A builder used to set individual options for the PromptVerticalListContentView class.

Public methods

@Nullable String

Gets the description for the content view, as set by setDescription.

@NonNull List<PromptContentItem>

Gets the list of items on the content view, as set by addListItem.

Public methods


Added in 1.4.0-alpha03
public @Nullable String getDescription()

Gets the description for the content view, as set by setDescription.

@Nullable String

The description for the content view, or null if the content view has no description.


Added in 1.4.0-alpha03
public @NonNull List<PromptContentItemgetListItems()

Gets the list of items on the content view, as set by addListItem.

@NonNull List<PromptContentItem>

The item list on the content view.