
Added in 1.4.0-alpha07

public final class TraceProcessorExtensionsKt


Public methods

static final @NonNull T
<T extends Object> runServer(
    @NonNull TraceProcessor.Companion receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Starts a Perfetto Trace Processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes the given block.

static final @NonNull T
<T extends Object> runServer(
    @NonNull TraceProcessor.Companion receiver,
    @NonNull Duration timeout,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Starts a Perfetto Trace Processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes the given block.

Public methods

public static final @NonNull T <T extends Object> runServer(
    @NonNull TraceProcessor.Companion receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Starts a Perfetto Trace Processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes the given block. It stops the server after the block is complete

Uses a default timeout of 60 seconds.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Command to execute using trace processor

public static final @NonNull T <T extends Object> runServer(
    @NonNull TraceProcessor.Companion receiver,
    @NonNull Duration timeout,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Starts a Perfetto Trace Processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes the given block. It stops the server after the block is complete

@NonNull Duration timeout

waiting for the server to start. If less or equal to zero uses 60 seconds

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TraceProcessor, @NonNull T> block

Command to execute using trace processor