
Added in 1.5.0

public class NotificationChannelCompat.Builder

Builder class for NotificationChannelCompat objects.

Public constructors

Builder(@NonNull String id, int importance)

Creates a notification channel builder.

Public methods

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat

Creates a NotificationChannelCompat instance.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
    @NonNull String parentChannelId,
    @NonNull String conversationId

Sets this channel as being conversation-centric.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder

Sets the user visible description of this channel.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder

Sets what group this channel belongs to.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setImportance(int importance)

Sets the level of interruption of this notification channel.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setLightColor(int argb)

Sets the notification light color for notifications posted to this channel, if lights are enabled on this channel and the device supports that feature.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setLightsEnabled(boolean lights)

Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights, on devices that support that feature.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder

Sets the user visible name of this channel.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setShowBadge(boolean showBadge)

Sets whether notifications posted to this channel can appear as application icon badges in a Launcher.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setSound(@Nullable Uri sound, @Nullable AudioAttributes audioAttributes)

Sets the sound that should be played for notifications posted to this channel and its audio attributes.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setVibrationEnabled(boolean vibration)

Sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate.

@NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder
setVibrationPattern(@Nullable long[] vibrationPattern)

Sets the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.

Public constructors


Added in 1.5.0
public Builder(@NonNull String id, int importance)

Creates a notification channel builder.

@NonNull String id

The id of the channel. Must be unique per package. The value may be truncated if it is too long.

int importance

The importance of the channel. This controls how interruptive notifications posted to this channel are.

Public methods


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat build()

Creates a NotificationChannelCompat instance.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setConversationId(
    @NonNull String parentChannelId,
    @NonNull String conversationId

Sets this channel as being conversation-centric. Different settings and functionality may be exposed for conversation-centric channels. Calling this on SDKs that do not support conversations will have no effect on the built channel. As a result, this channel will not be linked to the channel with the parentChannelId. That means that this channel must be published to directly to be used; it cannot be published to by publishing to the parentChannelId with the shortcutId.

@NonNull String parentChannelId

The getId id} of the generic channel that notifications of this type would be posted to in absence of a specific conversation id. For example, if this channel represents 'Messages from Person A', the parent channel would be 'Messages.'

@NonNull String conversationId

The getId of the shortcut representing this channel's conversation.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setDescription(@Nullable String description)

Sets the user visible description of this channel.

The recommended maximum length is 300 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setGroup(@Nullable String groupId)

Sets what group this channel belongs to. Group information is only used for presentation, not for behavior. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel, unless the channel is not currently part of a group.

@Nullable String groupId

the id of a group created by createNotificationChannelGroup.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setImportance(int importance)

Sets the level of interruption of this notification channel. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.

int importance

the amount the user should be interrupted by notifications from this channel.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setLightColor(int argb)

Sets the notification light color for notifications posted to this channel, if lights are enabled on this channel and the device supports that feature. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setLightsEnabled(boolean lights)

Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights, on devices that support that feature. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setName(@Nullable CharSequence name)

Sets the user visible name of this channel. You can rename this channel when the system locale changes by listening for the ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED broadcast.

The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setShowBadge(boolean showBadge)

Sets whether notifications posted to this channel can appear as application icon badges in a Launcher. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.

boolean showBadge

true if badges should be allowed to be shown.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setSound(@Nullable Uri sound, @Nullable AudioAttributes audioAttributes)

Sets the sound that should be played for notifications posted to this channel and its audio attributes. Notification channels with an setImportance importance} of at least IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT should have a sound. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setVibrationEnabled(boolean vibration)

Sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate. The vibration pattern can be set with setVibrationPattern. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull NotificationChannelCompat.Builder setVibrationPattern(@Nullable long[] vibrationPattern)

Sets the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel. If the provided pattern is valid (non-null, non-empty), will setVibrationEnabled enable vibration} as well. Otherwise, vibration will be disabled. Only modifiable before the channel is submitted to createNotificationChannel.