
Added in 1.1.0

public class ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Builder class for ShortcutInfoCompat objects.


Public constructors

Public methods

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Associates a shortcut with a capability without any parameters.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
    @NonNull String capability,
    @NonNull String parameter,
    @NonNull List<String> parameterValues

Associates a shortcut with a capability, and a parameter of that capability.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat

Creates a ShortcutInfoCompat instance.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the target activity.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Badges the icon before passing it over to the Launcher.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets categories for a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the message that should be shown when the user attempts to start a shortcut that is disabled.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets which surfaces a shortcut will be excluded from.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Extras that the app can set for any purpose.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets an icon of a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the intent of a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
setIntents(@NonNull Intent[] intents)

Sets multiple intents instead of a single intent, in order to launch an activity with other activities in back stack.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the corresponding fields indicating this shortcut is aimed for conversation.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the LocusIdCompat associated with this shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the text of a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

This method is deprecated.

Use {@ink #setLongLived(boolean)) instead.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
setLongLived(boolean longLived)

Sets if a shortcut would be valid even if it has been unpublished/invisible by the app (as a dynamic or pinned shortcut).

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Associate a person to a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
setPersons(@NonNull Person[] persons)

Sets multiple persons instead of a single person.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
setRank(int rank)

Sets rank of a shortcut, which is a non-negative value that's used by the system to sort shortcuts.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder

Sets the short title of a shortcut.

@NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
setSliceUri(@NonNull Uri sliceUri)

Sets the slice uri for a shortcut.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public Builder(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String id)

Public methods


Added in 1.6.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder addCapabilityBinding(@NonNull String capability)

Associates a shortcut with a capability without any parameters. Used when the shortcut is an instance of a capability.

This method can be called multiple times to associate multiple capabilities with this shortcut.

@NonNull String capability

capability associated with the shortcut. e.g. actions.intent .START_EXERCISE.


Added in 1.6.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder addCapabilityBinding(
    @NonNull String capability,
    @NonNull String parameter,
    @NonNull List<String> parameterValues

Associates a shortcut with a capability, and a parameter of that capability. Used when the shortcut is an instance of a capability.

This method can be called multiple times to associate multiple capabilities with this shortcut, or add multiple parameters to the same capability.

@NonNull String capability

capability associated with the shortcut. e.g. actions.intent .START_EXERCISE.

@NonNull String parameter

the parameter associated with the capability. e.g.

@NonNull List<String> parameterValues

a list of values for that parameters. The first value will be the primary name, while the rest will be alternative names. If the values are empty, then the parameter will not be saved in the shortcut.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat build()

Creates a ShortcutInfoCompat instance.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setActivity(@NonNull ComponentName activity)

Sets the target activity. A shortcut will be shown along with this activity's icon on the launcher.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setAlwaysBadged()

Badges the icon before passing it over to the Launcher.

Launcher automatically badges ShortcutInfo, so only the legacy shortcut icon, Intent.ShortcutIconResource is badged. This field is ignored when using ShortcutInfo on API 25 and above.

If the shortcut is associated with an activity, the activity icon is used as the badge, otherwise application icon is used.

See also


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setCategories(@NonNull Set<String> categories)

Sets categories for a shortcut.

  • Launcher apps may use this information to categorize shortcuts
  • Used by the system to associate a published Sharing Shortcut with supported mimeTypes. Required for published Sharing Shortcuts with a matching category declared in share targets, defined in the app's manifest linked shortcuts xml file.
See also


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setDisabledMessage(@NonNull CharSequence disabledMessage)

Sets the message that should be shown when the user attempts to start a shortcut that is disabled.


Added in 1.8.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setExcludedFromSurfaces(int surfaces)

Sets which surfaces a shortcut will be excluded from. This API is reserved for future extension. Currently, marking a shortcut to be excluded from SURFACE_LAUNCHER will not publish the shortcut, thus the following operations will be a no-op: pushDynamicShortcut, addDynamicShortcuts, and setDynamicShortcuts.

On API <= 31, shortcuts that are excluded from SURFACE_LAUNCHER are not actually sent to ShortcutManager. These shortcuts might still be made available to other surfaces via alternative means.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setExtras(@NonNull PersistableBundle extras)

Extras that the app can set for any purpose.

Apps can store arbitrary shortcut metadata in extras and retrieve the metadata later using getExtras.

See also


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIcon(IconCompat icon)

Sets an icon of a shortcut.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntent(@NonNull Intent intent)

Sets the intent of a shortcut. Alternatively, setIntents can be used to launch an activity with other activities in the back stack.

This is a mandatory field when publishing a new shortcut.

The given intent can contain extras, but these extras must contain values of primitive types in order for the system to persist these values.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntents(@NonNull Intent[] intents)

Sets multiple intents instead of a single intent, in order to launch an activity with other activities in back stack. Use to build intents. The last element in the list represents the only intent that doesn't place an activity on the back stack.


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIsConversation()

Sets the corresponding fields indicating this shortcut is aimed for conversation.

If the shortcut is not associated with a LocusIdCompat, a LocusIdCompat based on getId will be added upon build

Additionally, the shortcut will be long-lived.

See also


Added in 1.5.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLocusId(@Nullable LocusIdCompat locusId)

Sets the LocusIdCompat associated with this shortcut.

This method should be called when the LocusIdCompat is used in other places (such as and android.view.contentcapture.ContentCaptureContext) so the device's intelligence services can correlate them.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLongLabel(@NonNull CharSequence longLabel)

Sets the text of a shortcut.

This field is intended to be more descriptive than the shortcut title. The launcher shows this instead of the short title when it has enough space.

The recommend maximum length is 25 characters.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLongLived()


Added in 1.2.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLongLived(boolean longLived)

Sets if a shortcut would be valid even if it has been unpublished/invisible by the app (as a dynamic or pinned shortcut). If it is long lived, it can be cached by various system services even after it has been unpublished as a dynamic shortcut.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setPerson(@NonNull Person person)

Associate a person to a shortcut. Alternatively, setPersons can be used to add multiple persons to a shortcut.

This is an optional field when publishing a new shortcut.

See also


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setPersons(@NonNull Person[] persons)

Sets multiple persons instead of a single person.


Added in 1.2.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setRank(int rank)

Sets rank of a shortcut, which is a non-negative value that's used by the system to sort shortcuts. Lower value means higher importance.

See also

for details.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setShortLabel(@NonNull CharSequence shortLabel)

Sets the short title of a shortcut.

This is a mandatory field when publishing a new shortcut.

This field is intended to be a concise description of a shortcut.

The recommended maximum length is 10 characters.


Added in 1.6.0
public @NonNull ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setSliceUri(@NonNull Uri sliceUri)

Sets the slice uri for a shortcut. The uri will be used if this shortcuts represents a slice, instead of an intent.