BloodGlucose |
Represents a unit of blood glucose level (glycaemia). |
Energy |
Represents a unit of energy. |
EnergyKt |
Length |
Represents a unit of length. |
LengthKt |
Mass |
Represents a unit of mass. |
MassKt |
Percentage |
Represents a value as a percentage, not a fraction - for example 100%, 89.62%, etc. |
PercentageKt |
Power |
Represents a unit of power. |
PowerKt |
Pressure |
Represents a unit of pressure. |
PressureKt |
Temperature |
Represents a unit of temperature. |
TemperatureDelta |
Represents a unit of TemperatureDelta difference. |
TemperatureKt |
Velocity |
Represents a unit of speed. |
VelocityKt |
Volume |
Represents a unit of volume. |
VolumeKt |