
public class PlaybackSupportFragment extends Fragment

Known direct subclasses

Subclass of PlaybackSupportFragment that is responsible for providing a SurfaceView and rendering video.

A fragment for displaying playback controls and related content.

A PlaybackSupportFragment renders the elements of its ObjectAdapter as a set of rows in a vertical list. The Adapter's PresenterSelector must maintain subclasses of RowPresenter.

A playback row is a row rendered by PlaybackRowPresenter. App can call setPlaybackRow to set playback row for the first element of adapter. App can call setPlaybackRowPresenter to set presenter for it. setPlaybackRow and setPlaybackRowPresenter are optional, app can pass playback row and PlaybackRowPresenter in the adapter using setAdapter.

Hiding and showing controls: the controls are initially visible and automatically show/hide when play/pause or user interacts with fragment.



static final int

A dark translucent background.

static final int

A light translucent background.

static final int

No background.

Public constructors

Public methods


This method is deprecated.

Call hideControlsOverlay


Returns the background type.


Returns the ProgressBarManager that will show or hide progress bar in onBufferingStateChanged.

hideControlsOverlay(boolean runAnimation)

Hide controls overlay.


Returns true if controls will be auto hidden after a delay when fragment is resumed.


Returns true if controls overlay is visible, false otherwise.


This method is deprecated.

Uses isControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled


Returns true if showing and auto-hiding controls when user interacts; false otherwise.


Updates the ui when the row data changes.

onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to do initial creation of a fragment.

@Nullable View
    @NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
    @Nullable ViewGroup container,
    @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view.


Called when the fragment is no longer in use.


Called when the view previously created by onCreateView has been detached from the fragment.


Called when the Fragment is no longer resumed.


Called when the fragment is visible to the user and actively running.


Called when the Fragment is visible to the user.


Called when the Fragment is no longer started.

onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called immediately after onCreateView has returned, but before any saved state has been restored in to the view.


Sets the list of rows for the fragment.


Sets the background type.


Enables or disables auto hiding controls overlay after a short delay fragment is resumed.

setFadingEnabled(boolean enabled)

This method is deprecated.

Uses setControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled


Sets the PlaybackGlueHost.HostCallback.


This listener is called every time there is a click in RowsSupportFragment.


This listener is called every time there is a selection in RowsSupportFragment.

final void

Sets the input event handler.


Sets the BaseOnItemViewClickedListener that would be invoked for clicks only on androidx.leanback.widget.PlaybackRowPresenter.ViewHolder.


Sets the playback row for the playback controls.


Sets the presenter for rendering the playback row set by setPlaybackRow.


Interface to be implemented by UI widget to support PlaybackSeekUi.

setSelectedPosition(int position)

Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.

setSelectedPosition(int position, boolean smooth)

Sets the selected row position.

    boolean showOrHideControlsOverlayOnUserInteraction

Enables or disables showing and auto-hiding controls when user interacts.

showControlsOverlay(boolean runAnimation)

Show controls overlay.


Tickles the playback controls.

Protected methods

onBufferingStateChanged(boolean start)

Called when media has start or stop buffering.

onError(int errorCode, CharSequence errorMessage)

Called when media has error.

onVideoSizeChanged(int videoWidth, int videoHeight)

Called when size of the video changes.

Inherited methods

From androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultCaller
abstract ActivityResultLauncher<I>
<I, O> registerForActivityResult(
    ActivityResultContract<I, O> contract,
    ActivityResultCallback<O> callback

Register a request to start an activity for result, designated by the given contract.

From android.content.ComponentCallbacks
abstract void
abstract void
    @NonNull String prefix,
    @Nullable FileDescriptor fd,
    @NonNull PrintWriter writer,
    @Nullable String[] args

Print the Fragments's state into the given stream.

final boolean

Subclasses can not override equals().

final @Nullable FragmentActivity

Return the FragmentActivity this fragment is currently associated with.


Returns whether the the exit transition and enter transition overlap or not.


Returns whether the the return transition and reenter transition overlap or not.

final @Nullable Bundle

Return the arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated, if any.

final @NonNull FragmentManager

Return a private FragmentManager for placing and managing Fragments inside of this Fragment.

@Nullable Context

Return the Context this fragment is currently associated with.

@NonNull CreationExtras

The Fragment's arguments when this is first called will be used as the defaults to any androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle passed to a view model created using this extra.

@NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory
@Nullable Object

Returns the Transition that will be used to move Views into the initial scene.

@Nullable Object

Returns the Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the fragment is removed, hidden, or detached when not popping the back stack.

final @Nullable FragmentManager

This method is deprecated.

This has been removed in favor of getParentFragmentManager() which throws an IllegalStateException if the FragmentManager is null.

final @Nullable Object

Return the host object of this fragment.

final int

Return the identifier this fragment is known by.

final @NonNull LayoutInflater

Returns the cached LayoutInflater used to inflate Views of this Fragment.

@NonNull Lifecycle

Overriding this method is no longer supported and this method will be made final in a future version of Fragment.

@NonNull LoaderManager

This method is deprecated.

Use LoaderManager.getInstance(this).

final @Nullable Fragment

Returns the parent Fragment containing this Fragment.

final @NonNull FragmentManager

Return the FragmentManager for interacting with fragments associated with this fragment's activity.

@Nullable Object

Returns the Transition that will be used to move Views in to the scene when returning due to popping a back stack.

final @NonNull Resources

Return requireActivity().getResources().

final boolean

This method is deprecated.

Instead of retaining the Fragment itself, use a non-retained Fragment and keep retained state in a ViewModel attached to that Fragment.

@Nullable Object

Returns the Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the Fragment is preparing to be removed, hidden, or detached because of popping the back stack.

final @NonNull SavedStateRegistry
@Nullable Object

Returns the Transition that will be used for shared elements transferred into the content Scene.

@Nullable Object

Return the Transition that will be used for shared elements transferred back during a pop of the back stack.

final @NonNull String
getString(@StringRes int resId)

Return a localized string from the application's package's default string table.

final @NonNull String
getString(@StringRes int resId, @Nullable Object[] formatArgs)

Return a localized formatted string from the application's package's default string table, substituting the format arguments as defined in java.util.Formatter and format.

final @Nullable String

Get the tag name of the fragment, if specified.

final @Nullable Fragment

This method is deprecated.

Instead of using a target fragment to pass results, use setFragmentResult to deliver results to FragmentResultListener instances registered by other fragments via setFragmentResultListener.

final int

This method is deprecated.

When using the target fragment replacement of setFragmentResultListener and setFragmentResult, consider using setArguments to pass a requestKey if you need to support dynamic request keys.

final @NonNull CharSequence
getText(@StringRes int resId)

Return a localized, styled CharSequence from the application's package's default string table.


This method is deprecated.

Use setMaxLifecycle instead.

@Nullable View

Get the root view for the fragment's layout (the one returned by onCreateView), if provided.

@NonNull LifecycleOwner

Get a LifecycleOwner that represents the Fragment's View lifecycle.

@NonNull LiveData<LifecycleOwner>

Retrieve a LiveData which allows you to observe the lifecycle of the Fragment's View.

@NonNull ViewModelStore

Returns the ViewModelStore associated with this Fragment

final int

Subclasses can not override hashCode().

static @NonNull Fragment

This method is deprecated.

Use getFragmentFactory and instantiate

static @NonNull Fragment
    @NonNull Context context,
    @NonNull String fname,
    @Nullable Bundle args

This method is deprecated.

Use getFragmentFactory and instantiate, manually calling setArguments on the returned Fragment.

final boolean

Return true if the fragment is currently added to its activity.

final boolean

Return true if the fragment has been explicitly detached from the UI.

final boolean

Return true if the fragment has been hidden.

final boolean

Return true if the layout is included as part of an activity view hierarchy via the tag.

final boolean

Return true if this fragment is currently being removed from its activity.

final boolean

Return true if the fragment is in the resumed state.

final boolean

Returns true if this fragment is added and its state has already been saved by its host.

final boolean

Return true if the fragment is currently visible to the user.


This method is deprecated.

use onViewCreated for code touching the view created by onCreateView and onCreate for other initialization.

onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data)

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.


This method is deprecated.

See onAttach.


Called when a fragment is first attached to its context.


This method is deprecated.

The responsibility for listening for fragments being attached has been moved to FragmentManager.


This hook is called whenever an item in a context menu is selected.

@Nullable Animation
onCreateAnimation(int transit, boolean enter, int nextAnim)

Called when a fragment loads an animation.

@Nullable Animator
onCreateAnimator(int transit, boolean enter, int nextAnim)

Called when a fragment loads an animator.


Called when a context menu for the view is about to be shown.


This method is deprecated.

androidx.activity.ComponentActivity now implements MenuHost, an interface that allows any component, including your activity itself, to add menu items by calling addMenuProvider without forcing all components through this single method override.


This method is deprecated.

androidx.activity.ComponentActivity now implements MenuHost, an interface that allows any component, including your activity itself, to add menu items by calling addMenuProvider without forcing all components through this single method override.


Called when the fragment is no longer attached to its activity.

@NonNull LayoutInflater
onGetLayoutInflater(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

Returns the LayoutInflater used to inflate Views of this Fragment.

onHiddenChanged(boolean hidden)

Called when the hidden state (as returned by isHidden of the fragment or another fragment in its hierarchy has changed.

    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull AttributeSet attrs,
    @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

This method is deprecated.

See onInflate.

    @NonNull Context context,
    @NonNull AttributeSet attrs,
    @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

Called when a fragment is being created as part of a view layout inflation, typically from setting the content view of an activity.

onMultiWindowModeChanged(boolean isInMultiWindowMode)

Called when the Fragment's activity changes from fullscreen mode to multi-window mode and visa-versa.


This method is deprecated.

androidx.activity.ComponentActivity now implements MenuHost, an interface that allows any component, including your activity itself, to add menu items by calling addMenuProvider without forcing all components through this single method override.


This method is deprecated.

androidx.activity.ComponentActivity now implements MenuHost, an interface that allows any component, including your activity itself, to add menu items by calling addMenuProvider without forcing all components through this single method override.

onPictureInPictureModeChanged(boolean isInPictureInPictureMode)

Called by the system when the activity changes to and from picture-in-picture mode.


This method is deprecated.

androidx.activity.ComponentActivity now implements MenuHost, an interface that allows any component, including your activity itself, to add menu items by calling addMenuProvider without forcing all components through this single method override.

    boolean isPrimaryNavigationFragment

Callback for when the primary navigation state of this Fragment has changed.

    int requestCode,
    @NonNull String[] permissions,
    @NonNull int[] grantResults

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.


Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance if its process is restarted.


Called when all saved state has been restored into the view hierarchy of the fragment.


Postpone the entering Fragment transition until startPostponedEnterTransition or executePendingTransactions has been called.

final void
postponeEnterTransition(long duration, @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit)

Postpone the entering Fragment transition for a given amount of time and then call startPostponedEnterTransition.

final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<I>
<I, O> registerForActivityResult(
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<I, O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<O> callback

Register a request to start an activity for result, designated by the given contract.

final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<I>
<I, O> registerForActivityResult(
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<I, O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultRegistry registry,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<O> callback

Register a request to start an activity for result, designated by the given contract.


Registers a context menu to be shown for the given view (multiple views can show the context menu).

final void
requestPermissions(@NonNull String[] permissions, int requestCode)

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.

final @NonNull FragmentActivity

Return the FragmentActivity this fragment is currently associated with.

final @NonNull Bundle

Return the arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated.

final @NonNull Context

Return the Context this fragment is currently associated with.

final @NonNull FragmentManager

This method is deprecated.

This has been renamed to getParentFragmentManager() to make it clear that you are accessing the FragmentManager that contains this Fragment and not the FragmentManager associated with child Fragments.

final @NonNull Object

Return the host object of this fragment.

final @NonNull Fragment

Returns the parent Fragment containing this Fragment.

final @NonNull View

Get the root view for the fragment's layout (the one returned by onCreateView).


Sets whether the the exit transition and enter transition overlap or not.


Sets whether the the return transition and reenter transition overlap or not.


Supply the construction arguments for this fragment.


When custom transitions are used with Fragments, the enter transition callback is called when this Fragment is attached or detached when not popping the back stack.


Sets the Transition that will be used to move Views into the initial scene.


When custom transitions are used with Fragments, the exit transition callback is called when this Fragment is attached or detached when popping the back stack.


Sets the Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the fragment is removed, hidden, or detached when not popping the back stack.

setHasOptionsMenu(boolean hasMenu)

This method is deprecated.

This method is no longer needed when using a MenuProvider to provide a Menu to your activity, which replaces onCreateOptionsMenu as the recommended way to provide a consistent, optionally Lifecycle-aware, and modular way to handle menu creation and item selection.


Set the initial saved state that this Fragment should restore itself from when first being constructed, as returned by FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState.

setMenuVisibility(boolean menuVisible)

Set a hint for whether this fragment's menu should be visible.


Sets the Transition that will be used to move Views in to the scene when returning due to popping a back stack.

setRetainInstance(boolean retain)

This method is deprecated.

Instead of retaining the Fragment itself, use a non-retained Fragment and keep retained state in a ViewModel attached to that Fragment.


Sets the Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the Fragment is preparing to be removed, hidden, or detached because of popping the back stack.


Sets the Transition that will be used for shared elements transferred into the content Scene.


Sets the Transition that will be used for shared elements transferred back during a pop of the back stack.

setTargetFragment(@Nullable Fragment fragment, int requestCode)

This method is deprecated.

Instead of using a target fragment to pass results, the fragment requesting a result should use setFragmentResultListener to register a FragmentResultListener with a requestKey using its parent fragment manager.

setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser)

This method is deprecated.

If you are manually calling this method, use setMaxLifecycle instead.


Gets whether you should show UI with rationale before requesting a permission.


Call startActivity from the fragment's containing Activity.


Call startActivity from the fragment's containing Activity.

startActivityForResult(@NonNull Intent intent, int requestCode)

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.

    @NonNull Intent intent,
    int requestCode,
    @Nullable Bundle options

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.

    @NonNull IntentSender intent,
    int requestCode,
    @Nullable Intent fillInIntent,
    int flagsMask,
    int flagsValues,
    int extraFlags,
    @Nullable Bundle options

This method is deprecated.

This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an ActivityResultContract and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your fragment.


Begin postponed transitions after postponeEnterTransition was called.

@NonNull String

Prevents a context menu to be shown for the given view.

From androidx.lifecycle.HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory
From androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
abstract Lifecycle
From androidx.savedstate.SavedStateRegistryOwner
From android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
abstract void
From androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStoreOwner



Added in 1.1.0
public static final int BG_DARK = 1

A dark translucent background.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int BG_LIGHT = 2

A light translucent background.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int BG_NONE = 0

No background.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public PlaybackSupportFragment()

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
public void fadeOut()

Fades out the playback overlay immediately.


Added in 1.1.0
public ObjectAdapter getAdapter()


Added in 1.1.0
public int getBackgroundType()

Returns the background type.


Added in 1.1.0
public ProgressBarManager getProgressBarManager()

Returns the ProgressBarManager that will show or hide progress bar in onBufferingStateChanged.


The ProgressBarManager that will show or hide progress bar in onBufferingStateChanged.


Added in 1.1.0
public void hideControlsOverlay(boolean runAnimation)

Hide controls overlay.

boolean runAnimation

True to run animation, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled()

Returns true if controls will be auto hidden after a delay when fragment is resumed.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isControlsOverlayVisible()

Returns true if controls overlay is visible, false otherwise.


True if controls overlay is visible, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
public boolean isFadingEnabled()


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isShowOrHideControlsOverlayOnUserInteraction()

Returns true if showing and auto-hiding controls when user interacts; false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public void notifyPlaybackRowChanged()

Updates the ui when the row data changes.


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to do initial creation of a fragment. This is called after onAttach and before onCreateView.

Note that this can be called while the fragment's activity is still in the process of being created. As such, you can not rely on things like the activity's content view hierarchy being initialized at this point. If you want to do work once the activity itself is created, add a androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver on the activity's Lifecycle, removing it when it receives the CREATED callback.

Any restored child fragments will be created before the base Fragment.onCreate method returns.

Bundle savedInstanceState

If the fragment is being re-created from a previous saved state, this is the state.


public @Nullable View onCreateView(
    @NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
    @Nullable ViewGroup container,
    @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view. This is optional, and non-graphical fragments can return null. This will be called between onCreate and onViewCreated.

A default View can be returned by calling Fragment in your constructor. Otherwise, this method returns null.

It is recommended to only inflate the layout in this method and move logic that operates on the returned View to onViewCreated.

If you return a View from here, you will later be called in onDestroyView when the view is being released.

@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater

The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,

@Nullable ViewGroup container

If non-null, this is the parent view that the fragment's UI should be attached to. The fragment should not add the view itself, but this can be used to generate the LayoutParams of the view.

@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.

@Nullable View

Return the View for the fragment's UI, or null.


public void onDestroy()

Called when the fragment is no longer in use. This is called after onStop and before onDetach.


public void onDestroyView()

Called when the view previously created by onCreateView has been detached from the fragment. The next time the fragment needs to be displayed, a new view will be created. This is called after onStop and before onDestroy. It is called regardless of whether onCreateView returned a non-null view. Internally it is called after the view's state has been saved but before it has been removed from its parent.


public void onPause()

Called when the Fragment is no longer resumed. This is generally tied to Activity.onPause of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


public void onResume()

Called when the fragment is visible to the user and actively running. This is generally tied to Activity.onResume of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


public void onStart()

Called when the Fragment is visible to the user. This is generally tied to Activity.onStart of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


public void onStop()

Called when the Fragment is no longer started. This is generally tied to Activity.onStop of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called immediately after onCreateView has returned, but before any saved state has been restored in to the view. This gives subclasses a chance to initialize themselves once they know their view hierarchy has been completely created. The fragment's view hierarchy is not however attached to its parent at this point.

@NonNull View view

The View returned by onCreateView.

@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState

If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setAdapter(ObjectAdapter adapter)

Sets the list of rows for the fragment. A default ClassPresenterSelector will be created if getPresenterSelector is null. if user provides setPlaybackRow and setPlaybackRowPresenter, the row and presenter will be set onto the adapter.

ObjectAdapter adapter

The adapter that contains related rows and optional playback row.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setBackgroundType(int type)

Sets the background type.

int type



Added in 1.1.0
public void setControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables auto hiding controls overlay after a short delay fragment is resumed. If enabled and fragment is resumed, the view will fade out after a time period. User interaction will kill the timer, next time fragment is resumed, the timer will be started again if isControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled is true.

In most cases app should not directly call setControlsOverlayAutoHideEnabled() as it's called by on play or pause.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
public void setFadingEnabled(boolean enabled)


Added in 1.1.0
public void setHostCallback(PlaybackGlueHost.HostCallback hostCallback)

Sets the PlaybackGlueHost.HostCallback. Implementor of this interface will take appropriate actions to take action when the hosting fragment starts/stops processing.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setOnItemViewClickedListener(BaseOnItemViewClickedListener listener)

This listener is called every time there is a click in RowsSupportFragment. This can be used by users to take additional actions such as animations.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setOnItemViewSelectedListener(BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener listener)

This listener is called every time there is a selection in RowsSupportFragment. This can be used by users to take additional actions such as animations.


Added in 1.1.0
public final void setOnKeyInterceptListener(View.OnKeyListener handler)

Sets the input event handler.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setOnPlaybackItemViewClickedListener(
    BaseOnItemViewClickedListener listener

Sets the BaseOnItemViewClickedListener that would be invoked for clicks only on androidx.leanback.widget.PlaybackRowPresenter.ViewHolder.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setPlaybackRow(Row row)

Sets the playback row for the playback controls. The row will be set as first element of adapter if the adapter is ArrayObjectAdapter or SparseArrayObjectAdapter.

Row row

The row that represents the playback.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setPlaybackRowPresenter(PlaybackRowPresenter presenter)

Sets the presenter for rendering the playback row set by setPlaybackRow. If adapter does not set a PresenterSelector, setAdapter will create a ClassPresenterSelector by default and map from the row object class to this PlaybackRowPresenter.

PlaybackRowPresenter presenter

Presenter used to render setPlaybackRow.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setPlaybackSeekUiClient(PlaybackSeekUi.Client client)

Interface to be implemented by UI widget to support PlaybackSeekUi.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setSelectedPosition(int position)

Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setSelectedPosition(int position, boolean smooth)

Sets the selected row position.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setShowOrHideControlsOverlayOnUserInteraction(
    boolean showOrHideControlsOverlayOnUserInteraction

Enables or disables showing and auto-hiding controls when user interacts. Enabled by default. Auto-hide timer length is defined by playbackControlsAutoHideTickleTimeout.


Added in 1.1.0
public void showControlsOverlay(boolean runAnimation)

Show controls overlay.

boolean runAnimation

True to run animation, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public void tickle()

Tickles the playback controls. Fades in the view if it was faded out. tickle will kill and re-create a timer if playbackControlsAutoHideTickleTimeout is positive.

In most cases app does not need call tickle() as it's automatically called on user interactions.

Protected methods


Added in 1.1.0
protected void onBufferingStateChanged(boolean start)

Called when media has start or stop buffering. App may override. The default initial state is not buffering.

boolean start

True for buffering start, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
protected void onError(int errorCode, CharSequence errorMessage)

Called when media has error. App may override.

int errorCode

Optional error code for specific implementation.

CharSequence errorMessage

Optional error message for specific implementation.


Added in 1.1.0
protected void onVideoSizeChanged(int videoWidth, int videoHeight)

Called when size of the video changes. App may override.

int videoWidth

Intrinsic width of video

int videoHeight

Intrinsic height of video