
public final class DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory implements TsPayloadReader.Factory

Default TsPayloadReader.Factory implementation.


Nested types

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(flag = true, value = )
public annotation DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags

Flags controlling elementary stream readers' behavior.


static final int

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to treat samples consisting of non-IDR I slices as synchronization samples (key-frames).

static final int

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to split the input stream into access units (samples) based on slice headers.

static final int

Sets whether HDMV DTS audio streams will be handled.

static final int

Prevents the creation of AdtsReader and LatmReader instances.

static final int

Prevents the creation of H264Reader instances.

static final int

Prevents the creation of SectionPayloadReaders for splice information sections (SCTE-35).

static final int

Whether the list of closedCaptionFormats passed to DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory should be used in spite of any closed captions service descriptors.

Public methods


Returns the initial mapping from PIDs to payload readers.

@Nullable TsPayloadReader
createPayloadReader(int streamType, TsPayloadReader.EsInfo esInfo)

Returns a TsPayloadReader for a given stream type and elementary stream information.



public static final int FLAG_ALLOW_NON_IDR_KEYFRAMES = 1

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to treat samples consisting of non-IDR I slices as synchronization samples (key-frames).


public static final int FLAG_DETECT_ACCESS_UNITS = 8

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to split the input stream into access units (samples) based on slice headers. This flag should be disabled if the stream contains access unit delimiters (AUDs).


public static final int FLAG_ENABLE_HDMV_DTS_AUDIO_STREAMS = 64

Sets whether HDMV DTS audio streams will be handled. If this flag is set, SCTE subtitles will not be detected, as they share the same elementary stream type as HDMV DTS.


public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM = 2

Prevents the creation of AdtsReader and LatmReader instances. This flag should be enabled if the transport stream contains no packets for an AAC elementary stream that is declared in the PMT.


public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_H264_STREAM = 4

Prevents the creation of H264Reader instances. This flag should be enabled if the transport stream contains no packets for an H.264 elementary stream that is declared in the PMT.


public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_SPLICE_INFO_STREAM = 16

Prevents the creation of SectionPayloadReaders for splice information sections (SCTE-35).


public static final int FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS = 32

Whether the list of closedCaptionFormats passed to DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory should be used in spite of any closed captions service descriptors. If this flag is disabled, closedCaptionFormats will be ignored if the PMT contains closed captions service descriptors.

Public constructors


public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory()


public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(
    @DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags int flags
@DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags int flags

A combination of FLAG_* values that control the behavior of the created readers.


public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(
    @DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags int flags,
    List<Format> closedCaptionFormats
@DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags int flags

A combination of FLAG_* values that control the behavior of the created readers.

List<Format> closedCaptionFormats

Formats to be exposed by payload readers for streams with embedded closed captions when no caption service descriptors are provided. If FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS is set, closedCaptionFormats overrides any descriptor information. If not set, and closedCaptionFormats is empty, a closed caption track with accessibilityChannelNO_VALUE will be exposed.

Public methods


public SparseArray<TsPayloadReadercreateInitialPayloadReaders()

Returns the initial mapping from PIDs to payload readers.

This method allows the injection of payload readers for reserved PIDs, excluding PID 0.


A SparseArray that maps PIDs to payload readers.


public @Nullable TsPayloadReader createPayloadReader(int streamType, TsPayloadReader.EsInfo esInfo)

Returns a TsPayloadReader for a given stream type and elementary stream information. May return null if the stream type is not supported.

int streamType

Stream type value as defined in the PMT entry or associated descriptors.

TsPayloadReader.EsInfo esInfo

Information associated to the elementary stream provided in the PMT.

@Nullable TsPayloadReader

A TsPayloadReader for the packet stream carried by the provided pid, or null if the stream is not supported.