
public interface StorageConnection<T extends Object> extends Closeable

StorageConnection provides a way to read and write a particular type of data. StorageConnections are created from Storage objects.


Public methods

abstract @NonNull InterProcessCoordinator

Provides a coordinator to guarantee data consistency across multiple threads and processes.

abstract @NonNull R
<R extends Object> readScope(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull SuspendFunction2<@NonNull ReadScope<@NonNull T>, @NonNull Boolean, @NonNull R> block

Creates a scope for reading to allow storage reads, and will try to obtain a read lock.

abstract void
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull SuspendFunction1<@NonNull WriteScope<@NonNull T>, Unit> block

Creates a write scope that guaranteed to only have one single writer, ensuring also that any reads within this scope have the most current data.

Extension functions

default final @NonNull T
<T extends Object> StorageConnectionKt.readData(
    @NonNull StorageConnection<@NonNull T> receiver
default final void
<T extends Object> StorageConnectionKt.writeData(
    @NonNull StorageConnection<@NonNull T> receiver,
    @NonNull T value

Inherited methods

abstract void

Closes the specified resource.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.3
abstract @NonNull InterProcessCoordinator getCoordinator()

Provides a coordinator to guarantee data consistency across multiple threads and processes.


abstract @NonNull R <R extends Object> readScope(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull SuspendFunction2<@NonNull ReadScope<@NonNull T>, @NonNull Boolean, @NonNull R> block

Creates a scope for reading to allow storage reads, and will try to obtain a read lock.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull SuspendFunction2<@NonNull ReadScope<@NonNull T>, @NonNull Boolean, @NonNull R> block

The block of code that is performed within this scope. Block will receive locked parameter which is true if the try lock succeeded.


when there is an unrecoverable exception in reading.


Added in 1.1.3
abstract void writeScope(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull SuspendFunction1<@NonNull WriteScope<@NonNull T>, Unit> block

Creates a write scope that guaranteed to only have one single writer, ensuring also that any reads within this scope have the most current data.


when there is an unrecoverable exception in writing.

Extension functions


default final @NonNull T <T extends Object> StorageConnectionKt.readData(
    @NonNull StorageConnection<@NonNull T> receiver


default final void <T extends Object> StorageConnectionKt.writeData(
    @NonNull StorageConnection<@NonNull T> receiver,
    @NonNull T value