public final class DynamicNavGraphBuilder extends NavGraphBuilder

DSL for constructing a new DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph


Public constructors

    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @IdRes int id,
    @IdRes int startDestination

This method is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicNavGraphBuilder instead

    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull String startDestination,
    String route
    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull Object startDestination,
    KClass<@NonNull ?> route,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

DSL for constructing a new DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination,
    KClass<@NonNull ?> route,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

DSL for constructing a new DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

Public methods

@NonNull NavGraph
final String

The module name of this Destination's dynamic feature module.

final int

ID of the destination displayed during module installation.

final String

Route of the destination displayed during module installation.

final void
setModuleName(String moduleName)

The module name of this Destination's dynamic feature module.

final void
setProgressDestination(int progressDestination)

ID of the destination displayed during module installation.

final void
setProgressDestinationRoute(String progressDestinationRoute)

Route of the destination displayed during module installation.

Extension functions

final void

This method is deprecated. Use routes to build your DynamicActivityDestination instead

final void

Construct a new DynamicActivityNavigator.Destination

final void

Construct a new DynamicActivityNavigator.Destination

final void

This method is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void

This method is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void

This method is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

final void

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName

This method is deprecated. Use routes to include your DynamicNavGraph instead

final void
<T extends Object> DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

This method is deprecated. Use routes to include your DynamicNavGraph instead

final void
<T extends Object> DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @IdRes int startDestination,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

This method is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicNavGraph instead

final void
<T extends Object> DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull Object startDestination,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

final void
<T extends Object> DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

final void
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String startDestination,
    @NonNull String route,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

Inherited methods

From androidx.navigation.NavDestinationBuilder
final void
    int actionId,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull NavActionBuilderUnit> actionBuilder

This method is deprecated. Building NavDestinations using IDs with the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor of using routes.

final void
    @NonNull String name,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull NavArgumentBuilderUnit> argumentBuilder

Add a NavArgument to this destination.

final void

Add a NavArgument to this destination.

final void
<T extends Object> deepLinkSafeArgs(@NonNull String basePath)

Add a deep link to this destination.

final void

Add a deep link to this destination.

final void

Add a deep link to this destination.

final void
deepLink(@NonNull String uriPattern)

Add a deep link to this destination.

final void
<T extends Object> deepLink(
    @NonNull String basePath,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull NavDeepLinkDslBuilderUnit> navDeepLink

Add a deep link to this destination.

final int

The destination's unique ID.

final CharSequence

The descriptive label of the destination

final @NonNull Navigator<@NonNull NavGraph>

The navigator the destination that will be used in instantiateDestination to create the destination.

final String

The destination's unique route.

@NonNull NavGraph

Instantiate a new instance of D that will be passed to build.

final void

The descriptive label of the destination

From androidx.navigation.NavGraphBuilder
final void

Add the destination to the NavGraphBuilder

final void
<D extends NavDestination> destination(
    @NonNull NavDestinationBuilder<@NonNull D> navDestination

Build and add a new destination to the NavGraphBuilder

final @NonNull NavigatorProvider

The NavGraphBuilder's NavigatorProvider.

final void

Adds this destination to the NavGraphBuilder

Public constructors


Added in 2.3.0
Deprecated in 2.4.0
public DynamicNavGraphBuilder(
    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @IdRes int id,
    @IdRes int startDestination


Added in 2.4.0
public DynamicNavGraphBuilder(
    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull String startDestination,
    String route


Added in 2.8.2
public DynamicNavGraphBuilder(
    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull Object startDestination,
    KClass<@NonNull ?> route,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

DSL for constructing a new DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

@NonNull NavigatorProvider provider

navigator used to create the destination

@NonNull Object startDestination

the starting destination's route as an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

KClass<@NonNull ?> route

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.


the newly created NavGraph


Added in 2.8.2
public DynamicNavGraphBuilder(
    @NonNull NavigatorProvider provider,
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination,
    KClass<@NonNull ?> route,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

DSL for constructing a new DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

@NonNull NavigatorProvider provider

navigator used to create the destination

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination

the starting destination's route as a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

KClass<@NonNull ?> route

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.


the newly created NavGraph

Public methods


Added in 2.3.0
public final String getModuleName()

The module name of this Destination's dynamic feature module. This has to be the same as defined in the dynamic feature module's AndroidManifest.xml file.


Added in 2.3.0
public final int getProgressDestination()

ID of the destination displayed during module installation. This generally does not need to be set, but is instead filled in by the NavHost via DynamicGraphNavigator.installDefaultProgressDestination.

Setting this clears any previously set progressDestinationRoute.


Added in 2.4.0
public final String getProgressDestinationRoute()

Route of the destination displayed during module installation. This generally does not need to be set, but is instead filled in by the NavHost via DynamicGraphNavigator.installDefaultProgressDestination.

Setting this overrides any previously set progressDestination.


Added in 2.3.0
public final void setModuleName(String moduleName)

The module name of this Destination's dynamic feature module. This has to be the same as defined in the dynamic feature module's AndroidManifest.xml file.


Added in 2.3.0
public final void setProgressDestination(int progressDestination)

ID of the destination displayed during module installation. This generally does not need to be set, but is instead filled in by the NavHost via DynamicGraphNavigator.installDefaultProgressDestination.

Setting this clears any previously set progressDestinationRoute.


Added in 2.4.0
public final void setProgressDestinationRoute(String progressDestinationRoute)

Route of the destination displayed during module installation. This generally does not need to be set, but is instead filled in by the NavHost via DynamicGraphNavigator.installDefaultProgressDestination.

Setting this overrides any previously set progressDestination.

Extension functions


public final void DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.activity(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicActivityNavigator.Destination

@IdRes int id

Destination id.


public final void DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.activity(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicActivityNavigator.Destination

@NonNull String route

Destination route.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the graph


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.activity(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicActivityNavigator.Destination

<T extends Object>

Destination route from a KClass

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the graph


public final void <F extends Fragment> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@IdRes int id

Destination id.


public final void <F extends Fragment> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@NonNull String route

Destination route.


public final void <F extends Fragment, T extends Object> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T extends Object>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.


public final void <F extends Fragment> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@IdRes int id

Destination id.


public final void <F extends Fragment> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@NonNull String route

Destination route.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the fragment destination


public final void <F extends Fragment, T extends Object> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T extends Object>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the fragment destination


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String fragmentClassName,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T extends Object>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

@NonNull String fragmentClassName

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the fragment destination


public final void DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @NonNull String fragmentClassName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@IdRes int id

Destination id.

@NonNull String fragmentClassName

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.


public final void DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderKt.fragment(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @NonNull String fragmentClassName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

@NonNull String route

Destination route.

@NonNull String fragmentClassName

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilderUnit> builder

the builder used to construct the fragment destination


public final void DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

@IdRes int id

NavGraph id.

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

<T extends Object>

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.


public final void DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

@NonNull String route

NavGraph route.

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.


public final void DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

@IdRes int id

NavGraph id.

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

<T extends Object>

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderKt.includeDynamic(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String route,
    @NonNull String moduleName,
    @NonNull String graphResourceName,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a new DynamicIncludeGraphNavigator.DynamicIncludeNavGraph.

@NonNull String route

NavGraph route.

@NonNull String moduleName

Dynamic feature module name as defined in the module's AndroidManifest. This must not be an empty string.

@NonNull String graphResourceName

Graph's resource name without the navigation qualifier. This must not be an empty string.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicIncludeNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @IdRes int id,
    @IdRes int startDestination,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

@IdRes int id

NavGraph id.

@IdRes int startDestination

Id start destination in the graph

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull Object startDestination,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

<T extends Object>

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull Object startDestination

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void <T extends Object> DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

<T extends Object>

the graph's unique route as a KClass

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull ?> startDestination

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.


public final void DynamicNavGraphBuilderKt.navigation(
    @NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilder receiver,
    @NonNull String startDestination,
    @NonNull String route,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Construct a nested DynamicGraphNavigator.DynamicNavGraph

@NonNull String startDestination

route start destination in the graph

@NonNull String route

NavGraph route.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull DynamicNavGraphBuilderUnit> builder

Another builder for chaining.