
public class RoomDatabase.MigrationContainer

A container to hold migrations. It also allows querying its contents to find migrations between two versions.


Public constructors

Public methods


Adds the given migrations to the list of available migrations.


Adds the given migrations to the list of available migrations.

final boolean
contains(int startVersion, int endVersion)

Indicates if the given migration is contained within the MigrationContainer based on its start-end versions.

List<@NonNull Migration>
findMigrationPath(int start, int end)

Finds the list of migrations that should be run to move from start version to end version.

@NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Migration>>

Returns the map of available migrations where the key is the start version of the migration, and the value is a map of (end version -> Migration).

Public constructors


Added in 2.0.0
public MigrationContainer()

Public methods


Added in 2.4.0
public void addMigrations(@NonNull List<@NonNull Migration> migrations)

Adds the given migrations to the list of available migrations. If 2 migrations have the same start-end versions, the latter migration overrides the previous one.

@NonNull List<@NonNull Migration> migrations

List of available migrations.


Added in 2.0.0
public void addMigrations(@NonNull Migration migrations)

Adds the given migrations to the list of available migrations. If 2 migrations have the same start-end versions, the latter migration overrides the previous one.

@NonNull Migration migrations

List of available migrations.


Added in 2.5.0
public final boolean contains(int startVersion, int endVersion)

Indicates if the given migration is contained within the MigrationContainer based on its start-end versions.

int startVersion

Start version of the migration.

int endVersion

End version of the migration


True if it contains a migration with the same start-end version, false otherwise.


Added in 2.0.0
public List<@NonNull MigrationfindMigrationPath(int start, int end)

Finds the list of migrations that should be run to move from start version to end version.

int start

The current database version

int end

The target database version

List<@NonNull Migration>

An ordered list of Migration objects that should be run to migrate between the given versions. If a migration path cannot be found, returns null.


Added in 2.4.0
public @NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Migration>> getMigrations()

Returns the map of available migrations where the key is the start version of the migration, and the value is a map of (end version -> Migration).

@NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Map<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull Migration>>

Map of migrations keyed by the start version