public interface LayoutModifier


The companion object LayoutModifier is the empty, default, or starter LayoutModifier that contains no elements.


A single element contained within a LayoutModifier chain.

An ordered, immutable collection of modifier elements that decorate or add behavior to ProtoLayout layout elements. For example, backgrounds, padding and click actions. When a single modifier is applied multiple times, the last one wins.

import androidx.wear.protolayout.material3.button
import androidx.wear.protolayout.material3.icon
import androidx.wear.protolayout.material3.iconEdgeButton
import androidx.wear.protolayout.material3.materialScope
import androidx.wear.protolayout.material3.text
import androidx.wear.protolayout.modifiers.LayoutModifier
import androidx.wear.protolayout.modifiers.clickable
import androidx.wear.protolayout.modifiers.contentDescription

materialScope(context, deviceConfiguration) {
            onClick = clickable,
            modifier = LayoutModifier.contentDescription("Description of a button")
        ) {
            icon(protoLayoutResourceId = "id")


Nested types

public static class LayoutModifier.Companion implements LayoutModifier

The companion object LayoutModifier is the empty, default, or starter LayoutModifier that contains no elements.

public interface LayoutModifier.Element extends LayoutModifier

A single element contained within a LayoutModifier chain.

Public methods

abstract @NonNull R
<R extends Object> foldRight(
    @NonNull R initial,
    @NonNull Function2<@NonNull R, @NonNull LayoutModifier.Element, @NonNull R> operation

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from left to right.

default @NonNull LayoutModifier

Concatenates this modifier with another.

Extension functions

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull LayoutColor color,
    ModifiersBuilders.Corner corner

Sets the background color and clipping.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Sets the background color to color.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Clips the element to a rounded rectangle with corners specified in corner.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float cornerRadius

Clips the element to a rounded rectangle with four corners with cornerRadius radius.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the element to a rounded shape with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis for the four corners.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the bottom left corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the bottom right corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the top left corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the top right corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float width,
    @NonNull LayoutColor color

Adds a modifier to apply a border around an element.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Adds the clickable property of the modified element.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ActionBuilders.Action action,
    String id

Adds the clickable property of the modified element.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float minWidth,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float minHeight

Sets the minimum width and height of the clickable area.

default final @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers

Creates a ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers from a LayoutModifier.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float staticValue,
    DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dynamicValue

Adds a modifier to specify the opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is completely opaque.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float all

Applies all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right and bottom.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Applies additional space along each edge of the content.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float horizontal,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float vertical

Applies horizontal dp of additional space along the left and right edges of the content and vertical dp of additional space along the top and bottom edges of the content.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float start,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float top,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float end,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float bottom,
    boolean rtlAware

Applies additional space along each edge of the content in DP: start, top, end and bottom

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull String staticValue,
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200) DynamicBuilders.DynamicString dynamicValue

Adds content description to be read by accessibility services.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    int semanticsRole

Adds the semantic role of user interface element.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element enters the layout.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element enters the layout.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element exits the layout.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element exits the layout.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    boolean staticVisibility,
    DynamicBuilders.DynamicBool dynamicVisibility

Adds a modifier to specify the visibility of the element.

Public methods


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
abstract @NonNull R <R extends Object> foldRight(
    @NonNull R initial,
    @NonNull Function2<@NonNull R, @NonNull LayoutModifier.Element, @NonNull R> operation

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from left to right.

foldRight may be used to accumulate a value starting from the head of the modifier chain to the final modifier element.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
default @NonNull LayoutModifier then(@NonNull LayoutModifier other)

Concatenates this modifier with another.

Returns a LayoutModifier representing this modifier followed by other in sequence.

Extension functions


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.background(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull LayoutColor color,
    ModifiersBuilders.Corner corner

Sets the background color and clipping.

@NonNull LayoutColor color

for the background

ModifiersBuilders.Corner corner

to use for clipping the background


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.backgroundColor(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull LayoutColor color

Sets the background color to color.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clip(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.Corner corner

Clips the element to a rounded rectangle with corners specified in corner.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clip(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float cornerRadius

Clips the element to a rounded rectangle with four corners with cornerRadius radius.

@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clip(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the element to a rounded shape with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis for the four corners.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clipBottomLeft(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the bottom left corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clipBottomRight(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the bottom right corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clipTopLeft(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the top left corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BackgroundKt.clipTopRight(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float x,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float y

Clips the top right corner of the element with x as the radius on the horizontal axis and y as the radius on the vertical axis.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier BorderKt.border(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float width,
    @NonNull LayoutColor color

Adds a modifier to apply a border around an element.

@Dimension(unit = 0) float width

The width of the border, in DP.

@NonNull LayoutColor color

The color of the border.


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier ClickableKt.clickable(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.Clickable clickable

Adds the clickable property of the modified element. It allows the modified element to have actions associated with it, which will be executed when the element is tapped.


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier ClickableKt.clickable(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ActionBuilders.Action action,
    String id

Adds the clickable property of the modified element. It allows the modified element to have actions associated with it, which will be executed when the element is tapped.

@NonNull ActionBuilders.Action action

is triggered whenever the element is tapped. By default adds an empty LoadAction.

String id

is the associated identifier for this clickable. This will be passed to the action handler.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier ClickableKt.minimumTouchTargetSize(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float minWidth,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float minHeight

Sets the minimum width and height of the clickable area. The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum clickable width/height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the element within its parent bounds.

@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier OpacityKt.opacity(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float staticValue,
    DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dynamicValue

Adds a modifier to specify the opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is completely opaque.

@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float staticValue

The static value for opacity. This value will be used if dynamicValue is null, or if can't be resolved.

DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dynamicValue

The dynamic value for opacity. This can be used to change the opacity of the element dynamically (without changing the layout definition). To create a smooth transition for the dynamic change, you can use one of DynamicFloat.animate methods.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier PaddingKt.padding(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float all

Applies all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right and bottom.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier PaddingKt.padding(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.Padding padding

Applies additional space along each edge of the content.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier PaddingKt.padding(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float horizontal,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float vertical

Applies horizontal dp of additional space along the left and right edges of the content and vertical dp of additional space along the top and bottom edges of the content.

default final @NonNull LayoutModifier PaddingKt.padding(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float start,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float top,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float end,
    @Dimension(unit = 0) float bottom,
    boolean rtlAware

Applies additional space along each edge of the content in DP: start, top, end and bottom

@Dimension(unit = 0) float start

The padding on the start of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of rtlAware.

@Dimension(unit = 0) float top

The padding at the top, in DP.

@Dimension(unit = 0) float end

The padding on the end of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of rtlAware.

@Dimension(unit = 0) float bottom

The padding at the bottom, in DP.

boolean rtlAware

specifies whether the start/end padding is aware of RTL support. If true, the values for start/end will follow the layout direction (i.e. start will refer to the right hand side of the container if the device is using an RTL locale). If false, start/end will always map to left/right, accordingly.


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier SemanticsKt.contentDescription(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull String staticValue,
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200) DynamicBuilders.DynamicString dynamicValue

Adds content description to be read by accessibility services.

@NonNull String staticValue

The static content description. This value will be used if dynamicValue is null, or if can't be resolved.

@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200) DynamicBuilders.DynamicString dynamicValue

The dynamic content description. This is useful when content of the element itself is dynamic.


default final @NonNull LayoutModifier SemanticsKt.semanticsRole(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    int semanticsRole

Adds the semantic role of user interface element. Accessibility services might use this to describe the element or do customizations.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier TransitionKt.enterTransition(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.EnterTransition transition

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element enters the layout.

Any update to the element or its children will trigger this animation for this element and everything underneath it.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier TransitionKt.enterTransition(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    ModifiersBuilders.FadeInTransition fadeIn,
    ModifiersBuilders.SlideInTransition slideIn

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element enters the layout.

Any update to the element or its children will trigger this animation for this element and everything underneath it.

ModifiersBuilders.FadeInTransition fadeIn

The fading in animation for content transition of an element and its children happening when entering the layout.

ModifiersBuilders.SlideInTransition slideIn

The sliding in animation for content transition of an element and its children happening when entering the layout.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier TransitionKt.exitTransition(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    @NonNull ModifiersBuilders.ExitTransition transition

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element exits the layout.

Any update to the element or its children will trigger this animation for this element and everything underneath it.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier TransitionKt.exitTransition(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    ModifiersBuilders.FadeOutTransition fadeOut,
    ModifiersBuilders.SlideOutTransition slideOut

Adds a modifier to specify content transition that is triggered when element exits the layout.

Any update to the element or its children will trigger this animation for this element and everything underneath it.

ModifiersBuilders.FadeOutTransition fadeOut

The fading out animation for content transition of an element and its children happening when exiting the layout.

ModifiersBuilders.SlideOutTransition slideOut

The sliding out animation for content transition of an element and its children happening when exiting the layout.


@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
default final @NonNull LayoutModifier VisibilityKt.visibility(
    @NonNull LayoutModifier receiver,
    boolean staticVisibility,
    DynamicBuilders.DynamicBool dynamicVisibility

Adds a modifier to specify the visibility of the element. A hidden element still consume space in the layout, but will not render any contents, nor will any of its children render any contents.

Note that hidden elements won't receive input events.

boolean staticVisibility

The static value for visibility. This value will be used if dynamicVisibility is null, or if can't be resolved.

DynamicBuilders.DynamicBool dynamicVisibility

The dynamic value for visibility. This can be used to change the visibility of the element dynamically (without changing the layout definition).