public final class AnchorEntity extends BaseEntity

An AnchorEntity is created to track a Pose relative to some position or surface in the "Real World." Children of this Entity will remain positioned relative to that location in the real world, for the purposes of creating Augmented Reality experiences.

Note that Anchors are only relative to the "real world", and not virtual environments. Also, calling setParent() on an AnchorEntity has no effect, as the parenting of an Anchor is controlled by the system.


Nested types

public enum AnchorEntity.PersistState extends Enum

Specifies the current persist state of the Anchor.

public static class AnchorEntity.State

Public methods

static final @NonNull AnchorEntity
create(@NonNull Session session, @NonNull Anchor anchor)

Public factory function for an AnchorEntity which uses an Anchor from ARCore for XR.

static final @NonNull AnchorEntity
    @NonNull Session session,
    @NonNull Dimensions bounds,
    int planeType,
    int planeSemantic,
    @NonNull Duration timeout

Public factory function for an AnchorEntity which searches for a location to create an Anchor among the tracked planes available to the perception system.

final @NonNull Anchor

Loads the ARCore for XR Anchor using a Jetpack XR Runtime session.

final @NonNull AnchorEntity.PersistState

Gets the current PersistState.

final int

Returns the current tracking state for this AnchorEntity.

final UUID

Requests to persist the anchor.

final void
    OnSpaceUpdatedListener listener,
    Executor executor

Registers a listener to be called when the Anchor moves relative to its underlying space.

final void
    OnStateChangedListener onStateChangedListener

Registers a listener callback to be issued when an anchor's state changes.

Inherited methods

abstract @NonNull Pose

Returns the activity space pose for this ActivityPose.

abstract @NonNull Pose

Returns a pose relative to this ActivityPose transformed into a pose relative to the destination.


Sets an Entity to be represented in this coordinate space.


Adds a Component to this Entity.


Disposes of any system resources held by this Entity, and transitively calls dispose() on all its children.


Returns the global alpha of this entity computed by multiplying the parent's global alpha to this entity's local alpha.


Returns the alpha transparency set for this Entity.

@NonNull List<@NonNull Component>

Retrieves all components attached to this Entity.

@NonNull List<@NonNull T>

Retrieves all Components of the given type T and its sub-types attached to this Entity.


Returns the parent of this Entity.

@NonNull Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to its parent.


Returns the local scale of this entity, not inclusive of the parent's scale.

@NonNull Dimensions

Returns the dimensions (in meters) for this Entity.


Returns the accumulated scale of this Entity.

isHidden(boolean includeParents)

Returns the hidden status of this Entity.


Remove all components from this Entity.


Removes the given Component from this Entity.

setAlpha(float alpha)

Sets the alpha transparency of the Entity and its children.


Sets alternate text for this entity to be consumed by Accessibility systems.

setHidden(boolean hidden)

Sets the local hidden state of this Entity.

setParent(Entity parent)

Sets this Entity to be represented in the parent's coordinate space.


Sets the pose for this Entity, relative to its parent.

setScale(float scale)

Sets the scale of this entity relative to its parent.

setSize(@NonNull Dimensions dimensions)

Sets the dimensions in pixels for the Entity.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public static final @NonNull AnchorEntity create(@NonNull Session session, @NonNull Anchor anchor)

Public factory function for an AnchorEntity which uses an Anchor from ARCore for XR.

@NonNull Session session

Session to create the AnchorEntity in.

@NonNull Anchor anchor

The PerceptionAnchor to use for this AnchorEntity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public static final @NonNull AnchorEntity create(
    @NonNull Session session,
    @NonNull Dimensions bounds,
    int planeType,
    int planeSemantic,
    @NonNull Duration timeout

Public factory function for an AnchorEntity which searches for a location to create an Anchor among the tracked planes available to the perception system.

Note that this function will fail if the application has not been granted the "android.permission.SCENE_UNDERSTANDING" permission. Consider using PermissionHelper to help request permission from the User.

@NonNull Session session

Session to create the AnchorEntity in.

@NonNull Dimensions bounds

Bounds for this AnchorEntity.

int planeType

Orientation of plane to which this Anchor should attach.

int planeSemantic

Semantics of the plane to which this Anchor should attach.

@NonNull Duration timeout

The amount of time as a Duration to search for the a suitable plane to attach to. If a plane is not found within the timeout, the returned AnchorEntity state will be set to AnchorEntity.State.TIMEDOUT. It may take longer than the timeout period before the anchor state is updated. If the timeout duration is zero it will search for the anchor indefinitely.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final @NonNull Anchor getAnchor(@NonNull Session session)

Loads the ARCore for XR Anchor using a Jetpack XR Runtime session.

@NonNull Session session

the Jetpack XR Runtime session to load the Anchor from.

@NonNull Anchor

the ARCore for XR Anchor corresponding to the native pointer.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final @NonNull AnchorEntity.PersistState getPersistState()

Gets the current PersistState.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final int getState()

Returns the current tracking state for this AnchorEntity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final UUID persist()

Requests to persist the anchor. If the anchor's State is not ANCHORED, no request will be sent and null is returned. If the request is sent successfully, returns an UUID of the anchor immediately; otherwise returns null. After this call, client should use getPersistState() to check the PersistState of the anchor. If the anchor's PersistState becomes PERSISTED before the app is closed the anchor can be recreated in a new session by calling Session.createPersistedAnchorEntity(uuid). If the PersistState doesn't become PERSISTED before the app is closed, the recreation will fail.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final void setOnSpaceUpdatedListener(
    OnSpaceUpdatedListener listener,
    Executor executor

Registers a listener to be called when the Anchor moves relative to its underlying space.

The callback is triggered by any anchor movements such as those made by the underlying perception stack to maintain the anchor's position relative to the real world. Any cached data relative to the activity space or any other "space" should be updated when this callback is triggered.

OnSpaceUpdatedListener listener

The listener to register if non-null, else stops listening if null.

Executor executor

The executor to run the listener on. Defaults to SceneCore executor if null.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
public final void setOnStateChangedListener(
    OnStateChangedListener onStateChangedListener

Registers a listener callback to be issued when an anchor's state changes.