ActivityEmbeddingController |
The controller that allows checking the current |
ActivityEmbeddingOptions |
ActivityFilter |
Filter for |
ActivityRule |
Layout configuration rules for individual activities with split layouts. |
ActivityRule.Builder |
Builder for |
ActivityStack |
A container that holds a stack of activities, overlapping and bound to the same rectangle on the screen. |
DividerAttributes |
The attributes of the divider layout and behavior. |
DividerAttributes.DragRange |
Describes the range that the user is allowed to drag the draggable divider. |
DividerAttributes.DragRange.SplitRatioDragRange |
A drag range represented as an interval of the primary container's split ratios. |
DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes |
The attributes of a draggable divider. |
DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder |
The |
DividerAttributes.FixedDividerAttributes |
The attributes of a fixed divider. |
DividerAttributes.FixedDividerAttributes.Builder |
The |
EmbeddedActivityWindowInfo |
Describes the embedded window related info of an activity. |
EmbeddingAnimationBackground |
Background to be used for window transition animations for embedding activities if the animation requires a background. |
EmbeddingAnimationBackground.ColorBackground |
An {@link EmbeddingAnimationBackground} to specify of using a developer-defined color as the animation background. |
EmbeddingAnimationParams |
Parameters to be used for window transition animations for embedding activities. |
EmbeddingAnimationParams.Builder |
Builder for creating an instance of |
EmbeddingAspectRatio |
The aspect ratio of the parent window bound to allow embedding with the rule. |
EmbeddingConfiguration |
Configurations of Activity Embedding environment that defines how the embedded Activities behave. |
EmbeddingConfiguration.Builder |
Builder for creating an instance of |
EmbeddingConfiguration.DimAreaBehavior |
The area of dimming to apply. |
EmbeddingRule |
Base abstract class for activity embedding presentation rules, such as |
RuleController |
The controller to manage |
SplitAttributes |
Attributes that describe how the parent window (typically the activity task window) is split between the primary and secondary activity containers, including: |
SplitAttributes.Builder |
Builder for creating an instance of |
SplitAttributes.LayoutDirection |
The layout direction of the primary and secondary activity containers. |
SplitAttributes.SplitType |
The type of parent window split, which defines the proportion of the parent window occupied by the primary and secondary activity containers. |
SplitAttributesCalculatorParams |
The parameter container used to report the current device and window state in |
SplitController |
The controller class that gets information about the currently active activity splits and provides interaction points to customize the splits and form new splits. |
SplitController.SplitSupportStatus |
A class to determine if activity splits with Activity Embedding are currently available. |
SplitInfo |
Describes a split pair of two containers with activities. |
SplitPairFilter |
Filter for |
SplitPairRule |
Split configuration rules for activity pairs. |
SplitPairRule.Builder |
Builder for |
SplitPinRule |
Split configuration rules for pinning an |
SplitPinRule.Builder |
Builder for |
SplitPlaceholderRule |
Configuration rules for split placeholders. |
SplitPlaceholderRule.Builder |
Builder for |
SplitRule |
Split configuration rules for activities that are launched to side in a split. |
SplitRule.FinishBehavior |
Determines what happens with the associated container when all activities are finished in one of the containers in a split. |