
public final class RemoteEntry

An entry on the selector, denoting that the credential request will be completed on a remote device.

Once this entry is selected, the corresponding pendingIntent will be invoked. The provider can then show any activity they wish to while establishing a connection with a different device and retrieving a credential. Before finishing the activity, provider must set the final androidx.credentials.GetCredentialResponse through the PendingIntentHandler.setGetCredentialResponse helper API, or a androidx.credentials.CreateCredentialResponse through the PendingIntentHandler.setCreateCredentialResponse helper API depending on whether it is a get or create flow.

See android.service.credentials.BeginGetCredentialResponse for usage details.


Nested types

public final class RemoteEntry.Builder

A builder for RemoteEntry

Public constructors

constructs an instance of RemoteEntry

Public methods

equals(Object other)
static final RemoteEntry

Converts a framework android.service.credentials.RemoteEntry class to a Jetpack RemoteEntry class

final @NonNull PendingIntent

the PendingIntent that will get invoked when the user selects this authentication entry on the UI, must be created with flag PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE so that the system can add the complete request to the extras of the associated intent


Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
public RemoteEntry(@NonNull PendingIntent pendingIntent)

constructs an instance of RemoteEntry

@NonNull PendingIntent pendingIntent

the PendingIntent that will get invoked when the user selects this authentication entry on the UI, must be created with flag PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE so that the system can add the complete request to the extras of the associated intent

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.5.0
public static final RemoteEntry fromRemoteEntry(@NonNull RemoteEntry remoteEntry)

Converts a framework android.service.credentials.RemoteEntry class to a Jetpack RemoteEntry class

Note that this API is not needed in a general credential creation/retrieval flow that is implemented using this jetpack library, where you are only required to construct an instance of RemoteEntry to populate the BeginGetCredentialResponse or BeginCreateCredentialResponse.

@NonNull RemoteEntry remoteEntry

the instance of framework action class to be converted


Added in 1.2.0
public final @NonNull PendingIntent getPendingIntent()

the PendingIntent that will get invoked when the user selects this authentication entry on the UI, must be created with flag PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE so that the system can add the complete request to the extras of the associated intent


public int hashCode()