
public final class ReportImpressionRequest

Represent input parameters to the reportImpression API.


Public constructors

    long adSelectionId,
    @NonNull AdSelectionConfig adSelectionConfig

Public methods

equals(Object other)

Checks whether two ReportImpressionRequest objects contain the same information.

final @NonNull AdSelectionConfig

optional config used in the selectAds() call identified by the provided ad selection ID.

final long

An ID unique only to a device user that identifies a successful ad selection.


Returns the hash of the ReportImpressionRequest object's data.

@NonNull String

Overrides the toString method.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public ReportImpressionRequest(long adSelectionId)


Added in 1.0.0
public ReportImpressionRequest(
    long adSelectionId,
    @NonNull AdSelectionConfig adSelectionConfig
long adSelectionId

An ID unique only to a device user that identifies a successful ad selection.

@NonNull AdSelectionConfig adSelectionConfig

optional config used in the selectAds() call identified by the provided ad selection ID. If the {@code adSelectionId} is for a on-device auction run using AdSelectionManager#selectAds, then the config must be included. If the {@code adSelectionId} is for a server auction run where device info collected by [AdSelectionManager#getAdSelectionData} then the impression reporting request should only include the ad selection id.

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)

Checks whether two ReportImpressionRequest objects contain the same information.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull AdSelectionConfig getAdSelectionConfig()

optional config used in the selectAds() call identified by the provided ad selection ID. If the {@code adSelectionId} is for a on-device auction run using AdSelectionManager#selectAds, then the config must be included. If the {@code adSelectionId} is for a server auction run where device info collected by [AdSelectionManager#getAdSelectionData} then the impression reporting request should only include the ad selection id.


Added in 1.0.0
public final long getAdSelectionId()

An ID unique only to a device user that identifies a successful ad selection.


public int hashCode()

Returns the hash of the ReportImpressionRequest object's data.


public @NonNull String toString()

Overrides the toString method.