Added in API level 26


class CompanionDeviceManager
   ↳ android.companion.CompanionDeviceManager

Public interfaces for managing companion devices.

The interfaces in this class allow companion apps to associate(android.companion.AssociationRequest,java.util.concurrent.Executor,android.companion.CompanionDeviceManager.Callback) discover and request device profiles} for companion devices, listen to device presence, transfer system level via the reported and more.

Requires the PackageManager#FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP feature which can be detected using PackageManager.hasSystemFeature(String).


Nested classes

Callback for applications to receive updates about and the outcome of AssociationRequest issued via associate() call.

static String

Extra field name for the AssociationInfo object, included into android.content.Intent which application receive in Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) after the application's AssociationRequest was successfully processed and an association was created.

static String

A device, returned in the activity result of the IntentSender received in Callback.onDeviceFound Type is:

static Int

Used by enableSystemDataSyncForTypes(int,int)}.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates if the association dialog is implicitly cancelled.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association dialog is dismissed if there's no device found after 20 seconds.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the internal error in CompanionDeviceManager.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association is created successfully.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity and Callback.onFailure(int, CharSequence), indicates app is not allow to create the association due to the security issue.

static Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association dialog is explicitly declined by the users.

Public methods

Request to associate this app with a companion device.


Request to associate this app with a companion device.


Attach a bidirectional communication stream to be used as a transport channel for transporting system data between associated devices.


Cancel the current association activity.


Build a permission sync user consent dialog.


Detach the transport channel that's previously attached for the associated device.

disableSystemDataSyncForTypes(associationId: Int, flags: Int)

Disable system data sync (it only supports call metadata sync for now).

disassociate(associationId: Int)

Remove an association.

disassociate(deviceMacAddress: String)

Remove the association between this app and the device with the given mac address.

enableSystemDataSyncForTypes(associationId: Int, flags: Int)

Enable system data sync (it only supports call metadata sync for now).


Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest


Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest


Check whether the given component can access the notifications via a NotificationListenerService Your app must have an association with a device before calling this API


Return the current state of consent for permission transfer for the association.

removeBond(associationId: Int)

Remove bonding between this device and an associated companion device.


Request notification access for the given component.

setDeviceId(associationId: Int, deviceId: DeviceId?)

Sets the deviceId for this association.


Register to receive callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.


Register to receive callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.

startSystemDataTransfer(associationId: Int, executor: Executor, result: OutcomeReceiver<Void!, CompanionException!>)

Start system data transfer which has been previously approved by the user.


Unregister for receiving callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.


Unregister for receiving callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.



Added in API level 33
static val EXTRA_ASSOCIATION: String

Extra field name for the AssociationInfo object, included into android.content.Intent which application receive in Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) after the application's AssociationRequest was successfully processed and an association was created.

Value: "android.companion.extra.ASSOCIATION"


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 33
static val EXTRA_DEVICE: String

Deprecated: use AssociationInfo.getAssociatedDevice() instead.

A device, returned in the activity result of the IntentSender received in Callback.onDeviceFound Type is:

Value: "android.companion.extra.DEVICE"


Added in API level 34
static val FLAG_CALL_METADATA: Int

Used by enableSystemDataSyncForTypes(int,int)}. Sync call metadata like muting, ending and silencing a call.

Value: 1


Added in API level 34
static val RESULT_CANCELED: Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates if the association dialog is implicitly cancelled. E.g. phone is locked, switch to another app or press outside the dialog.

Value: 0


Added in API level 34

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association dialog is dismissed if there's no device found after 20 seconds.

Value: 2


Added in API level 34

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the internal error in CompanionDeviceManager.

Value: 3


Added in API level 34
static val RESULT_OK: Int

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association is created successfully.

Value: -1


Added in API level 36

The result code to propagate back to the user activity and Callback.onFailure(int, CharSequence), indicates app is not allow to create the association due to the security issue. E.g. There are missing necessary permissions when creating association.

Value: 4


Added in API level 34

The result code to propagate back to the user activity, indicates the association dialog is explicitly declined by the users.

Value: 1

Public methods


Added in API level 26
fun associate(
    request: AssociationRequest,
    callback: CompanionDeviceManager.Callback,
    handler: Handler?
): Unit

Request to associate this app with a companion device.

Note that before creating establishing association the system may need to show UI to collect user confirmation.

If the app needs to be excluded from battery optimizations (run in the background) or to have unrestricted data access (use data in the background) it should declare use of android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND and android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND in its AndroidManifest.xml respectively. Note that these special capabilities have a negative effect on the device's battery and user's data usage, therefore you should request them when absolutely necessary.

Application can use getMyAssociations() for retrieving the list of currently AssociationInfo objects, that represent their existing associations. Applications can also use disassociate(int) to remove an association, and are recommended to do when an association is no longer relevant to avoid unnecessary battery and/or data drain resulting from special privileges that the association provides

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

request AssociationRequest: A request object that describes details of the request. This value cannot be null.
callback CompanionDeviceManager.Callback: The callback used to notify application when the association is created. This value cannot be null.
handler Handler?: The handler which will be used to invoke the callback. This value may be null.


Added in API level 33
fun associate(
    request: AssociationRequest,
    executor: Executor,
    callback: CompanionDeviceManager.Callback
): Unit

Request to associate this app with a companion device.

Note that before creating establishing association the system may need to show UI to collect user confirmation.

If the app needs to be excluded from battery optimizations (run in the background) or to have unrestricted data access (use data in the background) it should declare use of android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND and android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND in its AndroidManifest.xml respectively. Note that these special capabilities have a negative effect on the device's battery and user's data usage, therefore you should request them when absolutely necessary.

Application can use getMyAssociations() for retrieving the list of currently AssociationInfo objects, that represent their existing associations. Applications can also use disassociate(int) to remove an association, and are recommended to do when an association is no longer relevant to avoid unnecessary battery and/or data drain resulting from special privileges that the association provides

Note that if you use this api to associate with a Bluetooth device, please make sure to cancel your own Bluetooth discovery before calling this api, otherwise the callback may fail to return the desired device.

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

request AssociationRequest: A request object that describes details of the request. This value cannot be null.
executor Executor: The executor which will be used to invoke the callback. This value cannot be null.
callback CompanionDeviceManager.Callback: The callback used to notify application when the association is created. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
fun attachSystemDataTransport(
    associationId: Int,
    in: InputStream,
    out: OutputStream
): Unit

Attach a bidirectional communication stream to be used as a transport channel for transporting system data between associated devices.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES

associationId Int: id of the associated device.
in InputStream: Already connected stream of data incoming from remote associated device. This value cannot be null.
out OutputStream: Already connected stream of data outgoing to remote associated device. This value cannot be null.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException Thrown if the associationId was not previously associated with this app.


Added in API level 34
fun buildAssociationCancellationIntent(): IntentSender?

Cancel the current association activity.

The app should launch the returned intentSender by calling Activity.startIntentSenderForResult(IntentSender, int, Intent, int, int, int) to cancel the current association activity

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

IntentSender? An IntentSender that the app should use to launch in order to cancel the current association activity This value may be null.


Added in API level 34
fun buildPermissionTransferUserConsentIntent(associationId: Int): IntentSender?

Build a permission sync user consent dialog.

Only the companion app which owns the association can call this method. Otherwise a null IntentSender will be returned from this method and an error will be logged. The app should launch the Activity in the returned intentSender IntentSender by calling Activity.startIntentSenderForResult(IntentSender, int, Intent, int, int, int).

The permission transfer doesn't happen immediately after the call or when the user consents. The app needs to call attachSystemDataTransport(int,, to attach a transport channel and startSystemDataTransfer(int,java.util.concurrent.Executor,android.os.OutcomeReceiver) to trigger the system data transfer}.

associationId Int: The unique ID assigned to the association of the companion device recorded by CompanionDeviceManager
IntentSender? An IntentSender that the app should use to launch the UI for the user to confirm the system data transfer request.


Added in API level 34
fun detachSystemDataTransport(associationId: Int): Unit

Detach the transport channel that's previously attached for the associated device. The system will stop transferring any system data when this method is called.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES

associationId Int: id of the associated device.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException Thrown if the associationId was not previously associated with this app.


Added in API level 34
fun disableSystemDataSyncForTypes(
    associationId: Int,
    flags: Int
): Unit

Disable system data sync (it only supports call metadata sync for now). By default all supported system data types are enabled.

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

associationId Int: id of the device association.
flags Int: system data types to be disabled. Value is either 0 or android.companion.CompanionDeviceManager#FLAG_CALL_METADATA


Added in API level 33
fun disassociate(associationId: Int): Unit

Remove an association.

Any privileges provided via being associated with a given device will be revoked

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

associationId Int: id of the association to be removed.


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 33
fun disassociate(deviceMacAddress: String): Unit

Deprecated: use disassociate(int)

Remove the association between this app and the device with the given mac address.

Any privileges provided via being associated with a given device will be revoked

Consider doing so when the association is no longer relevant to avoid unnecessary battery and/or data drain resulting from special privileges that the association provides

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

deviceMacAddress String: the MAC address of device to disassociate from this app. Device address is case-sensitive in API level < 33. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
fun enableSystemDataSyncForTypes(
    associationId: Int,
    flags: Int
): Unit

Enable system data sync (it only supports call metadata sync for now). By default all supported system data types are enabled.

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

associationId Int: id of the device association.
flags Int: system data types to be enabled. Value is either 0 or android.companion.CompanionDeviceManager#FLAG_CALL_METADATA


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 33
fun getAssociations(): MutableList<String!>

Deprecated: use getMyAssociations()

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

MutableList<String!> a list of MAC addresses of devices that have been previously associated with the current app are managed by CompanionDeviceManager (ie. does not include devices managed by application itself even if they have a MAC address). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
fun getMyAssociations(): MutableList<AssociationInfo!>

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

MutableList<AssociationInfo!> a list of associations that have been previously associated with the current app. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 33
fun hasNotificationAccess(component: ComponentName!): Boolean

Deprecated: Use NotificationManager.isNotificationListenerAccessGranted(ComponentName) instead.

Check whether the given component can access the notifications via a NotificationListenerService Your app must have an association with a device before calling this API

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest

component ComponentName!: the name of the component
Boolean whether the given component has the notification listener permission


Added in API level 35
fun isPermissionTransferUserConsented(associationId: Int): Boolean

Return the current state of consent for permission transfer for the association. True if the user has allowed permission transfer for the association, false otherwise.

Note: The initial user consent is collected via a permission transfer user consent dialog. After the user has made their initial selection, they can toggle the permission transfer feature in the settings. This method always returns the state of the toggle setting.

associationId Int: The unique ID assigned to the association of the companion device recorded by CompanionDeviceManager
Boolean True if the user has consented to the permission transfer, or false otherwise.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException Exception if the companion device is not associated with the user or the calling app.


Added in API level 36
fun removeBond(associationId: Int): Boolean

Remove bonding between this device and an associated companion device.

This is an asynchronous call, it will return immediately. Register for android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice#ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED intents to be notified when the bond removal process completes, and its result.

This API should be used to remove a bluetooth bond that was created either by using android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice#createBond(int) or by a direct user action. The association must already exist with this device before calling this method, but this may be done retroactively to remove a bond that was created outside of the CompanionDeviceManager.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_CONNECT

associationId Int: an already-associated companion device to remove bond from
Boolean false on immediate error, true if bond removal process will begin


Added in API level 26
fun requestNotificationAccess(component: ComponentName!): Unit

Request notification access for the given component. The given component must follow the protocol specified in NotificationListenerService Only components from the same package as the calling app are allowed. Your app must have an association with a device before calling this API. Side-loaded apps must allow restricted settings before requesting notification access.

Calling this API requires a uses-feature PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP declaration in the manifest


Added in API level 36
fun setDeviceId(
    associationId: Int,
    deviceId: DeviceId?
): Unit

Sets the deviceId for this association.

This device id helps the system uniquely identify your device for efficient device management and prevents duplicate entries.

associationId Int: The unique ID assigned to the Association of the companion device recorded by CompanionDeviceManager.
deviceId DeviceId?: to be used as device identifier to represent the associated device. This value may be null.


Added in API level 36
fun startObservingDevicePresence(request: ObservingDevicePresenceRequest): Unit

Register to receive callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.

The app doesn't need to remain running in order to receive its callbacks.

Calling app must check for feature presence of PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP before calling this API.

For Bluetooth LE devices, this is based on scanning for device with the given address. The system will scan for the device when Bluetooth is ON or Bluetooth scanning is ON.

For Bluetooth classic devices this is triggered when the device connects/disconnects.

WiFi devices are not supported.

If a Bluetooth LE device wants to use a rotating mac address, it is recommended to use Resolvable Private Address, and ensure the device is bonded to the phone so that android OS is able to resolve the address.

Requires android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE
request ObservingDevicePresenceRequest: A request for setting the types of device for observing device presence. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
Deprecated in API level 36
fun startObservingDevicePresence(deviceAddress: String): Unit

Deprecated: use startObservingDevicePresence(android.companion.ObservingDevicePresenceRequest) instead.

Register to receive callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range.

The provided device must be #associate with the calling app before calling this method.

Caller must implement a single CompanionDeviceService which will be bound to and receive callbacks to android.companion.CompanionDeviceService#onDeviceAppeared and android.companion.CompanionDeviceService#onDeviceDisappeared. The app doesn't need to remain running in order to receive its callbacks.

Calling app must declare uses-permission android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE.

Calling app must check for feature presence of PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP before calling this API.

For Bluetooth LE devices, this is based on scanning for device with the given address. The system will scan for the device when Bluetooth is ON or Bluetooth scanning is ON.

For Bluetooth classic devices this is triggered when the device connects/disconnects. WiFi devices are not supported.

If a Bluetooth LE device wants to use a rotating mac address, it is recommended to use Resolvable Private Address, and ensure the device is bonded to the phone so that android OS is able to resolve the address.

Requires android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE
deviceAddress String: a previously-associated companion device's address This value cannot be null.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException if the given device was not previously associated with this app.


Added in API level 34
fun startSystemDataTransfer(
    associationId: Int,
    executor: Executor,
    result: OutcomeReceiver<Void!, CompanionException!>
): Unit

Start system data transfer which has been previously approved by the user.

Before calling this method, the app needs to make sure the transport channel is, and the user consent dialog has prompted to. The transfer will fail if the transport channel is disconnected or detached during the transfer.

associationId Int: The unique ID assigned to the Association of the companion device recorded by CompanionDeviceManager
executor Executor: The executor which will be used to invoke the result callback. This value cannot be null.
result OutcomeReceiver<Void!, CompanionException!>: The callback to notify the app of the result of the system data transfer. This value cannot be null.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException Exception if the companion device is not associated


Added in API level 36
fun stopObservingDevicePresence(request: ObservingDevicePresenceRequest): Unit

Unregister for receiving callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range. Calling app must check for feature presence of PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP before calling this API.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE

request ObservingDevicePresenceRequest: A request for setting the types of device for observing device presence. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
Deprecated in API level 36
fun stopObservingDevicePresence(deviceAddress: String): Unit

Deprecated: use stopObservingDevicePresence(android.companion.ObservingDevicePresenceRequest) instead.

Unregister for receiving callbacks whenever the associated device comes in and out of range. The provided device must be #associate with the calling app before calling this method. Calling app must declare uses-permission android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE. Calling app must check for feature presence of PackageManager.FEATURE_COMPANION_DEVICE_SETUP before calling this API.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE

deviceAddress String: a previously-associated companion device's address This value cannot be null.
android.companion.DeviceNotAssociatedException if the given device was not previously associated with this app.