Added in API level 29


class Builder

Builder used to build WifiP2pConfig objects for creating or joining a group. The WifiP2pConfig can be constructed for two use-cases:


Public constructors

Public methods

Build WifiP2pConfig given the current requests made on the builder.


Specify that the group configuration be persisted (i.e. saved).


Specify that the configuration is to authorize a connection request from a peer device.

setDeviceAddress(deviceAddress: MacAddress?)

Specify the peer's MAC address.

setGroupClientIpProvisioningMode(groupClientIpProvisioningMode: Int)

Specify the IP provisioning mode when joining a group as a group client.


Specify the band to use for creating the group or joining the group.


Specify the frequency, in MHz, to use for creating the group or joining the group.

setNetworkName(networkName: String)

Specify the network name, a.


Set the pairing bootstrapping configuration for connecting using P2P pairing Protocol.

setPassphrase(passphrase: String)

Specify the passphrase for creating or joining a group.

setPccModeConnectionType(connectionType: Int)

Specifies the PCC Mode connection type.

Public constructors


Added in API level 29

Public methods


Added in API level 29
fun build(): WifiP2pConfig

Build WifiP2pConfig given the current requests made on the builder.

WifiP2pConfig WifiP2pConfig constructed based on builder method calls. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun enablePersistentMode(persistent: Boolean): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify that the group configuration be persisted (i.e. saved). By default the group configuration will not be saved.

Optional. false by default.

persistent Boolean: is this group persistent group.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
fun setAuthorizeConnectionFromPeerEnabled(enabled: Boolean): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify that the configuration is to authorize a connection request from a peer device. The MAC address of the peer device is specified using WifiP2pConfig.Builder.setDeviceAddress(MacAddress).

Optional. false by default. The default configuration is to join a group or to initiate a group formation.

This configuration is typically used in Bluetooth LE assisted P2P pairing protocol defined in Wi-Fi Direct R2 specification, section 3.9. The collocated Bluetooth Provider sends the pairing password to the peer device (Seeker) and direct the system to authorize the connection request from the peer device using,, The device will then wait for the connection request from the peer device.

enabled Boolean: true to authorize a connection request from the peer device, false to let the device join a group or form a group.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun setDeviceAddress(deviceAddress: MacAddress?): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the peer's MAC address. If not set, the device will try to find a peer whose SSID matches the network name as specified by setNetworkName(java.lang.String). Specifying null will reset the peer's MAC address to "02:00:00:00:00:00".

Optional. "02:00:00:00:00:00" by default.

If the network name is not set, the peer's MAC address is mandatory.

deviceAddress MacAddress?: the peer's MAC address. This value may be null.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..).


Added in API level 34
fun setGroupClientIpProvisioningMode(groupClientIpProvisioningMode: Int): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the IP provisioning mode when joining a group as a group client. The IP provisioning mode should be GROUP_CLIENT_IP_PROVISIONING_MODE_IPV4_DHCP or GROUP_CLIENT_IP_PROVISIONING_MODE_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL.

When joining a group as group client using,,, specifying GROUP_CLIENT_IP_PROVISIONING_MODE_IPV4_DHCP directs the system to assign a IPv4 to the group client using DHCP. Specifying GROUP_CLIENT_IP_PROVISIONING_MODE_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL directs the system to assign a link-local IPv6 to the group client.


If WifiP2pManager.isGroupOwnerIPv6LinkLocalAddressProvided() is true and GROUP_CLIENT_IP_PROVISIONING_MODE_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL is used then the system will discover the group owner's IPv6 link-local address and broadcast it using the WifiP2pManager.EXTRA_WIFI_P2P_INFO extra of the WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast. Otherwise, if WifiP2pManager.isGroupOwnerIPv6LinkLocalAddressProvided() is false then the group owner's IPv6 link-local address is not discovered and it is the responsibility of the caller to obtain it in some other way, e.g. via out-of-band communication.

WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun setGroupOperatingBand(band: Int): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the band to use for creating the group or joining the group. The band should be GROUP_OWNER_BAND_2GHZ, GROUP_OWNER_BAND_5GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_6GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_AUTO.

When creating a group as Group Owner using,,, specifying GROUP_OWNER_BAND_AUTO allows the system to pick the operating frequency from all supported bands. Specifying GROUP_OWNER_BAND_2GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_5GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_6GHZ only allows the system to pick the operating frequency in the specified band. If the Group Owner cannot create a group in the specified band, the operation will fail.

When joining a group as Group Client using,,, specifying GROUP_OWNER_BAND_AUTO allows the system to scan all supported frequencies to find the desired group. Specifying GROUP_OWNER_BAND_2GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_5GHZ or GROUP_OWNER_BAND_6GHZ only allows the system to scan the specified band.

setGroupOperatingBand(int) and setGroupOperatingFrequency(int) are mutually exclusive. Setting operating band and frequency both is invalid.

Optional. GROUP_OWNER_BAND_AUTO by default.

WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun setGroupOperatingFrequency(frequency: Int): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the frequency, in MHz, to use for creating the group or joining the group.

When creating a group as Group Owner using WifiP2pManager.createGroup(, specifying a frequency only allows the system to pick the specified frequency. If the Group Owner cannot create a group at the specified frequency, the operation will fail. When not specifying a frequency, it allows the system to pick operating frequency from all supported bands.

When joining a group as Group Client using WifiP2pManager.connect(, specifying a frequency only allows the system to scan the specified frequency. If the frequency is not supported or invalid, the operation will fail. When not specifying a frequency, it allows the system to scan all supported frequencies to find the desired group.

setGroupOperatingBand(int) and setGroupOperatingFrequency(int) are mutually exclusive. Setting operating band and frequency both is invalid.

Optional. 0 by default.

frequency Int: the operating frequency of the group.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun setNetworkName(networkName: String): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the network name, a.k.a. group name, for creating or joining a group.

A network name shall begin with "DIRECT-xy". x and y are selected from the following character set: upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers. Any byte values allowed for an SSID according to IEEE802.11-2012 [1] may be included after the string "DIRECT-xy" (including none).

Must be called - an empty network name or an network name not conforming to the P2P Group ID naming rule is not valid.

networkName String: network name of a group. This value cannot be null.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
fun setPairingBootstrappingConfig(config: WifiP2pPairingBootstrappingConfig): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Set the pairing bootstrapping configuration for connecting using P2P pairing Protocol.

config WifiP2pPairingBootstrappingConfig: See WifiP2pPairingBootstrappingConfig This value cannot be null.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
fun setPassphrase(passphrase: String): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specify the passphrase for creating or joining a group.

The passphrase must be an ASCII string whose length is, 1. Between 8 and 63 for PCC_MODE_CONNECTION_TYPE_LEGACY_ONLY and PCC_MODE_CONNECTION_TYPE_LEGACY_OR_R2. 2. Less than 128 for PCC_MODE_CONNECTION_TYPE_R2_ONLY.

Must be called - an empty passphrase is not valid.

passphrase String: the passphrase of a group. This value cannot be null.
WifiP2pConfig.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
fun setPccModeConnectionType(connectionType: Int): WifiP2pConfig.Builder

Specifies the PCC Mode connection type.

connectionType Int: One of the PCC_MODE_CONNECTION_TYPE_*. Value is,,, or
WifiP2pConfig.Builder Builder for chaining. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when the connectionType is invalid.