Added in API level 19


open class AppOpsManager

App-ops are used for two purposes: Access control and tracking.

App-ops cover a wide variety of functionality from helping with runtime permissions access control and tracking to battery consumption tracking.

Access control

App-ops can either be controlled for each uid or for each package. Which one is used depends on the API provider maintaining this app-op. For any security or privacy related app-op the provider needs to control the app-op for per uid as all security and privacy is based on uid in Android.

To control access the app-op can be set to a mode to:

Default behavior, might differ from app-op or app-op
Allow the access
Don't allow the access, i.e. don't perform the requested action or return no or placeholder data
Throw a SecurityException on access. This can be suppressed by using a ...noThrow method to check the mode

API providers need to check the mode returned by #noteOp if they are are allowing access to operations gated by the app-op. unsafeCheckOp should be used to check the mode if no access is granted. E.g. this can be used for displaying app-op state in the UI or when checking the state before later calling #noteOp anyway.

If an operation refers to a time span (e.g. a audio-recording session) the API provider should use #startOp and #finishOp instead of #noteOp.

Runtime permissions and app-ops

Each platform defined runtime permission (beside background modifiers) has an associated app op which is used for tracking but also to allow for silent failures. I.e. if the runtime permission is denied the caller gets a SecurityException, but if the permission is granted and the app-op is MODE_IGNORED then the callers gets placeholder behavior, e.g. location callbacks would not happen.

App-op permissions

App-ops permissions are platform defined permissions that can be overridden. The security check for app-op permissions should by default check the permission grant state. If the app-op state is set to MODE_ALLOWED or MODE_IGNORED the app-op state should be checked instead of the permission grant state.

This functionality allows to grant access by default to apps fulfilling the requirements for a certain permission level. Still the behavior can be overridden when needed.


App-ops track many important events, including all accesses to runtime permission protected APIs. This is done by tracking when an app-op was #noteOp or #startOp. The tracked data can only be read by system components.

Only #noteOp/#startOp are tracked; unsafeCheckOp is not tracked. Hence it is important to eventually call #noteOp or #startOp when providing access to protected operations or data.

Some apps are forwarding access to other apps. E.g. an app might get the location from the system's location provider and then send the location further to a 3rd app. In this case the app passing on the data needs to call #noteProxyOp to signal the access proxying. This might also make sense inside of a single app if the access is forwarded between two parts of the tagged with different attribution tags.

An app can register an OnOpNotedCallback to get informed about what accesses the system is tracking for it. As each runtime permission has an associated app-op this API is particularly useful for an app that want to find unexpected private data accesses.


Nested classes

Callback for notification of changes to operation active state.


Callback for notification of changes to operation state.


Callback an app can #setOnOpNotedCallback to monitor the app-ops the system has tracked for it.

static Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller is allowed to perform the given operation.

static Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller should use its default security check.

static Int

Result from #checkOpNoThrow, #noteOpNoThrow, #startOpNoThrow: the given caller is not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should cause it to have a fatal error, typically a SecurityException.

static Int

Special mode that means "allow only when app is in foreground.

static Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller is not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should silently fail (it should not cause the app to crash).

static String

Required to access phone state related information.

static String

Answer incoming phone calls

static String

Access to body sensors such as heart rate, etc.

static String

Allows an application to initiate a phone call.

static String

Required to be able to access the camera device.

static String

Access to coarse location information.

static String

Access to fine location information.

static String

Access to

static String

Inject mock location into the system.

static String

Continually monitoring location data with a relatively high power request.

static String

Continually monitoring location data.

static String

Access to picture-in-picture.

static String

Access APIs for diverting outgoing calls

static String

Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.

static String

Allows an application to read the user's call log.

static String

Read previously received cell broadcast messages.

static String

Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.

static String

Read external storage.

static String

static String

Required to access phone state related information.

static String

Allows an application to read SMS messages.

static String

Allows an application to receive MMS messages.

static String

Allows an application to receive SMS messages.

static String

Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.

static String

Required to be able to access the microphone device.

static String

Allows an application to send SMS messages.

static String

Required to draw on top of other apps.

static String

Use the fingerprint API.

static String

Access APIs for SIP calling over VOIP or WiFi

static String

Allows an application to write to the user's calendar data.

static String

Allows an application to write to the user's call log.

static String

Allows an application to write to the user's contacts data.

static String

Write external storage.

static String

Required to write/modify/update system settings.

static Int

Ignores async op noted events.

static Int

Flag for startWatchingMode(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int, Also get reports if the foreground state of an op's uid changes.

Public methods
open Int
checkOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Check whether an application can perform an operation.

open Int
checkOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?)

Check whether an application can perform an operation.

open Int
checkOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Int
checkOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?)

Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Int
checkOpRawNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?)

Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but returns the raw mode associated with the op.

open Unit
checkPackage(uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Unit
finishOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Unit
finishOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?)

Report that an application is no longer performing an operation that had previously been started with startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String).

open Unit
finishProxyOp(op: String, proxiedUid: Int, proxiedPackageName: String, proxiedAttributionTag: String?)

Report that an application is no longer performing an operation that had previously been started with startProxyOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String).

open Boolean
isOpActive(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Checks whether the given op for a package is active, i.

open Int
noteOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Int
noteOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String?, attributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Make note of an application performing an operation and check if the application is allowed to perform it.

open Int
noteOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Int
noteOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Like noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Int
noteProxyOp(op: String, proxiedPackageName: String)

open Int
noteProxyOp(op: String, proxiedPackageName: String?, proxiedUid: Int, proxiedAttributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Make note of an application performing an operation on behalf of another application when handling an IPC.

open Int
noteProxyOpNoThrow(op: String, proxiedPackageName: String)

open Int
noteProxyOpNoThrow(op: String, proxiedPackageName: String?, proxiedUid: Int)

open Int
noteProxyOpNoThrow(op: String, proxiedPackageName: String?, proxiedUid: Int, proxiedAttributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Like noteProxyOp(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open static String?
permissionToOp(permission: String)

Gets the app-op name associated with a given permission.

open Unit

Set a new OnOpNotedCallback.

open Unit
setOnOpNotedCallback(asyncExecutor: Executor?, callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback?, flags: Int)

Set a new OnOpNotedCallback.

open Int
startOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Int
startOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String?, attributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Report that an application has started executing a long-running operation.

open Int
startOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

open Int
startOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String, attributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Like startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Int
startProxyOp(op: String, proxiedUid: Int, proxiedPackageName: String, proxiedAttributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Report that an application has started executing a long-running operation on behalf of another application when handling an IPC.

open Int
startProxyOpNoThrow(op: String, proxiedUid: Int, proxiedPackageName: String, proxiedAttributionTag: String?, message: String?)

Like startProxyOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Unit

Start watching for changes to the active state of app-ops.

open Unit

Monitor for changes to the operating mode for the given op in the given app package.

open Unit
startWatchingMode(op: String, packageName: String?, flags: Int, callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener)

Monitor for changes to the operating mode for the given op in the given app package.

open Unit

Stop watching for changes to the active state of an app-op.

open Unit

Stop monitoring that was previously started with #startWatchingMode.

open Int
unsafeCheckOp(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Check whether an application might be able to perform an operation.

open Int
unsafeCheckOpNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Like unsafeCheckOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

open Int
unsafeCheckOpRaw(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Like #checkOp but returns the raw mode associated with the op.

open Int
unsafeCheckOpRawNoThrow(op: String, uid: Int, packageName: String)

Like #checkOp but returns the raw mode associated with the op.



Added in API level 19
static val MODE_ALLOWED: Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller is allowed to perform the given operation.

Value: 0


Added in API level 21
static val MODE_DEFAULT: Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller should use its default security check. This mode is not normally used; it should only be used with appop permissions, and callers must explicitly check for it and deal with it.

Value: 3


Added in API level 19
static val MODE_ERRORED: Int

Result from #checkOpNoThrow, #noteOpNoThrow, #startOpNoThrow: the given caller is not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should cause it to have a fatal error, typically a SecurityException.

Value: 2


Added in API level 29
static val MODE_FOREGROUND: Int

Special mode that means "allow only when app is in foreground." This is not returned from unsafeCheckOp, #noteOp, #startOp. Rather, unsafeCheckOp will always return MODE_ALLOWED (because it is always possible for it to be ultimately allowed, depending on the app's background state), and #noteOp and #startOp will return MODE_ALLOWED when the app being checked is currently in the foreground, otherwise MODE_IGNORED.

The only place you will this normally see this value is through unsafeCheckOpRaw, which returns the actual raw mode of the op. Note that because you can't know the current state of the app being checked (and it can change at any point), you can only treat the result here as an indication that it will vary between MODE_ALLOWED and MODE_IGNORED depending on changes in the background state of the app. You thus must always use #noteOp or #startOp to do the actual check for access to the op.

Value: 4


Added in API level 19
static val MODE_IGNORED: Int

Result from #checkOp, #noteOp, #startOp: the given caller is not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should silently fail (it should not cause the app to crash).

Value: 1


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_ADD_VOICEMAIL: String

Required to access phone state related information.

Value: "android:add_voicemail"


Added in API level 26

Answer incoming phone calls

Value: "android:answer_phone_calls"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_BODY_SENSORS: String

Access to body sensors such as heart rate, etc.

Value: "android:body_sensors"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_CALL_PHONE: String

Allows an application to initiate a phone call.

Value: "android:call_phone"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_CAMERA: String

Required to be able to access the camera device.

Value: "android:camera"


Added in API level 19
static val OPSTR_COARSE_LOCATION: String

Access to coarse location information.

Value: "android:coarse_location"


Added in API level 19
static val OPSTR_FINE_LOCATION: String

Access to fine location information.

Value: "android:fine_location"


Added in API level 21
static val OPSTR_GET_USAGE_STATS: String

Access to

Value: "android:get_usage_stats"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_MOCK_LOCATION: String

Inject mock location into the system.

Value: "android:mock_location"


Added in API level 19

Continually monitoring location data with a relatively high power request.

Value: "android:monitor_location_high_power"


Added in API level 19

Continually monitoring location data.

Value: "android:monitor_location"


Added in API level 26

Access to picture-in-picture.

Value: "android:picture_in_picture"


Added in API level 26

Access APIs for diverting outgoing calls

Value: "android:process_outgoing_calls"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_READ_CALENDAR: String

Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.

Value: "android:read_calendar"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_READ_CALL_LOG: String

Allows an application to read the user's call log.

Value: "android:read_call_log"


Added in API level 23

Read previously received cell broadcast messages.

Value: "android:read_cell_broadcasts"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_READ_CONTACTS: String

Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.

Value: "android:read_contacts"


Added in API level 23

Read external storage.

Value: "android:read_external_storage"


Added in API level 26
Value: "android:read_phone_numbers"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_READ_PHONE_STATE: String

Required to access phone state related information.

Value: "android:read_phone_state"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_READ_SMS: String

Allows an application to read SMS messages.

Value: "android:read_sms"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_RECEIVE_MMS: String

Allows an application to receive MMS messages.

Value: "android:receive_mms"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_RECEIVE_SMS: String

Allows an application to receive SMS messages.

Value: "android:receive_sms"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH: String

Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.

Value: "android:receive_wap_push"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_RECORD_AUDIO: String

Required to be able to access the microphone device.

Value: "android:record_audio"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_SEND_SMS: String

Allows an application to send SMS messages.

Value: "android:send_sms"


Added in API level 23

Required to draw on top of other apps.

Value: "android:system_alert_window"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_USE_FINGERPRINT: String

Use the fingerprint API.

Value: "android:use_fingerprint"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_USE_SIP: String

Access APIs for SIP calling over VOIP or WiFi

Value: "android:use_sip"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_WRITE_CALENDAR: String

Allows an application to write to the user's calendar data.

Value: "android:write_calendar"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_WRITE_CALL_LOG: String

Allows an application to write to the user's call log.

Value: "android:write_call_log"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_WRITE_CONTACTS: String

Allows an application to write to the user's contacts data.

Value: "android:write_contacts"


Added in API level 23

Write external storage.

Value: "android:write_external_storage"


Added in API level 23
static val OPSTR_WRITE_SETTINGS: String

Required to write/modify/update system settings.

Value: "android:write_settings"


Added in API level 36

Ignores async op noted events.

Value: 1

See Also


    Added in API level 29

    Flag for startWatchingMode(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int, Also get reports if the foreground state of an op's uid changes. This only works when watching a particular op, not when watching a package.

    Value: 1

    Public methods


    Added in API level 19
    open fun checkOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Check whether an application can perform an operation.

    For platform versions before android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#BAKLAVA, this is not a security check; you must use noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) or startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) for your actual security checks. This function can just be used for a quick check to see if an operation has been disabled for the application, as an early reject of some work.

    For platform versions equal to or after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#BAKLAVA, it does the same security check as noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) and startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String), and should be preferred to use.

    This API does not modify the time stamp or other data about the operation.

    op String: The operation to check. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    uid Int: The uid of the application attempting to perform the operation.
    packageName String: The name of the application attempting to perform the operation. This value cannot be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 36
    open fun checkOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?
    ): Int

    Check whether an application can perform an operation. It does the same security check as noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) and startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String), but does not modify the time stamp or other data about the operation.

    op String: The operation to check. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    uid Int: The uid of the application attempting to perform the operation.
    packageName String: The name of the application attempting to perform the operation. This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: The attribution tag of the calling context or null for default attribution
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 19
    open fun checkOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 36
    open fun checkOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?
    ): Int

    Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 36
    open fun checkOpRawNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?
    ): Int

    Like checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but returns the raw mode associated with the op. Does not throw a security exception, does not translate MODE_FOREGROUND.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun checkPackage(
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: Use instead

    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun finishOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: Use finishOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun finishOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?
    ): Unit

    Report that an application is no longer performing an operation that had previously been started with startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String). There is no validation of input or result; the parameters supplied here must be the exact same ones previously passed in when starting the operation.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 31
    open fun finishProxyOp(
        op: String,
        proxiedUid: Int,
        proxiedPackageName: String,
        proxiedAttributionTag: String?
    ): Unit

    Report that an application is no longer performing an operation that had previously been started with startProxyOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String). There is no validation of input or result; the parameters supplied here must be the exact same ones previously passed in when starting the operation.

    op String: The operation which was started This value cannot be null.
    proxiedUid Int: The proxied appp's UID
    proxiedPackageName String: The proxied appp's package name This value cannot be null.
    proxiedAttributionTag String?: The proxied appp's attribution tag or null for default attribution


    Added in API level 30
    open fun isOpActive(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Boolean

    Checks whether the given op for a package is active, i.e. did someone call #startOp without #finishOp yet.

    If you don't hold the android.Manifest.permission#WATCH_APPOPS permission you can query only for your UID.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun noteOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun noteOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String?,
        attributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Make note of an application performing an operation and check if the application is allowed to perform it.

    If this is a check that is not preceding the protected operation, use unsafeCheckOp instead.

    The identity of the package the app-op is noted for is specified by the uid and packageName parameters. If this is noted for a regular app both should be set and the package needs to be part of the uid. In the very rare case that an app-op is noted for an entity that does not have a package name, the package can be null. As it is possible that a single process contains more than one package the packageName should be read from the context of the caller of the API (in the app process) that eventually triggers this check. If this op is not noted for a running process the packageName cannot be read from the context, but it should be clear which package the note is for.

    If the uid and packageName do not match this return MODE_IGNORED.

    Beside the access check this method also records the access. While the access check is based on uid and/or packageName the access recording is done based on the packageName and attributionTag. The attributionTag should be read from the same context the package name is read from. In the case the check is not related to an API call, the attributionTag should be null. Please note that e.g. registering a callback for later is still an API call and the code should store the attribution tag along the package name for being used in this method later.

    The message parameter only needs to be set when this method is

    called in a two-way binder call from the client. In this case the message is a free form text that is meant help the app developer determine what part of the app's code triggered the note. This message is passed back to the app in the OnOpNotedCallback.onAsyncNoted(AsyncNotedAppOp) callback. A good example of a useful message is including the System.identityHashCode(Object) of the listener that will receive data or the name of the manifest-receiver.
    op String: The operation to note. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    uid Int: The uid of the application attempting to perform the operation.
    packageName String?: The name of the application attempting to perform the operation. This value may be null.
    attributionTag String?: The attribution tag of the calling context or null for default attribution
    message String?: A message describing why the op was noted This value may be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun noteOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use noteOpNoThrow(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun noteOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Like noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: This value may be null.
    message String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 23
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun noteProxyOp(
        op: String,
        proxiedPackageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use noteProxyOp(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun noteProxyOp(
        op: String,
        proxiedPackageName: String?,
        proxiedUid: Int,
        proxiedAttributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Make note of an application performing an operation on behalf of another application when handling an IPC. This function will verify that the calling uid and proxied package name match, and if not, return MODE_IGNORED. If this call succeeds, the last execution time of the operation for the proxied app and your app will be updated to the current time.

    op String: The operation to note. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String?: The name of the application calling into the proxy application. This value may be null.
    proxiedUid Int: The uid of the proxied application
    proxiedAttributionTag String?: The proxied attribution tag or null for default attribution
    message String?: A message describing the reason the op was noted This value may be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the proxy or proxied app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 23
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun noteProxyOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        proxiedPackageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use noteProxyOpNoThrow(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 29
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun noteProxyOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        proxiedPackageName: String?,
        proxiedUid: Int
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use noteProxyOpNoThrow(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun noteProxyOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        proxiedPackageName: String?,
        proxiedUid: Int,
        proxiedAttributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Like noteProxyOp(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String?: This value may be null.
    proxiedAttributionTag String?: This value may be null.
    message String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 23
    open static fun permissionToOp(permission: String): String?

    Gets the app-op name associated with a given permission.

    The app-op name is one of the public constants defined in this class such as OPSTR_COARSE_LOCATION. This API is intended to be used for mapping runtime permissions to the corresponding app-op.

    permission String: The permission. This value cannot be null.
    String? The app-op associated with the permission or null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun setOnOpNotedCallback(
        asyncExecutor: Executor?,
        callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback?
    ): Unit

    Set a new OnOpNotedCallback.

    There can only ever be one collector per process. If there currently is another callback set, this will fail.

    Note that if an app has multiple processes registering for this callback, the system would fan out async op noted callbacks to each of the processes, resulting in the same data being delivered multiple times to an app, which is usually undesired. To avoid this, consider listening to async ops only in one process. See setOnOpNotedCallback(java.util.concurrent.Executor,,int) for how to do this.

    asyncExecutor Executor?: executor to execute OnOpNotedCallback.onAsyncNoted on, null to unset Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback?: listener to set, null to unset
    java.lang.IllegalStateException If another callback is already registered


    Added in API level 36
    open fun setOnOpNotedCallback(
        asyncExecutor: Executor?,
        callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback?,
        flags: Int
    ): Unit

    Set a new OnOpNotedCallback.

    There can only ever be one collector per process. If there currently is another callback set, this will fail.

    This API allows the caller to listen only to sync and self op noted events, and ignore async ops. This is useful in the scenario where an app has multiple processes. Consider an example where an app has two processes, A and B. The op noted events are as follows:

    • op 1: process A, sync
    • op 2: process A, async
    • op 3: process B, sync
    • op 4: process B, async Any process that listens to async op noted events gets events originating from across ALL processes (op 2 and op 4 in this example). So if both process A and B register as listeners, both of them get op 2 and 4 which is not ideal. To avoid duplicates, one of the two processes should set OP_NOTED_CALLBACK_FLAG_IGNORE_ASYNC. For example process A sets OP_NOTED_CALLBACK_FLAG_IGNORE_ASYNC and would then only get its own sync event (op 1). The other process would then listen to all types of events and get op 2, 3 and 4. Note that even with OP_NOTED_CALLBACK_FLAG_IGNORE_ASYNC, #OnOpNotedCallback.onAsyncNoted may still be invoked. This happens for sync events that were collected before a callback is registered.
    asyncExecutor Executor?: executor to execute OnOpNotedCallback.onAsyncNoted on, null to unset Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback?: listener to set, null to unset
    flags Int: additional flags to modify the callback behavior, such as OP_NOTED_CALLBACK_FLAG_IGNORE_ASYNC Value is either 0 or
    java.lang.IllegalStateException If another callback is already registered


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun startOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: use startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun startOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String?,
        attributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Report that an application has started executing a long-running operation.

    For more details how to determine the callingPackageName, callingAttributionTag, and message, please check the description in noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)

    op String: The operation to start. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    uid Int: The user id of the application attempting to perform the operation.
    packageName String?: The name of the application attempting to perform the operation. This value may be null.
    attributionTag String?: The attribution tag or null for default attribution
    message String?: Description why op was started This value may be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op or the package is not in the passed in UID.


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 30
    open fun startOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: use startOpNoThrow(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun startOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String,
        attributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Like startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.
    attributionTag String?: This value may be null.
    message String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 31
    open fun startProxyOp(
        op: String,
        proxiedUid: Int,
        proxiedPackageName: String,
        proxiedAttributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Report that an application has started executing a long-running operation on behalf of another application when handling an IPC. This function will verify that the calling uid and proxied package name match, and if not, return MODE_IGNORED.

    op String: The op to note This value cannot be null.
    proxiedUid Int: The uid to note the op for null
    proxiedPackageName String: The package name the uid belongs to This value cannot be null.
    proxiedAttributionTag String?: The proxied attribution tag or null for default attribution
    message String?: A message describing the reason the op was noted This value may be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the proxy or proxied app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 31
    open fun startProxyOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        proxiedUid: Int,
        proxiedPackageName: String,
        proxiedAttributionTag: String?,
        message: String?
    ): Int

    Like startProxyOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedPackageName String: This value cannot be null.
    proxiedAttributionTag String?: This value may be null.
    message String?: This value may be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun startWatchingActive(
        ops: Array<String!>,
        executor: Executor,
        callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpActiveChangedListener
    ): Unit

    Start watching for changes to the active state of app-ops. An app-op may be long running and it has a clear start and stop delimiters. If an op is being started or stopped by any package you will get a callback. To change the watched ops for a registered callback you need to unregister and register it again.

    If you don't hold the android.Manifest.permission#WATCH_APPOPS permission you can watch changes only for your UID.

    ops Array<String!>: The operations to watch. This value cannot be null.
    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpActiveChangedListener: Where to report changes. This value cannot be null.
    executor Executor: Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 19
    open fun startWatchingMode(
        op: String,
        packageName: String?,
        callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener
    ): Unit

    Monitor for changes to the operating mode for the given op in the given app package. You can watch op changes only for your UID.

    op String: The operation to monitor, one of OPSTR_*. This value cannot be null.
    packageName String?: The name of the application to monitor. This value may be null.
    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener: Where to report changes. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 29
    open fun startWatchingMode(
        op: String,
        packageName: String?,
        flags: Int,
        callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener
    ): Unit

    Monitor for changes to the operating mode for the given op in the given app package. You can watch op changes only for your UID.

    op String: The operation to monitor, one of OPSTR_*. This value cannot be null.
    packageName String?: The name of the application to monitor. This value may be null.
    flags Int: Option flags: any combination of WATCH_FOREGROUND_CHANGES or 0.
    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener: Where to report changes. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 30
    open fun stopWatchingActive(callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpActiveChangedListener): Unit

    Stop watching for changes to the active state of an app-op. An app-op may be long running and it has a clear start and stop delimiters. Unregistering a non-registered callback has no effect.

    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpActiveChangedListener: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 19
    open fun stopWatchingMode(callback: AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener): Unit

    Stop monitoring that was previously started with #startWatchingMode. All monitoring associated with this callback will be removed.

    callback AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 29
    Deprecated in API level 36
    open fun unsafeCheckOp(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String)

    Check whether an application might be able to perform an operation.

    For platform versions before android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#BAKLAVA, this is not a security check; you must use noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) or startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) for your actual security checks. This function can just be used for a quick check to see if an operation has been disabled for the application, as an early reject of some work.

    For platform versions equal to or after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#BAKLAVA, this is no longer an unsafe check, and it does the same security check as noteOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) and startOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String). However, it's preferred to use checkOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String), since the word "unsafe" in the name of this API is no longer accurate.

    This API does not modify the time stamp or other data about the operation.

    op String: The operation to check. One of the OPSTR_* constants. This value cannot be null.
    uid Int: The user id of the application attempting to perform the operation.
    packageName String: The name of the application attempting to perform the operation. This value cannot be null.
    Int Returns MODE_ALLOWED if the operation is allowed, or MODE_IGNORED if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without causing the app to crash).
    java.lang.SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op.


    Added in API level 29
    Deprecated in API level 36
    open fun unsafeCheckOpNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use checkOpNoThrow(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String)

    Like unsafeCheckOp(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String) but instead of throwing a SecurityException it returns MODE_ERRORED.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 29
    Deprecated in API level 36
    open fun unsafeCheckOpRaw(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use checkOpRawNoThrow(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    Like #checkOp but returns the raw mode associated with the op. Does not throw a security exception, does not translate MODE_FOREGROUND.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 29
    Deprecated in API level 36
    open fun unsafeCheckOpRawNoThrow(
        op: String,
        uid: Int,
        packageName: String
    ): Int

    Deprecated: Use checkOpRawNoThrow(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) instead

    Like #checkOp but returns the raw mode associated with the op. Does not throw a security exception, does not translate MODE_FOREGROUND.

    op String: This value cannot be null.
    packageName String: This value cannot be null.