Added in API level 1


open class MediaRecorder : AudioRecordingMonitor, AudioRouting, MicrophoneDirection

Used to record audio and video. The recording control is based on a simple state machine (see below).

A common case of using MediaRecorder to record audio works as follows:

MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(context);
  recorder.start();   // Recording is now started
  recorder.reset();   // You can reuse the object by going back to setAudioSource() step
  recorder.release(); // Now the object cannot be reused

Applications may want to register for informational and error events in order to be informed of some internal update and possible runtime errors during recording. Registration for such events is done by setting the appropriate listeners (via calls (to setOnInfoListener( and/or setOnErrorListener( In order to receive the respective callback associated with these listeners, applications are required to create MediaRecorder objects on threads with a Looper running (the main UI thread by default already has a Looper running).

Note: Currently, MediaRecorder does not work on the emulator.


Nested classes

Defines the audio encoding.

Defines the audio source.


Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an error occurs while recording.


Interface definition of a callback to be invoked to communicate some info and/or warning about the recording.

Defines the output format.

Defines the video encoding.

Defines the video source.

static Int

Media server died.

static Int

Unspecified media recorder error.

static Int

A maximum duration had been setup and has now been reached.

static Int

A maximum filesize had been setup and current recorded file size has reached 90% of the limit.

static Int

A maximum filesize had been setup and has now been reached.

static Int

A maximum filesize had been reached and MediaRecorder has switched output to a new file set by application #setNextOutputFile.

static Int

Unspecified media recorder info.

Inherited constants

Optimize capture for audio coming from the side of the device pointing away from the user. In the typical case, a device with a single screen, screen-side camera/microphone and non-screen-side camera/microphone, this will be the non-screen side. For a different device geometry, it is the side for which the expectation is to be facing away from the user. This is the "taking a video of something else" case.


Optimize capture for audio coming from an off-device microphone.


Optimize capture for audio coming from the side of the device facing the user. In the typical case, a device with a single screen, screen-side camera/microphone and non-screen-side camera/microphone, this will be the screen side (as in a "selfie"). For a different device geometry, it is the side for which the expectation is to be facing the user.


Don't do any directionality processing of the activated microphone(s).

Public constructors

Default constructor.

Default constructor.

Public methods
open Unit

Adds an AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener to receive notifications of routing changes on this MediaRecorder.

open MutableList<MicrophoneInfo!>!

Return A lists of MicrophoneInfo representing the active microphones.

open AudioRecordingConfiguration?

Returns the current active audio recording for this audio recorder.

static Int

Gets the maximum value for audio sources.

open LogSessionId

Returns the LogSessionId for MediaRecorder.

open Int

Returns the maximum absolute amplitude that was sampled since the last call to this method.

open PersistableBundle!

Return Metrics data about the current Mediarecorder instance.

open AudioDeviceInfo!

Returns the selected input device specified by setPreferredDevice.

open AudioDeviceInfo!

Returns an AudioDeviceInfo identifying the current routing of this MediaRecorder Note: The query is only valid if the MediaRecorder is currently recording.

open MutableList<AudioDeviceInfo!>

Returns a List of AudioDeviceInfo identifying the current routing of this MediaRecorder.

open Surface!

Gets the surface to record from when using SURFACE video source.

open Boolean

Returns whether this MediaRecorder is marked as privacy sensitive or not with regard to audio capture.

open Unit

Pauses recording.

open Unit

Prepares the recorder to begin capturing and encoding data.

open Unit

Register a callback to be notified of audio capture changes via a AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback.

open Unit

Releases resources associated with this MediaRecorder object.

open Unit

Removes an AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener which has been previously added to receive rerouting notifications.

open Unit

Restarts the MediaRecorder to its idle state.

open Unit

Resumes recording.

open Unit
setAudioChannels(numChannels: Int)

Sets the number of audio channels for recording.

open Unit
setAudioEncoder(audio_encoder: Int)

Sets the audio encoder to be used for recording.

open Unit

Sets the audio encoding bit rate for recording.

open Unit

Uses the settings from an AudioProfile for recording.

open Unit
setAudioSamplingRate(samplingRate: Int)

Sets the audio sampling rate for recording.

open Unit
setAudioSource(audioSource: Int)

Sets the audio source to be used for recording.

open Unit

Sets a android.hardware.Camera to use for recording.

open Unit

Set video frame capture rate.

open Unit

Configures the recorder to use a persistent surface when using SURFACE video source.

open Unit
setLocation(latitude: Float, longitude: Float)

Set and store the geodata (latitude and longitude) in the output file.

open Unit

Sets the LogSessionId for MediaRecorder.

open Unit
setMaxDuration(max_duration_ms: Int)

Sets the maximum duration (in ms) of the recording session.

open Unit
setMaxFileSize(max_filesize_bytes: Long)

Sets the maximum filesize (in bytes) of the recording session.

open Unit

Sets the next output file to be used when the maximum filesize is reached on the prior output #setOutputFile or #setNextOutputFile).

open Unit

Sets the next output file descriptor to be used when the maximum filesize is reached on the prior output #setOutputFile or #setNextOutputFile).

open Unit

Register a callback to be invoked when an error occurs while recording.

open Unit

Register a callback to be invoked when an informational event occurs while recording.

open Unit

Sets the orientation hint for output video playback.

open Unit

Pass in the file object to be written.

open Unit

Pass in the file descriptor of the file to be written.

open Unit

Sets the path of the output file to be produced.

open Unit
setOutputFormat(output_format: Int)

Sets the format of the output file produced during recording.

open Boolean

Specifies an audio device (via an AudioDeviceInfo object) to route the input from this MediaRecorder.

open Boolean

Specifies the logical microphone (for processing).

open Boolean

Specifies the zoom factor (i.e. the field dimension) for the selected microphone (for processing).

open Unit

Sets a Surface to show a preview of recorded media (video).

open Unit
setPrivacySensitive(privacySensitive: Boolean)

Indicates that this capture request is privacy sensitive and that any concurrent capture is not permitted.

open Unit

Uses the settings from a CamcorderProfile object for recording.

open Unit
setVideoEncoder(video_encoder: Int)

Sets the video encoder to be used for recording.

open Unit

Sets the video encoding bit rate for recording.

open Unit

Sets the desired video encoding profile and level for recording.

open Unit

Sets the frame rate of the video to be captured.

open Unit

Uses the settings from a VideoProfile object for recording.

open Unit
setVideoSize(width: Int, height: Int)

Sets the width and height of the video to be captured.

open Unit
setVideoSource(video_source: Int)

Sets the video source to be used for recording.

open Unit

Begins capturing and encoding data to the file specified with setOutputFile().

open Unit

Stops recording.

open Unit

Unregister an audio recording callback previously registered with registerAudioRecordingCallback(java.util.concurrent.Executor,

Protected methods
open Unit



Added in API level 17

Media server died. In this case, the application must release the MediaRecorder object and instantiate a new one.

Value: 100


Added in API level 3

Unspecified media recorder error.

Value: 1


Added in API level 3

A maximum duration had been setup and has now been reached.

Value: 800


Added in API level 26

A maximum filesize had been setup and current recorded file size has reached 90% of the limit. This is sent once per file upon reaching/passing the 90% limit. To continue the recording, applicaiton should use #setNextOutputFile to set the next output file. Otherwise, recording will stop when reaching maximum file size.

Value: 802


Added in API level 3

A maximum filesize had been setup and has now been reached. Note: This event will not be sent if application already set next output file through #setNextOutputFile.

Value: 801


Added in API level 26

A maximum filesize had been reached and MediaRecorder has switched output to a new file set by application #setNextOutputFile. For best practice, application should use this event to keep track of whether the file previously set has been used or not.

Value: 803


Added in API level 3

Unspecified media recorder info.

Value: 1

Public constructors


Added in API level 1

Deprecated: Use MediaRecorder(android.content.Context) instead

Default constructor.


Added in API level 31
MediaRecorder(context: Context)

Default constructor.

context Context: Context the recorder belongs to This value cannot be null.

Public methods


Added in API level 28
open fun addOnRoutingChangedListener(
    listener: AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener!,
    handler: Handler!
): Unit

Adds an AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener to receive notifications of routing changes on this MediaRecorder.

listener AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener!: The AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener interface to receive notifications of rerouting events.
handler Handler!: Specifies the Handler object for the thread on which to execute the callback. If null, the handler on the main looper will be used.


Added in API level 28
open fun getActiveMicrophones(): MutableList<MicrophoneInfo!>!

Return A lists of MicrophoneInfo representing the active microphones. By querying channel mapping for each active microphone, developer can know how the microphone is used by each channels or a capture stream.

MutableList<MicrophoneInfo!>! a lists of MicrophoneInfo representing the active microphones
Exceptions if an error occurs


Added in API level 29
open fun getActiveRecordingConfiguration(): AudioRecordingConfiguration?

Returns the current active audio recording for this audio recorder.

AudioRecordingConfiguration? a valid AudioRecordingConfiguration if this recorder is active or null otherwise.


Added in API level 4
static fun getAudioSourceMax(): Int

Gets the maximum value for audio sources.


Added in API level 31
open fun getLogSessionId(): LogSessionId

Returns the LogSessionId for MediaRecorder.

LogSessionId the global ID for monitoring the MediaRecorder performance This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun getMaxAmplitude(): Int

Returns the maximum absolute amplitude that was sampled since the last call to this method. Call this only after the setAudioSource().

Int the maximum absolute amplitude measured since the last call, or 0 when called for the first time
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before the audio source has been set.


Added in API level 26
open fun getMetrics(): PersistableBundle!

Return Metrics data about the current Mediarecorder instance.

PersistableBundle! a PersistableBundle containing the set of attributes and values available for the media being generated by this instance of MediaRecorder. The attributes are descibed in MetricsConstants. Additional vendor-specific fields may also be present in the return value.


Added in API level 28
open fun getPreferredDevice(): AudioDeviceInfo!

Returns the selected input device specified by setPreferredDevice. Note that this is not guaranteed to correspond to the actual device being used for recording.


Added in API level 28
open fun getRoutedDevice(): AudioDeviceInfo!

Returns an AudioDeviceInfo identifying the current routing of this MediaRecorder Note: The query is only valid if the MediaRecorder is currently recording. If the recorder is not recording, the returned device can be null or correspond to previously selected device when the recorder was last active.


Added in API level 36
open fun getRoutedDevices(): MutableList<AudioDeviceInfo!>

Returns a List of AudioDeviceInfo identifying the current routing of this MediaRecorder. Note: The query is only valid if the MediaRecorder is currently recording. If the recorder is not recording, the returned devices can be empty or correspond to previously selected devices when the recorder was last active.

MutableList<AudioDeviceInfo!> This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 21
open fun getSurface(): Surface!

Gets the surface to record from when using SURFACE video source.

May only be called after prepare. Frames rendered to the Surface before start will be discarded.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before prepare, after stop, or is called when VideoSource is not set to SURFACE.


Added in API level 30
open fun isPrivacySensitive(): Boolean

Returns whether this MediaRecorder is marked as privacy sensitive or not with regard to audio capture.

See setPrivacySensitive(boolean)

Boolean true if privacy sensitive, false otherwise


Added in API level 24
open fun pause(): Unit

Pauses recording. Call this after start(). You may resume recording with resume() without reconfiguration, as opposed to stop(). It does nothing if the recording is already paused. When the recording is paused and resumed, the resulting output would be as if nothing happend during paused period, immediately switching to the resumed scene.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before start() or after stop()


Added in API level 1
open fun prepare(): Unit

Prepares the recorder to begin capturing and encoding data. This method must be called after setting up the desired audio and video sources, encoders, file format, etc., but before start().

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after start() or before setOutputFormat(). if prepare fails otherwise.


Added in API level 29
open fun registerAudioRecordingCallback(
    executor: Executor,
    cb: AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback
): Unit

Register a callback to be notified of audio capture changes via a AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback. A callback is received when the capture path configuration changes (pre-processing, format, sampling rate...) or capture is silenced/unsilenced by the system.

executor Executor: Executor to handle the callbacks. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
cb AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback: non-null callback to register


Added in API level 1
open fun release(): Unit

Releases resources associated with this MediaRecorder object. It is good practice to call this method when you're done using the MediaRecorder. In particular, whenever an Activity of an application is paused (its onPause() method is called), or stopped (its onStop() method is called), this method should be invoked to release the MediaRecorder object, unless the application has a special need to keep the object around. In addition to unnecessary resources (such as memory and instances of codecs) being held, failure to call this method immediately if a MediaRecorder object is no longer needed may also lead to continuous battery consumption for mobile devices, and recording failure for other applications if no multiple instances of the same codec are supported on a device. Even if multiple instances of the same codec are supported, some performance degradation may be expected when unnecessary multiple instances are used at the same time.


Added in API level 28
open fun removeOnRoutingChangedListener(listener: AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener!): Unit

Removes an AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener which has been previously added to receive rerouting notifications.

listener AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener!: The previously added AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener interface to remove.


Added in API level 1
open fun reset(): Unit

Restarts the MediaRecorder to its idle state. After calling this method, you will have to configure it again as if it had just been constructed.


Added in API level 24
open fun resume(): Unit

Resumes recording. Call this after start(). It does nothing if the recording is not paused.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before start() or after stop()


Added in API level 8
open fun setAudioChannels(numChannels: Int): Unit

Sets the number of audio channels for recording. Call this method before prepare(). Prepare() may perform additional checks on the parameter to make sure whether the specified number of audio channels are applicable.

numChannels Int: the number of audio channels. Usually it is either 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo).


Added in API level 1
open fun setAudioEncoder(audio_encoder: Int): Unit

Sets the audio encoder to be used for recording. If this method is not called, the output file will not contain an audio track. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare().

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before setOutputFormat() or after prepare().


Added in API level 8
open fun setAudioEncodingBitRate(bitRate: Int): Unit

Sets the audio encoding bit rate for recording. Call this method before prepare(). Prepare() may perform additional checks on the parameter to make sure whether the specified bit rate is applicable, and sometimes the passed bitRate will be clipped internally to ensure the audio recording can proceed smoothly based on the capabilities of the platform.

bitRate Int: the audio encoding bit rate in bits per second.


Added in API level 31
open fun setAudioProfile(profile: EncoderProfiles.AudioProfile): Unit

Uses the settings from an AudioProfile for recording.

This method should be called after the video AND audio sources are set, and before setOutputFile().

This method can be used instead of setProfile when using EncoderProfiles.

profile EncoderProfiles.AudioProfile: the AudioProfile to use This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 8
open fun setAudioSamplingRate(samplingRate: Int): Unit

Sets the audio sampling rate for recording. Call this method before prepare(). Prepare() may perform additional checks on the parameter to make sure whether the specified audio sampling rate is applicable. The sampling rate really depends on the format for the audio recording, as well as the capabilities of the platform. For instance, the sampling rate supported by AAC audio coding standard ranges from 8 to 96 kHz, the sampling rate supported by AMRNB is 8kHz, and the sampling rate supported by AMRWB is 16kHz. Please consult with the related audio coding standard for the supported audio sampling rate.

samplingRate Int: the sampling rate for audio in samples per second.


Added in API level 1
open fun setAudioSource(audioSource: Int): Unit

Sets the audio source to be used for recording. If this method is not called, the output file will not contain an audio track. The source needs to be specified before setting recording-parameters or encoders. Call this only before setOutputFormat().

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after setOutputFormat()


Added in API level 3
Deprecated in API level 21
open fun setCamera(c: Camera!): Unit

Deprecated: Use getSurface and the android.hardware.camera2 API instead.

Sets a android.hardware.Camera to use for recording.

Use this function to switch quickly between preview and capture mode without a teardown of the camera object. android.hardware.Camera#unlock() should be called before this. Must call before prepare.

c Camera!: the Camera to use for recording


Added in API level 11
open fun setCaptureRate(fps: Double): Unit

Set video frame capture rate. This can be used to set a different video frame capture rate than the recorded video's playback rate. This method also sets the recording mode to time lapse. In time lapse video recording, only video is recorded. Audio related parameters are ignored when a time lapse recording session starts, if an application sets them.

fps Double: Rate at which frames should be captured in frames per second. The fps can go as low as desired. However the fastest fps will be limited by the hardware. For resolutions that can be captured by the video camera, the fastest fps can be computed using android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getPreviewFpsRange(int[]). For higher resolutions the fastest fps may be more restrictive. Note that the recorder cannot guarantee that frames will be captured at the given rate due to camera/encoder limitations. However it tries to be as close as possible.


Added in API level 23
open fun setInputSurface(surface: Surface): Unit

Configures the recorder to use a persistent surface when using SURFACE video source.

May only be called before prepare. If called, getSurface should not be used and will throw IllegalStateException. Frames rendered to the Surface before start will be discarded.

surface Surface: a persistent input surface created by MediaCodec.createPersistentInputSurface This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare and before stop.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the surface was not created by MediaCodec.createPersistentInputSurface.


Added in API level 14
open fun setLocation(
    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float
): Unit

Set and store the geodata (latitude and longitude) in the output file. This method should be called before prepare(). The geodata is stored in udta box if the output format is OutputFormat.THREE_GPP or OutputFormat.MPEG_4, and is ignored for other output formats. The geodata is stored according to ISO-6709 standard.

latitude Float: latitude in degrees. Its value must be in the range [-90, 90].
longitude Float: longitude in degrees. Its value must be in the range [-180, 180].
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given latitude or longitude is out of range.


Added in API level 31
open fun setLogSessionId(id: LogSessionId): Unit

Sets the LogSessionId for MediaRecorder.

The log session ID is a random 32-byte hexadecimal string that is used for monitoring the MediaRecorder performance.

id LogSessionId: the global ID for monitoring the MediaRecorder performance This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 3
open fun setMaxDuration(max_duration_ms: Int): Unit

Sets the maximum duration (in ms) of the recording session. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). After recording reaches the specified duration, a notification will be sent to the with a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED and recording will be stopped. Stopping happens asynchronously, there is no guarantee that the recorder will have stopped by the time the listener is notified.

When using MPEG-4 container (setOutputFormat(int) with OutputFormat.MPEG_4), it is recommended to set maximum duration that fits the use case. Setting a larger than required duration may result in a larger than needed output file because of space reserved for MOOV box expecting large movie data in this recording session. Unused space of MOOV box is turned into FREE box in the output file.

max_duration_ms Int: the maximum duration in ms (if zero or negative, disables the duration limit)


Added in API level 3
open fun setMaxFileSize(max_filesize_bytes: Long): Unit

Sets the maximum filesize (in bytes) of the recording session. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). After recording reaches the specified filesize, a notification will be sent to the with a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED and recording will be stopped. Stopping happens asynchronously, there is no guarantee that the recorder will have stopped by the time the listener is notified.

When using MPEG-4 container (setOutputFormat(int) with OutputFormat.MPEG_4), it is recommended to set maximum filesize that fits the use case. Setting a larger than required filesize may result in a larger than needed output file because of space reserved for MOOV box expecting large movie data in this recording session. Unused space of MOOV box is turned into FREE box in the output file.

max_filesize_bytes Long: the maximum filesize in bytes (if zero or negative, disables the limit)


Added in API level 26
open fun setNextOutputFile(file: File!): Unit

Sets the next output file to be used when the maximum filesize is reached on the prior output #setOutputFile or #setNextOutputFile). File should be seekable. After setting the next output file, application should not use the file until stop. Application must call this after receiving on the a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_APPROACHING and before receiving a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED. The file is not used until switching to that output. Application will receive MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_NEXT_OUTPUT_FILE_STARTED when the next output file is used. Application will not be able to set a new output file if the previous one has not been used. Application is responsible for cleaning up unused files after stop is called.

file File!: The file to use.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before prepare(). if setNextOutputFile fails otherwise.


Added in API level 26
open fun setNextOutputFile(fd: FileDescriptor!): Unit

Sets the next output file descriptor to be used when the maximum filesize is reached on the prior output #setOutputFile or #setNextOutputFile). File descriptor must be seekable and writable. After setting the next output file, application should not use the file referenced by this file descriptor until stop. It is the application's responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. Application must call this after receiving on the a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_APPROACHING and before receiving a "what" code of MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED. The file is not used until switching to that output. Application will receiveMEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_NEXT_OUTPUT_FILE_STARTED when the next output file is used. Application will not be able to set a new output file if the previous one has not been used. Application is responsible for cleaning up unused files after stop is called.

fd FileDescriptor!: an open file descriptor to be written into.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before prepare(). if setNextOutputFile fails otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun setOnErrorListener(l: MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener!): Unit

Register a callback to be invoked when an error occurs while recording.

l MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener!: the callback that will be run


Added in API level 3
open fun setOnInfoListener(listener: MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener!): Unit

Register a callback to be invoked when an informational event occurs while recording.

listener MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener!: the callback that will be run


Added in API level 9
open fun setOrientationHint(degrees: Int): Unit

Sets the orientation hint for output video playback. This method should be called before prepare(). This method will not trigger the source video frame to rotate during video recording, but to add a composition matrix containing the rotation angle in the output video if the output format is OutputFormat.THREE_GPP or OutputFormat.MPEG_4 so that a video player can choose the proper orientation for playback. Note that some video players may choose to ignore the compostion matrix in a video during playback.

degrees Int: the angle to be rotated clockwise in degrees. The supported angles are 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the angle is not supported.


Added in API level 26
open fun setOutputFile(file: File!): Unit

Pass in the file object to be written. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). File should be seekable. After setting the next output file, application should not use the file until stop. Application is responsible for cleaning up unused files after stop is called.

file File!: the file object to be written into.


Added in API level 3
open fun setOutputFile(fd: FileDescriptor!): Unit

Pass in the file descriptor of the file to be written. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare().

fd FileDescriptor!: an open file descriptor to be written into.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before setOutputFormat() or after prepare()


Added in API level 1
open fun setOutputFile(path: String!): Unit

Sets the path of the output file to be produced. Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare().

path String!: The pathname to use.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before setOutputFormat() or after prepare()


Added in API level 1
open fun setOutputFormat(output_format: Int): Unit

Sets the format of the output file produced during recording. Call this after setAudioSource()/setVideoSource() but before prepare().

It is recommended to always use 3GP format when using the H.263 video encoder and AMR audio encoder. Using an MPEG-4 container format may confuse some desktop players.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare() or before setAudioSource()/setVideoSource().


Added in API level 28
open fun setPreferredDevice(deviceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo!): Boolean

Specifies an audio device (via an AudioDeviceInfo object) to route the input from this MediaRecorder.

deviceInfo AudioDeviceInfo!: The AudioDeviceInfo specifying the audio source. If deviceInfo is null, default routing is restored.
Boolean true if succesful, false if the specified AudioDeviceInfo is non-null and does not correspond to a valid audio input device.


Added in API level 29
open fun setPreferredMicrophoneDirection(direction: Int): Boolean

Specifies the logical microphone (for processing).

Boolean true if sucessful.


Added in API level 29
open fun setPreferredMicrophoneFieldDimension(zoom: Float): Boolean

Specifies the zoom factor (i.e. the field dimension) for the selected microphone (for processing). The selected microphone is determined by the use-case for the stream.

zoom Float: the desired field dimension of microphone capture. Range is from -1 (wide angle), though 0 (no zoom) to 1 (maximum zoom). Value is between -1.0 and 1.0 inclusive
Boolean true if sucessful.


Added in API level 1
open fun setPreviewDisplay(sv: Surface!): Unit

Sets a Surface to show a preview of recorded media (video). Calls this before prepare() to make sure that the desirable preview display is set. If setCamera(android.hardware.Camera) is used and the surface has been already set to the camera, application do not need to call this. If this is called with non-null surface, the preview surface of the camera will be replaced by the new surface. If this method is called with null surface or not called at all, media recorder will not change the preview surface of the camera.

sv Surface!: the Surface to use for the preview


Added in API level 30
open fun setPrivacySensitive(privacySensitive: Boolean): Unit

Indicates that this capture request is privacy sensitive and that any concurrent capture is not permitted.

The default is not privacy sensitive except when the audio source set with setAudioSource(int) is AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION or AudioSource.CAMCORDER.

Always takes precedence over default from audio source when set explicitly.

Using this API is only permitted when the audio source is one of:

Invoking prepare() will throw an IOException if this condition is not met.

Must be called after setAudioSource(int) and before setOutputFormat(int).

privacySensitive Boolean: True if capture from this MediaRecorder must be marked as privacy sensitive, false otherwise.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if called before setAudioSource(int) or after setOutputFormat(int)


Added in API level 8
open fun setProfile(profile: CamcorderProfile!): Unit

Uses the settings from a CamcorderProfile object for recording. This method should be called after the video AND audio sources are set, and before setOutputFile(). If a time lapse CamcorderProfile is used, audio related source or recording parameters are ignored.

profile CamcorderProfile!: the CamcorderProfile to use


Added in API level 3
open fun setVideoEncoder(video_encoder: Int): Unit

Sets the video encoder to be used for recording. If this method is not called, the output file will not contain an video track. Call this after setOutputFormat() and before prepare().

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before setOutputFormat() or after prepare()


Added in API level 8
open fun setVideoEncodingBitRate(bitRate: Int): Unit

Sets the video encoding bit rate for recording. Call this method before prepare(). Prepare() may perform additional checks on the parameter to make sure whether the specified bit rate is applicable, and sometimes the passed bitRate will be clipped internally to ensure the video recording can proceed smoothly based on the capabilities of the platform.

NB: the actual bitrate and other encoding characteristics may be affected by the minimum quality floor behavior introduced in android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#S. More detail on how and where this impacts video encoding can be found in the MediaCodec page and looking for "quality floor" (near the top of the page).

bitRate Int: the video encoding bit rate in bits per second.


Added in API level 26
open fun setVideoEncodingProfileLevel(
    profile: Int,
    level: Int
): Unit

Sets the desired video encoding profile and level for recording. The profile and level must be valid for the video encoder set by setVideoEncoder. This method can called before or after setVideoEncoder but it must be called before prepare. prepare() may perform additional checks on the parameter to make sure that the specified profile and level are applicable, and sometimes the passed profile or level will be discarded due to codec capablity or to ensure the video recording can proceed smoothly based on the capabilities of the platform.
Application can also use the MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.profileLevels to query applicable combination of profile and level for the corresponding format. Note that the requested profile/level may not be supported by the codec that is actually being used by this MediaRecorder instance.

profile Int: declared in MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.
level Int: declared in MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when an invalid profile or level value is used.


Added in API level 3
open fun setVideoFrameRate(rate: Int): Unit

Sets the frame rate of the video to be captured. Must be called after setVideoSource(). Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare().

NOTE: On some devices that have auto-frame rate, this sets the maximum frame rate, not a constant frame rate. Actual frame rate will vary according to lighting conditions.

rate Int: the number of frames per second of video to capture
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare() or before setOutputFormat().


Added in API level 31
open fun setVideoProfile(profile: EncoderProfiles.VideoProfile): Unit

Uses the settings from a VideoProfile object for recording.

This method should be called after the video AND audio sources are set, and before setOutputFile().

This method can be used instead of setProfile when using EncoderProfiles.

profile EncoderProfiles.VideoProfile: the VideoProfile to use This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 3
open fun setVideoSize(
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Unit

Sets the width and height of the video to be captured. Must be called after setVideoSource(). Call this after setOutputFormat() but before prepare().

width Int: the width of the video to be captured
height Int: the height of the video to be captured
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare() or before setOutputFormat()


Added in API level 3
open fun setVideoSource(video_source: Int): Unit

Sets the video source to be used for recording. If this method is not called, the output file will not contain an video track. The source needs to be specified before setting recording-parameters or encoders. Call this only before setOutputFormat().

video_source Int: the video source to use
java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called after setOutputFormat()


Added in API level 1
open fun start(): Unit

Begins capturing and encoding data to the file specified with setOutputFile(). Call this after prepare().

Since API level 13, if applications set a camera via setCamera(android.hardware.Camera), the apps can use the camera after this method call. The apps do not need to lock the camera again. However, if this method fails, the apps should still lock the camera back. The apps should not start another recording session during recording.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before prepare() or when the camera is already in use by another app.


Added in API level 1
open fun stop(): Unit

Stops recording. Call this after start(). Once recording is stopped, you will have to configure it again as if it has just been constructed. Note that a RuntimeException is intentionally thrown to the application, if no valid audio/video data has been received when stop() is called. This happens if stop() is called immediately after start(). The failure lets the application take action accordingly to clean up the output file (delete the output file, for instance), since the output file is not properly constructed when this happens.

java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is called before start()


Added in API level 29
open fun unregisterAudioRecordingCallback(cb: AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback): Unit

Unregister an audio recording callback previously registered with registerAudioRecordingCallback(java.util.concurrent.Executor,

cb AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback: non-null callback to unregister

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method