Added in API level 1


open class Surface : Parcelable

Handle onto a raw buffer that is being managed by the screen compositor.

A Surface is generally created by or from a consumer of image buffers (such as a,, or android.renderscript.Allocation), and is handed to some kind of producer (such as OpenGL, MediaPlayer, or android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession) to draw into.

Note: A Surface acts like a weak reference to the consumer it is associated with. By itself it will not keep its parent consumer from being reclaimed.


Nested classes

Exception thrown when a Canvas couldn't be locked with Surface.lockCanvas, or when a SurfaceTexture could not successfully be allocated.

static Int

Change the frame rate even if the transition is going to be non-seamless, i.

static Int

Change the frame rate only if the transition is going to be seamless.

static Int

The surface requests a frame rate that is at least the specified frame rate.

static Int

There are no inherent restrictions on the frame rate of this surface.

static Int

This surface is being used to display content with an inherently fixed frame rate, e.

static Int

Rotation constant: 0 degree rotation (natural orientation)

static Int

Rotation constant: 180 degree rotation.

static Int

Rotation constant: 270 degree rotation.

static Int

Rotation constant: 90 degree rotation.

Inherited constants

Descriptor bit used with describeContents(): indicates that the Parcelable object's flattened representation includes a file descriptor.


Flag for use with writeToParcel: the object being written is a return value, that is the result of a function such as "Parcelable someFunction()", "void someFunction(out Parcelable)", or "void someFunction(inout Parcelable)". Some implementations may want to release resources at this point.

Public constructors
Surface(surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture!)

Create Surface from a SurfaceTexture.

Create a Surface associated with a given SurfaceControl.

Public methods
open Unit

Clears the frame rate which was set for this surface.

open Int

open Boolean

Returns true if this object holds a valid surface.

open Canvas!
lockCanvas(inOutDirty: Rect!)

Gets a Canvas for drawing into this surface.

open Canvas!

Gets a Canvas for drawing into this surface.

open Unit

open Unit

Release the local reference to the server-side surface.

open Unit
setFrameRate(frameRate: Float, compatibility: Int)

Sets the intended frame rate for this surface.

open Unit
setFrameRate(frameRate: Float, compatibility: Int, changeFrameRateStrategy: Int)

Sets the intended frame rate for this surface.

open String

open Unit
unlockCanvas(canvas: Canvas!)

open Unit

Posts the new contents of the Canvas to the surface and releases the Canvas.

open Unit
writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)

Protected methods
open Unit

static Parcelable.Creator<Surface!>



Added in API level 31

Change the frame rate even if the transition is going to be non-seamless, i.e. with visual interruptions for the user. Non-seamless switches might be used when the benefit of matching the content's frame rate outweighs the cost of the transition, for example when displaying long-running video content.

Value: 1


Added in API level 31

Change the frame rate only if the transition is going to be seamless.

Value: 0


Added in API level 36

The surface requests a frame rate that is at least the specified frame rate. This value should be used for UIs, animations, scrolling and fling, and anything that is not a game or video. For video, use FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_FIXED_SOURCE instead. For game content, use FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT.

Value: 2


Added in API level 30

There are no inherent restrictions on the frame rate of this surface. When the system selects a frame rate other than what the app requested, the app will be able to run at the system frame rate without requiring pull down. This value should be used when displaying game content, UIs, and anything that isn't video. In Android version Build.VERSION_CODES.BAKLAVA and above, use FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT for game content. For other cases, see FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_FIXED_SOURCE and FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_AT_LEAST.

Value: 0


Added in API level 30

This surface is being used to display content with an inherently fixed frame rate, e.g. a video that has a specific frame rate. When the system selects a frame rate other than what the app requested, the app will need to do pull down or use some other technique to adapt to the system's frame rate. The user experience is likely to be worse (e.g. more frame stuttering) than it would be if the system had chosen the app's requested frame rate. This value should be used for video content.

Value: 1


Added in API level 1
static val ROTATION_0: Int

Rotation constant: 0 degree rotation (natural orientation)

Value: 0


Added in API level 1
static val ROTATION_180: Int

Rotation constant: 180 degree rotation.

Value: 2


Added in API level 1
static val ROTATION_270: Int

Rotation constant: 270 degree rotation.

Value: 3


Added in API level 1
static val ROTATION_90: Int

Rotation constant: 90 degree rotation.

Value: 1

Public constructors


Added in API level 14
Surface(surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture!)

Create Surface from a SurfaceTexture. Images drawn to the Surface will be made available to the SurfaceTexture, which can attach them to an OpenGL ES texture via Please note that holding onto the Surface created here is not enough to keep the provided SurfaceTexture from being reclaimed. In that sense, the Surface will act like a weak reference to the SurfaceTexture.

surfaceTexture SurfaceTexture!: The SurfaceTexture that is updated by this Surface.
android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException if the surface could not be created.


Added in API level 29
Surface(from: SurfaceControl)

Create a Surface associated with a given SurfaceControl. Buffers submitted to this surface will be displayed by the system compositor according to the parameters specified by the control. Multiple surfaces may be constructed from one SurfaceControl, but only one can be connected (e.g. have an active EGL context) at a time.

from SurfaceControl: The SurfaceControl to associate this Surface with This value cannot be null.

Public methods


Added in API level 34
open fun clearFrameRate(): Unit

Clears the frame rate which was set for this surface.

This is equivalent to calling setFrameRate(float,int,int) using 0 for frameRate.

Note that this only has an effect for surfaces presented on the display. If this surface is consumed by something other than the system compositor, e.g. a media codec, this call has no effect.


Added in API level 1
open fun describeContents(): Int
Int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or android.os.Parcelable#CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


Added in API level 1
open fun isValid(): Boolean

Returns true if this object holds a valid surface.

Boolean True if it holds a physical surface, so lockCanvas() will succeed. Otherwise returns false.


Added in API level 1
open fun lockCanvas(inOutDirty: Rect!): Canvas!

Gets a Canvas for drawing into this surface. After drawing into the provided Canvas, the caller must invoke unlockCanvasAndPost to post the new contents to the surface.

inOutDirty Rect!: A rectangle that represents the dirty region that the caller wants to redraw. This function may choose to expand the dirty rectangle if for example the surface has been resized or if the previous contents of the surface were not available. The caller must redraw the entire dirty region as represented by the contents of the inOutDirty rectangle upon return from this function. The caller may also pass null instead, in the case where the entire surface should be redrawn.
Canvas! A canvas for drawing into the surface.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the inOutDirty rectangle is not valid.
android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException If the canvas cannot be locked.


Added in API level 23
open fun lockHardwareCanvas(): Canvas!

Gets a Canvas for drawing into this surface. After drawing into the provided Canvas, the caller must invoke unlockCanvasAndPost to post the new contents to the surface. Unlike lockCanvas( this will return a hardware-accelerated canvas. See the unsupported drawing operations for a list of what is and isn't supported in a hardware-accelerated canvas. It is also required to fully cover the surface every time lockHardwareCanvas() is called as the buffer is not preserved between frames. Partial updates are not supported.

Canvas! A canvas for drawing into the surface.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the canvas cannot be locked.


Added in API level 1
open fun readFromParcel(source: Parcel!): Unit


Added in API level 14
open fun release(): Unit

Release the local reference to the server-side surface. Always call release() when you're done with a Surface. This will make the surface invalid.


Added in API level 30
open fun setFrameRate(
    frameRate: Float,
    compatibility: Int
): Unit

Sets the intended frame rate for this surface. Any switching of refresh rates is most probably going to be seamless.

frameRate Float: Value is 0.0 or greater
compatibility Int: Value is android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT, android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_FIXED_SOURCE, android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_AT_LEAST, android.view.Surface.FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_EXACT, or android.view.Surface.FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_MIN


Added in API level 31
open fun setFrameRate(
    frameRate: Float,
    compatibility: Int,
    changeFrameRateStrategy: Int
): Unit

Sets the intended frame rate for this surface.

On devices that are capable of running the display at different refresh rates, the system may choose a display refresh rate to better match this surface's frame rate. Usage of this API won't introduce frame rate throttling, or affect other aspects of the application's frame production pipeline. However, because the system may change the display refresh rate, calls to this function may result in changes to Choreographer callback timings, and changes to the time interval at which the system releases buffers back to the application.

Note that this only has an effect for surfaces presented on the display. If this surface is consumed by something other than the system compositor, e.g. a media codec, this call has no effect.

frameRate Float: The intended frame rate of this surface, in frames per second. 0 is a special value that indicates the app will accept the system's choice for the display frame rate, which is the default behavior if this function isn't called. The frameRate parameter does not need to be a valid refresh rate for this device's display - e.g., it's fine to pass 30fps to a device that can only run the display at 60fps. Value is 0.0 or greater
compatibility Int: The frame rate compatibility of this surface. The compatibility value may influence the system's choice of display frame rate. This parameter is ignored when frameRate is 0. Value is android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT, android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_FIXED_SOURCE, android.view.Surface#FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_AT_LEAST, android.view.Surface.FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_EXACT, or android.view.Surface.FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_MIN
changeFrameRateStrategy Int: Whether display refresh rate transitions caused by this surface should be seamless. A seamless transition is one that doesn't have any visual interruptions, such as a black screen for a second or two. This parameter is ignored when frameRate is 0. Value is android.view.Surface#CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ONLY_IF_SEAMLESS, or android.view.Surface#CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ALWAYS
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If frameRate, compatibility or changeFrameRateStrategy are invalid.


Added in API level 1
open fun toString(): String
String a string representation of the object.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 17
open fun unlockCanvas(canvas: Canvas!): Unit

Deprecated: This API has been removed and is not supported. Do not use.


Added in API level 1
open fun unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas: Canvas!): Unit

Posts the new contents of the Canvas to the surface and releases the Canvas.

canvas Canvas!: The canvas previously obtained from lockCanvas.


Added in API level 1
open fun writeToParcel(
    dest: Parcel,
    flags: Int
): Unit
dest Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written. This value cannot be null.
flags Int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.os.Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method



Added in API level 1
static val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<Surface!>