
public class ActivityResultContracts.PickVisualMedia extends ActivityResultContract

An ActivityResultContract to use the Photo Picker to select a single image, video, or other type of visual media.

This contract always prefers the system framework provided Photo Picker available via MediaStore.ACTION_PICK_IMAGES when it is available, but will also provide a fallback on devices that it is not available to ensure a consistent API surface across all Android API 19 or higher devices.

The priority order for handling the Photo Picker is:

  1. The system framework provided MediaStore.ACTION_PICK_IMAGES.

The input is a PickVisualMediaRequest.

The output is a Uri when the user has selected a media or null when the user hasn't selected any item. Keep in mind that Uri returned by the photo picker isn't writable.

This can be extended to override createIntent if you wish to pass additional extras to the Intent created by super.createIntent().


Nested types

Represents filter input type accepted by the photo picker.

DefaultTab object used to open the picker in Albums tab.

DefaultTab object used to open the picker in Photos tab (also the default if no value is provided).

VisualMediaType object used to filter images and video when using the photo picker.

VisualMediaType object used to filter images only when using the photo picker.

Represents the media capabilities of an application.

A builder for constructing MediaCapabilities instances.

VisualMediaType class used to filter a single mime type only when using the photo picker.

VisualMediaType object used to filter video only when using the photo picker.

Represents filter input type accepted by the photo picker.


static final @NonNull String

In cases where the system framework provided MediaStore.ACTION_PICK_IMAGES Photo Picker cannot be implemented, OEMs or system apps can provide a consistent Photo Picker experience to those devices by creating an Activity that handles this action.

static final @NonNull String

Extra that will be sent by PickVisualMedia and PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates the preferred accent color of the picker.

static final @NonNull String

Extra that will be sent by PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates allowing the user to control the order in which images are returned to the calling app.

static final @NonNull String

Extra that will be sent by PickVisualMedia and PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates the preferred default tab of the picker.

static final @NonNull String

Extra that will be sent by PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates that maximum number of photos the user should select.

Public constructors

Public methods

@NonNull Intent

Create an intent that can be used for

final ActivityResultContract.SynchronousResult<Uri>

An optional method you can implement that can be used to potentially provide a result in lieu of starting an activity.

static final boolean

This method is deprecated. This method is deprecated in favor of isPhotoPickerAvailable(context) to support the picker provided by updatable system apps

static final boolean

Check if the current device has support for the photo picker by checking the running Android version, the SDK extension version or the picker provided by a system app implementing ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES.

final Uri
parseResult(int resultCode, Intent intent)

Convert result obtained from to O.



public static final @NonNull String ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES

In cases where the system framework provided MediaStore.ACTION_PICK_IMAGES Photo Picker cannot be implemented, OEMs or system apps can provide a consistent Photo Picker experience to those devices by creating an Activity that handles this action. This app must also include Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT in the activity's intent filter.

Only system apps can implement this action - any non-system apps will be ignored when searching for the activities that handle this Intent.

Note: this should not be used directly, instead relying on the selection logic done by createIntent to create the correct Intent for the current device.



Extra that will be sent by PickVisualMedia and PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates the preferred accent color of the picker.

If this extra is not present, the default accent color of the picker will be used.


public static final @NonNull String EXTRA_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES_IN_ORDER

Extra that will be sent by PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates allowing the user to control the order in which images are returned to the calling app.



Extra that will be sent by PickVisualMedia and PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates the preferred default tab of the picker.

If this extra is not present, the default tab of the picker will be used.


public static final @NonNull String EXTRA_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES_MAX

Extra that will be sent by PickMultipleVisualMedia to an Activity that handles ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES that indicates that maximum number of photos the user should select.

If this extra is not present, only a single photo should be selectable.

If this extra is present but equal to Int.MAX_VALUE, then no limit should be enforced.

Public constructors


Added in 1.6.0
public PickVisualMedia()

Public methods


Added in 1.6.0
public @NonNull Intent createIntent(
    @NonNull Context context,
    @NonNull PickVisualMediaRequest input

Create an intent that can be used for


Added in 1.6.0
public final ActivityResultContract.SynchronousResult<UrigetSynchronousResult(
    @NonNull Context context,
    @NonNull PickVisualMediaRequest input

An optional method you can implement that can be used to potentially provide a result in lieu of starting an activity.


the result wrapped in a SynchronousResult or null if the call should proceed to start an activity.


Added in 1.6.0
Deprecated in 1.7.0
public static final boolean isPhotoPickerAvailable()

Check if the current device has support for the photo picker by checking the running Android version or the SDK extension version.

Note that this does not check for any Intent handled by ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES.


Added in 1.7.0
public static final boolean isPhotoPickerAvailable(@NonNull Context context)

Check if the current device has support for the photo picker by checking the running Android version, the SDK extension version or the picker provided by a system app implementing ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES.


public final Uri parseResult(int resultCode, Intent intent)

Convert result obtained from to O.