Added in API level 8


open class ImageFormat


static Int

Android dense depth image format.

static Int

Depth augmented compressed JPEG format.

static Int

Android sparse depth point cloud format.

static Int

Multi-plane Android RGBA format

static Int

Multi-plane Android RGB format

static Int

Compressed HEIC format.

static Int

High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) with embedded HDR gain map

static Int

Compressed JPEG format.

static Int

Compressed JPEG format that includes an embedded recovery map.

static Int

YCbCr format, used for video.

static Int

YCrCb format used for images, which uses the NV21 encoding format.

static Int

Android private opaque image format.

static Int

Android 10-bit raw format

static Int

Android 12-bit raw format

static Int

Private raw camera sensor image format, a single channel image with implementation dependent pixel layout.

static Int

General raw camera sensor image format, usually representing a single-channel Bayer-mosaic image.

static Int

RGB format used for pictures encoded as RGB_565.

static Int

static Int

Android Y8 format.

static Int

Android YUV P010 format.

static Int

Android YUV P210 format.

static Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 420 format

static Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 422 format

static Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 444 format

static Int

YCbCr format used for images, which uses YUYV (YUY2) encoding format.

static Int

Android YUV format.

Public constructors

Public methods
open static Int

Use this function to retrieve the number of bits per pixel of an ImageFormat.



Added in API level 23
static val DEPTH16: Int

Android dense depth image format.

Each pixel is 16 bits, representing a depth ranging measurement from a depth camera or similar sensor. The 16-bit sample consists of a confidence value and the actual ranging measurement.

The confidence value is an estimate of correctness for this sample. It is encoded in the 3 most significant bits of the sample, with a value of 0 representing 100% confidence, a value of 1 representing 0% confidence, a value of 2 representing 1/7, a value of 3 representing 2/7, and so on.

As an example, the following sample extracts the range and confidence from the first pixel of a DEPTH16-format, and converts the confidence to a floating-point value between 0 and 1.f inclusive, with 1.f representing maximum confidence:

ShortBuffer shortDepthBuffer = img.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer().asShortBuffer();
     short depthSample = shortDepthBuffer.get()
     short depthRange = (short) (depthSample & 0x1FFF);
     short depthConfidence = (short) ((depthSample >> 13) & 0x7);
     float depthPercentage = depthConfidence == 0 ? 1.f : (depthConfidence - 1) / 7.f;

This format assumes

  • an even width
  • an even height
  • a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels

y_size = stride * height 
When produced by a camera, the units for the range are millimeters.
Value: 1144402265


Added in API level 29
static val DEPTH_JPEG: Int

Depth augmented compressed JPEG format.

JPEG compressed main image along with XMP embedded depth metadata following ISO 16684-1:2011(E).

Value: 1768253795


Added in API level 23
static val DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD: Int

Android sparse depth point cloud format.

A variable-length list of 3D points plus a confidence value, with each point represented by four floats; first the X, Y, Z position coordinates, and then the confidence value.

The number of points is (size of the buffer in bytes) / 16.

The coordinate system and units of the position values depend on the source of the point cloud data. The confidence value is between 0.f and 1.f, inclusive, with 0 representing 0% confidence and 1.f representing 100% confidence in the measured position values.

As an example, the following code extracts the first depth point in a DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD format

FloatBuffer floatDepthBuffer = img.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer().asFloatBuffer();
     float x = floatDepthBuffer.get();
     float y = floatDepthBuffer.get();
     float z = floatDepthBuffer.get();
     float confidence = floatDepthBuffer.get();
For camera devices that support the DEPTH_OUTPUT capability, DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD coordinates have units of meters, and the coordinate system is defined by the camera's pose transforms: android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#LENS_POSE_TRANSLATION and android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#LENS_POSE_ROTATION. That means the origin is the optical center of the camera device, and the positive Z axis points along the camera's optical axis, toward the scene.
Value: 257


Added in API level 23
static val FLEX_RGBA_8888: Int

Multi-plane Android RGBA format

This format is a generic RGBA format, capable of describing most RGBA formats, with 8 bits per color sample.

Images in this format are always represented by four separate buffers of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride for each plane.

The order of planes in the array returned by Image#getPlanes() is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always R (red), plane #1 is always G (green), plane #2 is always B (blue), and plane #3 is always A (alpha). This format may represent pre-multiplied or non-premultiplied alpha.

All four planes are guaranteed to have the same row strides and pixel strides.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a through object.

Value: 42


Added in API level 23
static val FLEX_RGB_888: Int

Multi-plane Android RGB format

This format is a generic RGB format, capable of describing most RGB formats, with 8 bits per color sample.

Images in this format are always represented by three separate buffers of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride for each plane.

The order of planes in the array returned by Image#getPlanes() is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always R (red), plane #1 is always G (green), and plane #2 is always B (blue).

All three planes are guaranteed to have the same row strides and pixel strides.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a through object.

Value: 41


Added in API level 29
static val HEIC: Int

Compressed HEIC format.

This format defines the HEIC brand of High Efficiency Image File Format as described in ISO/IEC 23008-12.

Value: 1212500294


Added in API level 36
static val HEIC_ULTRAHDR: Int

High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) with embedded HDR gain map

This format defines the HEIC brand of High Efficiency Image File Format as described in ISO/IEC 23008-12:2024 with HDR gain map according to ISO/CD 21496‐1.

Value: 4102


Added in API level 8
static val JPEG: Int

Compressed JPEG format.

This format is always supported as an output format for the android.hardware.camera2 API, and as a picture format for the older android.hardware.Camera API

Value: 256


Added in API level 34
static val JPEG_R: Int

Compressed JPEG format that includes an embedded recovery map.

JPEG compressed main image along with embedded recovery map following the Ultra HDR Image format specification.

Value: 4101


Added in API level 8
static val NV16: Int

YCbCr format, used for video.

For the android.hardware.camera2 API, the YUV_420_888 format is recommended for YUV output instead.

Whether this format is supported by the old camera API can be determined by android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getSupportedPreviewFormats().

Value: 16


Added in API level 8
static val NV21: Int

YCrCb format used for images, which uses the NV21 encoding format.

This is the default format for android.hardware.Camera preview images, when not otherwise set with android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#setPreviewFormat(int).

For the android.hardware.camera2 API, the YUV_420_888 format is recommended for YUV output instead.

Value: 17


Added in API level 23
static val PRIVATE: Int

Android private opaque image format.

The choices of the actual format and pixel data layout are entirely up to the device-specific and framework internal implementations, and may vary depending on use cases even for the same device. The buffers of this format can be produced by components like ImageWriter , and interpreted correctly by consumers like CameraDevice based on the device/framework private information. However, these buffers are not directly accessible to the application.

When an Image of this format is obtained from an ImageReader or ImageWriter, the getPlanes() method will return an empty Plane array.

If a buffer of this format is to be used as an OpenGL ES texture, the framework will assume that sampling the texture will always return an alpha value of 1.0 (i.e. the buffer contains only opaque pixel values).

Value: 34


Added in API level 21
static val RAW10: Int

Android 10-bit raw format

This is a single-plane, 10-bit per pixel, densely packed (in each row), unprocessed format, usually representing raw Bayer-pattern images coming from an image sensor.

In an image buffer with this format, starting from the first pixel of each row, each 4 consecutive pixels are packed into 5 bytes (40 bits). Each one of the first 4 bytes contains the top 8 bits of each pixel, The fifth byte contains the 2 least significant bits of the 4 pixels, the exact layout data for each 4 consecutive pixels is illustrated below (Pi[j] stands for the jth bit of the ith pixel):

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
Byte 0: P0[9] P0[8] P0[7] P0[6] P0[5] P0[4] P0[3] P0[2]
Byte 1: P1[9] P1[8] P1[7] P1[6] P1[5] P1[4] P1[3] P1[2]
Byte 2: P2[9] P2[8] P2[7] P2[6] P2[5] P2[4] P2[3] P2[2]
Byte 3: P3[9] P3[8] P3[7] P3[6] P3[5] P3[4] P3[3] P3[2]
Byte 4: P3[1] P3[0] P2[1] P2[0] P1[1] P1[0] P0[1] P0[0]

This format assumes

  • a width multiple of 4 pixels
  • an even height

size = row stride * height
where the row stride is in bytes, not pixels.

Since this is a densely packed format, the pixel stride is always 0. The application must use the pixel data layout defined in above table to access each row data. When row stride is equal to width * (10 / 8), there will be no padding bytes at the end of each row, the entire image data is densely packed. When stride is larger than width * (10 / 8), padding bytes will be present at the end of each row.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice (if supported) through a object. The Image#getPlanes() will return a single plane containing the pixel data. The pixel stride is always 0 in, and the describes the vertical neighboring pixel distance (in bytes) between adjacent rows.

Value: 37


Added in API level 23
static val RAW12: Int

Android 12-bit raw format

This is a single-plane, 12-bit per pixel, densely packed (in each row), unprocessed format, usually representing raw Bayer-pattern images coming from an image sensor.

In an image buffer with this format, starting from the first pixel of each row, each two consecutive pixels are packed into 3 bytes (24 bits). The first and second byte contains the top 8 bits of first and second pixel. The third byte contains the 4 least significant bits of the two pixels, the exact layout data for each two consecutive pixels is illustrated below (Pi[j] stands for the jth bit of the ith pixel):

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
Byte 0: P0[11] P0[10] P0[ 9] P0[ 8] P0[ 7] P0[ 6] P0[ 5] P0[ 4]
Byte 1: P1[11] P1[10] P1[ 9] P1[ 8] P1[ 7] P1[ 6] P1[ 5] P1[ 4]
Byte 2: P1[ 3] P1[ 2] P1[ 1] P1[ 0] P0[ 3] P0[ 2] P0[ 1] P0[ 0]

This format assumes

  • a width multiple of 4 pixels
  • an even height

size = row stride * height
where the row stride is in bytes, not pixels.

Since this is a densely packed format, the pixel stride is always 0. The application must use the pixel data layout defined in above table to access each row data. When row stride is equal to width * (12 / 8), there will be no padding bytes at the end of each row, the entire image data is densely packed. When stride is larger than width * (12 / 8), padding bytes will be present at the end of each row.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice (if supported) through a object. The Image#getPlanes() will return a single plane containing the pixel data. The pixel stride is always 0 in, and the describes the vertical neighboring pixel distance (in bytes) between adjacent rows.

Value: 38


Added in API level 24
static val RAW_PRIVATE: Int

Private raw camera sensor image format, a single channel image with implementation dependent pixel layout.

RAW_PRIVATE is a format for unprocessed raw image buffers coming from an image sensor. The actual structure of buffers of this format is implementation-dependent.

Value: 36


Added in API level 21
static val RAW_SENSOR: Int

General raw camera sensor image format, usually representing a single-channel Bayer-mosaic image. Each pixel color sample is stored with 16 bits of precision.

The layout of the color mosaic, the maximum and minimum encoding values of the raw pixel data, the color space of the image, and all other needed information to interpret a raw sensor image must be queried from the android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice which produced the image.

Value: 32


Added in API level 8
static val RGB_565: Int

RGB format used for pictures encoded as RGB_565. See android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#setPictureFormat(int).

Value: 4


Added in API level 8
static val UNKNOWN: Int
Value: 0


Added in API level 29
static val Y8: Int

Android Y8 format.

Y8 is a YUV planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane only, with each pixel being represented by 8 bits. It is equivalent to just the Y plane from YV12 format.

This format assumes

  • an even width
  • an even height
  • a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels

size = stride * height 

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice (if supported) through a object. The Image#getPlanes() will return a single plane containing the pixel data. The pixel stride is always 1 in, and the describes the vertical neighboring pixel distance (in bytes) between adjacent rows.

Value: 538982489


Added in API level 31
static val YCBCR_P010: Int

Android YUV P010 format.

P010 is a 4:2:0 YCbCr semiplanar format comprised of a WxH Y plane followed by a Wx(H/2) CbCr plane. Each sample is represented by a 16-bit little-endian value, with the lower 6 bits set to zero.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice through a object if this format is supported by android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.

Value: 54


Added in API level 36
static val YCBCR_P210: Int

Android YUV P210 format.

P210 is a 4:2:2 YCbCr semiplanar format comprised of a WxH Y plane followed by a WxH CbCr plane. Each sample is represented by a 16-bit little-endian value, with the lower 6 bits set to zero.

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice through a object if this format is supported by android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.

Value: 60


Added in API level 19
static val YUV_420_888: Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 420 format

This format is a generic YCbCr format, capable of describing any 4:2:0 chroma-subsampled planar or semiplanar buffer (but not fully interleaved), with 8 bits per color sample.

Images in this format are always represented by three separate buffers of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride for each plane.

The order of planes in the array returned by Image#getPlanes() is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always Y, plane #1 is always U (Cb), and plane #2 is always V (Cr).

The Y-plane is guaranteed not to be interleaved with the U/V planes (in particular, pixel stride is always 1 in yPlane.getPixelStride()).

The U/V planes are guaranteed to have the same row stride and pixel stride (in particular, uPlane.getRowStride() == vPlane.getRowStride() and uPlane.getPixelStride() == vPlane.getPixelStride(); ).

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice through a object.

Value: 35


Added in API level 23
static val YUV_422_888: Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 422 format

This format is a generic YCbCr format, capable of describing any 4:2:2 chroma-subsampled (planar, semiplanar or interleaved) format, with 8 bits per color sample.

Images in this format are always represented by three separate buffers of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride for each plane.

The order of planes in the array returned by Image#getPlanes() is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always Y, plane #1 is always U (Cb), and plane #2 is always V (Cr).

In contrast to the YUV_420_888 format, the Y-plane may have a pixel stride greater than 1 in yPlane.getPixelStride().

The U/V planes are guaranteed to have the same row stride and pixel stride (in particular, uPlane.getRowStride() == vPlane.getRowStride() and uPlane.getPixelStride() == vPlane.getPixelStride(); ).

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a through object.

Value: 39


Added in API level 23
static val YUV_444_888: Int

Multi-plane Android YUV 444 format

This format is a generic YCbCr format, capable of describing any 4:4:4 (planar, semiplanar or interleaved) format, with 8 bits per color sample.

Images in this format are always represented by three separate buffers of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride for each plane.

The order of planes in the array returned by Image#getPlanes() is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always Y, plane #1 is always U (Cb), and plane #2 is always V (Cr).

In contrast to the YUV_420_888 format, the Y-plane may have a pixel stride greater than 1 in yPlane.getPixelStride().

The U/V planes are guaranteed to have the same row stride and pixel stride (in particular, uPlane.getRowStride() == vPlane.getRowStride() and uPlane.getPixelStride() == vPlane.getPixelStride(); ).

For example, the object can provide data in this format from a through object.

Value: 40


Added in API level 8
static val YUY2: Int

YCbCr format used for images, which uses YUYV (YUY2) encoding format.

For the android.hardware.camera2 API, the YUV_420_888 format is recommended for YUV output instead.

This is an alternative format for android.hardware.Camera preview images. Whether this format is supported by the camera hardware can be determined by android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getSupportedPreviewFormats().

Value: 20


Added in API level 9
static val YV12: Int

Android YUV format.

This format is exposed to software decoders and applications.

YV12 is a 4:2:0 YCrCb planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane followed by (W/2) x (H/2) Cr and Cb planes.

This format assumes

  • an even width
  • an even height
  • a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels
  • a vertical stride equal to the height

y_size = stride * height
  c_stride = ALIGN(stride/2, 16)
  c_size = c_stride * height/2
  size = y_size + c_size * 2
  cr_offset = y_size
  cb_offset = y_size + c_size

For the android.hardware.camera2 API, the YUV_420_888 format is recommended for YUV output instead.

For the older camera API, this format is guaranteed to be supported for android.hardware.Camera preview images since API level 12; for earlier API versions, check android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getSupportedPreviewFormats().

Note that for camera preview callback use (see android.hardware.Camera#setPreviewCallback), the stride value is the smallest possible; that is, it is equal to:

stride = ALIGN(width, 16)
Value: 842094169

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 8
open static fun getBitsPerPixel(format: Int): Int

Use this function to retrieve the number of bits per pixel of an ImageFormat.

Int the number of bits per pixel of the given format or -1 if the format doesn't exist or is not supported.