Added in API level 28


class Builder

Builder class used to construct RangingRequest objects.


Public constructors

Public methods

Add the device specified by the ScanResult to the list of devices with which to measure range.


Add the devices specified by the ScanResults to the list of devices with which to measure range.


Add the non-802.


Add the non-802.


Add the Responder device specified by the ResponderConfig to the list of devices with which to measure range.


Add the devices specified by the ResponderConfigs to the list of devices with which to measure range.

addWifiAwarePeer(peerMacAddress: MacAddress)

Add the device specified by the peerMacAddress to the list of devices with which to measure range.


Add a device specified by a PeerHandle to the list of devices with which to measure range.


Build RangingRequest given the current configurations made on the builder.

setRttBurstSize(rttBurstSize: Int)

Set the RTT Burst size for the ranging request.

setSecurityMode(securityMode: Int)

Sets the overall security mode for ranging, determining if secure ranging is attempted with each responder and if fallback to unauthenticated secure ranging is permitted.

Public constructors


Added in API level 28

Public methods


Added in API level 28
fun addAccessPoint(apInfo: ScanResult): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the device specified by the ScanResult to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to a request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Two-sided Ranging will be performed if the local device and the AP support IEEE 802.11az (non-trigger based ranging) or IEEE 802.11mc. AP capability is determined by the method ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() or ScanResult.is80211mcResponder(). If both 11az and 11mc are supported by the local device and the AP, 11az non-trigger based ranging will be performed. If two-sided ranging is not supported, one-sided RTT will be performed with no correction for the AP packet turnaround time.

apInfo ScanResult: Information about an Access Point (AP) obtained in a Scan Result. This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 28
fun addAccessPoints(apInfos: MutableList<ScanResult!>): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the devices specified by the ScanResults to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to a request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Two-sided Ranging will be performed if the local device and the AP support IEEE 802.11az (non-trigger based ranging) or IEEE 802.11mc. AP capability is determined by the method ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() or ScanResult.is80211mcResponder(). If both 11az and 11mc are supported by the local device and the AP, 11az non-trigger based ranging will be performed. If two-sided ranging is not supported, one-sided RTT will be performed with no correction for the AP packet turnaround time.

apInfos MutableList<ScanResult!>: Information about Access Points (APs) obtained in a Scan Result. This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
fun addNon80211mcCapableAccessPoint(apInfo: ScanResult): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the non-802.11mc and non-802.11az capable device specified by the ScanResult to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to a request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Accurate ranging cannot be supported if the Access Point does not support IEEE 802.11mc and IEEE 802.11az, and instead an alternate protocol called one-sided RTT will be used with lower accuracy. Use ScanResult.is80211mcResponder() to verify the Access Point(s) are not 802.11mc capable. Use ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() ()} to verify the Access Point)s) are not 802.11az capable.

One-sided RTT does not subtract the RTT turnaround time at the Access Point, which can add hundreds of meters to the estimate. With experimentation, it is possible to use this information to make a statistical estimate of the range by taking multiple measurements to several Access Points and normalizing the result. For some applications this can be used to improve range estimates based on Receive Signal Strength Indication (RSSI), but will not be as accurate as IEEE 802.11mc (two-sided RTT).

Note: one-sided RTT should only be used if you are very familiar with statistical estimation techniques.

apInfo ScanResult: Information about an Access Point (AP) obtained in a Scan Result This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
fun addNon80211mcCapableAccessPoints(apInfos: MutableList<ScanResult!>): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the non-802.11mc and non-802.11az capable devices specified by the ScanResult to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to a request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Accurate ranging cannot be supported if the Access Point does not support IEEE 802.11mc and IEEE 802.11az, and instead an alternate protocol called one-sided RTT will be used with lower accuracy. Use ScanResult.is80211mcResponder() to verify the Access Point(s) are not 802.11mc capable. Use ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() ()} to verify the Access Point(s) are not 802.11az capable.

One-sided RTT does not subtract the RTT turnaround time at the Access Point, which can add hundreds of meters to the estimate. With experimentation, it is possible to use this information to make a statistical estimate of the range by taking multiple measurements to several Access Points and normalizing the result. For some applications this can be used to improve range estimates based on Receive Signal Strength Indication (RSSI), but will not be as accurate as IEEE 802.11mc (two-sided RTT).

Note: one-sided RTT should only be used if you are very familiar with statistical estimation techniques.

apInfos MutableList<ScanResult!>: Information about Access Points (APs) obtained in a Scan Result. This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
fun addResponder(responder: ResponderConfig): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the Responder device specified by the ResponderConfig to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to the request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Two-sided Ranging will be performed if the local device and the AP support IEEE 802.11az (non-trigger based ranging) or IEEE 802.11mc. AP capability is determined by the method ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() or ScanResult.is80211mcResponder(). If both 11az and 11mc are supported by the local device and the AP, 11az non-trigger based ranging will be performed. If two-sided ranging is not supported, one-sided RTT will be performed with no correction for the AP packet turnaround time.

responder ResponderConfig: Information on the RTT Responder. This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder, to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 33
fun addResponders(responders: MutableList<ResponderConfig!>): RangingRequest.Builder

Add the devices specified by the ResponderConfigs to the list of devices with which to measure range. The total number of peers added to a request cannot exceed the limit specified by getMaxPeers().

Two-sided Ranging will be performed if the local device and the AP support IEEE 802.11az (non-trigger based ranging) or IEEE 802.11mc. AP capability is determined by the method ScanResult.is80211azNtbResponder() or ScanResult.is80211mcResponder(). If both 11az and 11mc are supported by the local device and the AP, 11az non-trigger based ranging will be performed. If two-sided ranging is not supported, one-sided RTT will be performed with no correction for the AP packet turnaround time.

responders MutableList<ResponderConfig!>: Information representing the set of access points to be ranged This value cannot be null.
RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 28
fun addWifiAwarePeer(peerMacAddress: MacAddress): RangingRequest.Builder!

Add the device specified by the peerMacAddress to the list of devices with which to measure range.

The MAC address may be obtained out-of-band from a peer Wi-Fi Aware device. A Wi-Fi Aware device may obtain its MAC address using the IdentityChangedListener provided to WifiAwareManager.attach(AttachCallback, IdentityChangedListener, Handler).

Note: in order to use this API the device must support Wi-Fi Aware The peer device which is being ranged to must be configured to publish a service (with any name) with:

  • Type
  • Ranging enabled
  • Parameters
    peerMacAddress MacAddress: The MAC address of the Wi-Fi Aware peer. This value cannot be null.
    RangingRequest.Builder! The builder, to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..).


    Added in API level 28
    fun addWifiAwarePeer(peerHandle: PeerHandle): RangingRequest.Builder!

    Add a device specified by a PeerHandle to the list of devices with which to measure range.

    The PeerHandle may be obtained as part of the Wi-Fi Aware discovery process. E.g. using DiscoverySessionCallback.onServiceDiscovered(PeerHandle, byte[], List).

    Note: in order to use this API the device must support Wi-Fi Aware The requesting device can be either publisher or subscriber in a discovery session. For both requesting device and peer device ranging must be enabled on the discovery session:

  • for publisher.
  • Either or must be set to enable ranging on subscriber
  • Parameters
    peerHandle PeerHandle: The peer handler of the peer Wi-Fi Aware device. This value cannot be null.
    RangingRequest.Builder! The builder, to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..).


    Added in API level 28
    fun build(): RangingRequest!

    Build RangingRequest given the current configurations made on the builder.


    Added in API level 31
    fun setRttBurstSize(rttBurstSize: Int): RangingRequest.Builder

    Set the RTT Burst size for the ranging request.

    If not set, the default RTT burst size given by getDefaultRttBurstSize() is used to determine the default value. If set, the value must be in the range getMinRttBurstSize() and getMaxRttBurstSize() inclusively, or a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Note: RTT burst size is applicable to IEEE 802.11mc, and for one special case it is also applicable to IEEE 802.11az to generate multiple NTB ranging requests per measurement. It is applicable for IEEE 802.11az based ranging requests when MIMO is not available, with the transmit and receive spatial streams between the initiator and responder station is equal to 1. See RangingResult.get80211azNumberOfRxSpatialStreams() and RangingResult.get80211azNumberOfTxSpatialStreams().

    rttBurstSize Int: The number of FTM packets used to estimate a range.
    RangingRequest.Builder The builder to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 36
    fun setSecurityMode(securityMode: Int): RangingRequest.Builder

    Sets the overall security mode for ranging, determining if secure ranging is attempted with each responder and if fallback to unauthenticated secure ranging is permitted. The mode also permits retry with no security when secure ranging fails. If not set, default mode will be SECURITY_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC.

    See SECURITY_MODE_* for different modes of operation.

    RangingRequest.Builder The builder, to facilitate chaining builder.setXXX(..).setXXX(..). This value cannot be null.