Download.FailureReason |
Failure reasons. |
Download.State |
Download states. |
DownloadCursor |
Provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query. |
DownloadHelper.Callback |
A callback to be notified when the |
DownloadIndex |
An index of |
DownloadManager.Listener |
Listener for |
Downloader |
Downloads and removes a piece of content. |
Downloader.ProgressListener |
Receives progress updates during download operations. |
DownloaderFactory |
Creates |
FilterableManifest |
A manifest that can generate copies of itself including only the streams specified by the given keys. |
WritableDownloadIndex |
A writable index of |
DefaultDownloadIndex |
A |
DefaultDownloaderFactory |
Default |
Download |
Represents state of a download. |
DownloadHelper |
A helper for initializing and removing downloads. |
DownloadManager |
Manages downloads. |
DownloadNotificationHelper |
Helper for creating download notifications. |
DownloadProgress |
Mutable |
DownloadRequest |
Defines content to be downloaded. |
DownloadRequest.Builder |
A builder for download requests. |
DownloadRequest.ByteRange |
Defines the byte range. |
DownloadService |
A |
FilteringManifestParser |
A manifest parser that includes only the streams identified by the given stream keys. |
ProgressiveDownloader |
A downloader for progressive media streams. |
SegmentDownloader |
Base class for multi segment stream downloaders. |
SegmentDownloader.Segment |
Smallest unit of content to be downloaded. |
DownloadException |
Thrown on an error during downloading. |
DownloadHelper.LiveContentUnsupportedException |
Thrown at an attempt to download live content. |
DownloadRequest.UnsupportedRequestException |
Thrown when the encoded request data belongs to an unsupported request type. |