public final class AdData

Represents data specific to an ad that is necessary for ad selection and rendering.


Public constructors

AdData(@NonNull Uri renderUri, @NonNull String metadata)

Represents data specific to an ad that is necessary for ad selection and rendering.

    @NonNull Uri renderUri,
    @NonNull String metadata,
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys,
    AdFilters adFilters

Represents data specific to an ad that is necessary for ad selection and rendering.

    @NonNull Uri renderUri,
    @NonNull String metadata,
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys,
    AdFilters adFilters,
    String adRenderId

Public methods

equals(Object other)

Checks whether two AdData objects contain the same information.

final @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer>

the set of keys used in counting events

final AdFilters

all AdFilters associated with the ad, it's optional and can be null as well

final String

ad render id for server auctions

final @NonNull String

buyer ad metadata represented as a JSON string

final @NonNull Uri

a URI pointing to the ad's rendering assets


Returns the hash of the AdData object's data.

@NonNull String

Overrides the toString method.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public AdData(@NonNull Uri renderUri, @NonNull String metadata)

Represents data specific to an ad that is necessary for ad selection and rendering.

@NonNull Uri renderUri

a URI pointing to the ad's rendering assets

@NonNull String metadata

buyer ad metadata represented as a JSON string


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public AdData(
    @NonNull Uri renderUri,
    @NonNull String metadata,
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys,
    AdFilters adFilters

Represents data specific to an ad that is necessary for ad selection and rendering.

@NonNull Uri renderUri

a URI pointing to the ad's rendering assets

@NonNull String metadata

buyer ad metadata represented as a JSON string

@NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys

the set of keys used in counting events

AdFilters adFilters

all AdFilters associated with the ad


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public AdData(
    @NonNull Uri renderUri,
    @NonNull String metadata,
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys,
    AdFilters adFilters,
    String adRenderId
@NonNull Uri renderUri

a URI pointing to the ad's rendering assets

@NonNull String metadata

buyer ad metadata represented as a JSON string

@NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> adCounterKeys

the set of keys used in counting events

AdFilters adFilters

all AdFilters associated with the ad, it's optional and can be null as well

String adRenderId

ad render id for server auctions

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)

Checks whether two AdData objects contain the same information.


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public final @NonNull Set<@NonNull IntegergetAdCounterKeys()

the set of keys used in counting events


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public final AdFilters getAdFilters()

all AdFilters associated with the ad, it's optional and can be null as well


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
public final String getAdRenderId()

ad render id for server auctions


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull String getMetadata()

buyer ad metadata represented as a JSON string


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull Uri getRenderUri()

a URI pointing to the ad's rendering assets


public int hashCode()

Returns the hash of the AdData object's data.


public @NonNull String toString()

Overrides the toString method.