
public final class PerfettoTraceRule implements TestRule

Add this rule to record a Perfetto trace for each test on Android Lollipop (API 21)+ devices.

class PerfettoOverheadBenchmark {
// traces all tests in file
val perfettoRule = PerfettoTraceRule()

fun test() {}

Captured traces can be observed through any of:

  • Android Studio trace linking under Benchmark in test output tab

  • The optional traceCallback parameter

  • Android Gradle defining and pulling the file via additionalTestOutputDir.

When invoked via Gradle, files will be copied to host path like the following:


You can additionally check logcat for messages tagged "PerfettoCapture:" for the path of each perfetto trace.

> adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/mypackage.test/files/PerfettoCaptureTest.trace

Reentrant Perfetto trace capture is not supported, so this API may not be combined with BenchmarkRule, MacrobenchmarkRule, or PerfettoTrace.record.


Public constructors

    boolean enableAppTagTracing,
    boolean enableUserspaceTracing,
    Function1<@NonNull PerfettoTraceUnit> traceCallback

Public methods

@NonNull Statement
apply(@NonNull Statement base, @NonNull Description description)
final boolean

Pass false to disable android.os.Trace API tracing in this process

final boolean

Pass true to enable userspace tracing (androidx.tracing.tracing-perfetto APIs)

final Function1<@NonNull PerfettoTraceUnit>

Callback for each captured trace.

Public constructors


Added in 1.4.0-alpha09
public PerfettoTraceRule(
    boolean enableAppTagTracing,
    boolean enableUserspaceTracing,
    Function1<@NonNull PerfettoTraceUnit> traceCallback

Public methods


Added in 1.2.0
public @NonNull Statement apply(@NonNull Statement base, @NonNull Description description)


Added in 1.2.0
public final boolean getEnableAppTagTracing()

Pass false to disable android.os.Trace API tracing in this process

Defaults to true.


Added in 1.2.0
public final boolean getEnableUserspaceTracing()

Pass true to enable userspace tracing (androidx.tracing.tracing-perfetto APIs)

Defaults to false.


Added in 1.2.0
public final Function1<@NonNull PerfettoTraceUnitgetTraceCallback()

Callback for each captured trace.