
public final class ImageAnalysis extends UseCase

A use case providing CPU accessible images for an app to perform image analysis on.

ImageAnalysis acquires images from the camera via an ImageReader. Each image is provided to an ImageAnalysis.Analyzer function which can be implemented by application code, where it can access image data for application analysis via an ImageProxy.

The application is responsible for calling close to close the image. Failing to close the image will cause future images to be stalled or dropped depending on the backpressure strategy.


Nested types

public interface ImageAnalysis.Analyzer

Interface for analyzing images.

public final class ImageAnalysis.Builder implements ExtendableBuilder

Builder for a ImageAnalysis.


static final int

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning the original coordinates.

static final int

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning the sensor coordinates.

static final int

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning UI coordinates.

static final int

Images sent to the analyzer will be formatted in NV21.

static final int

Images sent to the analyzer will have RGBA format.

static final int

Images sent to the analyzer will have YUV format.

static final int

Block the producer from generating new images.

static final int

Only deliver the latest image to the analyzer, dropping images as they arrive.

Public methods


Removes a previously set analyzer.

@Nullable Executor

Returns the executor that will be used for background tasks.


Returns the mode with which images are acquired from the image producer.


Returns the number of images available to the camera pipeline, including the image being analyzed, for the STRATEGY_BLOCK_PRODUCER backpressure mode.


Gets output image format.

@Nullable ResolutionInfo

Gets resolution related information of the ImageAnalysis.

@Nullable ResolutionSelector

Returns the resolution selector setting.


Returns the rotation of the intended target for images.


Checks if output image rotation is enabled.

    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull ImageAnalysis.Analyzer analyzer

Sets an analyzer to receive and analyze images.

setTargetRotation(int rotation)

Sets the target rotation.

@NonNull String

Inherited methods

static int
snapToSurfaceRotation(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 359) int orientation)

A utility function that can convert the orientation degrees of OrientationEventListener to the nearest Surface rotation.



Added in 1.1.0
public static final int COORDINATE_SYSTEM_ORIGINAL = 0

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning the original coordinates.

Use this option if no additional transformation is needed by the Analyzer implementation. The coordinates returned by the Analyzer should be within (0, 0) - (width, height) where width and height are the dimensions of the ImageProxy.

By using this option, CameraX will pass null to updateTransform.


Added in 1.4.0
public static final int COORDINATE_SYSTEM_SENSOR = 2

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning the sensor coordinates.

Use this option if the app wishes to get the detected objects in camera sensor coordinates. The coordinates returned by the Analyzer should be within (left, right) - (width, height), where the left, right, width and height are bounds of the camera sensor's active array.

By using this option, CameraX will pass getSensorToBufferTransformMatrix's inverse to updateTransform.


Added in 1.4.0
public static final int COORDINATE_SYSTEM_VIEW_REFERENCED = 1

ImageAnalysis.Analyzer option for returning UI coordinates.

When the ImageAnalysis.Analyzer is configured with this option, it will receive a Matrix that will receive a value that represents the transformation from camera sensor to the View, which can be used for highlighting detected result in UI. For example, laying over a bounding box on top of the detected face.

Note this option will only work with an artifact that displays the camera feed in UI. Generally, this is used by higher-level libraries such as the CameraController API that incorporates a viewfinder UI. It will not be effective when used with camera-core directly.


Added in 1.5.0-alpha06
public static final int OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21 = 3

Images sent to the analyzer will be formatted in NV21.

All ImageProxy sent to analyze will be in YUV_420_888 format with their image data formatted in NV21.

The output ImageProxy has three planes with the order of Y, U, V. The pixel stride of U or V planes are 2. The byte buffer pointer position of V plane will be ahead of the position of the U plane. Applications can directly read the plane[2] to get all the VU interleaved data.

Due to limitations on some Android devices in producing images in NV21 format, the object obtained from getImage will be the original image produced by the camera capture pipeline. This may result in discrepancies between the and the ImageProxy, such as:

  • Plane data may differ.
  • Width and height may differ.
  • Other properties may also differ.

Developers should be aware of these potential differences and use the properties from the ImageProxy when necessary.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 = 2

Images sent to the analyzer will have RGBA format.

All ImageProxy sent to analyze will have format RGBA_8888

The output order is a single-plane with the order of R, G, B, A in increasing byte index in the java.nio.ByteBuffer. The java.nio.ByteBuffer is retrieved from getBuffer.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 = 1

Images sent to the analyzer will have YUV format.

All ImageProxy sent to analyze will have format YUV_420_888


Added in 1.0.0
public static final int STRATEGY_BLOCK_PRODUCER = 1

Block the producer from generating new images.

Once the producer has produced the number of images equal to the image queue depth, and none have been closed, the producer will stop producing images. Note that images may be queued internally and not be delivered to the analyzer until the last delivered image has been closed with close. These internally queued images will count towards the total number of images that the producer can provide at any one time.

When the producer stops producing images, it may also stop producing images for other use cases, such as Preview, so it is important for the analyzer to keep up with frame rate, on average. Failure to keep up with frame rate may lead to jank in the frame stream and a diminished user experience. If more time is needed for analysis on some frames, consider increasing the image queue depth with setImageQueueDepth.


Added in 1.0.0
public static final int STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST = 0

Only deliver the latest image to the analyzer, dropping images as they arrive.

This strategy ignores the value set by setImageQueueDepth. Only one image will be delivered for analysis at a time. If more images are produced while that image is being analyzed, they will be dropped and not queued for delivery. Once the image being analyzed is closed by calling close, the next latest image will be delivered.

Internally this strategy may make use of an internal Executor to receive and drop images from the producer. A performance-tuned executor will be created internally unless one is explicitly provided by setBackgroundExecutor. In order to ensure smooth operation of this backpressure strategy, any user supplied Executor must be able to quickly respond to tasks posted to it, so setting the executor manually should only be considered in advanced use cases.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public void clearAnalyzer()

Removes a previously set analyzer.

This will stop data from streaming to the ImageAnalysis.


Added in 1.1.0
public @Nullable Executor getBackgroundExecutor()

Returns the executor that will be used for background tasks.

@Nullable Executor

The Executor provided to setBackgroundExecutor. If no Executor has been provided, then returns null


Added in 1.0.0
public int getBackpressureStrategy()

Returns the mode with which images are acquired from the image producer.

The backpressure strategy is set when constructing an ImageAnalysis instance using setBackpressureStrategy. If not set, it defaults to STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST.


The backpressure strategy applied to the image producer.


Added in 1.0.0
public int getImageQueueDepth()

Returns the number of images available to the camera pipeline, including the image being analyzed, for the STRATEGY_BLOCK_PRODUCER backpressure mode.

The image queue depth is set when constructing an ImageAnalysis instance using setImageQueueDepth. If not set, and this option is used by the backpressure strategy, the default will be a queue depth of 6 images.


The image queue depth for the STRATEGY_BLOCK_PRODUCER backpressure mode.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getOutputImageFormat()

Gets output image format.

The returned image format will be OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888, OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 or OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21.


output image format.


Added in 1.1.0
public @Nullable ResolutionInfo getResolutionInfo()

Gets resolution related information of the ImageAnalysis.

The returned ResolutionInfo will be expressed in the coordinates of the camera sensor. It will be the same as the resolution of the ImageProxy received from analyze.

The resolution information might change if the use case is unbound and then rebound or setTargetRotation is called to change the target rotation setting. The application needs to call getResolutionInfo again to get the latest ResolutionInfo for the changes.

@Nullable ResolutionInfo

the resolution information if the use case has been bound by the bindToLifecycle API, or null if the use case is not bound yet.


Added in 1.3.0
public @Nullable ResolutionSelector getResolutionSelector()

Returns the resolution selector setting.

This setting is set when constructing an ImageAnalysis using setResolutionSelector.


Added in 1.0.0
public int getTargetRotation()

Returns the rotation of the intended target for images.

The rotation can be set when constructing an ImageAnalysis instance using setTargetRotation, or dynamically by calling setTargetRotation. If not set, the target rotation defaults to the value of getRotation of the default display at the time the use case is created. The use case is fully created once it has been attached to a camera.


The rotation of the intended target for images.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isOutputImageRotationEnabled()

Checks if output image rotation is enabled. It returns false by default.


true if enabled, false otherwise.


Added in 1.0.0
public void setAnalyzer(
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull ImageAnalysis.Analyzer analyzer

Sets an analyzer to receive and analyze images.

Setting an analyzer will signal to the camera that it should begin sending data. The stream of data can be stopped by calling clearAnalyzer.

Applications can process or copy the image by implementing the Analyzer. If frames should be skipped (no analysis), the analyzer function should return, instead of disconnecting the analyzer function completely.

Setting an analyzer function replaces any previous analyzer. Only one analyzer can be set at any time.

@NonNull Executor executor

The executor in which the analyze will be run.

@NonNull ImageAnalysis.Analyzer analyzer

of the images.


Added in 1.0.0
public void setTargetRotation(int rotation)

Sets the target rotation.

This adjust the getRotationDegrees of the ImageProxy passed to analyze. The rotation value of ImageInfo will be the rotation, which if applied to the output image, will make the image match target rotation specified here.

While rotation can also be set via setTargetRotation, using setTargetRotation allows the target rotation to be set dynamically.

In general, it is best to use an android.view.OrientationEventListener to set the target rotation. This way, the rotation output to the Analyzer will indicate which way is down for a given image. This is important since display orientation may be locked by device default, user setting, or app configuration, and some devices may not transition to a reverse-portrait display orientation. In these cases, set target rotation dynamically according to the android.view.OrientationEventListener, without re-creating the use case. snapToSurfaceRotation is a helper function to convert the orientation of the android.view.OrientationEventListener to a rotation value. See snapToSurfaceRotation for more information and sample code.

When this function is called, value set by setTargetResolution will be updated automatically to make sure the suitable resolution can be selected when the use case is bound.

If not set here or by configuration, the target rotation will default to the value of getRotation of the default display at the time the use case is bound. To return to the default value, set the value to

int rotation

Target rotation of the output image, expressed as one of ROTATION_0, ROTATION_90, ROTATION_180, or ROTATION_270.


public @NonNull String toString()