
Added in 1.1.0

public final class HtmlCompat

Backwards compatible version of Html.



static final int

Flags for fromHtml: Separate block-level elements with line breaks (single newline character) in between.

static final int

Flags for fromHtml: Separate block-level elements with blank lines (two newline characters) in between.

static final int

Flag indicating that CSS color values should be used instead of those defined in Color.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <blockquote> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <div>elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <h1>~<h6> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <ul> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <li> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Flag indicating that texts inside <p> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.

static final int

Option for fromHtml: Wrap consecutive lines of text delimited by '\n' inside <p> elements.

static final int

Option for fromHtml: Wrap each line of text delimited by '\n' inside a <p> or a <li> element.

Public methods

static @NonNull Spanned
fromHtml(@NonNull String source, int flags)

Invokes fromHtml on API 24 and newer, otherwise flags are ignored and fromHtml is used.

static @NonNull Spanned
    @NonNull String source,
    int flags,
    @Nullable Html.ImageGetter imageGetter,
    @Nullable Html.TagHandler tagHandler

Invokes fromHtml on API 24 or newer, otherwise flags are ignored and fromHtml is used.

static @NonNull String
toHtml(@NonNull Spanned text, int options)

Invokes toHtml on API 24 or newer, otherwise options are ignored and toHtml is used.



Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT = 63

Flags for fromHtml: Separate block-level elements with line breaks (single newline character) in between. This inverts the Spanned to HTML string conversion done with the option TO_HTML_PARAGRAPH_LINES_INDIVIDUAL.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY = 0

Flags for fromHtml: Separate block-level elements with blank lines (two newline characters) in between. This is the legacy behavior prior to N.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_OPTION_USE_CSS_COLORS = 256

Flag indicating that CSS color values should be used instead of those defined in Color.


Added in 1.1.0

Flag indicating that texts inside <blockquote> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_SEPARATOR_LINE_BREAK_DIV = 16

Flag indicating that texts inside <div>elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_SEPARATOR_LINE_BREAK_HEADING = 2

Flag indicating that texts inside <h1>~<h6> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_SEPARATOR_LINE_BREAK_LIST = 8

Flag indicating that texts inside <ul> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int FROM_HTML_SEPARATOR_LINE_BREAK_LIST_ITEM = 4

Flag indicating that texts inside <li> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0

Flag indicating that texts inside <p> elements will be separated from other texts with one newline character by default.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int TO_HTML_PARAGRAPH_LINES_CONSECUTIVE = 0

Option for fromHtml: Wrap consecutive lines of text delimited by '\n' inside <p> elements. BulletSpans are ignored.


Added in 1.1.0
public static final int TO_HTML_PARAGRAPH_LINES_INDIVIDUAL = 1

Option for fromHtml: Wrap each line of text delimited by '\n' inside a <p> or a <li> element. This allows ParagraphStyles attached to be encoded as CSS styles within the corresponding <p> or <li> element.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
public static @NonNull Spanned fromHtml(@NonNull String source, int flags)

Invokes fromHtml on API 24 and newer, otherwise flags are ignored and fromHtml is used.


Added in 1.1.0
public static @NonNull Spanned fromHtml(
    @NonNull String source,
    int flags,
    @Nullable Html.ImageGetter imageGetter,
    @Nullable Html.TagHandler tagHandler

Invokes fromHtml on API 24 or newer, otherwise flags are ignored and fromHtml is used.


Added in 1.1.0
public static @NonNull String toHtml(@NonNull Spanned text, int options)

Invokes toHtml on API 24 or newer, otherwise options are ignored and toHtml is used.