
public final class ViewModelProvider

A utility class that provides ViewModels for a scope.

Default ViewModelProvider for an Activity or a Fragment can be obtained by passing it to the constructor: ViewModelProvider(myFragment)


Nested types

Factory which may create AndroidViewModel and ViewModel, which have an empty constructor.

public static class ViewModelProvider.Companion
public interface ViewModelProvider.Factory

Implementations of Factory interface are responsible to instantiate ViewModels.

Simple factory, which calls empty constructor on the give class.

Simple factory, which calls empty constructor on the give class.

Public constructors

Creates ViewModelProvider.

Creates a ViewModelProvider.

    @NonNull ViewModelStore store,
    @NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory factory,
    @NonNull CreationExtras defaultCreationExtras

Creates a ViewModelProvider.

Public methods

@NonNull T
<T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

final @NonNull T
<T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

@NonNull T
<T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

final @NonNull T
<T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull String key, @NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

Extension functions

final @NonNull VM

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

Public constructors


Added in 2.2.0
public ViewModelProvider(@NonNull ViewModelStoreOwner owner)

Creates ViewModelProvider. This will create ViewModel instances and retain them in the ViewModelStore of the given ViewModelStoreOwner.

This method will use the default factory if the owner implements HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory. Otherwise, a NewInstanceFactory will be used.


Added in 2.0.0
public ViewModelProvider(
    @NonNull ViewModelStoreOwner owner,
    @NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory factory

Creates a ViewModelProvider. This provider generates ViewModel instances using the specified Factory and stores them within the ViewModelStore of the provided ViewModelStoreOwner.

@NonNull ViewModelStoreOwner owner

The ViewModelStoreOwner that will manage the lifecycle of the created ViewModel instances.

@NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory factory

The Factory responsible for creating new ViewModel instances.


Added in 2.5.0
public ViewModelProvider(
    @NonNull ViewModelStore store,
    @NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory factory,
    @NonNull CreationExtras defaultCreationExtras

Creates a ViewModelProvider. This provider generates ViewModel instances using the specified Factory and stores them within the ViewModelStore of the provided ViewModelStoreOwner.

@NonNull ViewModelStore store

ViewModelStore where ViewModels will be stored.

@NonNull ViewModelProvider.Factory factory

The Factory responsible for creating new ViewModel instances.

@NonNull CreationExtras defaultCreationExtras

Additional data to be passed to the Factory during ViewModel creation.

Public methods


Added in 2.0.0
public @NonNull T <T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

The created ViewModel is associated with the given scope and will be retained as long as the scope is alive (e.g. if it is an activity, until it is finished or process is killed).

@NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass

The class of the ViewModel to create an instance of it if it is not present.

@NonNull T

A ViewModel that is an instance of the given type T.


if the given modelClass is local or anonymous class.


Added in 2.8.0
public final @NonNull T <T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

The created ViewModel is associated with the given scope and will be retained as long as the scope is alive (e.g. if it is an activity, until it is finished or process is killed).

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass

The class of the ViewModel to create an instance of it if it is not present.

@NonNull T

A ViewModel that is an instance of the given type T.


if the given modelClass is local or anonymous class.


Added in 2.0.0
public @NonNull T <T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

The created ViewModel is associated with the given scope and will be retained as long as the scope is alive (e.g. if it is an activity, until it is finished or process is killed).

@NonNull String key

The key to use to identify the ViewModel.

@NonNull Class<@NonNull T> modelClass

The class of the ViewModel to create an instance of it if it is not present.

@NonNull T

A ViewModel that is an instance of the given type T.


Added in 2.8.0
public final @NonNull T <T extends ViewModel> get(@NonNull String key, @NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass)

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

The created ViewModel is associated with the given scope and will be retained as long as the scope is alive (e.g. if it is an activity, until it is finished or process is killed).

@NonNull String key

The key to use to identify the ViewModel.

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> modelClass

The class of the ViewModel to create an instance of it if it is not present.

@NonNull T

A ViewModel that is an instance of the given type T.

Extension functions


public final @NonNull VM <VM extends ViewModel> ViewModelProviderGetKt.get(
    @NonNull ViewModelProvider receiver

Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or an activity), associated with this ViewModelProvider.

See also
