
public final class MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder

Builder for ClippingConfiguration instances.


Public constructors

Creates a new instance with default values.

Public methods


Returns a ClippingConfiguration instance initialized with the values of this builder.


This method is deprecated.

Use build instead.


Sets the optional end position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to end when playback reaches the end of media (Default: TIME_END_OF_SOURCE).


Sets the optional end position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to end when playback reaches the end of media (Default: TIME_END_OF_SOURCE).

setRelativeToDefaultPosition(boolean relativeToDefaultPosition)

Sets whether the start position and the end position are relative to the default position in the window (Default: false).

setRelativeToLiveWindow(boolean relativeToLiveWindow)

Sets whether the start/end positions should move with the live window for live streams.

setStartPositionMs(@IntRange(from = 0) long startPositionMs)

Sets the optional start position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero (Default: 0).

setStartPositionUs(@IntRange(from = 0) long startPositionUs)

Sets the optional start position in microseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero (Default: 0).

setStartsAtKeyFrame(boolean startsAtKeyFrame)

Sets whether the start point is guaranteed to be a key frame.

Public constructors


public Builder()

Creates a new instance with default values.

Public methods


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration build()

Returns a ClippingConfiguration instance initialized with the values of this builder.


public MediaItem.ClippingProperties buildClippingProperties()


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setEndPositionMs(long endPositionMs)

Sets the optional end position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to end when playback reaches the end of media (Default: TIME_END_OF_SOURCE).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setEndPositionUs(long endPositionUs)

Sets the optional end position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to end when playback reaches the end of media (Default: TIME_END_OF_SOURCE).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setRelativeToDefaultPosition(boolean relativeToDefaultPosition)

Sets whether the start position and the end position are relative to the default position in the window (Default: false).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setRelativeToLiveWindow(boolean relativeToLiveWindow)

Sets whether the start/end positions should move with the live window for live streams. If false, live streams end when playback reaches the end position in live window seen when the media is first loaded (Default: false).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setStartPositionMs(@IntRange(from = 0) long startPositionMs)

Sets the optional start position in milliseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero (Default: 0).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setStartPositionUs(@IntRange(from = 0) long startPositionUs)

Sets the optional start position in microseconds which must be a value larger than or equal to zero (Default: 0).


public MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder setStartsAtKeyFrame(boolean startsAtKeyFrame)

Sets whether the start point is guaranteed to be a key frame. If false, the playback transition into the clip may not be seamless (Default: false).