public final class CommandButton

A button for a SessionCommand or Player.Command that can be displayed by controllers.


Nested types

public final class CommandButton.Builder

A builder for CommandButton.

Constraints for displaying a list of CommandButton instances with utilities to resolve these constraints for a given list of buttons.

A builder for DisplayConstraints.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(value = )
public annotation CommandButton.Icon

An icon constant for a button.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(value = )
public annotation CommandButton.Slot

A slot at which a button can be displayed in a UI surface.


static final int
ICON_ALBUM = 57369

An icon showing an album symbol (a stylized LP record).

static final int

An icon showing an artist symbol (a stylized person with a musical note).

static final int
ICON_BLOCK = 57675

An icon showing a block symbol (a circle with a diagonal line).

static final int

An icon showing a filled bookmark symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled bookmark symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a filled circle with a check mark.

static final int

An icon showing a unfilled circle with a check mark.

static final int

An icon showing a closed caption symbol (a rectangle with the letters CC).

static final int

An icon showing a closed caption off symbol (a rectangle with the letters CC, with a large diagonal line across).

static final int

An icon showing a fast forward symbol (two right facing triangles).

static final int
ICON_FEED = 57573

An icon showing an feed symbol (a dot in the bottom-left with multiple concentric quarter circles).

static final int

An icon showing a filled flag symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled flag symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a filled heart symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled heart symbol.

static final int
ICON_MINUS = 57691

An icon showing a minus symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a filled circle with a minus.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled circle with a minus.

static final int
ICON_NEXT = 57412

An icon showing a next symbol (a right facing triangle with a vertical bar).

static final int
ICON_PAUSE = 57396

An icon showing a pause symbol (two vertical bars).

static final int
ICON_PLAY = 57399

An icon showing a play symbol (a right facing triangle).

static final int

An icon showing a playback speed symbol (a right facing triangle in a circle with half-dashed, half-solid contour).

static final int

An icon showing a 0.5x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 0.8x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 1.0x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 1.2x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 1.5x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 1.8x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a 2.0x speed symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an add to playlist symbol (multiple horizontal bars with a small plus).

static final int

An icon showing an remove from playlist symbol (multiple horizontal bars with a small minus).

static final int
ICON_PLUS = 57669

An icon showing a plus symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a filled circle with a plus.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled circle with a plus.

static final int

An icon showing a previous symbol (a left facing triangle with a vertical bar).

static final int

An icon showing a quality selection symbol (multiple horizontal bars with sliders).

static final int

An icon showing an add to queue symbol (a stylized TV with a plus).

static final int

An icon showing a play next queue item symbol (a stylized TV with a plus and a right-facing arrow).

static final int

An icon showing a remove from queue symbol (a stylized TV with a minus).

static final int
ICON_RADIO = 58654

An icon showing a radio symbol (left and right facing sound waves).

static final int

An icon showing a repeat all symbol (two open clockwise arrows).

static final int

An icon showing a disabled repeat symbol (two open clockwise arrows, in a color representing a disabled state).

static final int

An icon showing a repeat one symbol (two open clockwise arrows with an overlaid number 1).

static final int

An icon showing a rewind symbol (two left facing triangles).

static final int

An icon showing a settings symbol (a stylized cog).

static final int
ICON_SHARE = 59405

An icon showing a share symbol (three dots connected by two diagonal lines, open on the right).

static final int

An icon showing a disabled shuffle symbol (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows, in a color representing a disabled state).

static final int

An icon showing a shuffle symbol (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows).

static final int

An icon showing a shuffle symbol with a start (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows with an overlaid star).

static final int

An icon showing an signal symbol (a vertical mast with circular sounds waves).

static final int

An icon showing a skip back symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow).

static final int

An icon showing a skip back 10 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 10).

static final int

An icon showing a skip back 15 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 15).

static final int

An icon showing a skip back 30 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 30).

static final int

An icon showing a skip back 5 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 5).

static final int

An icon showing a skip forward symbol (an open clock-wise arrow).

static final int

An icon showing a skip forward 10 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 10).

static final int

An icon showing a skip forward 15 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 15).

static final int

An icon showing a skip forward 30 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 30).

static final int

An icon showing a skip forward 5 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 5).

static final int

An icon showing a filled star symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled star symbol.

static final int
ICON_STOP = 57415

An icon showing a stop symbol (a square).

static final int

An icon showing a subtitles symbol (a rectangle filled with dots and horizontal lines).

static final int

An icon showing a subtitles off symbol (a rectangle filled with dots and horizontal lines, with a large diagonal line across).

static final int
ICON_SYNC = 58919

An icon showing a sync symbol (two open anti-clockwise arrows).

static final int

An icon showing a filled thumb-down symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled thumb-down symbol.

static final int

An icon showing a filled thumb-up symbol.

static final int

An icon showing an unfilled thumb-up symbol.

static final int

An icon constant representing an undefined icon, for example a custom icon not covered by the existing constants.

static final int

An icon showing a volume down symbol (a stylized speaker with a single small sound wave).

static final int

An icon showing a volume off symbol (a stylized speaker with multiple sound waves, with a large diagonal line across).

static final int

An icon showing a volume up symbol (a stylized speaker with multiple sound waves).

static final int

A slot in a playback control UI for backward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for previous or rewind actions.

static final int

A slot in a playback control UI for secondary backward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for previous or rewind actions.

static final int

A central slot in a playback control UI, most commonly used for play or pause actions.

static final int

A slot in a playback control UI for forward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for next or fast-forward actions.

static final int

A slot in a playback control UI for secondary forward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for next or fast-forward actions.

static final int

A slot in a playback control UI for additional actions that don't fit into other slots.

Public fields

final CharSequence

The display name of the button.

final Bundle

The extra Bundle of the button.

final int

The Icon of the button.

final @DrawableRes int

The fallback icon resource ID of the button.

final @Nullable Uri

The fallback content or resourceUri for the icon of the button.

final boolean

Whether the button is enabled.

final int

The Player.Command command of the button.

final @Nullable SessionCommand

The session command of the button.

final ImmutableIntArray

The allowed Slot positions for this button.

Public methods


Checks the given command button for equality while ignoring extras.

static CommandButton

This method is deprecated.

Use fromBundle instead.

static CommandButton
fromBundle(Bundle bundle, int sessionInterfaceVersion)

Restores a CommandButton from a Bundle.

static int
    @Player.Command int playerCommand,
    @CommandButton.Icon int icon

Returns the default Slot for a button.

static @DrawableRes int

Returns a drawable resource id for the given Icon constant.




public static final int ICON_ALBUM = 57369

An icon showing an album symbol (a stylized LP record).


public static final int ICON_ARTIST = 57370

An icon showing an artist symbol (a stylized person with a musical note).


public static final int ICON_BLOCK = 57675

An icon showing a block symbol (a circle with a diagonal line).


public static final int ICON_BOOKMARK_FILLED = 1042534

An icon showing a filled bookmark symbol.


public static final int ICON_BOOKMARK_UNFILLED = 59494

An icon showing an unfilled bookmark symbol.


public static final int ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE_FILLED = 1042540

An icon showing a filled circle with a check mark.


public static final int ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE_UNFILLED = 59500

An icon showing a unfilled circle with a check mark.


public static final int ICON_CLOSED_CAPTIONS = 57372

An icon showing a closed caption symbol (a rectangle with the letters CC).


public static final int ICON_CLOSED_CAPTIONS_OFF = 61916

An icon showing a closed caption off symbol (a rectangle with the letters CC, with a large diagonal line across).


public static final int ICON_FAST_FORWARD = 57375

An icon showing a fast forward symbol (two right facing triangles).


public static final int ICON_FEED = 57573

An icon showing an feed symbol (a dot in the bottom-left with multiple concentric quarter circles).


public static final int ICON_FLAG_FILLED = 1040723

An icon showing a filled flag symbol.


public static final int ICON_FLAG_UNFILLED = 57683

An icon showing an unfilled flag symbol.


public static final int ICON_HEART_FILLED = 1042557

An icon showing a filled heart symbol.


public static final int ICON_HEART_UNFILLED = 59517

An icon showing an unfilled heart symbol.


public static final int ICON_MINUS = 57691

An icon showing a minus symbol.


public static final int ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE_FILLED = 1040712

An icon showing a filled circle with a minus.


public static final int ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE_UNFILLED = 1040713

An icon showing an unfilled circle with a minus.


public static final int ICON_NEXT = 57412

An icon showing a next symbol (a right facing triangle with a vertical bar).


public static final int ICON_PAUSE = 57396

An icon showing a pause symbol (two vertical bars).


public static final int ICON_PLAY = 57399

An icon showing a play symbol (a right facing triangle).


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED = 57448

An icon showing a playback speed symbol (a right facing triangle in a circle with half-dashed, half-solid contour).


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_0_5 = 62690

An icon showing a 0.5x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_0_8 = 1045730

An icon showing a 0.8x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_1_0 = 61389

An icon showing a 1.0x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_1_2 = 62689

An icon showing a 1.2x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_1_5 = 62688

An icon showing a 1.5x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_1_8 = 1045728

An icon showing a 1.8x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_2_0 = 62699

An icon showing a 2.0x speed symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLAYLIST_ADD = 57403

An icon showing an add to playlist symbol (multiple horizontal bars with a small plus).


public static final int ICON_PLAYLIST_REMOVE = 60288

An icon showing an remove from playlist symbol (multiple horizontal bars with a small minus).


public static final int ICON_PLUS = 57669

An icon showing a plus symbol.


public static final int ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE_FILLED = 1040711

An icon showing a filled circle with a plus.


public static final int ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE_UNFILLED = 57671

An icon showing an unfilled circle with a plus.


public static final int ICON_PREVIOUS = 57413

An icon showing a previous symbol (a left facing triangle with a vertical bar).


public static final int ICON_QUALITY = 58409

An icon showing a quality selection symbol (multiple horizontal bars with sliders).


public static final int ICON_QUEUE_ADD = 57436

An icon showing an add to queue symbol (a stylized TV with a plus).


public static final int ICON_QUEUE_NEXT = 57446

An icon showing a play next queue item symbol (a stylized TV with a plus and a right-facing arrow).


public static final int ICON_QUEUE_REMOVE = 57447

An icon showing a remove from queue symbol (a stylized TV with a minus).


public static final int ICON_RADIO = 58654

An icon showing a radio symbol (left and right facing sound waves).


public static final int ICON_REPEAT_ALL = 57408

An icon showing a repeat all symbol (two open clockwise arrows).


public static final int ICON_REPEAT_OFF = 1040448

An icon showing a disabled repeat symbol (two open clockwise arrows, in a color representing a disabled state).


public static final int ICON_REPEAT_ONE = 57409

An icon showing a repeat one symbol (two open clockwise arrows with an overlaid number 1).


public static final int ICON_REWIND = 57376

An icon showing a rewind symbol (two left facing triangles).


public static final int ICON_SETTINGS = 59576

An icon showing a settings symbol (a stylized cog).


public static final int ICON_SHARE = 59405

An icon showing a share symbol (three dots connected by two diagonal lines, open on the right).


public static final int ICON_SHUFFLE_OFF = 1040452

An icon showing a disabled shuffle symbol (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows, in a color representing a disabled state).


public static final int ICON_SHUFFLE_ON = 57411

An icon showing a shuffle symbol (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows).


public static final int ICON_SHUFFLE_STAR = 1040451

An icon showing a shuffle symbol with a start (two diagonal upward and downward facing arrows with an overlaid star).


public static final int ICON_SIGNAL = 61512

An icon showing an signal symbol (a vertical mast with circular sounds waves).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_BACK = 57410

An icon showing a skip back symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_BACK_10 = 57433

An icon showing a skip back 10 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 10).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_BACK_15 = 1040473

An icon showing a skip back 15 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 15).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_BACK_30 = 57434

An icon showing a skip back 30 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 30).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_BACK_5 = 57435

An icon showing a skip back 5 seconds symbol (an open anti-clockwise arrow with the number 5).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_FORWARD = 63220

An icon showing a skip forward symbol (an open clock-wise arrow).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_FORWARD_10 = 57430

An icon showing a skip forward 10 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 10).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_FORWARD_15 = 1040470

An icon showing a skip forward 15 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 15).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_FORWARD_30 = 57431

An icon showing a skip forward 30 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 30).


public static final int ICON_SKIP_FORWARD_5 = 57432

An icon showing a skip forward 5 seconds symbol (an open clockwise arrow with the number 5).


public static final int ICON_STAR_FILLED = 1042488

An icon showing a filled star symbol.


public static final int ICON_STAR_UNFILLED = 59448

An icon showing an unfilled star symbol.


public static final int ICON_STOP = 57415

An icon showing a stop symbol (a square).


public static final int ICON_SUBTITLES = 57416

An icon showing a subtitles symbol (a rectangle filled with dots and horizontal lines).


public static final int ICON_SUBTITLES_OFF = 61298

An icon showing a subtitles off symbol (a rectangle filled with dots and horizontal lines, with a large diagonal line across).


public static final int ICON_SYNC = 58919

An icon showing a sync symbol (two open anti-clockwise arrows).


public static final int ICON_THUMB_DOWN_FILLED = 1042651

An icon showing a filled thumb-down symbol.


public static final int ICON_THUMB_DOWN_UNFILLED = 59611

An icon showing an unfilled thumb-down symbol.


public static final int ICON_THUMB_UP_FILLED = 1042652

An icon showing a filled thumb-up symbol.


public static final int ICON_THUMB_UP_UNFILLED = 59612

An icon showing an unfilled thumb-up symbol.


public static final int ICON_UNDEFINED = 0

An icon constant representing an undefined icon, for example a custom icon not covered by the existing constants.


public static final int ICON_VOLUME_DOWN = 57421

An icon showing a volume down symbol (a stylized speaker with a single small sound wave).


public static final int ICON_VOLUME_OFF = 57423

An icon showing a volume off symbol (a stylized speaker with multiple sound waves, with a large diagonal line across).


public static final int ICON_VOLUME_UP = 57424

An icon showing a volume up symbol (a stylized speaker with multiple sound waves).


public static final int SLOT_BACK = 2

A slot in a playback control UI for backward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for previous or rewind actions.


public static final int SLOT_BACK_SECONDARY = 4

A slot in a playback control UI for secondary backward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for previous or rewind actions.


public static final int SLOT_CENTRAL = 1

A central slot in a playback control UI, most commonly used for play or pause actions.


public static final int SLOT_FORWARD = 3

A slot in a playback control UI for forward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for next or fast-forward actions.


public static final int SLOT_FORWARD_SECONDARY = 5

A slot in a playback control UI for secondary forward-directed playback actions, most commonly used for next or fast-forward actions.


public static final int SLOT_OVERFLOW = 6

A slot in a playback control UI for additional actions that don't fit into other slots.

Public fields


public final CharSequence displayName

The display name of the button. Can be empty if the command is predefined and a custom name isn't needed.


public final Bundle extras

The extra Bundle of the button. It's private information between session and controller.


public final int icon

The Icon of the button.


public final @DrawableRes int iconResId

The fallback icon resource ID of the button.

This is used when either the predefined icon is not available, or it's set to ICON_UNDEFINED.

Can be 0 if not needed.


public final @Nullable Uri iconUri

The fallback content or resourceUri for the icon of the button.

This is used when either the predefined icon is not available, or it's set to ICON_UNDEFINED.

Can be null.

Note that this value can be used in addition to iconResId for consumers that are capable of loading the content or resource Uri.


public final boolean isEnabled

Whether the button is enabled.

Note that this value will be set to false for MediaController instances if the corresponding command is not available to this controller (see playerCommand and sessionCommand).


public final int playerCommand

The Player.Command command of the button. Will be COMMAND_INVALID if sessionCommand is set.


public final @Nullable SessionCommand sessionCommand

The session command of the button. Will be null if playerCommand is set.


public final ImmutableIntArray slots

The allowed Slot positions for this button.

The button is only allowed in the defined slots. If none of the slots can display the button, either because the slots do not exist, are already occupied or the UI surface does not allow the specific type of button in these slots, the button will not be displayed at all.

When multiple slots are provided, they define a preference order. The button will be placed in the first slot in the list that exists, isn't already occupied and that allows this type of button.

Public methods


public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)

Checks the given command button for equality while ignoring extras.


public static CommandButton fromBundle(Bundle bundle)


public static CommandButton fromBundle(Bundle bundle, int sessionInterfaceVersion)

Restores a CommandButton from a Bundle.


public static int getDefaultSlot(
    @Player.Command int playerCommand,
    @CommandButton.Icon int icon

Returns the default Slot for a button.

@Player.Command int playerCommand

The Player.Command associated with this button.

@CommandButton.Icon int icon

The Icon of this button.


The default Slot for this button.


public static @DrawableRes int getIconResIdForIconConstant(@CommandButton.Icon int icon)

Returns a drawable resource id for the given Icon constant.

@CommandButton.Icon int icon

The Icon.

@DrawableRes int

The drawable resource if for the icon, or 0 if not found.


public int hashCode()


public Bundle toBundle()