
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public final class DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder

The DraggableDividerAttributes builder.


Public constructors

creates a new DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder

The DraggableDividerAttributes builder constructor initialized by an existing DraggableDividerAttributes.

Public methods

final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes

Builds a DividerAttributes instance.

final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
setColor(@ColorInt int color)

Sets the color of the divider.

final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder

Sets the drag range of the divider in terms of the split ratio of the primary container.

final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
setWidthDp(@IntRange(from = -1) int widthDp)

Sets the divider width.

Public constructors


Added in 1.4.0
public Builder()

creates a new DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder


Added in 1.4.0
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public Builder(@NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes original)

The DraggableDividerAttributes builder constructor initialized by an existing DraggableDividerAttributes.

@NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes original

the original DraggableDividerAttributes to initialize the Builder

Public methods


Added in 1.4.0
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes build()

Builds a DividerAttributes instance.


Added in 1.4.0
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder setColor(@ColorInt int color)

Sets the color of the divider. If not set, the default color Color.BLACK is used.


if the provided value is invalid.


Added in 1.4.0
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder setDragRange(@NonNull DividerAttributes.DragRange dragRange)

Sets the drag range of the divider in terms of the split ratio of the primary container. It defaults to DragRange.DRAG_RANGE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, which means the system will choose a default value based on the display size and form factor.

When the user drags the divider beyond this range, the system will choose to either fully expand the container or move the divider back into the range.

@NonNull DividerAttributes.DragRange dragRange

the DragRange for the draggable divider.


Added in 1.4.0
@RequiresWindowSdkExtension(version = 6)
public final @NonNull DividerAttributes.DraggableDividerAttributes.Builder setWidthDp(@IntRange(from = -1) int widthDp)

Sets the divider width. It defaults to WIDTH_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, which means the system will choose a default value based on the display size and form factor.

When 0dp is used for a draggable divider, the drag handle is rendered without a divider line.

Note: a known compatibility issue causes incorrect rendering of 0-width divider in extensions v7. In this case, the divider width is set to 1dp as a mitigation.


if the provided value is invalid.