
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.LOCAL_VARIABLE, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER, AnnotationTarget.FILE, AnnotationTarget.TYPEALIAS])
public annotation UseExperimental

Allows use of an experimental API denoted by the given markers in the annotated file, declaration, or expression. If a declaration is annotated with UseExperimental, its usages are not required to opt-in to that experimental API.


Public constructors

This method is deprecated. This annotation has been replaced by `@OptIn`

Public methods

final @NonNull KClass[]

This method is deprecated. This annotation has been replaced by `@OptIn`

Public constructors


public UseExperimental(@NonNull KClass<@NonNull Annotation> markerClass)

Public methods


public final @NonNull KClass[] getMarkerClass()

Defines the experimental API(s) whose usage this annotation allows.