
public final class SplashScreenVersion

These constants are the categories the providers add to the intent filter of CustomTabService implementation to declare the support of a particular version of splash screens. The are also passed by the client as the value for the key KEY_VERSION when launching a Trusted Web Activity.



static final String
V1 = "androidx.browser.trusted.category.TrustedWebActivitySplashScreensV1"

The splash screen is transferred via receiveFile, and then used by Trusted Web Activity when it is launched.



Added in 1.2.0
public static final String V1 = "androidx.browser.trusted.category.TrustedWebActivitySplashScreensV1"

The splash screen is transferred via receiveFile, and then used by Trusted Web Activity when it is launched. The passed image is shown in a full-screen ImageView. The following parameters are supported: - KEY_BACKGROUND_COLOR, - KEY_SCALE_TYPE, - KEY_IMAGE_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX - KEY_FADE_OUT_DURATION_MS.