
Added in 1.1.0

public final class ContentResolverCompat

Helper for accessing features in ContentResolver in a backwards compatible fashion.


Public methods

static @Nullable Cursor
    @NonNull ContentResolver resolver,
    @NonNull Uri uri,
    @Nullable String[] projection,
    @Nullable String selection,
    @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
    @Nullable String sortOrder,
    @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

Query the given URI, returning a Cursor over the result set with optional support for cancellation.

static @Nullable Cursor
    @NonNull ContentResolver resolver,
    @NonNull Uri uri,
    @Nullable String[] projection,
    @Nullable String selection,
    @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
    @Nullable String sortOrder,
    @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

This method is deprecated.

Use query

Public methods


Added in 1.13.0
public static @Nullable Cursor query(
    @NonNull ContentResolver resolver,
    @NonNull Uri uri,
    @Nullable String[] projection,
    @Nullable String selection,
    @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
    @Nullable String sortOrder,
    @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

Query the given URI, returning a Cursor over the result set with optional support for cancellation.

For best performance, the caller should follow these guidelines:

  • Provide an explicit projection, to prevent reading data from storage that aren't going to be used.
  • Use question mark parameter markers such as 'phone=?' instead of explicit values in the selection parameter, so that queries that differ only by those values will be recognized as the same for caching purposes.
@NonNull ContentResolver resolver

resolver to use for the query.

@NonNull Uri uri

The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve.

@Nullable String[] projection

A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns, which is inefficient.

@Nullable String selection

A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URI.

@Nullable String[] selectionArgs

You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in the order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings.

@Nullable String sortOrder

How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY itself). Passing null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered.

@Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

A signal to cancel the operation in progress, or null if none. If the operation is canceled, then OperationCanceledException will be thrown when the query is executed.

@Nullable Cursor

A Cursor object, which is positioned before the first entry, or null

See also


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.13.0
public static @Nullable Cursor query(
    @NonNull ContentResolver resolver,
    @NonNull Uri uri,
    @Nullable String[] projection,
    @Nullable String selection,
    @Nullable String[] selectionArgs,
    @Nullable String sortOrder,
    @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

Query the given URI, returning a Cursor over the result set with optional support for cancellation.

For best performance, the caller should follow these guidelines:

  • Provide an explicit projection, to prevent reading data from storage that aren't going to be used.
  • Use question mark parameter markers such as 'phone=?' instead of explicit values in the selection parameter, so that queries that differ only by those values will be recognized as the same for caching purposes.
@NonNull ContentResolver resolver

resolver to use for the query.

@NonNull Uri uri

The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve.

@Nullable String[] projection

A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns, which is inefficient.

@Nullable String selection

A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URI.

@Nullable String[] selectionArgs

You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in the order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings.

@Nullable String sortOrder

How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY itself). Passing null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered.

@Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal

A signal to cancel the operation in progress, or null if none. If the operation is canceled, then OperationCanceledException will be thrown when the query is executed.

@Nullable Cursor

A Cursor object, which is positioned before the first entry, or null

See also