
@RequiresApi(value = 26)
public final class FrameBufferRenderer implements GLRenderer.RenderCallback

GLRenderer.RenderCallback implementation that renders content into a frame buffer object backed by a HardwareBuffer object


Nested types

Callbacks invoked to render content leveraging a FrameBufferRenderer

Public constructors

    @NonNull FrameBufferRenderer.RenderCallback frameBufferRendererCallbacks,
    @NonNull SyncStrategy syncStrategy

Public methods

final void

Callback used to issue OpenGL drawing commands into the EGLSurface created in onSurfaceCreated.

    @NonNull EGLSpec spec,
    @NonNull EGLConfig config,
    @NonNull Surface surface,
    int width,
    int height

Used to create a corresponding EGLSurface from the provided android.view.Surface instance.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.2
public FrameBufferRenderer(
    @NonNull FrameBufferRenderer.RenderCallback frameBufferRendererCallbacks,
    @NonNull SyncStrategy syncStrategy
@NonNull FrameBufferRenderer.RenderCallback frameBufferRendererCallbacks

Callbacks to provide a FrameBuffer instance to render into, draw method to render into the FrameBuffer as well as a subsequent callback to consume the contents of the FrameBuffer

@NonNull SyncStrategy syncStrategy

SyncStrategy used to determine when a fence is to be created to gate on consumption of the FrameBuffer instance. This determines if a SyncFenceCompat instance is provided in the RenderCallback.onDrawComplete depending on the use case. For example for front buffered rendering scenarios, it is possible that no SyncFenceCompat is provided in order to reduce latency within the rendering pipeline.

This API can be used to render content into a HardwareBuffer directly and convert that to a bitmap with the following code snippet:

val glRenderer = GLRenderer().apply { start() }
val callbacks = object : FrameBufferRenderer.RenderCallback {

override fun obtainFrameBuffer(egl: EGLSpec): FrameBuffer =

override fun onDraw(eglManager: EGLManager) {
// GL code

override fun onDrawComplete(frameBuffer: FrameBuffer, syncFenceCompat: SyncFenceCompat?) {
val bitmap = Bitmap.wrapHardwareBuffer(frameBuffer.hardwareBuffer,
// bitmap operations

glRenderer.createRenderTarget(width,height, FrameBufferRenderer(callbacks)).requestRender()

Public methods


Added in 1.0.2
public final void clear()


Added in 1.0.2
public void onDrawFrame(@NonNull EGLManager eglManager)

Callback used to issue OpenGL drawing commands into the EGLSurface created in onSurfaceCreated. This EGLSurface is guaranteed to be current before this callback is invoked and EGLManager.swapAndFlushBuffers will be invoked afterwards. If additional scratch EGLSurfaces are used here it is up to the implementation of this method to ensure that the proper surfaces are made current and the appropriate swap buffers call is made

This method is invoked on the backing thread

@NonNull EGLManager eglManager

Handle to EGL dependencies


public EGLSurface onSurfaceCreated(
    @NonNull EGLSpec spec,
    @NonNull EGLConfig config,
    @NonNull Surface surface,
    int width,
    int height

Used to create a corresponding EGLSurface from the provided android.view.Surface instance. This enables consumers to configure the corresponding EGLSurface they wish to render into. The EGLSurface created here is guaranteed to be the current surface before onDrawFrame is called. That is, implementations of onDrawFrame do not need to call eglMakeCurrent on this EGLSurface.

This method is invoked on the GL thread.

The default implementation will create a window surface with EGL_WIDTH and EGL_HEIGHT set to width and height respectively. Implementations can override this method to provide additional EGLConfigAttributes for this surface (ex. EGL14.EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER.

Implementations can return null to indicate the default surface should be used. This is helpful in situations where content is to be rendered within a frame buffer object instead of to an EGLSurface

@NonNull EGLSpec spec

EGLSpec used to create the corresponding EGLSurface

@NonNull EGLConfig config

EGLConfig used to create the corresponding EGLSurface

@NonNull Surface surface

android.view.Surface used to create an EGLSurface from

int width

Desired width of the surface to create

int height

Desired height of the surface to create