
public final class AdditionalFailureInfo implements TestRule

A JUnit Rule that attaches additional info to any errors/exceptions thrown by the test.

This is useful for tests where the line-number from a stacktrace doesn't provide enough detail about the failure, for example when an assertion fails inside a loop.

This can be preferable to many calls to assertWithMessage because it will also add info to errors/exceptions that bubble out from the system-under-test.

Includes special handling for AssertionError to ensure that test failures are correctly distinguished from test errors (all other errors/exceptions).


Public constructors

Public methods

apply(Statement base, Description description)

Sets the additional info to be added to any test failures.

Public constructors


public AdditionalFailureInfo()

Public methods


public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description)


public void setInfo(@Nullable String info)

Sets the additional info to be added to any test failures. Pass null to skip adding any additional info.

Can be called from any thread.