
public final class RouteListingPreference

Allows applications to customize the list of routes used for media routing (for example, in the System UI Output Switcher).


Nested types

Builder for RouteListingPreference.

public final class RouteListingPreference.Item

Holds preference information for a specific route in a RouteListingPreference.

Builder for RouteListingPreference.Item.


static final String

Intent action that the system uses to take the user the app when the user selects an RouteListingPreference.Item whose selection behavior is SELECTION_BEHAVIOR_GO_TO_APP.

static final String

Intent string extra key that contains the id of the route to transfer to, as part of an ACTION_TRANSFER_MEDIA intent.

Public methods

equals(Object other)
@NonNull List<RouteListingPreference.Item>

Returns an unmodifiable list containing the items that the app wants to be listed for media routing.

@Nullable ComponentName

Returns a ComponentName for navigating to the application.


Returns true if the application would like media route listing to use the system's ordering strategy, or false if the application would like route listing to respect the ordering obtained from getItems.



Added in 1.6.0
public static final String ACTION_TRANSFER_MEDIA = ""

Intent action that the system uses to take the user the app when the user selects an RouteListingPreference.Item whose selection behavior is SELECTION_BEHAVIOR_GO_TO_APP.

The launched intent will identify the selected item using the extra identified by EXTRA_ROUTE_ID.


Added in 1.6.0
public static final String EXTRA_ROUTE_ID = ""

Intent string extra key that contains the id of the route to transfer to, as part of an ACTION_TRANSFER_MEDIA intent.

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.6.0
public @NonNull List<RouteListingPreference.ItemgetItems()

Returns an unmodifiable list containing the items that the app wants to be listed for media routing.


Added in 1.6.0
public @Nullable ComponentName getLinkedItemComponentName()

Returns a ComponentName for navigating to the application.

Must not be null if any of the items of this route listing preference has selection behaviorSELECTION_BEHAVIOR_GO_TO_APP.

The system navigates to the application when the user selects with SELECTION_BEHAVIOR_GO_TO_APP by launching an intent to the returned ComponentName, using action ACTION_TRANSFER_MEDIA, with the extra EXTRA_ROUTE_ID.


public int hashCode()


Added in 1.6.0
public boolean isSystemOrderingEnabled()

Returns true if the application would like media route listing to use the system's ordering strategy, or false if the application would like route listing to respect the ordering obtained from getItems.

The system's ordering strategy is implementation-dependent, but may take into account each route's recency or frequency of use in order to rank them.