
@NavDestination.ClassType(value = Activity)
public class ActivityNavigator.Destination extends NavDestination

NavDestination for activity navigation

Construct a new activity destination. This destination is not valid until you set the Intent via setIntent or one or more of the other set method.


Public constructors

Construct a new activity destination.

Public methods

equals(Object other)
final String

The action used to start the Activity, if any

final ComponentName

The explicit ComponentName associated with this destination, if any

final Uri

The data URI used to start the Activity, if any

final String

The dynamic data URI pattern, if any

final Intent

The Intent associated with this destination.

final String

The explicit application package name associated with this destination, if any


Called when inflating a destination from a resource.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination
setAction(String action)

Sets the action sent when navigating to this destination.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination

Set an explicit ComponentName to navigate to.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination
setData(Uri data)

Sets a static data URI that is sent when navigating to this destination.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination
setDataPattern(String dataPattern)

Sets a dynamic data URI pattern that is sent when navigating to this destination.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination
setIntent(Intent intent)

Set the Intent to start when navigating to this destination.

final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination
setTargetPackage(String packageName)

Set an explicit application package name that limits the components this destination will navigate to.

@NonNull String

Inherited methods

final void
addArgument(@NonNull String argumentName, @NonNull NavArgument argument)
final void
final void
addDeepLink(@NonNull String uriPattern)
final String
fillInLabel(@NonNull Context context, Bundle bundle)

Parses a dynamic label containing arguments into a String.

final NavAction
getAction(@IdRes int id)

Returns the NavAction for the given action ID.

final @NonNull Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull NavArgument>
final @IdRes int

The destination's unique ID.

final CharSequence
final @NonNull String
final NavGraph
final String
hasDeepLink(@NonNull Uri deepLink)
final void
putAction(@IdRes int actionId, @NonNull NavAction action)

Sets the NavAction destination for an action ID.

final void
putAction(@IdRes int actionId, @IdRes int destId)

Creates a NavAction for the given destId and associates it with the actionId.

final void
removeAction(@IdRes int actionId)

Unsets the NavAction for an action ID.

final void
removeArgument(@NonNull String argumentName)
final void
setId(int id)

The destination's unique ID.

final void
final void

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public Destination(
    @NonNull Navigator<@NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination> activityNavigator
@NonNull Navigator<@NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination> activityNavigator

The ActivityNavigator which this destination will be associated with. Generally retrieved via a NavController's NavigatorProvider.getNavigator method.


Added in 1.0.0
public Destination(@NonNull NavigatorProvider navigatorProvider)

Construct a new activity destination. This destination is not valid until you set the Intent via setIntent or one or more of the other set method.

@NonNull NavigatorProvider navigatorProvider

The NavController which this destination will be associated with.

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.0.0
public final String getAction()

The action used to start the Activity, if any


Added in 1.0.0
public final ComponentName getComponent()

The explicit ComponentName associated with this destination, if any


Added in 1.0.0
public final Uri getData()

The data URI used to start the Activity, if any


Added in 1.0.0
public final String getDataPattern()

The dynamic data URI pattern, if any


Added in 1.0.0
public final Intent getIntent()

The Intent associated with this destination.


Added in 2.1.0
public final String getTargetPackage()

The explicit application package name associated with this destination, if any


public int hashCode()


public void onInflate(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs)

Called when inflating a destination from a resource.

@NonNull Context context

local context performing inflation

@NonNull AttributeSet attrs

attrs to parse during inflation


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setAction(String action)

Sets the action sent when navigating to this destination.

String action

The action string to use.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setComponentName(ComponentName name)

Set an explicit ComponentName to navigate to.

ComponentName name

The component name of the Activity to start.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setData(Uri data)

Sets a static data URI that is sent when navigating to this destination.

To use a dynamic URI that changes based on the arguments passed in when navigating, use setDataPattern, which will take precedence when arguments are present.

When inflated from XML, you can use ${applicationId} for string interpolation to automatically use Context.getPackageName.

Uri data

A static URI that should always be used.

See also


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setDataPattern(String dataPattern)

Sets a dynamic data URI pattern that is sent when navigating to this destination.

If a non-null arguments Bundle is present when navigating, any segments in the form {argName} will be replaced with a URI encoded string from the arguments.

When inflated from XML, you can use ${applicationId} as an argument pattern to automatically use Context.getPackageName.

String dataPattern

A URI pattern with segments in the form of {argName} that will be replaced with URI encoded versions of the Strings in the arguments Bundle.

See also


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setIntent(Intent intent)

Set the Intent to start when navigating to this destination.

Intent intent

Intent to associated with this destination.


Added in 2.1.0
public final @NonNull ActivityNavigator.Destination setTargetPackage(String packageName)

Set an explicit application package name that limits the components this destination will navigate to.

When inflated from XML, you can use ${applicationId} as the package name to automatically use Context.getPackageName.

String packageName

packageName to set


public @NonNull String toString()