interface RotaryBehavior

An interface for handling scroll events. Has implementations for handling scroll with/without fling RotaryScrollBehavior and for handling snap LowResRotarySnapBehavior, HighResRotarySnapBehavior.


Public functions

suspend Unit
    timestamp: Long,
    deltaInPixels: Float,
    deviceId: Int,
    orientation: Orientation

Handles scrolling events.

Public functions

suspend fun CoroutineScope.handleScrollEvent(
    timestamp: Long,
    deltaInPixels: Float,
    deviceId: Int,
    orientation: Orientation
): Unit

Handles scrolling events.

timestamp: Long

The time in milliseconds at which this even occurred

deltaInPixels: Float

The amount to scroll (in pixels)

deviceId: Int

The id for the input device that this event came from

orientation: Orientation

Orientation of the scrolling